

अंतः अस्ति प्रारंभEnd is the new beginning- Is something Aprajaya Suryavanshi lives upon. But was this something he always believed? No. He didn't. It was after the tragic end of his love. After the death of his wife- Maya Suryavanshi, he assumed everything came to an end. But not after he started having dreams of an unknown world where his lovable wife was living her life. He was suspicious at first but when the dreams got into the sequential life of someone, he understood that they were not mere dreams but the life his wife was having in some other world.From having sleepless nights to looking forward to sleep just to have a glance at her new life. He had seen her growing up, getting degrees, taking the ladder of success and finally being an army officer just like she had mentioned, in just a few months. He can see her, listen to her but can't feel her. It's like an eternal punishment. The punishment given by her- to live in Viraha.~~~Our subconscious is connected with each other on some level, that's why we see some peoples who we don't know in our dreams. But when those unknown people started coming in dreams on regular basis, Maya thought why not make up a fiction? Great idea, great story. While writing the story she felt each and every emotion the character portrayed. It was so realistic that she started condemning it with reality, but who she is kidding their history never had a king named Aprajaya Suryavanshi. But for some reason she wants to feel the story at least once. The character she had wrote down is so powerful that whenever she is writing it down, she felt giddy feeling in heart. It was impossible for her to fell in love with a character, but she still feels a connection with them at every level. She even had cried at some parts. Maya Shekhawat is not the name which she got in her inheritance but something which she had worked upon. Working in Indian army ask you to go on some certain expeditions, and in that she had made up so many identities that now she even got confused when someone is looking for her or asking her out. She can't contemplate whether the other person is infatuated with Maya or her counter personalities? But still, life is life, and it must go on. Even if someone loves you or not. You are enough for your own self because no one knows you better than you know yourself.