Ch. 20 – Ground Rules

Chapter Twenty – Ground Rules

"So, why did the rabbit cross the road?" Jamie was looking at his guest, wiggling his eyebrows, as they sat across from each other, eating pizza from his tiny coffee table, their legs folded under them, feeling like extras in an exotic movie.

Cottontail was carefully angling his slice to bite it without spilling any of the extra ketchup he had loaded his food with. "What?" He stopped with the pizza slice suspended in the air, and a puzzled look on his face.

"It looks like a murder over there," Jamie joked, pointing at Cottontail's pizza. "These are small enough, you're not supposed to cut them."

"I like to eat daintily," Cottontail replied with emphasis. "The chicken was on vacation."

"What?" It was Jamie's turn to be confused.

"The answer to your question. The rabbit crossed the road because the chicken was on vacation."


"Lame answer?"

"A little," Jamie admitted.

"What did you expect?"

Jamie smiled. This to and fro banter had its purpose. It was making them friends, he realized. Cottontail's earlier question, about him feeling lonely, still buzzed in his ear like a pesky insect. He had a lot of acquaintances, but how many of those people could he call close friends? There were a few he had allowed to get closer than most, like Rusty, or Janet, and lately Melinda, to whom he didn't even need to talk because they understood each other through music. But if he were to call someone tonight and tell them he wanted to spend the evening with them… He had ended up calling Cottontail, who had shown his worry and care about his wellbeing not one minute into their phone conversation. Their relationship was obviously progressing at a different pace than what Jamie was used to.

"You're staring," Cottontail pointed out.

"And? Are you shy or something? By the way, your nipples are poking through the t-shirt. My t-shirt."

Cottontail stared down at himself and then up at Jamie. "No, they're not. Why are you making fun of my nipples?"

"I'm not. I like them." Familiar territory was the way to go. "How about you put on a show for me?"

"How am I supposed to do that?"

Jamie didn't mind offering a little bit of guidance to the unaware bunny walking so confidently into his lair. "I'll show you," he promised.

To his surprise, Cottontail put down his pizza. He looked downright dejected, and Jamie couldn't see why the prospect of showing off his body could make the guy appear so despondent.

"Come on," he said in a cheerful tone, "I've seen your naked body, and I like it. Stop thinking of yourself as ugly."

"That's not it," Cottontail blurted out and then looked away. He caught his left arm with his right hand and started rubbing his elbow. "You're treating me like everyone else. You believe you need to fix me, and I'm not here for that."

"Why are you here?"

"How many times do I have to say it? I want to get to know you. The real Jamie Vayne. Warts and all."

"It's a weird wish. And nobody really thinks that. I mean, they do, but once they get to what makes a person less than the ideal they believed them to be, they give up."

"Wow, Jamie, how often have you said that same line?"

"Excuse me, are you doubting my abilities as the campus's unofficial mender of broken hearts?"

Cottontail snickered. "You sounded really deep there for a minute. I know that's not who you really are."

"What am I, then, oh wise one?"

"That's what I want to find out. Now, let's set some ground rules." Cottontail linked his hands together and placed them on the table, pushing his plate away. He looked very business-like, and he was making Jamie want to laugh.

"I'm listening."

"I'm not your average hookup. I'm not looking for therapy to get better. Even if I feel miserable about the way I look or whatever, that's my business."

Jamie frowned slightly. "Can I protest? I can't help wanting to help when someone thinks like that about themselves."

"I won't talk about it, and I won't complain. So you don't have to feel obliged in any way to coddle me or whatever. Life's not fair, and I didn't win the genetic lottery. Big whoop. I'm dealing with that every day, and I'm okay."

Jamie had to admit that he was more and more intrigued by his guest. His mind seemed to work in different ways than what he was accustomed to, and it felt… refreshing, for lack of a better word. He leaned forward, keen on hearing more about the list of ground rules the bunny boy in front of him intended to dish out.

"I am here to help you," Cottontail said slowly, emphasizing every word. "I like you," he added quickly before Jamie had a chance to open his mouth to ask 'why'.

"But I don't need any help," Jamie replied, this time without hiding his puzzlement. "Look, let's forget about everything. Let's have fun. Aren't you here for that?"

That appeared to make Cottontail waver for a moment. "Okay, that's fair. I'm here to have fun, because I like you. But I also want to talk to you about this reality show gig you told me about over the phone. I want to change your mind."

"Now, let's slow down a bit," Jamie warned. "I told you already that I'm doing it. And really? Are you going to have a beef with me over it? It's like you think you're my boyfriend or something."

His sharp reaction appeared to rattle Cottontail's composure, but only for a moment. "That's true. We're not in that kind of relationship, but that doesn't mean that I can't or won't worry about your choices."

"Now, listen here," Jamie riposted, a vein starting to throb in his temple, "what exactly gives you the right to get all up in my business like this? If you're here to annoy me, you better find the door."

To his dismay, the bunny boy didn't appear to take his reaction as an insult. Instead, he relaxed and leaned back, supporting his weight on his palms. "You're quick to anger, Jamie. If you can't stand me, someone you know a little, telling you what to do, how do you think you'll feel about those reality TV people? They're going to take a chunk out of you, chew it up and spit it out before you have time to blink."

Realizing Cottontail's real intentions and the rashness of his response, Jamie relaxed. "You're here to give me lessons on how to do this thing?"

"Yep. You told me I should coach you. I'm here to do that. My ground rules don't cover me getting all up in your business, as you say, unless you specifically allow me to. Do we have a deal?"

"We do," Jamie said and pushed himself up. He offered his guest his hand. "However, to have a deal, you need to get something out of it too, and I won't be shy about it. I intend to pay you with sex."

Cottontail guffawed, taking a little of the heat out of what Jamie had thought to be a pretty sexy prelude for the sort of fun he had in mind.

"If that's the case, I'm in debt already, because you fucked me a few times."

The sudden dirty word that didn't seem quite at home in Cottontail's mouth made Jamie quirk an eyebrow. It looked like his guest really wanted to rile him up by how direct his stare was.

"I see," Jamie said playfully, crossing his arms, since his guest hadn't taken the hand he had offered. "You want to see if I'm willing to ride you properly."

"A bit. You've been considerate up until now, and I want to see all your faces when you have sex. I'm sure there's a not so gentle side to you as well."

"And, as a guy who has barely had his cherry popped, did you think it would be a good idea to provoke me? What if I become a scumbag when someone does that?"

"I believe I'll survive," Cottontail said matter-of-factly, and to show that he meant business, he downed the few remaining droplets in his glass. "Thank you for the liquid courage, Jamie. I'm sure it'll help."

"Shut up. What you just did tells me you can hold your drink and after you told me all sorts of crap about you not going to parties and drinking."

"Glad you noticed. I actually have a pretty high alcohol tolerance. But I didn't want to challenge you to that sort of competition. I want you sober while you ride me, not half-drunk."

Jamie rubbed his chin, grinning and looking at his naughty bunny boy. "Okay, you got me there, you punk. I had no idea you could be so sly. Are you sure you're a bunny? Not a fox?"

"Last time I checked, I was still a rabbit," Cottontail replied promptly. "Are you going to invite me to your bedroom?"

"Do you really need an invitation? Come hop on my cock. Isn't that what bunnies are best at?" Jamie smirked as he read the apparent shock in Cottontail's eyes at the dirty talk.

"Definitely." Cottontail pushed himself up. "And yes, you're right. I'm totally here to get bonked. Did I say that right? I'm doing my best to use your lingo. It's not usually how I talk."

"You must have some pretty strange conversational partners on a regular basis."

Cottontail rolled his eyes. "You wouldn't believe it."

"Why don't you tell me?" Jamie caught his guest's arm and made their eyes meet. "I'm very much interested in you, just as much as you are in me."

"Maybe I will, one day. Now, aren't you supposed to be keeping your side of the deal so I can teach you more about how to deal with those guys who are running the reality show? I'm eager to help, so we should get this out of the way first."

"Wow, you're making it sound like some big chore," Jamie said.

"It's the pleasant type, so I don't mind."

This guy, always looking forward to having the last word. Jamie shook his head, but inwardly, he needed to admit that he was pleased as punch. Cottontail brought something new into his life, a bit of challenge, a smidge of friendship, and something else that he needed to think over to come up with a good word to describe it.

Sure, there was always the possibility that the bunny boy who was so eager to jump into his bed and on his cock was behind that silly campus publication. In that case, Jamie would score a double bonanza – he'd get to enjoy fucking Cottontail and fucking Xpress over a bit. The way he saw it, he'd end up with a win, regardless of who was truly hiding himself behind that sexy bunny mask. Jamie couldn't stop congratulating himself for choosing one that fit.


For all the bravado he had displayed earlier, he had to admit that he was becoming a bit nervous. Even if he was no longer the inexperienced person he had been before, he couldn't say that Jamie going hard on him would be very good for his still relatively unused backdoor.

"What? Are you getting cold feet now?" Jamie asked, slowly stroking his cock to full hardness and length.

He couldn't tear his eyes away from the sight. Jamie looked amazing, especially when naked, not that with his clothes on he didn't make an impression anywhere he went. And he belonged, for at least the following hour or so, to someone who everyone on the entire campus would believe undeserving.

Those weren't thoughts to dwell on. Since he had been such a big talker just earlier, he needed to live up to expectations. He moved closer to the bed, without even daring to blink.

"I want to suck you off," he announced.

Jamie offered him a big smile. "You're welcome to it, sweetie. After all, you were a blowjob virgin before, right? I need to check your progress."

There was no need for a second encouragement. He climbed on the bed and took hold of Jamie's hard cock. Its owner relinquished control and abandoned his body to his assailant. If Jamie knew how smitten he was, would he laugh in his face? The notorious bad boy, who actually was a lot kinder and more considerate than most people, would, more likely, feel troubled by it. That was the last thing he wanted: to put Jamie in a tight spot.

Speaking of tight spots, it looked like he wasn't capable of fitting all of Jamie's cock in his mouth, no matter how much effort he put into it.

"Easy," Jamie advised him gently. "It feels good anyway. You don't have to be a deepthroat expert to make me feel good."

There were many things he wanted to say, but talking with his mouth full was just not proper. Jamie definitely allowed many people and many things to please him. He didn't have to be so undemanding. For that reason, a lot more effort was necessary.

It tasted good. Jamie was a stickler for personal hygiene, although he didn't appear to be a fan of designer products when it came to grooming. That was also something to appreciate about him. While most people demanded a lot more than they deserved, from the moment they woke up until they went to bed at night, Jamie was the exact opposite.

Although, a closer observer couldn't help but notice a few things. Like the desire to be the one to please, all the time. Or how he brushed over any unpleasantness. Those Mitches had attacked him for no reason, and while on the spot Jamie had reacted by hitting back, he didn't seem to hold any grudges against them. That was a dangerous attitude; not for the others, but for himself.

"Are you going off somewhere in your head while you have my cock down your throat?" Jamie teased him.

He was. He thought too much on occasion. With his eyes closed, he abandoned himself to the task at hand. He usually did his best when he could manage that, only that it wasn't easy to forget the importance of always being in control of every action. After all, the world and its dangers crouched at every corner, waiting to pounce on the unwary person.


Jamie couldn't help noticing a lot of things about his bed partner. At first, the bunny boy had lapped at his cock with unhidden enthusiasm, only to lose heat a few minutes in, as something appeared to be troubling him. He doubted Cottontail would confess his innermost thoughts, but when it was getting in the way of having pleasure during sex, Jamie had to intervene.

His little teasing had done the trick. Cottontail returned to the eagerness from before, and now Jamie had to grab at the bed sheet with all his might while his partner showed how far he was willing to go just to please him.

That tongue around the head of his cock wasn't yet skilled, but it did flick over all the sensitive spots, even if by accident. Jamie discovered that he didn't want to teach Cottontail anything; he wanted to allow a bit of the unexpected in his life, even if it was in the form of a novice practicing his newly acquired skills on his willing partner.

Life was getting better and better. He didn't miss his streaming, he thought as he closed his eyes and Cottontail took him deeper and deeper. The tightness and warmth were doing the trick, but it was beyond technique what would soon do him in. No, it was something else, the thought that the guy kneeling between his legs and performing oral sex on him wasn't there, in his bedroom, to get taught how to get a boyfriend or how to get over an ex. The bunny boy was there because he wanted to make Jamie feel good.

What if it was all a lie? That didn't matter, either. As someone who had told and done his fair share of lies in his life, he could appreciate the genuine zeal Cottontail put into his act. If it wasn't an act… Jamie grunted as his partner clamped his lips down hard, created the force of a vacuum cleaner as he bobbed his head up and down. It looked like his time to ponder and think over Cottontail's real reasons was over for now.

"It's going to get a little rough," he warned, placing his hands on the sides of his partner's head. "When I warn you, you pull out, okay? Nod for me. I want to come all over your lips, but not in your mouth. Fuck, I want to see you covered in my cum."

A short, difficult nod followed. Jamie guided Cottontail's head so he could fuck himself into his mouth. It felt so good, it was close to bringing him to the point where he might just lose it. That was the biggest challenge now, as the bunny boy's tongue moved frantically around his cock while Jamie took care of imposing the rhythm.

"Now," he grunted.

Cottontail moved away, but Jamie caught his face in one palm, cradling it, as his cock did its number, helped by his other hand. Good thing his partner knew when to close his eyes, because the eruption was for real. Jamie couldn't even believe he was capable of coming so hard. He shot all over Cottontail's sexy mask, his shut eyes, his lips that were waiting to be painted with jizz.

"Fuck," Jamie growled as he let himself drop back on the bed. "You know how to suck a man dry."

Cottontail was busy pushing the cum away from his eyes. "When can I eat your cum?" he asked directly.

Jamie laughed and caught the bunny boy's hard cock through his shorts. "You're really keen on that. Fine, I'll do what it takes. But you wait until I get the results, okay? Also, I only wanted to tease you by pretending to sleep around. That's not true. I have you."

"I was starting to suspect something like that," Cottontail admitted primly, while accepting Jamie's offer of a tissue for his face. "So, will you do it? For me?"

"Sure, since you want it so much. I can't deny you."

"Good. Then it's time I started giving you lessons on how to approach this reality TV business."

"Are you kidding me?" Jamie squeezed the shape of Cottontail's cock harder. "First, I'm sucking you off too."