Raxus appears

Zafron woke to the sound of Matilda's soft breathing beside him. For a moment, he forgot where they were, the unfamiliar smell of stale air and the weight of the mask on his face jarring him back to reality. The Undercity. Right.

[Good morning, Zafron! Ready for some exploring? I can't wait to see what we discover today!]

Zafron couldn't help but smile at Thera's enthusiastic greeting. Her cheerful demeanor was a welcome contrast to the grim reality of their situation.

"Morning," Matilda mumbled, stirring beside him. "Please tell me yesterday was just a bad dream."

Zafron chuckled. "Sorry, no such luck. But hey, at least we've got a slightly less moldy bed now."

Matilda sat up, running a hand through her tangled hair. "Small mercies, I suppose. So, what's the plan for today?"

"I was thinking we could do some exploring," Zafron said, standing up and offering her a hand. "Get to know our new... home."