Ch. 9 – Just a Twist in Your Virginity

Chapter Nine – Just a Twist in Your Virginity

The last person had left the chat minutes ago, yet, they were still there, in the same position, a bit in a daze by the looks of it. Jamie pretended to be busy wiping the bunny's mask because cum stains were a pain to wash, which wasn't exactly true, but he'd had to say something to justify the infinite care he applied to the kneeling rabbit boy.

There was no protest from his livestream partner, either. If anything, it looked like the guy enjoyed the attention, turning his face to make sure that Jamie didn't miss a spot. So much obedience from a guy who seemed ready to fight all the time was uncanny. Jamie didn't dwell on it. After all, they were playing roles, wearing masks, as Arthur Kallis had so aptly pointed out.

"It didn't get into your eyes, right?"



They needed to stop this strange intimate moment between them, even though it looked like neither of them wanted to make the first move.

Jamie forced himself up from his chair, although his knees felt like jelly. When was the last time he had enjoyed getting a blowjob so much? It felt like forever. His whole attention was trained on the guy he was hooking up with, making sure that his date got everything he wanted and needed during the short time he spent with Jamie. Actually, if he thought about it, he was the guy giving blowjobs most of the time. Although he didn't have an exact timeline, weeks if not more must have passed since the last time someone had given him head.

That was weird.

He walked over to the screen and examined the numbers. "What's fair is fair," he said. "You should get half of what I'm making." Even without gentlebusinessman's contribution, the night had proven to be quite a success.

"No. You'd use anything to find out who I am."

Jamie turned to look at the bunny. The guy was sitting on his ass, his hands in his lap, hiding his sex.

"I was trying to be nice, asshole."

"How much for a handjob?"

"I'm not selling sex, you fucker," Jamie scolded the guy.

"But I need one, and you should do it, because you promised."

"Only on stream. That's what I said."

The bunny pushed himself to his feet. He looked livid underneath his mask. "It doesn't matter how good your cock tastes, Jamie Vayne. You're still an asshole."

Jamie laughed and grabbed the guy by the waist. "Okay, since you're so generous and you don't want your share, I'll give you a hand."

"No, I don't want it anymore," Cottontail protested meekly.

Jamie encountered little resistance as he turned the rabbit boy so his back was to him and took the rock hard cock from his hands. "You're a bit of a perv, you know? Look at you, getting so hard from giving me head. What does that say about you?"

"Um, that I'm not dead? Any gay boy with a working penis would be just as aroused as me right now."

"Okay, fair. It's true that I'm an asshole, and I enjoy how easy you are to rile up by being called a perv too much."

"Jamie," Cottontail whispered, "don't move your hand like this."

"Afraid that you'll come too fast? Don't worry. Since you're such an obedient little thing, I'll give you as many handjobs as you want."

"Do you promise? But I'm not like the others."

"What's that got to do with anything? And what do you mean, not like the others?"

"Pretty," came a soft whisper.

"You're really hung up on this thing, but I don't see why. I mean, you're not half bad."

"Are you sure? I'm skinny and my face is ordinary."

"You are skinny. I don't know what to tell you about your face, because you won't let me see it. Is it just my imagination or weren't you less smooth the last time?"

"I waxed everywhere. It took me hours and an ocean of tears."

Jamie caressed the rabbit boy's balls slowly. "You did that for our watchers?"

"No, for you."

It was hard to believe. People didn't try their best for him, but an ocean of tears caused by waxing every inch of that skinny body said otherwise.

"Why for me?" Jamie asked while his hand moved slowly up and down.

"Because… I want to learn what makes you tick, Jamie Vayne."

Cottontail was pushing his fluffy tail into his crotch while letting out soft moans. This conversation proved to be quite interesting, so Jamie wanted to continue it until he got a few truths out of his uncanny partner.

"Why is that so important to you?" He slowed his rhythm, while his fingers squeezed at the waxed ball sac as means to stop Cottontail from shooting before he confessed all his sins.

"I… I… I can't take it anymore…"

"No, nope, you're not coming until you tell me what goes through your head." Jamie tightly ringed the base of his partner's cock, squeezing to prevent it from climaxing without approval.

The rabbit boy squirmed in his arms but not strongly enough to get away. "Please, jerk me off, don't stop now…"

"I want to hear the truth from you, liar."

"Liar?" Cottontail sputtered. "You're the biggest liar that has ever lived."

"You don't say. I told you. I'm an open book. I hide nothing."

"That's not true. I know it's not. Nobody's like that," Cottontail whispered as he moved his head from side to side. "Masturbate me all the way, please. I will die otherwise."

"Aren't you dramatic? No one dies from something like that."

"What if I'm the first case in history? Are you willing to live with such a thing on your conscience for the rest of your life?"

Clever bunny. He didn't want to confess what his secret dirty play was, but Jamie didn't see why he couldn't show a bit of charity. After all, the bunny would surely come back for more, once he understood how good it felt to have another guy's hands on him.

"Beg me for it," he said.

"Beg… you?" Cottontail choked on his words. "All right, I'm begging you. Please, Jamie, make me come with your rough hands. God, I love how you touch me, why are you so mean? I like it so much."

Now the bunny sounded like a special sort of hotline. Jamie had to admit that he wasn't completely impervious to that sort of game. He propped his swollen cock against the fluffy tail.

"Talk like that some more," he ordered. "But you'll have to wash both your mask and your tail before you get out of here."

"My tail?"

"I'm going to come, too," Jamie said, "as long as you know what to say."

"How will I know that?"

"By how fast my hand moves on your dick. If I slow down, that means you suck at dirty talk. If I speed up, you're on the right track, and your fluffy tail is going to get it."

Because of his lack of action lately, he was pent up enough to pull it off. He liked the feel of the bunny tail on his cock. Since he was good at moving his hips, it would be a piece of cake.

"I've never talked dirty," the rabbit boy wailed.

"You did it only earlier, stop talking bull."

"But now I'm too self-conscious. Jamie, your hand is moving faster!"

"Only because you annoy me."

The damn bunny was a cockteaser. The fact that he protested so much was what was doing Jamie in. He also fretted and struggled, rubbing himself against Jamie's crotch and that was working wonders, too.

It had to be the weirdest handjob he had ever given someone, but he wasn't going to complain. It was also a fresh take, and Jamie welcomed it.

Teasing could work both ways, so he rubbed his thumb over the sensitive head under his fingers, making Cottontail moan and curse.

"Oh fudge, this is too good," the bunny boy complained.

"Fudge? You're such a damn liar. If it felt that good, you'd say fuck instead."

"I would, but my vocabulary doesn't work like that," Cottontail continued in the same whiny voice.

"I don't believe you, but you keep on rubbing your ass against my cock. If I come first, I'll leave you like this," he threatened playfully.

"No way." Cottontail covered Jamie's hands, forcing them to move faster. "I… I… I… like you too much, Jamie Vayne!"

"What the…" He couldn't continue speaking as the moans of release that left his throat stole the words of surprise away from him.

It seemed to take forever, this second orgasm of the night, but he couldn't truly complain. Not when Cottontail squirmed in his arms, swearing like a gentleman in royalty's presence.

"Oh, damn," Jamie said as the bunny squirreled away from him, "did I make you come or not?"

"You squeezed the life out of me!" Cottontail protested. "I'm sure something's broken now." He inspected his cock as if he was sure to find something to support his claim.

"Nothing's broken, don't be silly. Come on, let me see."

His partner no longer seemed willing to listen to him. He was too busy examining his tail, too. "You really messed it up," he exclaimed as he lifted up a hand full of Jamie's juices.

"Don't complain. You're on washing duty now. The bathroom is yours. Actually, I'll be in there to take a shower. You can join me if you want."

"No, you'll do something dirty to me."

"Dirtier than this? I should remind you, though. You asked for it."

"That's not exactly true. I asked you to give me a handjob, not to use my tail as your cum rag."

"Cum rag? Oh, you do know how to use words from this century. Who would have thought?"

"You are infuriating. I'm locking the door until I finish cleaning the mask and my tail. You are not allowed in there."

Jamie laughed and didn't confirm or infirm. He watched the rabbit boy walking away, struggling to maintain his dignity with a tail full of cum.


Pleasure was real. He had always suspected it, but ever since he had developed such an obsession for Jamie Vayne, he had the confirmation, too. Sure, he could tell himself he wanted all of this because he needed this scoop to prove his worth, but it no longer felt like that was true at all.

As he leaned over the sink, he touched his lips briefly. His mouth had been all over Jamie's cock tonight, and it had felt amazing. And later, Jamie had held him while masturbating him, which had almost brought him close to dying. Maybe he was overly dramatic, but it was the truth. He had never felt like this before, like his heart was about to burst out of his chest, with no regrets left behind.

Jamie called him a liar. He had called Jamie the same right back. But the way they'd come together earlier held a grain of truth in it, one that couldn't be denied.

Was he daring enough to call it attraction? More importantly, was it mutual? At least a smidge?


"There's someone here tonight, ready to lose his virginity." A few catcalls and whistles followed that announcement, as Jamie approached the stage.

"He looks to me like he's been around the block a few times," a gorgeous woman at one of the tables closest to the stage called out. She wore a full leather bodysuit with zippers and safety pins revealing her slender tattooed arms that told everyone how dangerous – and alluring – she really was.

"As far as jamming goes, he hasn't yet," the announcer said. "Is anyone willing to pick up the gauntlet?"

"Sure," the woman said and grabbed a guitar someone from the sidelines was quick to hand her on her way up on the stage. She winked at Jamie, her black painted lips stretched into a smile. "Ready, gorgeous?"

"For you, I was born ready," Jamie offered in return.

She strummed her guitar, trying a few notes. "Do you know this one?"

"You bet I do," Jamie replied.

She gave him an encouraging smile and turned toward the audience. A full house, and all musicians. Jamie didn't know why he'd never been to such a place before. He needed to make a note to thank Arthur later, no matter the outcome.

He followed the rhythm as the woman in black leather started. He kept it steady, not too loud, not too low.

"Groovy," the announcer commented.

The female guitarist was already lost in a world of her own, and Jamie followed her moves with his eyes, as she turned to half-face him. One thing he hated when dealing with the Mitches was how damn selfish they always seemed to be. No sign of that in this chick. She gave him all the cues, and he felt his courage growing, as her smiles and short nods let him know that he was on the right track.


"Melinda Black," the female guitarist offered along with her hand once they were off the stage. "Come sit with us."

"Black? Really?"

"Believe it or not, it's my real name," she said and laughed. "I learned to lean into it while growing up. Rock music helped a lot. So, Jamie, what's your deal?"

"You have to be more specific than this."

"I mean, I've hardly encountered a drummer in my life before who didn't want to show just how good he was at rocking. You were so polite up there, I thought I was dreaming."

"The drums are part of an ensemble," Jamie replied. "They're the foundation, but they shouldn't drown out the other instruments."

"I have a feeling we're going to get along really well."

That was really encouraging.

"Guys," Melinda addressed the people at her table. "This is Jamie Vayne. Although I suppose his earlier performance serves as the best recommendation he could get, I think he's one hell of a drummer in the making."


He left the club with his phone full of new contacts. Arthur had been so right to insist about him getting the hang of such a place and trying to jam with other people. Besides Melinda, he'd had two more jamming sessions, one with an entire band. Sure, all of them had drummers at home, and there was no empty place for him to fill, but there was a gain in that Jamie believed more important even than securing an audition of sorts with a band.

Tonight, he had felt like a musician. He hadn't felt that good performing in a long time. Damn, had he really wasted his time with the Mitches, after all? He didn't want to think that. It either showed that he was bad at choosing his mates when it came to music, or that they really were a bunch of assholes who had turned against the thing that had brought them together in the first place.

It felt good. The evening air cooled his face as he walked down the street. Holding on to this feeling would become impossible once he got in his car to drive off. He'd do a neighborhood round before heading home, where he'd have to start thinking of the many possibilities that were opening before him now.

A single thought came buzzing in his ear as he let the elation that always came with a good performance drown his brain in dopamine juice. What Arthur had told him about his public persona, playing on his sexuality to drive more fans – even if, for now, he was just another unknown rock star in the making.

He had never had to lie about that until now. Not that Arthur told him he should lie per se, but pretending to be pansexual or whatever didn't feel right to him. He knew exactly who he was on that front, and he had always felt like that.

Well, maybe not always-always. But he was a grownup man now, so details from the distant past didn't have the right to bother him.

After all, Arthur only gave him advice on how to sell himself, since he was an industry veteran and knew how those things worked. As for that little bit about not getting a boyfriend or into a relationship for that matter, it didn't bother him at all. After all, he was the king of lack of emotional availability, which was pretty much a requisite for a relationship to happen.

Jamie grinned at his own conclusions. Well, it looked like even his flaws could help him on his way to becoming the guy he wanted to be. Because being a musician and a star was what he wanted more than anything.

Yes, in an even bigger pond. One step at a time.


"Still nothing. You're telling me that you've been stalking this guy for days, and you have nothing to show for it?"

"He's boring. Everything he does is out in the open. What more do you want from me?"

"What I want from you is to stop being boring yourself. I've seen the stats. Your audience is dropping like flies."

"You're not supposed to be all up in my business like this," he said through his teeth. "And having a slump once in a while is natural. As is writer's block."

"Writer's block is a glorified way of saying that you're lazy. Keep it up like this, and you'll never make it into the family business."

"I still don't understand why I need to dig up dirt on college kids like me to qualify for writing on politics and politicians."

"If you don't see the connection, it means you don't have what it takes, after all."

"I do. What do you mean?"

"College life is just a step away from real life. And you don't have to write about college kids now, do you? See, you've gotten upgraded. Do your job. There has to be something Jamie Vayne has to hide."