Chapter Thirty One - Valentine

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.

Chapter Thirty One - Valentine




It wasn't until mid the next week before Dumbledore, once more, summoned Harry to his office.

Walking in with Daphne and Professor Flitwick, Harry said, "You know, Albus, I'm rapidly getting to the stage where I'm considering having my own personal chairs installed in here."

Dumbledore just smiled and transfigured the chair before his desk into a better version of the love seat Harry had created towards the end of last year.

'He definitely wants something,' he thought, looking askance at Daphne as he assisted her into her seat. He could see Daphne had reached the same conclusion.

After he'd sat down, Dumbledore had his eyes twinkling away with his beloved grandfather expression on; and asked, "And how are you today, Harry?"

"I'm alright, thank you, Albus," said Harry. "And so, I believe, is Miss Greengrass."

"Hmmm..." said Dumbledore. "I needed to talk with you concerning some items that were removed from my office and quarters here just after Christmas Day."

"You think I may have stolen them, Albus?" asked Harry with an expression of shock bordering on righteous indignation.

"No, no!" he quickly replied. "I believe, however, that agents acting on your behalf took them not knowing I had your father's permission to hold onto them for a while."

"Ah!" said Harry. "That would be the same permission I clearly and conclusively revoked soon after the beginning of the school year. You'll also recall that at the beginning of November I clearly informed you that you had until Christmas Day to return that which still remained in your possession or control; or, I would make arrangements for them to be taken from you.

"I believe that recovery did, indeed, take place soon after Christmas Day. Would those be the items to which you refer?"

Instead of answering, Dumbledore ignored the question and said, "I had a number of my very private memories taken when the goblins came and took my pensieve that..."

"My pensieve, Albus," interrupted Harry. "It was, after all, clearly marked with the Potter Crest."

There was a slight hesitation from the old man before he said, "Quite. Now, there were a number of my personal and very private memories within - the pensieve when it was taken. I would like to have them back."

"I see," said Harry.

"Now I would like to accompany you to where my - the - pensieve is currently stored, so I may recover my memories as soon as possible," said the old man. "I've rearranged part of my schedule so we may depart here on Saturday morning to journey to - the current location of the pensieve so I may effect recovery."

"Well, you see, Albus," said Harry adopting his own grandfatherly mien. "I'm afraid that won't be possible."

He could see the old man began to bristle slightly so held up his hand in a calming gesture. "Calm yourself, Albus."

"Now, the reason I said it won't be possible, is you are operating under the mistaken belief the memories that were within my pensieve when I first saw it after it was recovered, are still within the pensieve. I do not believe that is the case."

Eyes no longer twinkling, Dumbledore asked, "And where would they be?"

"I may have to ask the goblins," replied Harry. "I asked them to remove them."

With a well-shrouded but still visible panicky look, Dumbledore leaned forward and said, "It is imperative I have my memories returned, Mister Potter. I cannot impress upon you enough that my memories are returned to my person with all haste."

"I understand, Headmaster. I have experience with being upset when that which rightfully belongs to you, is denied you." Pretending to consider the request for a while, Harry said, "Well, I suppose I could contact my Account Keeper within Gringotts and arrange matters with him. I shall organise for your memories to be returned - if, of course, they're still available and haven't be destroyed - and, as you put it, with all haste."

Harry was having quite a bit of fun subtly watching the war of emotions flit over the old man's face as he spoke.

"Yes," said Harry. "I shall send an owl concerning your memories this very evening, Headmaster."

"It would be best, Harry, if we were to head to Gringotts first thing Saturday morning," tried the old man.

"No, Albus," said Harry with a look of sorrow but firm voice. "The goblins were quite upset with me that I did not respond to the many communications they sent to me during my - sojourn in Durzkaban - my little name for the Dursley residence, you understand. And it took me what felt like forever to sufficiently convince them I had nothing to do with the owl mail redirection placed upon my own personal prison or self. Nor, that I knew it was even there.

"So, I find myself quite reluctant to further harm my reborn and budding relationship with Gringotts for what is essentially a matter of importance to you; not to me. No; I cannot risk it, Albus. I shall send an owl and you may await the small delay."

With a long pause before speaking, Dumbledore clearly reluctantly said, "Very well, Harry. I expect to see my memories returned within the next couple of days."

"And I hope you will not be too disappointed if it is discovered the memories have been destroyed," replied Harry.

"Something we can both hope for, Harry," said the old man. "Thank you for your time. You may go."

While he had had his fun with the Headmaster, Harry didn't want to push matters too far lest it be discovered the memories were actually up in Harry's trunk in the Ravenclaw First Year boys dorm.

On Saturday morning, after breakfast, Harry sent the small bundle containing the memories in a large goblin-forged jar up to the Headmaster's office via Hedwig. The note he attached only said that he hoped all the headmaster's missing memories were contained within.




Slowly, the icy grip of winter began to give way to early Spring. And the relaxed state of Hermione tightened very quickly into a frazzle where she became very focussed on the end of year exams.

The others became very used to her shortened temper and tended to just go with the flow. Some of what she wanted to do to get ready for exams, the group was willing to comply with. They were, after all, good ideas. But, to some of it, they just paid lip service.

During the lead up to Valentine's Day, Harry was more concerned about his gift for Daphne than he was about school work. He even asked the other girls what they thought would be a good gift for her. But, most times they just cryptically said, 'Just be romantic.'

When he asked Neville, the boy just replied, "How would I know?" And when he asked his dorm mates they just snickered and gave him unhelpful, and sometimes ribald, worthless suggestions.

With only a week to go he finally decided to pull out the communications mirror Sirius had given him and taught him how to use when he stayed a couple of days at Grimmauld Place.

Opening it, he whispered, "Padfoot," onto the surface of the glass and waited.

A few minutes later his reflection blurred out to be replaced with his godfather's face.

"Hello, Pup," said Sirius by way of greeting. "It's nice to see you've remembered the mirrors. What can I do for you?"

"I - ummm - need some help in coming up with ideas for Valentine's Day," replied Harry, a little uncomfortable. "For Daphne."

"Well. My godson has decided to ask his dear godfather for help in being romantic for his lady," Sirius seemed to beam. With a mock sniffle and dabbing of his eyes, he said, "This is exactly the sort of thing I dreamed I would be helping you with when I agreed to the honour."

With a groan, Harry said, "Sirius, please. There's only a week to go and I'm at a loss."

"Alright, Pup," his godfather relented. "I would suggest talking with the elves and seeing if you can arrange a romantic dinner for two somewhere within the castle. But, that's for the evening.

"In the morning I suggest you have a rose, or roses, delivered to her at either breakfast with a nice card; or maybe a single rose delivered to her pillow with a nice note by the house elves. Your father did the latter for your mother in their sixth year."

"Alright," said Harry calming down. He began muttering, "A rose - a white rose - No, two rosebuds. One red and one white, intertwined and thornless. With a small card. I'll have it left on her bedside table. She'll see it when she wakes up without it being too close."

"An excellent choice," said Sirius. "Do you know the colour and presentation has meaning?"

"Yes," replied Harry. "A red rosebud is symbolic of purity and loveliness, a white rosebud is symbolic of feminine youth, thornless symbolises love, and two intertwined is symbolic of marriage."

"A good combination," said Sirius. "Now, what about for the evening?"

"I think I'm going to break school rules and have one of the Potter elves prepare a nice dinner for two. It'll be a Friday so, for tradition, I think we'll have fish."

"Breaking the rules for something so important is worth it," said Sirius firmly. "And you may as well use one of the Potter elves to deliver your twined roses in the morning.

"And, if you're going for fish, try a Semillon - alcohol free, of course. It's quite sweet. And I'm sure there's some in the Potter Mansion wine racks. James - your father - told me once it was the white wine to which Potter children are first introduced."

"Wow!" said Harry. "I should have asked you about this ages ago."

"Then why didn't you, dear boy?" grinned his godfather.

"Because I sometimes forget adults know things, too," replied Harry with a cheeky grin.

"Scamp!" his godfather mock-scowled.

"Thank you, godfather," said Harry, a little more serious.

"You're welcome," said Sirius. "And don't forget to let me know how it goes."

"I will," replied Harry.

Before signing off, he asked Sirius to loan his mirror to Isabel for the Friday night as he expected Daphne might like to talk to her Mum, that night.

Sirius was more than happy to comply.




During the week leading up to Valentine's Day, Harry swore Tracey to secrecy and quizzed the girl on how the First Year Slytherin girls' dorms were laid out. From her, he learned that Daphne's bed was in the back left corner, that she didn't have a bedside table, but did have a shelf built into the headboard. That she left on there a hair tie to tie back her hair when showering in the mornings, as well as a few other knickknacks. And that Daphne always rose just before 7.00am on a school day, so the two of them would get to the showers first.

With that information he was ready to instruct a Potter house elf with what to do on the morning. As for Friday evening, he'd already talked to Cookie about the meal he wanted prepared, and when it was to be served. And he'd talked to Petey about setting up the Come and Go room for him and being ready to serve.

During the week while in his dorm after curfew, he organised for and magically twined the thornless stems of a white rosebud and red rosebud together, and tied them with a sapphire coloured ribbon. He managed to get a beautiful small card, wrote within it, and tied with the ribbon to the roses. Then placed the lot under a stasis charm until Petey collected it during the early morning of Friday morning.

The only clue he gave to Daphne he was planning something, was during one of the group's times in the library when he said, "I think, after Herbology on Friday, I'm going to have a really hot shower and dress really nicely. No school robes for Friday night." Turning to look directly at Daphne he asked, "Do you think you might consider dressing up on Friday night, Daphne?"

The girls, except for Daphne, all tittered while Neville looked a little confused. Blushing a bit, Daphne just looked at him and nodded before she finally said, "I think - that sounds like - a good idea."

"Then how about I meet with you at the bottom of the secret passage from the dungeons to the seventh floor and escort you to dinner that night?" he asked. "Say, five-thirty?"

"I'd like that," she softly replied.

Neville was sitting alongside Hannah so he carefully leaned over to her and quietly asked, "What's so special about Friday?"

Hannah hesitated a moment before turning her head to him and lightly kissing his cheek. Then she reached up with her off-hand and lightly cupped his opposite cheek before she whispered into his ear.

When Hannah suddenly kissed him, he blushed bright red. But, when she whispered into his ear, his eyes widened in surprise. He quickly looked at both Harry and Daphne before looking at the other three girls.

He then sat up a little straighter, firmed his shoulders and seemed to come to a decision.

On the Thursday after classes Harry slipped a note to each of the others informing them he was taking Daphne to the Come and Go Room the next night for dinner, so they wouldn't be missed. And begged them to keep it to themselves.

Harry had a restless night sleep, that night. And was one of the first down for breakfast. He sat at the Hufflepuff table because it was between the Ravenclaw and Slytherin tables. And that day was truly about loyalty and friendship.

At first he thought he wasn't hungry because he felt his stomach was a little upset with worry. But, once he sat down, the mouth-watering smells of breakfast led him to build a decent plate of food.

His friends, except for the two Slytherins, had joined him before he saw out of the corner of his eye someone run into the Hall. Quickly looking up he realised it was Daphne. She was holding the twinned roses in her hand, and holding it to her chest.

Spotting them sitting at the Hufflepuff table, her eyes widen slightly before she ran over and pulled Harry up from his seat before saying anything.

Standing up and facing her, she immediately threw her arms around his neck and forcefully snogged him right there between the Slytherin and Hufflepuff tables.

That earned them quite a few catcalls; especially from the Gryffindors, who were always vocal.

When Daphne pulled her head back to look into his eyes he could see she had been crying a little. Her eyes were just a touch bloodshot and red rimmed.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked with concern.

"No," she giggled, giving him another quick kiss. "Everything's perfect."

While they'd been standing there, content in each other's company, Tracey had walked in and joined the group at the table.

"Okay, you two," she said firmly. "Enough lovey-dovey. It's time for breakfast then classes."

Harry assisted Daphne into the seat alongside him and they broke their fasts together. And together, they watched other public displays of love around the Great Hall happy that this day the rules against students showing public displays of affection for one another were relaxed.

Daphne was also quite happy to show the rest of their group, plus just about anyone else who asked, the twined roses. And how she woke that morning and reached for the tie she used to tie her hair back before taking a shower; and her hand coming away with the twined roses instead.

Tracey also told the group how Pansy Parkinson was woken when Daphne screamed at finding the roses, and then proceeded to stare daggers until she left with Millicent Bulstrode in tow.

"I do believe Pansy was really, really jealous," said Tracey. "But Millicent was a surprise."

"What do you mean?" asked Hannah.

"While we were in the bathroom trying to take care of Daphne's eyes, Millicent was in there putting on her make up," she replied. "She then told Daphne and me exactly what the types and style of roses, plus why they're twined together, mean."

"And, what do they mean?" asked Hermione.

Tracey just smiled and said, "I'll tell you later. I don't want to set the waterworks off again." And smirked while pointing at Daphne.

Daphne sniffled a little but was clearly very happy.

When mail was delivered all the girls, except Daphne, received a similar coloured envelope and a small white rose in miniature.

When they opened them they each held in their hands a personalised card. After they each finished reading theirs, the four girls each grabbed Neville and gave him a bit of a snogging. Something which was again greeted by hoots and catcalls, especially from the Gryffindor table.

When he sat down, Neville was both blushing like mad and had the widest grin on his face Harry thought he'd ever seen.

"Damn, Nev!" said Harry a little awed. "Four at once? You hound daaawwwg!"

Instead of retaliating, Neville just sat there with a happy grin on his face feeling quite smug about himself. It was Daphne who smacked him on the arm and told him to behave before she turned to Neville and said, "That was very nice, Neville."




At odd times throughout the day, Harry was approached by quite a few blokes to congratulate him on his gift. And to give him a little light ribbing.

"Bloody Hell, Potter," said one older male Hufflepuff. "Nice way to make the rest of us look like uncultured apes!"

A few of the more clueless, usually the youngest, wondered what all the fuss was about. After all, it was only a couple of flowers.

When Neville was escorting Hermione between classes, they were about to pass a group of Third Year Gryffindors when a Weasley twin said, "Look out, gents! It's that stud, Longbottom!"

"Hold on to your girlfriends!" called the other one.

Neville just happily grinned as he walked past while Hermione, proudly wearing her own miniaturised white rose pinned to her robes, huffed and said, "Honestly! Such boys!" And threw her nose into the air as they walked on.

They were followed by peals of laughter.

While they were sitting in Herbology that afternoon, Daphne laid her twined roses on the bench while they were working. As Madam Sprout came by she softly asked Daphne, "May I?" and indicated the roses.

When Daphne nodded in response, the Herbology Professor gently picked it up and moved the pair through her fingers. She said, "It's really quite beautiful. You should think about asking Professor McGonagall if she would miniaturise and permanently transfigure it into a brooch for you before it withers and browns."

"That's a wonderful idea!" said Daphne, excited. "Thank you!"

Madam Sprout nodded and handed the pair back to Daphne before patting her on the shoulder. "I dare say you have a day or two before it becomes an issue," she said before walking away.

"Longer, if you like," said Harry softly. "I put a bit of a stasis charm on them."

Thinking a bit, she replied, "No. I'll speak with the Professor tomorrow and ask if she can do it right away. I'd hate to see them get damaged in the mean time."

After class Harry headed directly back to his dorm as Daphne and Tracey descended into the dungeons.

As soon as the ladies passed out of sight he dropped back down to the bottom of the stairs to watch them go down.

He only heard a snatch of conversation between them, and that was Daphne saying, "Well, I hope he wears the iridescent green and white shirt combination the evening I first met him. That would be romantic."

With a nod of his head Harry dashed up the stairs, 'Iridescent green and white shirt, it is,' he thought. 'Lucky I packed it.'




At five-twenty-eight, Harry was standing in front of the blank section of wall in the dungeons that hid the entrance to the passage that led directly to the seventh floor.

He was dressed in his iridescent robes with the white under robe shirt, as he knew Daphne wanted. He had on his matching dragon hide boots, wand holster ready on his wand wrist, and had done his best with the hair tidying cantrip out of the cantrip book he'd owl ordered earlier in the school year.

Before he left Ravenclaw tower he caught quite a few wolf whistles and catcalls as he made his way out into the castle proper. However, he knew he looked every inch the proper wizard in his formal attire, and was quite proud of it.

At five-thirty-five, Daphne rounded the corner. Hearing her coming, Harry had already turned to the sound of a pair of ladies heels coming towards him. What he saw when she turned the corner took his breath away. He thanked his lucky stars puberty had only begun to show a hint of beginning its torment upon his body. Else, he'd probably be a gibbering wreck.

Daphne was wearing an iridescent blue gown with light spaghetti-style straps and a shawl of darker blue similar material. But, it was the jewellery she wore which set it all off. She was wearing the necklace and earrings he'd gifted her at Christmas.

Her hair was also done up in what he thought of as a bun. It made her neck look longer and showed off her earrings to good effect. And she wore only the lightest of make-up. Which Harry was glad about, because he didn't think make-up could improve on her natural beauty.

Once she reached him he gave her a light kiss on the cheek before he said, "You look absolutely beautiful."

She blushed and looked down a little before she said, "I like hearing you say that."

"Then I shall say it again," he said. "You look absolutely beautiful."

She smiled at him and gave him a light punch to the arm.

Making sure no one was around, he asked, "Shall we?"

On her nod he reached up and turned the wall sconce. As soon as the opening was wide enough, he led her into the passage.

When they exited on the seventh floor Harry quickly led her to the other side of the grand staircase and into the corridor with the Come and Go room. The door was already there, as he hoped it would be, and held the door open while ushering her inside.

As Daphne entered she heard soft French music playing in the background. Before her was a single two person dining table as if right out of an expensive restaurant. It was draped in white linen and set with silver.

But, the biggest shock was that it appeared the table was sitting on a large balcony looking out towards the Eiffel Tower down Pont de Iéna on a beautiful clear late Spring night. Paris was dubbed the City of Lights many years earlier and, seeing it within the Come and Go room, it was clear why.

Daphne stood only a few feet inside the door, where she had stopped, clearly in awe at what she saw before her.

Harry was happy she was clear of the doors when he entered, closed them and placed a Door Sealing Charm on them. He did not want to risk anyone coming upon them, this evening.

Once he was satisfied, he stepped up beside his betrothed, took her hand and placed it in the crook of his elbow. It wasn't until he softly asked, "Shall we?" before she paid attention to him again.

With a slight nod in his direction, Harry led the girl to one of the chairs facing each other, perpendicular to the view. He pulled it out for her, waited for her to sit, and helped her scoot it in. Then walked around to his own chair and took seat.

"What do you think?" he asked, gesturing around them.

"This is amazing!" she almost whispered. Indicating the area beyond the balcony, she said, "It feels so real! I can even feel a slight breeze."

"I know, right?" asked Harry. "I still find myself in awe of what this room can do."

Petey popped just then and said, "Lord Potter, Lady Daphne" bowing to each in turn.

With a snap of his fingers a wine bucket with a bottle of wine inside appeared right next to Harry's right hand just off the table. "The wine you ordered, Master," he said, just before popping away again.

Daphne looked at Harry in surprise. "Harry, we're not allowed to drink wine! We're too young!"

"Relax, Daphne," he calmly replied. Reaching over and pulling the bottle from the bucket he said, "This is from the Potter wine cellar. It's non-alcoholic and has been used by Potters for many years to teach Potter children about wine.

"I've selected a nice Semillon, which will go well with the light salad we'll have as entree, and with the fish for the main course."

Picking up the wine cork puller that he hadn't noticed sitting next to his flatware he uncorked the bottle and poured them each a small glass of the wine.

Daphne tentatively smelled the wine and took a small sip before looking at Harry in surprise. "This is actually quite nice. A little sweet, even."

Nodding after taking his own first sip, he said, "I thought it best to start with something like this. I've never had wine before and wanted to have something a little sweet for my first time."

The two talked about their budding relationship, their friends and quite a few subjects as they sipped and waited.

Petey suddenly popped back in again and said, "Your first course, Master and Miss."

Before each a plate of a light salad appeared; lightly coated in a sweet vinaigrette. The two happily tucked in and enjoyed it quite a lot.

"That was good," said Daphne as she finished up.

They talked for a little bit before Petey returned and said, "A little cheese to cleanse the palate, Master and Miss."

Their salad plates disappeared to be replaced with a platter of a few slices of cheese.

Tasting each different piece, Harry said, "I think I tasted a little aged cheddar, and a slice of camembert in there. I don't know what the others were."

"One was brie and the other, I think, is commonly referred to as crackerbox," she said.

Petey reappeared and disappeared the platters. He said, "Main course, Master and Miss. Sole in butter and a lemon sauce with steamed vegetables lightly glazed in honey" before disappearing again.

"Wow!" said Harry. "That's even better than I asked for."

He watched as Daphne tried a small forkful of fish and saw her look of happy surprise before he tried his own. Matching Daphne's look he found the fish to be light and flaky, with the sauce giving it only a touch of 'zing'. It was delicious.

The vegetables were not overly cooked, retaining a slight crispness; but, they were enhanced with the honey glazing.

Only partway through her plate, Daphne looked at Harry and said, "I've eaten in a few upper class restaurants, both muggle and magical, and this would have to be the best prepared meal I've ever eaten.

"I think I'm going to have to ask you to bring the Potter elves to Greengrass Estate so they may show our elves how to cook this wonderfully."

"Well, we're certainly not going to starve for good food at Potter Manor," said Harry.

The main course happily finished, the two were talking about Neville's bold move in sending flowers to the other girls among their friends when Petey returned.

"Dessert, Master and Miss. An egg custard with a caramelised topping of raw sugar served in individual pots."

Their main course plates disappeared to be replaced with almost a bread and butter plate with a round dish with vertical sides placed in the centre. Within, was the egg custard.

"This, too, looks delicious," said Harry.

Picking up his spoon he carefully scooped out a small amount and tasted it. Like the rest of the meal, it was beyond delicious.

When he'd finished, Harry sat back and said, "I think I've just found a dessert I like more than treacle tart."

Nodding as she was finishing off the last of her own dessert, Daphne said, "Me, too; I think."

While they were waiting for what was next, Harry said, "I didn't realise Neville had it in him. To buy four ladies a valentine's card and gift, knowing they'd each receive it while in the company of the others, and not be worried he'd be hexed into oblivion, and be kissed by each in turn - It's clear to me now why he's in Gryffindor.

"T'was a bold move," he said.

"Well, I think it was sweet," said Daphne. "And so did Tracey and Hermione when I spoke with them in class, this morning. I've no doubt Susan and Hannah feel the same."

"I've heard he was strutting around quite proud of himself between classes," said Harry. "And that some of the older guys bowed to him in recognition of his act."

After talking a little while longer, Petey returned with a small platter of cheese and light crackers to enjoy and clean the palate again.

They were even enjoying themselves in each others company so much that Petey had to return for a final time to inform them curfew was only fifteen minutes away.

Thanking the little elf who had done so much for them that night, they headed out after one last long look at the panorama of the French skyline.

Harry quickly removed the Door Sealing Charm and then escorted Daphne all the way to the Slytherin common rooms. Or, more properly, where Daphne told him it was. Before he left he reached into his robes and offered her his mirror.

He said, "This is a communications mirror. They belong to Sirius. I asked Sirius to loan its twin to your mother for tonight so, if you'd like, you can give her a call back in your dorm to let her know how the night went. To activate it, just whisper 'Padfoot' close to it's surface and it'll let your mum know you're ready to connect."

Daphne looked at it in a little awe before giving Harry a kiss. She said, "Thank you."

"You're, as always, very welcome," he replied.

After a last good night but sweet kiss, he bid her sweet dreams and headed back to the Ravenclaw tower, making it with a few minutes to spare.


