Big day ahead!!

The next morning, Zafron stood before a full-length mirror in the living room, adjusting his new attire with a mixture of excitement and nervousness etched on his face.

"This is it...big day ahead," he said with a smile on his face as he took another look at himself in the mirror. He had woken up early today to prepare to go out job hunting. As he promised Matilda the previous day, he wanted to contribute around the house, carry his own weight and of course that of the two women in his life. What that meant was that he needed to get a job, as soon as possible.

But presentation was everything and he had pulled out all the stops to make sure he looked at least, not a slaveboy. As much as he moved working for Matilda and prior to the Blackthorn incident, he wouldn't have dreamt of a different life, he hoped stepping out today would open doors to new opportunities.