Alexa curls up in the hospital bed, shaking from fear and worries as she is forever changed. She was strong, powerful, and virile. Now she is, now there is no going back. She is forever changed, and still, she hungers. Still, she desires to serve her Mistress in every desire she has. Her body aches, her chest feeling empty, hallow needing the sweet nectar.


She had done the one thing that her Mistress demanded of her, and yet still, her body craved the fix. The solution is both knowing and hating what it is. She needs it because it connects her to the being that gives her Mistress pleasure. The thing within the darkness that held all the power. That gave her a sense of hope that there was brightness. A chance for a better tomorrow.


Holding her eyes clothes, she rubs her chest, cursing the feelings that pain her. She wishes the pain of loneliness would go away. Her Mistress would return to her, but she most likely can't. The doctor refused her Mistress' entry as Alexa's healing must come first.


"Why..." Alexa begs for the hundredth time.


"Why, what?" The doctor asks.


"Why.... why did you do this?"


"Ah, the big why... so today it's not why I am keeping your Mistress out?"


"No, I mean, I need, I desire her. I am starving for her... "


"Yeah, that's what I thought." The doctor stands up to leave.


"Wait! Why are you doing this?"


"Saving you?"


"Saving me? How in the world is this saving me? I am different; I am completely lost now." Alexis yells as she wipes at the tears running down her cheeks.


She hates him for making her what she is. She was destined for great things, to be an athlete, and to take on the world. But her regiment of testosterone was too much. She had lost control. Her anger was so great that the moment she saw a pretty young thing, she couldn't help herself. She had to have them to consume the nothings until his needs were satiated.


Now, he is no longer him; he is Alexa, a slave girl to Mistress Kitty who feeds on her desires. Holding at the edge of her desires, the hunger never satiated, never fulfilled as she pants restlessly. Forever wanting more to be of use, to be conquered. The sick, twisted mind warping as she now wants to become the prey, to work to the pleasures of the dark Kitten.


"Do you remember the path you were on?" Dr. Stevens asks as Alexis finally remembers his name. The irony of a doctor and the Mistress named after a vivid lyrical poet, Cat Stevens. A curse that their twisted words and meanings kept her forever in the dark.


"I had done horrible things... I know I had, but that doesn't mean I deserve it."


"To live as your victims did?"


"No! I don't get to live as they did. I am trapped here in this prison, this hell. I no longer have my own body."


"You'll live longer here than you would in any prison."


"Ha! What small mercy is that, that I am not killed instantly..."


"You are not sexually assaulted; you are not raped; you are simply put in your place to learn a valuable lesson of what you put those women through."


"That is not your call to make! I have rights."


"Had rights... you are on a path you cannot walk back from Alexis. You belong to your Mistress now. She has all the rights and controls the adventures you take. She alone decides your fate."


"No, she does not. I deserved more! I deserved better than this. I was on the path to becoming the greatest of all time! I was going to be someone."


"So did the girl you killed."


"Killed? I didn't kill anyone."


"You never stopped to think, did you, that those women you hurt would get depressed. That they would end up killing themselves?"


"I couldn't guess that would happen. That wasn't my fault."


"Yes, it was. You controlled your actions, and now you are paying for your sins. A sin you will pay for all your life as you should. I do not regret making you a beautiful woman. You deserve to never leave at your Mistress' feet. You deserve all the horrors she can instill in you."

"You should have let me die," Alexis cries as she chokes back sobs.


"Oh, no... you haven't reached your full enlightenment yet, once you have. You will never see life the same again. I guarantee it, " Dr. Stevens says with a harshness that shatters Alexis' spine. Tears slip from her eyes as, for the first time, she feels the darkness that exists in her life. The burden of the lives she has taken and the life she is still destined to live.