What's Wrong with a Little sisterly Love?_Part 2

The next day.

"All right, you punks! Who's ready to have some fun?!"

The meeting for the school festival began with Takeshi's overenthusiastic holler. As his classmates stared at him in confusion, he excitedly explained that Masachika had gotten them permission to use the boardinghouse.

"We can prepare for the school festival during the day, then use the old schoolhouse at night to play a scary game of hide-and-seek! It will be like our very own private pre-pre-pre-festival party with all sorts of fun! Yeaaahhhhh!"

The classmates smirked at his untamed enthusiasm while saying things like "The festival's not for another week" and "It feels like this has more to do with having fun than actually preparing for the festival," but his excitement was contagious, and they became animated as well. It didn't take long for them to come up with a schedule for the day of the event, and even when the meeting finally came to an end, everyone was still eagerly hashing out the details. They were even more elated now than they were when they were first discussing what to do for the school festival.

Some time went by, and it was finally the day they needed to prepare for their night festival. The boys were working extra hard and quickly because they were looking forward to not only that night's activities, but a home-cooked dinner made by the girls as well. The boost in morale continued even after the night at the boardinghouse, and they managed to complete the haunted house at the level of quality Alisa was after. In fact, it was even better than what she could have ever imagined. In the end, their haunted house made more money than any other booth, and they were awarded for their hard work.


"Thanks for all your hard work, Kujou."

The late-night celebration party had finally begun, and the students were folk dancing in a circle around the schoolyard. Alisa was heading to the school building as she walked by her dancing peers when she ran into Masachika sitting on the stairs. He was resting his cheek on his palm, a slight smile on his face as he watched the others dancing. Alisa followed his gaze to find Takeshi hitting on every single girl he could approach, while Hikaru, on the other hand, was being asked by girls one after another to dance.

"Ha-ha... Must be rough."

"...You're not going to dance?"

He raised an eyebrow and shrugged at Alisa's question."Hmm? Nah. I don't have a partner to dance with anyway. This school can be so old-fashioned at times. Folk dancing at the night festival? Who does that anymore? At least there's no campfire,too."

"...Mind if I sit next to you?"

"Hmm? Uh, sure... You're not gonna dance? I bet there's tons of guys who're dying to ask you. Oh, hang on-do you not know how to folk dance or something?"

"Rude. I used to do ballet when I was little, for your information. I can do what everyone else is doing easily. I just didn't feel like dancing, so I turned them all down."

Alisa snorted with contempt and flipped her hair over her shoulder, then took a seat right next to Masachika.

"Oh...Sounds rough."

"Not really. I'm used to it."

"Uh-huh. Guess I should've expected as much from the solitary princess."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Alisa furrowed her brow quizzically.

"What? You don't know? That's what everyone's been calling you lately,"replied Masachika, a surprised look on his face.


"Uh...you don't seem too thrilled about that."

"I guess that's because I'm not."

"Why?Because they're pointing out how much of a loner you are?"

"No, that's not it. Also, could you not insult me for once in your life?"


He flinched under her piercing glare.

"Struck out again," joked Masachika while pouting. Alisa sighed.

"It's the whole 'princess' thing that bothers me," she told him.

"Why? It's a compliment."

"Is it? It makes me sound like someone from a fairy tale who's never worked hard a day in her life."

"Oh,huh...Never thought of it that way."

"I admit I'm better-looking and more gifted than the average person, but I've never taken that for granted. Not even once. I don't like people thinking I was just born with what I've worked so hard for."

"Makes sense," agreed Masachika. "I won't cal you that,then."

"Okay," she replied as if she didn't care. But after a moment went by,she turned to face him and added,"...Thank you,Kuze."

"Hmm? For what?"

"This might be the first time I've ever enjoyed myself after a school festival."

Preparing for school festivals had always stressed Alisa out. She always had to compensate for her classmates, and when the festivals were finally over, she felt more exhausted than accomplished. But this time was different. She had fun working together and preparing as a team. The sense of achievement she got from succeeding with her classmates was far greater than anything she ever felt when she succeeded alone. Although she was tired, she felt a sense of exhilaration as well.

"I was wrong," said Alisa, averting her gaze. "I probably would have never been able to enjoy the school festival like this if I had tried to do the entire project alone... I'm sorry for taking my frustration out on you." Masachika uncomfortably wrung his hands.

"Don't worry about it. Besides, all I did was a little extra paperwork. You and Takeshi still worked the hardest."

Takeshi was the one who had actually led his fellow classmates, but it was Masachika who had set everything up and encouraged Takeshi to do that. Plus,despite appearing to be an unmotivated slacker, he was the one who actually created the positive work environment and always made sure that everyone was okay. While Masachika himself may have claimed he didn't do much,Alisa knew that none of this would have happened without him.

"I can't 'not worry about it.' I want to apologize for snapping at you...and I want to thank you for everything you did. Is there anything in particular you want?"

"Something I want? Uh..."

"You can't say'nothing.'"


Masachika racked his brain for a few long moments, since Alisa had just blocked his path of escape.

"I'm pretty sure I remember hearing that people in Russia called each other by their nicknames as a term of endearment, instead of just their first names.What was your nickname?"

"What? Why do you care all of a sudden?"

"Alesha? Wait. Aleshka? That sounds like a Russian pet name, right?"

"...Alya.My family calls me Alya." "All right, then. You can thank me and apologize to me by giving me the right to call you Alya from now on."

"What? How would that be a reward of any kind?"

Masachika wore a nihilistic smirk as Alisa furrowed her brow in bewilderment.

"I'd be the only guy in school who could call the class idol by her pet name.Booyah!"

"Were you dropped on your head as a baby?"

"Sounds like we have a deal! Thanks!"

"Ew," she spit out with a disgusted look on her face. That was when one of the guys from the group of male students who had gathered around her suddenly spoke up.

"H-hey,uh...Would you like to dance?"

"Hey! Who do you think you are, bro?! I was here first! Alisa, I've always loved you! Please dance with me!"

"What the...?! Who do you think you are?! You're not the only one who feels that way about her! I..."

Six guys suddenly crowded around Alisa after the first student spoke up. It must have been time for the last dance, so they'd all mustered up the courage to ask her.

"I'm sorry.I can't dance."

"Don't worry about it. I'm a good dancer. I can teach you."

"You? I'm a way better dancer than him. Come on, you'd rather dance with me,right?"

"Who cares who's better? All you have to do is move your body to the beat!"

Despite Alisa apologizing and declining their offers,the male students showed no sign of backing down. But as they slowly closed in on Alisa, she narrowed her eyes and suddenly stood up.

"Do you people-?"

But right before the merciless words rolled off her tongue, someone suddenly grabbed Alisa by the hand and pulled her to the side.

"Sorry, but she already has plans with me. Come on, Alya," said Masachika as he walked toward the schoolyard while still holding her hand.


Alisa tried to protest, only to quickly follow him in a fluster. Under normal circumstances, she would have pulled her arm away and slapped him, but to her own surprise, she went along without making a fuss. Alisa's heart was pounding.She couldn't take her eyes off Masachika's broad back in front of her.When she really thought about it, she realized that this was the first time someone of the opposite sex had ever held her hand and whisked her away.

Yeah... I'm just a little confused because this is the first time this has ever happened to me. It doesn't mean anything more than that!

Right when Alisa began convincing herself of that, Masachika stopped in an opening in the circle of students, and the last song suddenly began to play.

"You said you used to do ballet and could folk dance easily if you wanted to,right?"


He smirked provocatively as she tried to calm herself down.

"Then let's see it, princess," Masachika teased. His intentions were obvious considering their conversation from a moment ago.

"You've got some nerve challenging me. Good luck keeping up with me and not embarrassing yourself."

"Don't get so into it that you step on my foot, okay,Alya?""Hmph! Bring it on!"

Alisa arched her eyebrows and frowned at the aggravating, smug grin playing on his lips. While the last dance was usually reserved for couples, there was not even a hint of sweet love in the air as they provoked each other. They began to dance just like those around them, but Alisa's steps gradually began to deviate from the norm. She elegantly spread her long limbs as she effortlessly danced under the night sky of the schoolyard. Although she was moving to the beat of the song, what she was doing could no longer be called folk dance.Nevertheless, Masachika managed to unwaveringly follow her speedy movements. He wasn't dancing at the same level as her, but he wasn't being completely shown up, either. His movements were good enough to not get in her way,and he skillfully managed to keep her dancing from getting too wild as well. Their match ended up miraculously working as a dance because they had clearly defined roles. One of them was obviously the lead role while the other played the supporting role.

Oh,right...This is just the kind of person you are.

That was when it finally hit Alisa. This dancing and skillful maneuver defined Masachika. He was a paragon of self-effacement. He would help others,not himself. He hid in the shadows to make others shine. That was the kind of person Masachika was."Hee-hee...Ha-ha-ha!"

Before Alisa even ralized it, she was smiling. She had been unconsciously enjoying the dance from the bottom of her heart, though she had started it as a competition. However,it didn't last long. The song soon came to an end,and their dance ended along with it. Alisa eventually let go of his hand and bowed,albeit reluctantly.

"Man, I'm impressed. It took everything I had just to keep up with you."

"I had a lot of fun."

Masachika blinked with a dumbfounded expression. He seemed shocked by her honesty.

"...Well, I guess I should be heading back."

"Oh? You're not going to escort me?"

"Give me a break. Do you know how jealous that'd make all the other guys?They'd kill me."

"Uh-huh... Thanks for letting me know."

Her lips curled into a playful smirk as she suddenly wrapped her arms around one of his.

"Hey?!What are you-?"

"Walk me back."

"You're asking me to die for you. You know that,right?"

"It's payback for calling me 'princess.'"


His face hollowed with despair, and yet he began to walk with her arms wrapped around his without even attempting to break free, so Alisa smiled in the highest of spirits, having finally gotten the upper hand. It was only then that she realized what she was doing and began to blush, but her good mood drowned out the embarrassment. She was walking side by side with someone, and that made her unbelievably happy. As they headed down the short path to the school building, Alisa felt the vague sense of loneliness and alienation that she had carried with her ever since that day in elementary school slowly melt into nothingness.

And yet the next day...

"Morning, Alya. Sorry to ask you this, but could you share your Japanese textbook with me?"

...Masachika had returned to his ordinary, unmotivated self.

"H-hey,uh... Alya? What's wrong? You're staring at me like I'm a piece of garbage."

"Because you are."

"What the...?! That's harsh," Masachikashouted.

"Haaah..." Alisa sighed as if for show before suddenly looking away from him with a pout.

"" she whispered.

Masachika still didn't change after that. He continued to amaze Alisa in all the wrong ways, and yet you could always depend on him more than anyone when help was needed. He would consistently be there by someone's side as if it was nothing. His behavior seemed bizarre to Alisa, who always saw others as competition, but she felt relieved as well. The fact that she didn't have to compete with or compare herself to him eased her mind. And ever since then,she found herself able to interact with Masachika without feeling like she had to prove anything. She scolded his lazy behavior and teased him because she was frustrated by how laid-back he was. She was almost annoyed by how he seemed to watch out for others as if he was a cut above the rest, so she opened up in Russian and laughed at his ignorance and the absurdity of it all. The days went by like this until one day...


"You fell in love! Awww! That's wonderful!" exclaimed Maria, clapping her hands together.

"Were you even listening to what I said? I didn't fall in love."Alisa sighed.

"What? That sounded like the beginning of a love story, no matter how you try to spin it."

"Stop twisting my words to fit your narrative. I told you we were just friends.Remember?"

"Yep.From friends to lovers. It's very common. Sah and I were the same.Right, Sah?" Maria snickered while gently smiling at the picture inside the golden locket she had just pulled out from deep within her cleavage. She was so in love that there were practically hearts popping out of her head like in a comic book. Alisa coldly glared at her sister, who had switched into her usual maiden-in-love mode.

"But,well... I do recognize his skills, and I trust him," admitted Alisa reluctantly, looking anywhere but at her sister. Maria nodded while she continued to admire her boyfriend's picture.

"Yeah, there's nothing cooler than a guy who gets things done in times of need. Sah's the same. I can still remember when he swooped in to rescue me from that dog-"

"If you're just going to gush about your boyfriend, then get out."

"Oh,Alya! You're so cold!"

Alisa turned a chilling glare on her sister, who was puffing out her cheeks.

"And for your information, I like people who are hardworking."

"You still have a lot to learn, Alya. He's usually so laid-back and low energy, but all of a sudden, bam! He shows you how much of a real man he is!That's a good trait if you ask me!"

"Sounds like we don't have the same tastes, because it honestly annoys me how much of a slacker he usually is."

Alisa began to ramble on and on about his character traits and failings:

"He forgets his books al the time, he sleeps in class, and he doesn't even seem to care when I tell him to get his act together! He always just laughs it off like it's nothing, and... Well, I guess that's why I can say whatever I want without having to care..." "Right? In other words, your relationship is built on trust."

"What in the world makes you think that?"

"Because he won't leave your side,no matter what you say. Isn't that why you can talk to him without a worry in the world? And he is fine with whatever you say. That sounds like a relationship built on trust if you ask me."

Alisa was lost for words after her sister's unexpected, insightful comment,but she quickly recovered and argued back.

"No,it's nothing like that. I can scold Kuze without having to care because everyone in class knows he needs to be set straight. That's all... But I admit he's easy to get along with. Getting along with others doesn't mean you're in love with them, though, right? Besides, having feelings for others means...you want to go on dates together and kiss and that kind of stuff, right? I've never even thought about doing anything like that...," mumbled Alisa while bashfully looking away.

"You're so cute, Alya." Maria smiled gently and clasped her hands together."Are you making fun of me?"

"No way. Alya, listen. You don't have to go on dates, kiss, or do anything special. If you care about him, then simply talking to him or touching him would feel special," boasted Maria with her large chest puffed out with pride. Alisa's eyebrow twitched.

"Could you be more specific?"

Astonishingly, Alisa had taken the bait instead of simply ignoring hersister like she usually did, causing Maria to blink with slight surprise. She stared into the distance.

"Hmm... The easiest example I can think of is holding hands. You don't even have to do that. If it's someone you like, even the brief touch of your hands would make your heart race. It would make you blush and want to scream, but not because you don't like it. It fills you with happiness and...," rambled Maria as she excitedly explained what love was while staring at the picture of her boyfriend and bashfully shaking her head.

"It makes you blush and want to scream..."

Alisa quietly looked down at her legs, then slowly extended her right foot toward Maria.

"What's wrong,Alya?"

"Sorry. Do you think you could help me take off my socks?"


Maria blinked in bewilderment at the sudden, bizarre request, but after seeing the look on Alisa's face, she had a good idea of what was going on, and so she scooted across the carpet and placed a hand on her sister's leg.


Alisa watched with a slightly stern expression as her sister smoothly pulled off her sock.

"All done. Uh...want me to take off your left sock,too?"

Maria quizzically pointed to the knee-high on Alisa's left foot.

"No. Just put my right sock back on," replied Alisa with a crease in her brow.


"Just do it."

"If you say so."

Puzzled, Maria slowly slipped the knee-high back on her sister's foot while Alisa's grimace gradually deepened.

"Okay,all done. So...?"

Maria hesitantly looked up at Alisa's face, but Alisa was simply frowning at her leg without even glancing in her siste's direction. Before long, she sighed and stood up.

"This isn't working, Masha. You're no help."

"What's that supposed to mean?! That hurts, you know!"

"Yeah,yeah.Are we done here? Because I need to change, so I need you to get out."

"Sniffle...Is Alya going through her rebellious stage? Is that what this is?Sah, what should we do? Alya's become a rebellious teenager."

With drooping shoulders and a miserable expression, Maria was then kicked out of the room. Alisa gazed back down at her right leg and slowly traced her finger across her bare skin, but embarrassment caused her to look up, where she was instantly faced with her faintly blushing cheeks in her full-length mirror.


Alisa frowned as if to deny the fact that she was blushing, then imagined a certain young man and, grimacing, whispered:


Her Russian whispers drifted off into the air before ever reaching another soul.