
Thanos Onaosa Asemota couldn't get the encounter out of his mind. The way Darius had handled the robbers with such ease and confidence—it was something Thanos aspired to.

He knew the impending invasion was a reality, and if he wanted to protect his family and his future, he needed to be prepared. Plus, being a soldier is hella cool.Thanos decided to return home for the day when the restaurant closed.

No one was home. His mother, a nurse, had a night shift; his father, a police officer, was at the station. Thanos was home alone, which gave him time to think. Becoming a well-respected soldier was his dream.As he lay on his bed that night, Thanos replayed the scene in his head.

Darius had mentioned the government schools and the auxiliary police force. Thanos' heart raced at the thought of enlisting. He sat up abruptly and reached for his tablet, quickly navigating to the enrollment page for the government military academy.

The next morning, Thanos was up early, filled with a renewed sense of purpose. He put on his best clothes and headed to the recruitment office. He'd been putting it off for a while because he felt scared, but after yesterday's experience, he was much more determined.The streets of his city were bustling as usual, but there was an underlying tension, a palpable awareness of the coming war. People moved with a mixture of determination and anxiety. The government was building underground safehouses in anticipation of the impending war.At the recruitment office, a long line of hopeful enlistees snaked around the building.

Thanos took his place and waited, listening to the murmurs of those around him. When his turn finally came, he stepped up to the desk where a stern-faced officer was seated.

"Name?" the officer asked without looking up.

"Thanos Onaosa Asemota," Thanos replied, trying to keep his voice steady.

The officer glanced at him, noting his youthful eagerness. "Age?"


"Any previous training?"Thanos shook his head.

"No, sir. But I'm ready to learn and serve."

The officer handed him a form. "Fill this out and report to the training grounds at 0600 hours tomorrow. We're taking all we can get; no young blood will be wasted."

Thanos took the form, his hands trembling slightly with excitement and nerves. "Thank you, sir."

The rest of the day was a blur. Thanos filled out the form, gathered what little he had, and prepared himself mentally for the rigorous training ahead.

That evening, he shared the news with his family. His mother's eyes filled with tears, and his father's face was a mix of pride and worry.

"Be careful, Thanos," his father said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You should have told us first," his mother said."Oh, so you'd stop me?" Thanos replied. He noticed his mother was hurt by his response.

"Look, Mom, you know how much I've wanted this. This is something that if I don't do, I'll probably regret it for the rest of my life. I do hope you understand."

The next morning, Thanos arrived at the training grounds before dawn. The field was already filled with recruits, all looking as nervous and excited as he felt. Instructors barked orders, and the recruits quickly fell into line."Listen up!" a tall, muscular bald instructor shouted. "I am Captain Obinna, and for the next six months, I will be your trainer. You will refer to me as Captain. You are here to become soldiers, to defend your planet against the coming invasion. I certainly hope you all make it through the training. And if you manage to do so, you might have the chance to meet one of the gods."

There were loud gasps in the crowd.Captain Obinna smirked. "Yes, the gods have arranged for those soldiers of higher ranks to train with the god of war's avatar. So do your best and good luck."Thanos stood at attention, his heart pounding in his chest. The first day was grueling.

They ran, crawled, climbed, and fought. By the end of the day, Thanos' muscles were screaming, but he refused to give up. Every time he felt like quitting, he remembered the way Darius had handled those robbers. That was the strength he wanted.Weeks turned into months. The training was relentless, but Thanos pushed himself harder each day. He learned to harness his Qi, to channel it into his strikes and movements. He studied combat tactics, survival skills, and the history of the cosmic energy that now flowed through the earth.One evening, after an especially tough day of training, Thanos and his fellow recruits gathered around a fire. The bond they had built over the months was strong."Guys, can't believe it's the last month," a fellow recruit named Amina said, her voice filled with disbelief."We pulled through," Thanos replied, his eyes reflecting the firelight. "And this is just the beginning. Tomorrow we get our official uniforms and badges and IDs.""Don't forget the cool new weapons," another recruit added, making them all laugh.The next month, their training took a new turn. They were introduced to advanced weapons and armor, crafted from materials filled with cosmic energy that had transformed their world. The weapons were sleek and powerful, capable of devastating attacks. The armor was light but incredibly strong, designed to protect against both physical and energy-based attacks.Captain Obinna demonstrated a new piece of technology—a wrist-mounted device that could harness and amplify their Qi. "This device," he explained, "will allow you to channel your Qi into powerful blasts. It can also be used to enhance your physical abilities, making you faster and stronger. But be warned, overuse can drain your energy quickly. Use it wisely."Thanos was eager to try it out. He strapped the device onto his wrist and felt a surge of power. He focused his Qi, feeling it flow through him, and aimed at a target. A bright beam shot out, hitting the target with precision. The force of it left him breathless.As their training approached its end, the recruits were given a final test—a simulated battle scenario designed to push them to their limits. Thanos, now a confident and capable fighter, led his team with determination and skill. They navigated the treacherous terrain, faced off against formidable opponents, and completed the mission with precision.After the test, Captain Obinna addressed the recruits. "You have all proven yourselves. You are now soldiers of the highest caliber, ready to defend your planet. Remember what you've learned here. Stay strong, stay vigilant, and never forget why you fight."At the end, only 120 of the 200 remained."Rest tonight. Tomorrow, you will receive further information. You will be divided into squads of five, and one amongst you will lead your team. You will all answer to me. Your first assignments will be sent to you at the start of next week. Good luck."