
The smell is what I noticed first, a familiar scent. One of the wild, the trees, leaves, flowers, grass, and the pungent odor of the wildlife mixing together to form a scent unique to the outdoors; the further in you go, the stronger it becomes. I know because I'm familiar with this scent. A longtime friend. That's why, despite the familiarity, I know. This is not that scent.

My mind sobers almost immediately once I acknowledge this truth, and I drag myself up onto my hands and knees, emptying my stomach upon stomach. Or at least, I try; absolutely nothing comes out, and I'm left there dry heaving in the wilderness with only one thought in my mind.

"Where the hell am I?" I whisper to myself, rising to my full height, looking around at the dense vegetation of the forest, the oh so familiar yet oh so different scent, the trees towering above my smaller frame.


Sulon looks down at his hands, shrunk down to less than half the size they were originally and covered in a dark grey bone-like shell. He sighs defeatedly, the last thing he remembered was that Dragon eclipsing the woods he was camping in, asking him about some type of wish. Believing he was hallucinating, he mentioned reincarnating half-assedly.

"Don't tell me that was real. What world did that Dragon even reincarnate me into? As a supernatural being, can't you at least take some responsibility when kidnapping people?"

"And what's up with this new skin tone not to mention-" He taps his hand against a tree, and as expected it makes a sound not unlike smashing two stones together.

As Sulon further explores his new body and surroundings a presence in the bushes interrupts his train of thoughts, and before he can further get his bearings a presence makes itself known from a nearby bush. 

Slowly stepping forward, the presence is revealed to be a huge boar more than 4 times his size and razor sharp tusks shutting out from underneath it's upper molars

He'd like to say he was surprised at the oddly large animal, but at this point it was par for the course, why wouldn't a killer boar find him just minutes after his kidnapping? It would only make sense. In light of this new threat Sulon did the one thing any sane person would do in his exact situation.

He ran.


Sadly for him the boar followed, it chased him through the forest with no regard for the many obstacles he inadvertently put in his way. Tree's, rocks, and other smaller wildlife were crushed underneath the boars single-minded charge.

The majority of the chase didn't even make sense to him, sure boars are highly territorial but at a certain point they stop chasing especially if the target is as nimble as he apparently is now. As he made his way through the tree's he was surprised at how nimble and coordinated he was and he only got better adding flourish's and flips on his treck through the jungle at one point he nearly waited for the boar to catch up as he'd lost it at one point.

That proved to be the wrong idea as the boar not even a second later barreled through the tree to the right of him it's body surrounded with a fiery blue energy. No way out, Sulon swung his fist out towards the boar in a split second reaction.

Taking his raised arm as a challenge the boar rammed into it with it's full bodyweight, its size and power pushing him even through several tree's, but his "armor?" held and he tasted, smelt, and saw the boar in unimaginable detail "Gugh! How revolting!"

The strange energy courses through his armor, and a strange thought makes itself known deep within his mind. It didn't take long for Sulon's mind to catch up with the situation, getting teleported by a wish-granting dragon into a new world is easy, what comes after is the hard part. That being the surviving the actual new world part.

Digging his feet into the ground, he manages to get enough leverage to slip underneath the boar letting it slam straight into a couple other tree's.

With the boar distracted right now would be the time to run. It would be easy, the boar had no line of sight and he was much faster than it. Sulon was no stranger to running, being orphaned at a young age with no extended family to take care of him he was in and out of various homes -none good- through his early years. In the later year's family's simply stopped coming for him. It didn't matter much in the grand scheme of things. He was smart, and school was his only investure. He had no hobbies, the orphanage had no money for games, books, or other entertainment. He ran away from any type of social interaction, a couple of girlfriends here and there but her an away from any meaningful connections just as he had before. Just him and his schoolwork, then came college, then came a cushy 6 figure job. It's ironic that it was only in his adult years he truly got to be a kid again.

He played whatever he could get his hands on, even started a small Youtube channel that pulled in an extra 10-20,000 dollars which in turn fed back into his gaming habits. Life wasn't the best it could've been, but it was good.

But in the end what'd he really have to show for it? Nobody would miss him, save a few fans that he never really knew. He didn't regret it, not really. Afterall he did make it. But in this new world whether by fate or chance he found himself in, he didn't want to run. He never ran the same build twice, plus this new body felt like it could take some hits, and come out better for it.

Leaping to the side, he dodged the black blur lunging back through the half destroyed trees . Rolling to his feet, he gets a good look at his aggressor, or rather a good scan? He didnt actually know what he used for sight, his only clue and small horn sticking out from his face. His aggressor pitch-black boar the size of a small car. The boar dugs it's front most legs into the ground, readying itself for another charge.

"I suppose I can't talk you out of this?"

The boar chuff's steam bellowing out of it's nostrils, and it's muscles tense.

"Alright! COME AT ME!"

The boar roar's in challenge charging forward, and his body ignites in power

[Soul: 0 -> 1/1000]

With his newfound resolve the world clicks his body moving more fluidly than it did even during his mad dash through the forest. This is the type of person he wanted to be, and his KI reacted in kind.

Not letting it get to close, he raises his palm, and push's the energy in his body out as hard as he can. The method is rough. But, it does its job, searing the side of the giant boar and temporarily stalling it's charge. Fatigue wracks his body as his KI is almost entirely used up with that small blast.

Ignoring his body's complaints he lunged forward meeting the boar in its injured state smashing his fast into its face pushing it back. Refusing to let up his advantage he continuously pummels the boar constantly shifting his position to keep it on the back foot.

Lunging forward, his fist glowing with the last meager reserves of his KI. The boar fly's backwards landing upright.


It screeches almost in an acknowledging tone, charging at him its fiery blue changing to a dark hue. Immediately, Sulon cuts off the energy flow in his fist and instead slam's both his hands into the ground at full force, kicking up a smokescreen of dust and debris. "KAI!"

His shout is accompanied by a short burst of the last of his KI pushing the dust cloud towards the rat. Although it's blinded by the cloud of debris, it doubles down, stubbornly charging forward, only to have its frontmost leg dip into the same hole Sulon created! It's momentum cause it to flip over onto its back hard, and the ground cracks under it's weight.

And Sulon is there to deliver the final blow, kicking straight into the boars eye fracturing it's skull and mulching it's brain. 

Such a feat would be unthinkable in his old body, his arm's and leg's would be far to squishy to ram straight through something as hard as a skull. 'This exoskeleton is pretty damn handy!'

"System?" Even through his battle high, he remembers that screen popping up and prays it wasn't an illusion.

Accessing Akashic Records.....

Soul Strata:

True Name: Sul-on

Race: ?

Inherent Traits: [Unique]Exoskeleton(E-Grade)

PL: 1 -> 50

Body: 0 -> 10/1000 ->1100

Mind: 0 -> 40/1000 -> 1100

Soul: 0 -> 1/1000

Abilities: [Rare]Ki Manipulation(I-Grade)

Techniques: N/A

'Ah yes! That's the goods stuff! If you're going to kidnap someone you must at least grant them this privilege.'

As a Unique Lifeform, you have lower-leveled access to the Akashic Records and the unquantifiable and infinite information therein.

As the system speaks and he ask's it basic questions about his status. Getting a descriptions of each ability he had as he walked over to the boar for dissection.


Full body exoskeleton, user receives visual, audio, and olfactory in addition to general touch. User receives enhanced strength and durability, user receives enhanced regeneration including ability to fully regenerate lost organs.

Inner endoskeleton, user receives further support and protection of vital "organs" and further improves strength. 

Further abilities may be unlocked upon LIMITBREAK

They come off easily enough, although covered in blood, flesh, and some teethy remnants. Ignoring the mess, he uses them as makeshift daggers, gutting the body and allowing all the organs to slough out of the opening.

He try's to infuse KI into the dagger, not unlike he had into his exoskeleton but the tusk's reject his foreign KI. 'Maybe I have to wait awhile? Afterall the boar did just die, its own dissipating KI could be running interference'

The Records did give him a small information about the main power system in this universe during its initiation, and it closely resembled a certain anime he watched on and off again. He knew his body contained KI, even now it rushed and burned through every iota of his body, so it made sense the boars KI would act in the same way. It's also highly likely that KI doesn't immediately dissipate when it's host die's, and instead lingers which could be the reason why he couldn't move his KI through the tusk. 

Or he might just be really bad at it....

He focuses on the bone attempting to sense the KI running through it, and moves his KI through his own sensory organs in no particular pattern just with the intent to 'see' more. A couple of minutes later Sulon's efforts bear fruit.

*'Notice!' Technique - [Ki Sense] obtained*

[(Inferior) KI Sense] - Through either dumb luck, prodigal talent, or diligent practice you've managed to tap into your third eye expanding your sense's past the physical into the spiritual world

While manipulating his KI he realized more than just the outer layers of his body changed.

The inside of his body was completely alien, looking in with KI sense he could find only found a perfectly spherical heart like organ in the center of his chest encased by protective bone-like under-growths of his exoskeleton long burning lines of KI reaching out from this organ and proliferating throughout his entire body not unlike veins.

He finds an identical organ at the location where his brain should be and two more in each of his limbs.


Suddenly his uncharacteristic nonchalant attitude in regards to his brutal beatdown of the local wildlife isn't much of an issue anymore. Even now as he looks within his own alien body, Sulon doesn't exactly feel off in anyway, he feels... normal.

Suddenly he's more aware of his 360 vision, and his heightened sense of touch, taste, and smell. All of which he receives directly from his exoskeleton shell.

"Alright! Alright! ALRIGHT! Lets just calm down and eat? Wait do I have a mouth? WAIT! DO I HAVE A D-"

Safe to say he did indeed have reproductive capabilities which was more than a relief. Dragging the boar to a clearing overseeing a lake he finally gets a good look at himself.

Standing at about 3 feet he resembled a bipedal Rhino. With thick plates of his exo-endoskeleton completely covering every part of his body and two blade like protrusions jutting out of his elbow and a horn dead center in the middle of his forehead. Although the blades were far to short to use.

However they were the perfect length to be the steel to his flint. With his new blades he lit a fire and cooked the boar meat. His lower armor plating unhinged from the top with a loud hiss as he ripped into the meat.

Afterwards, climbed up into a tree and waited for the next day. He tried to sleep but either this new body didn't sleep or he simply wasn't tired enough.

As the sun came up and he jumped down from his impromptu resting place he decided his plan for the day.

Today was definitely a training day, if he was going to fight his battles he was going to do it right. He decided to establish a routine. Squats with a nearby boulder on his back, bench pressing logs felled with messy application of KI blades and meditation to cooldown, and practice his KI control.