They saw a demon

After sleeping for a while, and the others were more rested, we resumed the search, but we found nothing, we had been three days without success, which was frustrating, I was afraid, very afraid, plus at night the ghost of Hel kept visiting me in my nightmares, which was horrible, I woke up almost every day crying, a matter that everyone realized.

-Great, we are running out of food, we will have to detour to a small coastal town to the east in order to resupply and continue the journey, besides the horses need to rest, and maybe, maybe she is there, or someone has seen her.

-No need to be so condescending Will, I understand that we are tired, yes go ahead, let's go to town.

Will put his arm on my shoulder, said no more words and saddled up on his horse, I was approaching Lay, but Roja stopped me.

-Do you mind if I take you for a while, Gran?

-Yes of course Amelia, thank you.