Chapter Five – Eidetic History

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.

Chapter Five – Eidetic History




Before stepping into the fireplace at Greengrass Estate, Isabel told Harry what she felt was the secret to travelling by floo and landing without falling over at the other end.

"You need to wait for the spinning to stop once you arrive in the fireplace at the other end," she instructed. "Wait about a full second, and then step out with your right foot slightly off to the right to counteract the remaining effect of the spin. And then step out with the left foot right in front."

"Harry nodded and said, "Alright then. I'll give it a go."

Following as instructed, he managed to only stagger slightly when he exited the floo in The Leaky Cauldron, and immediately stepped away to allow Isabel to step through.

"How'd you do?" asked Isabel after she gracefully stepped through.

"Well, I didn't fall on my butt, this time," grinned Harry. "I only staggered a little bit. I think I now know how to fix that."

She gave a little smile and nod while drawing her wand and vanishing the soot off the clothes of all four of them. "Excellent. We'll have you landing with a measure of grace by the time you leave on Sunday morning."

She then led their small party out into the Alley proper. "Where to first, Daphne?" she asked the girl.

"I said I'd check Fortescue's first to see if Tracey beat us here. If not, I told her to meet us at Flourish & Blotts."

"Then lead the way, dear," her mother said with a gesture.

Following behind with Isabel, Harry was feeling at peace. The talk, earlier, really did make him feel better about things. And, he was happy just to spend time with the Greengrass ladies.

By the time he and Isabel reached Fortescue's, Daphne was hugging another girl with similar length but brown hair. Astoria was practically hopping from foot to foot in excitement looking like she wanted to just run up and down the Alley in delight.

When the two girls parted, Daphne glanced at Tracey before saying in a quiet voice to the other girl, "Remember how I told you I found out I was betrothed to Harry Potter?"

"Yes," replied Tracey with a giggle, "Is he as horrid as you thought he'd be?"

With a blush of embarrassment, Daphne indicated Harry and said, "Trace, this is Harry Potter. And, no, he's really not."

Tracey stared him up and down for a bit before she said, "Well, you do look a little like all the books say you do. Different glasses, though. And you're a bit scrawnier than I'd expect."

"Tracey!" gasped Daphne.

Blushing a little, and also a little annoyed, Harry replied, "Well, those books are ninety-nine percent lies. And I know for a fact they don't know the real me."

"Hmm..." Tracey mused, standing a little straighter. "Well, you better be good to my friend, or you'll have me to answer to."

"I assure you, Lady Tracey, I will both protect her and cherish her; you have my word," he replied.

Giving Harry another once over, the brunette turned back to her friend and said, "He'll do."

"Tracey!" whined Daphne. "You're embarrassing me!"

"Alright, girls," said Isabel stepping forward. "We came here to do some shopping; so, let's get to it, shall we?"

What followed was Daphne and Tracey leading them from store to store while they walked whispering rapid fire to each other and glancing back at Harry. In response, Harry would occasionally make faces back or give an air of indifference to their antics.

Isabel, while also keeping an eye on all four children, seemed to be quite amused at the byplay between the three eleven year olds. Harry had the impression she was quite happy with what was going on.

While in Flourish & Blotts, Daphne suggested to Harry he purchase a book on potion reaction tables that would come in handy for that class, but wasn't included on the book list. And, when he indicated which books he had on that subject, she indicated a book on the history of the Noble Houses to augment the ones he already had. He bought both and thanked her for the suggestions.

In Madam Malkin's the girls pushed him into the 'male' side of the store, while they blushed and giggled and moved across into the 'female' side. Harry didn't want to know what they were shopping for, but had his suspicions.

While waiting, he asked about mail ordering services the store provided, and was placed on their list of names of people who wanted to receive information of upcoming fashions. After a slight hesitation he asked to put Daphne's name on the same list for female fashions.

Not long afterwards, after they'd left the store, Harry suggested to Daphne she invite Tracey to join them back at the Estate for a little while after shopping. There was something he thought she'd want to see.

"What are you up to, Harry?" she asked.

"It's a surprise," he calmly replied.

When she moved off to again join the other girl in walking and whispering to each other, Harry walked beside Isabel and said, "I hope you don't mind; but, I asked Daphne to invite Tracey back to the Estate for a short while."

"Oh?" she asked. "And why did you do that?"

"Because I think there's something she'd like to see. But, I have to talk to Cygnus about it first," he replied.

Thinking for a few moments while she watched him, she said, "If it's what I think it is, then I'd say that would be a very nice thing to do. Cygnus should be in his study by the time we return."

"Thank you, Isabel," he gratefully said.




When they stepped back through the floo into Greengrass Estate, the two oldest girls dashed up to Daphne's room while Astoria went to her own. Isabel led Harry through to Cygnus's study.

Knocking on the opened door to the study, Isabel said, "My Lord, Mister Potter would like a word, if he may."

"Oh?" replied Cygnus from where he was sitting behind a large ornate desk, surprised by the formal announcement of his wife. "Then, do come in, Mister Potter. And how may I help you?"

Harry stepped into the study and approached the desk. Steeling himself a little he gave a little bow and said, "Lord Greengrass, it has come to my attention, as per the old ways, it is customary for the prospective groom of a betrothal contract to present a suitable ring to his prospective bride. I come before you asking to present such a ring to Lady Daphne in recognition of our betrothal."

Before Harry had even finished speaking Cygnus was already grinning from ear to ear. As he'd finished, Cygnus pushed himself back from his desk, held out his hand palm up, and said, "Well, let's see it, then."

Harry drew the box forth from within his robes and, stepping forward, placed the box in the older man's hand.

Cygnus opened the box, looked inside, and gave a low whistle in response.

Looking back up at Harry he offered the box back and said, "Very nice, Mister Potter. As per the old ways, I deem it worthy to grace the finger of my daughter's hand."

Then, relaxing a fair bit, he asked with a grin, "When do you want to present it to her?"

Nervously, Harry replied, "I thought she might like Tracey here when I presented it to her. So, I hope you don't mind if we do it now and get it over with?"

Chuckling, Cygnus replied, "That sounds like a nice idea. Allow me to summon the family." Turning his head slightly to the right he summoned one of their house elves, "Tinky."

With a pop the little being appeared alongside him and asked, "What can Tinky be doing for Master?"

"Can you inform my wife, both daughters, and Daphne's friend Tracey to join us here, in the study, please?"

"Yes, Master!" it said before disappearing with another pop.

Harry had met a house elf for the first time when he visited the Longbottoms; and was, at first, surprised by their devotion. The next day he had read a bit on the small beings and their place in the wizarding world. Now, he was accustomed to them, but vowed to treat them as honoured members of family; unlike how he heard some families treated them.

Moments later, Isabel entered the room, followed by the sounds of running feet before Astoria walked in pretending she hadn't just been running all the way to the door before walking in. Daphne and Tracey joined them less than a minute later. The three girls faces showed questioning looks while Isabel wore a slightly smug and knowing expression.

"Daphne, come forward, please," instructed a lightly grinning Cygnus.

With a curious expression she stepped up near Harry.

"The floor is yours, Mister Potter," said Cygnus.

With a nervous sub-vocalised sigh, Harry turned to Daphne and said, "Lady Daphne, it has come to my attention, as per the old ways, it is customary for the prospective groom of a betrothal contract to present a suitable ring to his prospective bride." He then dropped to one knee and offered the ring box to Daphne on the palm of his left hand, opening the lid with his right as he did so.

Daphne's face morphed into one of complete shock while Harry heard a muffled squeal from one of the girls standing apart. He didn't know which one but didn't care, focussed as he was on Daphne's face.

Continuing, he said, "Please accept this ring as recognition of our betrothal; and do me the honour of wearing it, always."

With the fingers of one hand covering her gaping mouth, Daphne reached out a shaking hand and lightly brushed both rings with her fingers. Pulling her hand back she looked into Harry's eye and quickly nodded her head. Harry hoped she wasn't going to suddenly burst into tears. He didn't know what he'd do, then.

Gently, Harry pulled the box back towards him and withdrew the ladies ring with the fingers of his right hand. Almost subconsciously he snapped the lid of the box shut again with his left hand and repocketed it. He then reached back forward with his left hand and took Daphne's left hand by a light grasp pulling it up and forward.

Changing his grip slightly on the ring, he gently slid the ring onto her left hand ring finger and pushed it right back until it rested almost against the webbing. The ring gave a slight flash and resized itself to her finger.

Then he reached back into his pocket and drew forth the box again, reopening it.

"This ring is the partner to yours. With it, I signify to all that I am betrothed to you. I ask that you do me the honour of placing it on my ring finger."

Daphne looked at him for a few moments before she reached in and drew the ring from the box. As soon as it cleared the box Harry pulled it away and resnapped the box lid shut, then switched it to his right hand before dropping it into a pocket.

At the same time he offered his left hand to Daphne, palm down, and waited for her to take it.

Gently, almost slowly, Daphne altered her grip on the gold band before taking Harry's offered hand. He held his fingers a little splayed and slightly stiff to allow her to slide the ring onto his ring finger. She, too, slid the ring right back almost to the webbing between his fingers. As soon as she released it, Harry saw the flash and felt the slight warmth as it resized to fit comfortably.

Then he stood up, took her left hand by the fingers, palm down, and drew her hand up as he leaned forward and gave the back of her knuckles a light kiss. Standing up straight again he simply said, "Thank you."

Surprising Harry, she lunged forward and grabbed him by each side of the head, half yanked him forward and firmly planted a chaste kiss on his lips. Letting go of his face and backing off a little she blushed, then proceeded to attempt to hug the stuffing out of him for a few moments. Just as suddenly she let him go and stood back. Her expression gave Harry the impression she was shocked by what she'd just done.

"Tinky," he heard Cygnus call. "Six champagne flutes and a bottle of light champagne, please. The good stuff."

That broke the spell on the young couple as the other three ladies all came forward with squeals to see the ring on Daphne's hand. Harry stepped back and turned towards her father, not a little in shock, himself.

Cygnus walked around his desk with a wide grin on his face and offered his hand to Harry to shake, who took it with gratitude. "Congratulations, my boy. That was very well done!"

The next thing Harry knew, he was wrapped in a hug by Isabel. "You did that really well, Harry. Clearly, you've been studying the old ways."

With a sheepish grin as the woman backed off again, he said, "Yeah, I read a book on wizarding traditions, and another on the Ancient Houses. Between them, I learned what I needed to do and how to do it."

"An example of that perfect memory of yours, no doubt," she said, backing away.

Harry was next grapple-hugged by the youngest Greengrass who made a "Squeee!" sound as she did. She then stood up straight and planted a kiss on his cheek before backing off. "You're going to make it hard for any suitors for me to measure up to your standard, you know," she mock-scolded him.

Harry grinned at her and said, "They'd have to at least measure up to my standard to be considered even close to be worthy of you, my fair maiden."

After a hesitant look of surprise at Harry she turned to her father and said, "Ooooh! He did it again!"

That earned Harry another grapple-hug by the younger girl before she suddenly released him and went back for another look at Daphne's ring.

Cygnus gave a little chuckle before he started handing out partially full champagne flutes to everyone.

After a toast to the couple Cygnus chivvied the ladies out of the room and offered Harry a seat at the occasional table in the other half of the room. Cygnus took the other one. Both were still sipping at their champagnes.

"It's my understanding the Potter's were in the habit of charming their betrothal rings beyond the standard auto-resizing and anti-theft charms. Is it the same with your two?" asked Cygnus.

Harry nodded and said, "Besides those, both rings have poison and harmful potion detectors that will cause the stones to glow on both rings, detection charms against the wearer being hit with curses and jinxes that will cause both rings to vibrate, as well as some small level of protection against both, there's also a peril detector that monitors the wearer's heartbeat and adrenaline levels - if either or both suddenly spike it'll be detected - and the rings will intermittently vibrate, and both rings provide some level of detection and counter against mind altering curses such as the Imperious, Confounding and Obliviation Curses, and cause both rings to double tap vibrate. Finally, there's a tracking charm on both rings that allows the other to track and find the partner. It's not long distance, but it's good enough for Hogwarts.

"If I thought there was any other protective charms I could think of to add to the rings I'd have them installed in a heartbeat. I'm still wondering if there could be a minimal Notice-Me-Not charm that was intent based that could be added, but the jeweller said he was still working on one that would be effective."

"And, why present the rings now?" asked Cygnus. "Though, I suspect I know why, I'd like you to confirm it for me."

"It's a combination of what I've read, what I've heard and what I suspect from my gut feelings," replied Harry. "First, our betrothal will not remain secret for long. I'm the supposed Boy-Who-Lived, so I'm considered 'newsworthy' for that alone. I'm the new Head of a Noble and Most Ancient House - and, apparently, the Heir Presumptive to another; the Blacks - and now betrothed to the Heiress of a third. Apparently just two of those three is very rare and always makes the front page of the wizarding world's newspapers when it's discovered. All three is unheard of.

"The Potters are considered a 'Light' House while the Greengrasses are, erroneously in my opinion, considered 'Grey' if not 'Dark'. So, there's obviously going to be quite a few people unhappy to learn of such a relationship between our two Houses. Such an alliance will, no doubt, upset the balances of power in everything from the Wizengamot down.

"I've learned there are quite a few people from all levels of society who would otherwise actively work towards snagging the supposed Boy-Who-Lived in an informal alliance, if not locked into a marriage contract with a daughter - or even a son - of their House. The Jeweller even said, and I quote, 'I dare say there will be many a young witch - and possibly some young wizards - who will be most distraught when it is learned you are betrothed and off the market, so to speak'.

"And, finally, neither of us are stupid enough not to believe there are Voldemort sympathisers who remain at-large who would like nothing better than to harm me, in any way, in the name of their master. Daphne is about to become too big and too easy a target, even though Hogwarts is supposedly the safest place in Britain, and it behoves me to protect her. I just hope I can.

"Is that how you saw it, Sir?" Harry finally asked.

With a small snort in response Cygnus replied, "Actually, your response was even more than my own suspicions. Plus, you've given me a few things to think about."

Harry allowed the man his thoughts while he sat there thinking about how his life had changed so much over the past month and a half. He'd gone from being a poor boy who was forced to be the slave of a middle class British muggle family and forced to bed in a cupboard under the stairs; to the Head of a Noble and Most Ancient House, heir to another, betrothed to the heiress of a third, destined to become a Lord in his own right, and one of the richest people in Britain, muggle or magical.

Interrupting his thoughts, Cygnus said, "There's something you said I hope you could clarify for me."

Harry nodded and said, "If I can, of course."

"You said you were the Heir Presumptive of the House of Black. It is my understanding that position resides with young Draco Malfoy of the Magical House of Malfoy. His mother, Narcissa, is a daughter of the Blacks."

Harry frowned and said, "From what I understand the Heirship comes to me through two paths. Firstly, I'm the great grandson of Dorea Potter nee Black, who was the youngest sister of Pollux Black, the great grandfather of Scion Malfoy. That means we're equally positioned to become the next Lord Black. And it makes us cousins, of sorts.

"Secondly, the goblins informed me my godfather, Sirius Orion Black, named me as his Heir sometime during late 1980 or early 1981. And Sirius Black, according to the goblins, is the rightful Lord Black - irrespective of his current accommodations within Azkaban - since the passing of his grandfather, Arcturus Black, a few months ago."

Frowning, Cygnus said, "That should not be possible. Being convicted and sentenced to Azkaban of a crime that would see him spend the rest of his life behind bars, should see him magically stripped of any claim to the Lordship and it passed on to the next in succession. That would be you. And would mean you would also now be the Head of House Black."

"And that's what's got me confused," said Harry. "When I raised that exact point with Bloodfang, the Potter Account Keeper, he basically stared right at me and said in a very deliberate manner, 'Sirius Orion Black inherited the title of Lord Black on the death of his grandfather on the 31st of March, this year. He is currently residing in Azkaban. And, he is currently the Lord Apparent for the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. I want to be very clear with my words here, Mister Potter; and hope you understand what I am telling you.'.

"I have this sneaking suspicion - no, I'm sure of it - he was trying to tell me something important, and I'm not knowledgeable enough of the wizarding world to understand what he was trying to tell me. When I tried to get him to clarify his remark, he clammed up and said he was bound by both treaty and client confidentiality not to say any more. I think he was also somewhat disappointed in me that I had to ask."

Frowning still, Cygnus said, "Leave it with me. I'll research the Wizengamot and Ministry records to try and find out why magic still recognises him as Lord Apparent for the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. It's the only reason why the goblins would still recognise him as such."

"Might I also suggest raising the matter with Madam Bones?" asked Harry. "I formally re-established the long-term alliance between House Potter and House Bones a couple days ago. With her as both Regent Bones on behalf of her niece, Susan, and Head of the DMLE, channels for information may become more open to you."

Cygnus smiled back and said, "I do believe you are far more Slytherin than you believe, Harry. I fear it will be a great loss to my old House if you're sorted into another."

With a matching grin of his own, Harry replied, "Perhaps. But, how much Slytherin of me would it be if I managed to get myself sorted into another House?"

Cygnus burst into laughter. "I so look forward to the day you take seat in the Wizengamot, Harry."

By the time a house elf popped in to inform them dinner was ready in the informal dining area, both Heads felt they had gone a long way towards establishing a long term friendship on top of the formal alliance. It never really occurred to Cygnus that he was creating such a friendship with an eleven year old.




During dinner, where Tracey had asked for and received permission to join them from her father via floo, Harry found himself sitting next to Daphne while Tracey and Astoria sat opposite. Cygnus and Isabel sat at either end of the table.

Throughout the courses, Tracey bombarded him near mercilessly about his life to that point. Harry only said he was raised in the muggle world and gave some information about his experiences living as a muggle. She also asked him why he'd decided to live for the last six weeks at The Leaky Cauldron. And Harry said it was so he had ready access to material he could source to learn about life, and his place in it, in the wizarding world.

He explained about his first day back in the wizarding world from hopping off the Underground and walking into The Leaky Cauldron, to visiting Gringotts, learning of his heritage and the betrothal contract, generalisations of his letters from his parents, his experiences talking with the various shopkeepers, why he'd chosen to use an alias, and how he felt about everything.

In response, Harry asked questions about growing up in the wizarding world, what kids did for fun, asked about the rules governing underage magic, wondered why he hadn't received a howler from that department when he was practicing the minor charms and cantrips he was using to conceal his identity - and was told it was because Diagon Alley couldn't be monitored because there was too much magic in that small an area, and that the same restrictions couldn't be applied to homes as heavily warded as the Greengrass Estate, asked about other methods of travel within the wizarding world besides floo travel; and generally gave as good as he got.

As dessert was being served Tracey flat-out asked him, to the shock of the Greengrasses, if he knew what really happened on the night of 31st October 1981.

So, Harry, as emotionlessly as possible, gave a full accounting of what he knew happened and when.

"But, that's not what the books say!" exclaimed Tracey.

Harry gave a little snort of amusement and said, "I want you to think about this, for a minute or two. The only people present on that night were: James and Lily Potter, me, Voldemort,..." and heard a few gasps of shock at his casual mention of the name, but he ignored it," ... and apparently Sirius Black - though I did not really see him. Of those people, only Sirius Black and I lived through the experience. And Black was apparently sent directly to Azkaban. That leaves only me.

"And, I can assure you, nobody has approached me to ask what happened on that night until you just did. That being the case, just where did all those writers get their information on which to base their books?"

The entire table stopped to think about that for a little while.

"But, how do you remember so much?" she asked.

"As I explained to Isabel, Daphne and Astoria this afternoon, I have a very good memory, honed by meditation, and built upon by Occlumency. I don't want it bandied about..." he said, looking very directly at Tracey, "... but I have what's called an eidetic memory; perfect recall. I remember everything that's happened in my life excluding those periods when I was asleep or unconscious." With a bit of a snort he said, "I even have what I feel are memories from when I was in the womb, and of my own birth." With a bit of a shudder he said, "That particular memory I have stored back in the recesses of my mind and locked away in a mental safe."

"Sweet Merlin!" exclaimed Cygnus. Sitting forward, he asked, "Do you remember me?"

"Yes," replied Harry. "You visited my Mum and me in the hospital on what I think was the day after I was born. You came in with Isabel..." he said indicating the lady at the other end of the table, "... and she was carrying a bundle of green blankets with silver trim in her left arm, from which I saw a small baby's face with a dusting of fine blonde hair."

He grinned at Daphne and said, "You were a very cute baby."

Daphne just stared back in shock.

Turning back to Cygnus, he said, "You leaned over me and said to my Mum that I had her eyes. I remember reaching out and grabbing you by a fistful of your goatee and giving it a bit of a yank." Laughing, he continued, "The look on your face when I did that still makes me laugh."

Isabel burst into laughter and said, "Yes, and he immediately shaved it off that night, and hasn't had one since."

Still in shock but also showing signs of amusement, Cygnus said, "It bloody hurt!" Leaning back he looked directly at Harry and said, "That's an incredible ability, Harry. And, I think it's wise of you not to want it spread about that you have it."

Nodding, Harry said, "I think I have enough on my plate to deal with as the so-called Boy-Who-Lived. I don't want to also be known as the Boy-Who-Remembers-Everything. Besides, once some of the teachers at my old muggle school found out I had perfect recall, their attitudes towards me changed. If I didn't get perfect marks on exams that basically parroted information we already knew, they kind of scolded me and said they were disappointed. No one can be perfect all the time, and I was trying to hide my ability."

"You would also have lots of kids coming to you for the answers to any questions on their school work they had," said Daphne.

"I did," nodded Harry. "It didn't take me long to realise I could earn a few pounds - muggle currency - by offering my services for a fee. I don't know if it's right to tell you, but I used to have a small network of - agents - who would act as my intermediaries in selling my services to the rest of the student population. I used to charge a fee based on the student's year for my services in writing their assignments for them. It also used to humour me that one of my biggest customers was my own cousin, Dudley.

"My agents would come to me in my space in the library, which everyone knew I had basically claimed as my own, with information on what the assignment was supposed to be about, and the fee charged. I'd complete the assignment in the kid's name and the agent would take it back to the student. For their services as go-between I paid the agent a ten percent commission.

"The agents had two mandatory rules: Don't tell anyone my identity, and never try to rip me off. I used to use others to test the honesty of the agents. It took me only having to sack two of them for the others to know I found out who was ripping me off pretty quickly. During the whole time I was doing that, only two of my agents were ever busted by the teachers, and neither of them ratted me out. And none of the teachers ever figured out I was the one doing the assignments.

"It was the money I raised doing that for the last couple years of my muggle schooling that I used to buy school supplies for myself and, ultimately, used to get myself on public transport from my relatives' house to The Leaky Cauldron on that first day."

By the time Harry finished his short tale of questionable legal acts in heading his own minor crime syndicate, Cygnus was roaring with laughter.

"Harry James Potter!" he crowed. "Head of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter; Secretly Head of a Petty Criminal Organisation!" And started roaring with laughter again.

"Well, I wasn't actually doing anything illegal," Harry said a bit sheepishly. "What I would do was always write using a yellow legal pad for the paper and in green ink. Each page was also stamped with the notation 'Sample Only' top and bottom. If it ever did end up getting back to me I knew I could always claim I was only writing a sample assignment for the student. How was I to know they'd rewrite it in their own hand on their own paper and submit it under their own name? I could have even claimed the student plagiarised me. Besides, who could ever really believe that a third or fourth grade student was writing top line assignments for a sixth grade student? Especially one who, through his own grades, was a pretty poor student."

Cygnus was still laughing. He even had tears in his eyes.

"Are you - are you sure you're not bound for Slytherin?" he chuckle asked.

"Nah!" replied a grinning Harry. "Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. Then I'll work at secretly taking over the school hidden within the House of the Ravens or Badgers using cunning and guile. No one will ever suspect me. Mwa ha ha."

That just set Cygnus off again.




After dinner, Tracey headed for home while Astoria and Daphne headed upstairs to their rooms. Before he got a chance to leave, Isabel asked him to remain at the table for a few minutes.

Cygnus, not know what was going on, looked at his wife with a curious expression.

Isabel sat next to Harry and said, "Harry, I know you don't want to go over all that information you provided the girls and I this afternoon, but I think Cygnus needs to hear it for himself."

Harry just nodded back with a bit if a sheepish expression.

"Have you ever heard of a pensieve, Harry?" she asked.

Frowning, Harry replied, "No, sorry; what's a pensieve?"

"A pensieve is a magical device that allows a person to share their memories with another. They can do everything from giving the person a full, immersive experience of the memory, to just displaying the memory like a ghostly form above the surface of the pensieve," she explained.

"Okay," said Harry. "I guess I can understand what you mean."

"Good," she said. "Because, what I want to do is show Cygnus my memories of what you told us this afternoon in our family pensieve. Would it be okay with you if I did that?"

"Yeah, that'd be alright," said Harry. "I guess it would save me from having to tell it all again, I suppose."

"Yes; my thoughts, exactly," she said.

"I - don't have to be here for it, do I?" he asked.

"No," she replied. "I just thought it would be polite to ask you for your permission for me to do so first. After all, it's your information to share."

"Thank you," said Harry. "In that case, I don't have a problem with it."

Getting up from the table, he said, "While you're doing that I need to meditate for a while. I'll be in the guest room if you need me."

Nodding, she said, "Thank you, Harry; and good night."

"Good night, Harry," said Cygnus.

"Good night!" Harry called back over his shoulder as he walked out.

Turning back to look at his wife, Cygnus asked, "So, in the study?"

Rising back up from her chair, Isabel said, "In the study." And led her husband from the room.

After the pensieve was brought out from it's custom-made draw in the study bookcases, Cygnus placed it carefully on the corner of his desk.

Isabel touched her wand tip to her temple, frowned a bit, and slowly drew the tip away from where it touched her skin. As she did so, a gossamer-like glowing mass of something resembling partway between cotton wool and string came with it.

She gently transferred it into the liquid kept within the birdbath-shaped stone pensieve and indicated to her husband to join her.

Together, they dropped into the pensieve to watch the memory Isabel had just transferred there.

When they came back out some time later, Cygnus walked around and plonked himself onto his office chair. Frowning, he asked, "He's slowly opening up to us about his life with his relatives, isn't he?"

Nodding, Isabel replied, "Yes. But he's going to need to do it at his own pace. I don't think he consciously thought to reveal as much to us as he did this afternoon. And I think he only said what he said to put Daphne more at ease."

"Those were my thoughts as well," said Cygnus. Leaning forward again, he said, "And speaking about what he reveals, I think I should show you the memory of what we discussed in here after you ladies left that little ring ceremony he performed."

"You're not worried he'd be upset you're sharing it with me?" she asked.

"No, I doubt much gets past our young Mister Potter," he replied. "I daresay he expects me to share it with you."

Then Cygnus used his own wand to extract a memory and allowed it to drop into the bowl of the pensieve. Once it was in, they both dropped their faces in after it.




While the Greengrass parents were downstairs in the study using the pensieve, Harry was in his room getting ready for bed and to meditate.

He first checked to ensure Hedwig was comfortable on her perch, and that the window was a little open for her to leave during the night and hunt. He made sure she had owl treats and replaced her water. And checked to see if she was suffering any from her new harness.

When he was satisfied he returned to his trunk and brought out his pyjamas, laying them on the bed. And headed into the bathroom to brush his teeth for the night.

When he came out he saw Daphne sitting on his bed clearly waiting for him. She was absentmindedly twiddling her new ring and using her upper teeth to worry at her bottom lip. She was wearing a set of pale blue pyjamas; short sleeved and shorts.

Harry smiled and said, "What can I do for you, Daphne?"

"Get changed into your pyjamas first," she said. "Then we can talk."

With a grin, he said, "Yes, Ma'am."

"Prat!" she absentmindedly replied.

He picked up his pyjamas off the bed and took them with him into the bathroom to get changed.

Before returning to the bedroom he left his 'dirty' clothes on the floor in the bathroom. Re-entering the bedroom he walked around the foot of the bed where she was sitting and climbed up onto the bed to sit cross-legged on top of the blankets near the pillow end.

Meanwhile, Daphne moved to sit with her legs tucked under herself on the foot of the bed facing him. She kept her head down.

"Firstly," she said, "I want to thank you for the ring. It's really beautiful."

"You're most welcome," replied Harry. "I was worried you wouldn't like it because they weren't your colours, or something."

Her head shot up to look at him and she said, "Oh, no! I love sapphires! It's my favourite gemstone because blue's my favourite colour."

"I picked it because I think the stone is a perfect complement to your eyes," said Harry. "And the white gold of the band better suits your skin tone."

"I know," she softly said, looking closer at the ring. "It's perfect."

"I also wanted to thank you for the ring," she continued, "because it'll make life easier for me in Slytherin."

"If you get into Slytherin, that is."

"Yeah - if," she agreed. "This will stop those in there who will try to use their family positions against me. Especially, the boys."

"They had best not attempt it," growled Harry. "And I want you to immediately let me know if anyone does attempt anything, alright?"

Looking back up at Harry again, she shyly nodded.

"I - also wanted to know if I could borrow that book on Occlumency you have," she asked. "Daddy and Mummy have been teaching it to me but I want to see if there's anything else in the book I can use towards building my mental shields."

With a shrug, Harry replied, "Of course," and clambered off the bed. Unlocking his trunk to the correct side he quickly found the right book and offered it to her before relocking the trunk and returning to his place on the bed.

"Thank you, Harry," she said, looking down at the book now in her lap.

"You're welcome," he replied.

Sensing the girl wanted to talk to him about something else, Harry decided to lead the conversation by asking about her other friends.

"Well, you know, of course, about Tracey. Then there's Susan Bones, the Heiress to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Bones, and Hannah Abbott of the Noble and Ancient House of Abbott. At least, they're the core group of my friends. There are other kids our age of whom I'm on friendly terms, but we're not close enough to be asked as individuals around to each other's homes.

"We're not seen as a 'Light' House, so many 'Light' families are wary of letting their kids mix with us; and Daddy doesn't want us to have too much to do with the 'Dark' families in case we're seen as 'Dark' ourselves. It's mainly kids of families that don't care about the 'Light' and 'Dark' divide we mainly mix with. And that includes Tracey and the few others."

"And what about me?" asked Harry. "The Potters are supposedly a 'Light' family. And, yet, here I am staying with you."

Smiling at him, she said, "The betrothal contract renders the distinction between 'Light', 'Grey' and 'Dark' moot. No Ancient House would ever question you're firmly under the protection of House Greengrass, due to the betrothal contract; just as I fall under the protection of House Potter. I daresay Regent Bones and Madam Longbottom would have been quite opposed to you spending even an evening with us alone, if not for the betrothal.

"Daddy doesn't know, or remember, what was going through his head when he signed the betrothal contract; but, he suspects it had to do with trying to more closely align House Greengrass with the 'Light' without openly coming out in support of the 'Light' against You-Know-Who. By tradition, betrothal contracts have always been a protected way by which a House can shift its loyalties. If only temporarily."

Harry sighed and shook his head. "It all sounds so - overly simplistic. We're eleven years old. And yet, because we're born into a certain House, we're already judged on something that should be based on an individual's developed personality, from the moment of our birth.

"I've also had it - impressed upon me - that the Potters are a 'Light' House. However, from what I've read and heard from others, I don't see myself as 'Light'. I see myself more as 'Light Grey', if not fully 'Grey'. There are just too many collective views of the 'Light' that I simply cannot see myself agreeing with or supporting. And, besides, there's no way I can see myself aligning House Potter with the 'Light' as long as Albus bloody Dumbledore is the recognised 'Leader of the Light'."

"I'm pretty sure Daddy sees House Greengrass the same way," said Daphne softly.

Daphne left a few minutes later and Harry settled down into his meditative state in a lotus position. He was deep into his mind when Cygnus and Isabel came by later to check and ensure the kids were all abed.


