
It did not take long to find the Ogre's body, everyone was nervous and we had all been summoned to the old tent of the deceased.

General Maxwell, a fairly experienced soldier had been promoted to Commander while we waited for instructions from Dublin, but the war was to go on, despite the death of the old Commander.

There were six Sirs, and four other generals, not counting Maxwell.

-In summary, it seems that Sir Ogre was killed in an ambush, and his henchmen were killed by the Ogre's sword, so I guess they betrayed the deceased commander, but how did they burst his head, that is inhuman, the whole head spread all over the place, that's why I will ask you to investigate the situation further, unless the crown sends a contrary order, until then, I want a group to investigate the situation.

All were in agreement. There should be no proof that I killed him, at this time there was no such thing as fingerprint or blood tests, so that I could be incriminated.