Chapter one: The Beginning

As I approach the final year of my high school journey, I can't help but feel a mix of emotions. On one hand, I am excited to leave this toxic environment behind and embark on a new journey at college. I have big dreams for my career and I know that being away from here will only push me to become the best version of myself. But on the other hand, there is a sadness that creeps in as I think about leaving Hana behind. Her smile was so addicting and genuine that she always managed to light up any room she walked into. Her energy was infectious, and her personality was like a warm hug on a cold day. And don't even get me started on her beauty – in my eyes, she was the most stunning person to ever grace this earth with her presence. As much as I am eager to move on from this crowded state and start a new chapter, it's bittersweet knowing that I won't have Hana by my side anymore. I think it's illegal for anyone to take a look at her, we all are sinners to watch such a fascinating girl. Hana is-

" Mr.Kato!" the teacher yelled, gaining everyone's attention but most importantly mine.

" Mr.Kato, pay attention to the lesson instead of staring at your neighbor." Mr. Wilson said out loud causing the whole class to erupt in laughter.

I could already tell my face was red from embarrassment because this wasn't the first time this happened. I always am caught red-handed watching her. 

"Such a loser."

"Hana's stalker since elementary."

"New year, same old weirdo."

"Oh, that was his name. I forgot who he was."

I want to bury myself in my textbook but if I do Mr. Wilson will make another scene again. I cannot afford that right now. I glance at the clock above Mr.Wilson and the whiteboard to see that I have about approximately three more minutes until school is over. I was counting down the time, wanting to leave this class as soon as possible from behind me I could hear my classmates whispering about me, feeling their eyes burning holes in the back of my head. My palms are sweating and it's not even summer, their whispering is growing louder as Mr.Wilson is teaching about history. I was about to explode until . . .

" Gin," a gentle whisper tickled my ear, which broke me out of my anxiety state. I know exactly who that voice belongs to and it's no other than. . .

"Hana. . ." 

She gave me a wink as she caressed my forearm on my desk. "Meet me at the library. I need you." I know she was whispering to me but her voice was soft as it pulled me into a trance to listen to her words what made it worse was that I turned to face her and was forced to stare at her beauty because my will was not as strong as for my admiration towards her. "Is that a yes?" without giving it a second thought I nodded my head which earned me another wink from her. 

" See you later, Ginnie." that nickname she only uses for me when she wants a favor. What is it this time? to write a ten-page essay, do her calculus homework or even write her presidential speech for the upcoming student assembly? Only time will tell.

"Mr. Kato, stop daydreaming!" 

Oh goodness, leave me alone already.


The dismissal bell surges energy in the students to leave today's hell that society calls high school. I would be the first students leaving but I have to meet up with Hana in the school's library. I was still figuring out what she wanted and why she waited for me when class was basically over but she disappeared once I lifted my head back up after packing my bookbag.

" Popular girls. . ." I utter as I walk through the half-empty halls to go to the library. As always everyone ignores me, ever since I met Anthony Williams in freshmen year. It was already hard making friends but since Anthony came into my life he made it literally impossible. Besides my thoughts, I only speak with the staff, Hana and Mari, occasionally though. Mari is nice but we are not close. Back to the Anthony thingy, he has a crush on Hana and she is the only girl that won't fall for his player charms which pisses him off. Although Hana doesn't reciprocate the feelings with me she is nicer to me than she is with him. That was when the rumors started that I was her obsessive stalker. so when I walked past the girls I already knew what the whispers they exchanged with each other were like.

"Gin, you made it." Hana startled the heck out of me and I didn't even know I reached the library.

" What's up, Hana? Do you need help studying?"

She didn't answer my question as quickly as I hoped to, instead, she skipped to the four-seater table in the center of the library. I scanned the area and was baffled by how empty it was. No noise, or people lurking around. That's weird since the bell just rang five minutes ago.

"Hana . . ."

" Yugin, I apologize for what took place in freshman year. Anthony is an ass and I didn't say or do anything to stop his childish games."

"It's okay-"

"It's not but you still help me whenever I ask for it and I couldn't be a decent person to you and ignore your issues. Especially since you and your family lost fourteen years ago."

Oh yeah, the loss of my twin on the day when the world celebrated Kira's death. "It's okay. Truly."

" That speech you wrote last election helped me win the race. I was thinking how to owe it to you and I came up with something but only if you're okay with it." 

That's why no one is here, this wasn't a favor she wanted me to do for her, it's for her to make amends. " What is it?"

" Did you ever have your first kiss? When we were kids you said you wanted to wait for someone special. I don't want to ruin it if you still want that special person."

Did I say that when I was younger? I have no recollection of those times. Frankly, I don't know much about myself from back then. "You are that . . . person." that seems like something I think I might have said back then, right?

" Can I kiss you then?" Hana's cheeks were flushed with a bright cherry-red hue as she made her way toward me, each step slow and deliberate. Is this a dream turning into a wet dream? Is this a prank? Or does the Hana Choi want to kiss a person like me?

I feel my palms getting moist from holding my backpack straps for dear life as my lips quiver. Hana's bright red heart-shaped lips formed their position as her red and white highlight bangs swayed left and right while walking towards me. "Can I, Yugin?" there seemed like no sight of playfulness in her attitude, she was serious. I couldn't speak so my only form of action to respond was to nod as a reply. She didn't waste anything to close the distance between us, the smell of her fruity perfume was intoxicating my sense of smell, an addicting type of smell that you won't be bored to wear for months, evening years. Before I could even have a little taste of what flavor of lipgloss she was using a book fell from the distance as hush giggles was swaming the empty library. This was a trap and Hana knew I caught on cause her face was red but she didn't seem shy, she was embarrassed. I caught her red-handed and her fair skin proved it by betraying her.

"Hana, I didn't know you were actually serious. You were gonna kiss him." more laughter erupted in the library as her group of friends came out holding a cell phone and recording the whole incident. I fell for the basic trap in the books on picking on the 'nobody' student and now the school has more gossip to share about me but this rumor won't be just rumors, it is a truth that a loser did fall for her trick. I turned on my heels and ran, ignoring her fake pleading for me to stop. I ran past the remaining students who were in the halls probably giving me a weird look for running as my life depended on it. The heavy pounding that my heart was feeling didn't matter, I didn't care if I was going into cardiac arrest. My health was the least of my worries I wanted to vanish.


From my calculations at least an hour passed from my unpleasant memory that occurred today. As the sun began to sink below the horizon, the sky transformed into a magnificent display of fiery oranges and golden yellows, streaked with wispy gray clouds. The tall skyscrapers of New York City served as a dramatic backdrop for this stunning sunset on January 28th - the most beautiful one of the entire year. The day Kira died and also my one-day older twin brother, Dolion. I will not waste this beauty beholding in my sights every year. I snatched out my Kodax Pixpro AZ405-BX digital camera that took all my tutoring money to help Hana. Snapping pictures shows all the emotions in one picture, it's beautiful in its own way.

" Gorgeous as every year," I whisper to myself. "I should get home to study for the upcoming exam tomorrow." That was when I was walking up the hill heading for my apartment building, as soon I was about to turn the corner a strange black book fell in front of my body, landing perfectly down by my feet. I looked up to see if a kid dropped a book outside their window by the street was empty as the building I was next to was quiet, with no kids yelling or anything but quietness. I bend down to touch the book and chills run through my body cause I know what this is, the book of the rumors that surfaced all through the Internet in 2010 about the Kira incident.

" No way." I couldn't hold the excitement going through my system. I had to take this with me. Is this destiny?