Chapter 3: The Fight for Survival

Episode 2

Arjun's heart pounded in his chest as they raced back to Shruti's house, Harsh safely in tow. The rescue mission had been harrowing, but successful. They couldn't afford to rest, though. Their next priority was securing more supplies. The nearest supermarket was their best bet. As the bus approached the supermarket, Arjun surveyed the scene. Zombies were milling about, but they had faced worse.

"Okay, everyone, listen up," Arjun called out as they parked. "We need to split into two groups. One group will load supplies into the bus. The other group will help clear the area of zombies. Shruti, White Bones, and I will take care of the zombies. The rest of you, focus on getting as many supplies as you can."

Shruti nodded, her sword gleaming in the afternoon light. "Let's make this quick. We don't want to attract more attention than necessary."

The group moved with practiced efficiency. As some members began filling the bus with essential supplies, Arjun, Shruti, and White Bones waded into the throng of zombies. Their levels had risen considerably since the apocalypse began just over a week ago. Both Arjun and Shruti wielded their swords with deadly precision, cutting through the zombies like a hot knife through butter.

White Bones, with his enhanced strength and agility, was a force to be reckoned with. He smashed through the undead with ease, his bony frame a blur of motion. The three of them moved as a cohesive unit, backing each other up and ensuring no zombies got too close.

Arjun's muscles burned with exertion, but he pressed on. He had become stronger, faster, and more resilient. His stamina had increased significantly, but the fight was taking its toll. Beside him, Shruti's face was set in grim determination. She was a fierce warrior, her movements fluid and precise.

After thirty minutes of relentless combat, they finally cleared the area. Panting, Arjun leaned on his sword, surveying the carnage. They had killed a total of 200 zombies. His system interface pinged, indicating he had reached level 10. Shruti had leveled up to 7, and White Bones had also hit level 10.

"Not bad for a day's work," Shruti said, wiping sweat from her brow.

Arjun nodded, opening his system interface to check their rewards. "We've got 600 survivor coins, three white treasure boxes, and a skill book. I'll stash the skill book for now. We need to get back to Shruti's house before more zombies show up."

As they loaded the last of the supplies onto the bus, Arjun couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. They had faced down a horde and come out on top. But the victory was bittersweet. There was still so much to do, and the threat of the undead was ever-present.

Shruti's house was a two-story refuge that had become their sanctuary. It had three rooms on the ground floor, three on the first floor, and two rooms on the second floor. The group of fourteen had made it their home, including Arjun, Shruti, Harsh, White Bones, Raghu, Raj, Simran, Soniya, Amit, Priya, Rani, Sneha, Vikram, and Anjali.

Upon their return, they distributed the rooms. The ground floor was given to Raghu, Raj, Priya, Rani, Vikram, and Amit. Simran, Soniya, Sneha, Anjali, and Shruti took the first floor, while Arjun, Harsh, and White Bones occupied the second floor.

However, the arrangement didn't sit well with everyone. Raghu and his group felt slighted, believing the ground-floor rooms were smaller and less comfortable. Raj, Raghu's best friend, was particularly vocal about their dissatisfaction.

"This isn't fair," Raj complained, pacing back and forth. "We deserve better rooms. After everything we've been through, we shouldn't be stuck on the ground floor."

Arjun, though patient, was firm. "We're all in this together. Shruti's house has given us shelter and safety. If you're not happy with the arrangements, you're free to leave. Take two weeks' worth of supplies and find another place."

Raghu's face twisted with anger. "You think you're so high and mighty, don't you? Just because you're stronger and have better equipment doesn't mean you can boss us around."

Arjun remained calm. "This isn't about power. It's about survival. We need to work together. If you can't do that, then maybe it's best if you go."

Raghu's group, driven by a mix of pride and dissatisfaction, decided to leave. Raghu made grandiose promises about leading his group to safety, though his earlier reluctance to fight zombies was not forgotten. As they departed, the rest of the group watched, unmoved by Raghu's speeches.

As night fell, Raghu and his group made their way to a nearby house, biding their time. Under the cover of darkness, they followed the sound of an engine and stole the vehicle that Arjun's team had painstakingly procured. The theft left Arjun and his team in shock.

"I can't believe they would do this," Shruti said, her voice trembling with anger.

Arjun, though seething, knew there was no point dwelling on it. "What's done is done. We'll manage without it."

Turning his attention to his system, Arjun discovered he had earned a skill point. He decided to enhance his Summon Special Skeleton skill. The upgrade allowed White Bones to summon five smaller skeletons, each with half of his attributes. This could significantly bolster their defensive and offensive capabilities.

Arjun then examined the skill books he had collected. There were four level 2 skill books and one level 3 skill book. The level 2 books contained skills for Weapon Enhancements, Language Proficiency, Simple Healing Ability, and Strength Enhancements. The level 3 book was for Shadow Steps, a skill that could become a powerful asset.

Arjun chose to learn Language Proficiency first. The system prompted him to select three languages, and he chose Russian, Japanese, and French, languages he had always wanted to master. The knowledge flooded his mind, and he felt an immediate understanding of these languages. Next, he learned Shadow Steps, a skill that would allow him to move swiftly and silently, almost like a shadow—an invaluable asset in their precarious world.

The next morning, Arjun and White Bones set out to find a new vehicle. As the top-level enhancers in the group, it was their responsibility. After walking for thirty minutes, they found a couple of Ashok Leyland HAULAGE trucks outside a showroom. Arjun searched the showroom for keys while White Bones kept the nearby zombies at bay. With the keys in hand, they located a nearby petrol pump, filled the trucks with fuel, and headed back to Shruti's house.

Arjun's return to Shruti's house was met with relief. The new trucks would greatly aid their future expeditions and supply runs. He gathered everyone in the living room to discuss their next steps. "We need to stay vigilant," he began. "Raghu's betrayal is a reminder that we can only rely on ourselves."

The group nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. They had survived this long by working together, and they needed to continue doing so. Arjun's new skills and White Bones' enhanced abilities would be crucial in the battles ahead.

The following days were spent in preparation and fortification. Arjun's new abilities proved invaluable. The ability to summon additional skeletons made their perimeter more secure, and his newfound proficiency in multiple languages came in handy when deciphering various instructions and manuals they found during their scavenging missions.

Arjun also began training the others, sharing his knowledge and skills. He taught them how to fight more effectively, how to fortify their defenses, and how to make the most of their resources. Shruti's Simple Healing Ability became essential in treating minor injuries, while the Strength Enhancements and Weapon Enhancements skills were distributed among the team to bolster their combat effectiveness.

Despite the challenges, the group grew stronger and more cohesive. Arjun's leadership and the skills they were developing gave them a fighting chance in a world overrun by zombies. They were determined to survive, to protect one another, and to find a way to reclaim their world from the undead.

As Arjun looked around at his team, he felt a renewed sense of hope. They had faced betrayal and hardship, but they had come out stronger. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead.