Chapter Eight

The whiteboard serves multiple purposes - organizing projects at work, studying for exams, or plotting out storylines for a book. But here I am, using it like a detective, piecing together clues to determine the identity of the candidate. I know they must be someone from our school - someone on the honor roll who values academic achievements above all else and looks down on others for not sharing their passion. And they have to be interested in history, as evidenced by the mask they wore during their online vigilante activities. Most people opt for basic masks, but this person chose the Xiuhtecuhtli mask from Aztec mythology. That's not something you learn in a typical history class; it takes a true love for the subject to delve deeper into research at home. The god of fire - an intriguing symbol indeed.

"Instead of spending your break like a typical teenager, having fun and enjoying yourself, you're stuck in your late father's cluttered room," Edel's voice comes from above me as he floats with his arms and legs outstretched, resembling a skydiver. Despite his generally honorable nature, he has had some questionable moments like this one.

"Should I really have to reiterate that this is just a self-absorbed individual with too much time on their hands, spewing out never-ending mathematical conundrums and claiming to be the ultimate deity of this world?" I placed the strip of red post tape at the peak of the pyramid, symbolizing the lack of any indication as to who could be the potential candidate.

"The stunt I pulled off yesterday will surely cause chaos within this state or probably the whole country depending on how manic the person will get. Insulting their intelligence will do more than just rile them up; it will ignite a fierce passion in their hearts, and this feeling will spread like wildfire once they reach a frenzied state."I run my tongue along the side of my index finger, tasting the slight tang of ink as I gaze at the whiteboard. Memories flood my mind and I can feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through me. This is where it all starts to get really interesting. The individual is a fiery deity, and I am the opposite - water. Together, when we battle against each other, it would only bring chaos and destruction cause I know they won't back down like how I won't.

"It takes a certain level of insanity to compete with madness. While the opposing candidate may be a highly intelligent, unstable individual, you, Yugin, are something else entirely - a demon masquerading as a human being." As Edel descended to the ground, he loomed over me like a towering tree. Surprisingly, I wasn't intimidated by his size; after getting to know him, I realized that he didn't dare to do anything malicious. It's against his nature and that's where he and I bump heads. " From what I witnessed and what you said to me on the first days we meant, I fully believe you would do anything that benefits you to win." As he leaned in towards me, his body language shifted. His hollow eyes were enough to strike fear into anyone, but I knew they were for show." Even if it were an innocent person, you would use them so you would be on top."

He's not incorrect. If only I had my camera with me, I could have captured a stunning image of the scene I created yesterday. It's rare for me to find beauty in anything, but watching my prey burn to a crisp would have made for a great photo. The natural lighting from the sun illuminated everything perfectly. However, Anthony messed up when he destroyed my camera. It was an expensive loss.

Flashback to Yesterday

Despite the clouds overtaking the sky, it was not raining there. The sun stubbornly shone through the gray and white blanket above. I didn't have an umbrella with me since Mother Nature seemed to be in a mood. According to the weather report, there was supposed to be no rain all week; someone must have upset her for her to act this way. Or perhaps it was a warning for people to seek shelter inside their homes, where they should be safe. Maybe she read my thoughts and knew that anyone who came across me would experience a string of unfortunate events.

Amidst the relentless downpour, people scattered in search of shelter. Some huddled under buildings with overhangs to escape the rain, while others rushed towards the nearby subway station. I darted into a dimly lit alleyway, knowing that few people dared to venture here due to its shady appearance. As I made my way towards the end of the alley, I could hear footsteps steadily approaching from behind me. The rapid pace and loud splashes alerted me that someone was quickly gaining on me, their feet sloshing through puddles as they ran.

"Oh my god, why does it have to rain now out of all times!? I'm going to miss my date." I could hear the frustration seeping out in their tone, laced with a hint of anger – they were definitely not happy. Before the man could reach me, I quickly spun around on my heels to face them. They abruptly came to a halt, narrowly avoiding colliding with me.

"What!? You are in my way!?" His tone and facial expression were in perfect alignment. His face was bright red with anger, and his neck bulged with visible veins as if they were about to burst through his skin. 

He was running behind schedule, so it wouldn't make much of a difference if he disappeared altogether. As I stepped back and raised my hand towards my chest, he probably mistook my stance for a silly fighting pose. But in reality, my fingers were curled as if holding a baseball, and I could see the red arrow in my eye. He looked puzzled as his alarm bells went off and he prepared himself for whatever was coming next. His eyebrows furrowed together and he cautiously took a few steps backward to create distance between us.

" I need you." I casually said and confusion painted more on his face.

" Need me for what? What's wrong with you, weirdo?!" His brow furrowed, his jaw clenched, and his eyes darted back and forth between confusion, anger, and fear. Every passing second brought a new emotion to the surface, causing his facial muscles to tighten and shift.

A typical New York encounter wouldn't be complete without encountering a New Yorker with an attitude. Without any further explanation, I aimed and hurled the red arrow directly at his chest. His tense expression immediately softened, almost becoming robotic in nature. In fact, it reminded me of that guy under the god candidate.

The man stood before me, looking lost and desperate for attention. I met his gaze with a mischievous smirk and ran my tongue over my lips, savoring the refreshing rainwater that had landed there. " Follow these directions, step by step."

I watched him as his graffiti on the brick wall from the spray paint he got from a local art store. The statement written on brown bricks ''Mental illness is not intelligence, I will become God before you." is in black paint. I'm sure this will cause quite a stir and I'll probably hear some rants on their live streams soon. It seems to be all they've been doing these past few days.

The sky had been crying all day, but as he finished his task, the clouds parted to reveal a vibrant orange sun. Its rays warmed our faces and illuminated the droplets of rain glistening on the ground. "Now, kneel in front of that statement with your arms spread out and your head tilted up." I assumed we would have to wait for at least an hour until the rain stopped, but this was a much better alternative. I had the can of gasoline in my hands and wasted no time as I doused him with every drop. Despite being completely soaked, he didn't flinch or try to escape. His dedication to completing the task I gave him was admirable, and for that, I hoped his afterlife would be a peaceful one, fulfilling my own needs.

Flashback ended

Before I left my father's room a notification from X appeared and it was no one else but the God candidate I'd been waiting for. I hurried to my room on my desk to see their rant on my computer screen. Once I clicked it, the turquoise mask was there, I couldn't see their expression but I knew they were beyond pissed.

" I see that one of the other candidates wanted to show themselves." As they began to speak, I settled into my office chair, bracing myself for an endless stream of words.

"Let the games begin," I uttered.