Broadway killers...

The street was eerily silent, without the presence life save for Zafron and his assailants.

With his hand raised, Zafron slowly turned to face the man pressing a knife against his belly. The attacker ran a hand across his bushy beard, revealing a wicked grin of overlapping teeth.

"What do you want?" Zafron asked, his voice steady despite the cold steel threatening to pierce his skin.

"Everything you've got," the man growled, twisting the blade for emphasis. His foul breath washed over Zafron's face, making him recoil slightly.

'So this was a planned robbery...' Zafron thought, his eyes scanning his surroundings for any help.

Behind them, the scrape of metal on wood broke the silence as the two more attackers worked to detach the cart from its pole, preparing for a swift getaway.