Chapter Sixty Five - Lord Potter

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.

Chapter Sixty Five - Lord Potter




Over the next couple of days, as promised, Harry approached Luna about offering the three champions the same 'deal' he had with Lovegood Publishing. Luna was all for it and wrote her father. Harry sent an owl that same night to Dewey who sent an owl back the next morning stating he, too, was in.

In secret on the Sunday afternoon, the three champions met with Dewey in the etiquette clubroom and hashed out contracts customised for the three of them. Diggory's was the same as Harry's. Delacour's was similar but with emphasis on the French newspapers - specifically Journals Magique. And Krum was more difficult, as Dewey had to speak to him about sponsorship, and the like, regarding his Quidditch career. Eventually, his was only for magical Britain, but he promised to work with the young man regarding his career in future.

In the end, the three and Dewey all came out happy. Harry told him to send the bill for all three to him.

However, by the Thursday, the Daily Prophet was screaming bloody murder as was - apparently - the Wizarding Wireless Network.

The four competitors - again, Harry slapped down Bagman for calling him a champion - together with Dewey, were in talks with the three Headmasters, Crouch and Bagman. Dumbledore tried to have Snape and Moody present, but Dewey was very quick to chuck them out.

Dumbledore and Madam Maxime were acting as if they didn't have a care in the world and were chatting academics with each other, while Crouch and Bagman were yelling at Dewey - who was trying not to laugh back at them - and was calmly repeating in various ways that his hands were tied. He was just that good a lawyer, he explained, that the contracts were 'ironclad'. Karkaroff was spending his time trying to out-brood Krum while glaring or yelling at the boy and at Dewey. Krum was sitting calmly, as were all the competitors, and ignoring everyone while chatting amiably with Delacour. At the same time Harry and 'call-me-Cedric' Cedric Diggory were talking Quidditch while only paying a minor amount of attention to what was going on.

Luna was also there and a little behind Harry but seemed to be off in her own little world while happily humming to herself. When Crouch tried to turn his ire on her, Harry was out of his seat before a fourth yelled word left the man's mouth, and had the tip of his wand pressed firmly into the man's throat and his magic swirling.

With a feral grin on his face in the now completely and suddenly silent room, Harry quietly glared at the man and said, "Mister Crouch, if you had bothered to pay even the slightest attention, you would know from the crest on Miss Lovegood's left shoulder that she is a Protectee of House Potter. I take my role as protector very seriously. Back off, or I start carving pieces off you. Now, apologise to the lady for your boorish behaviour."

Crouch went almost green in fear before he stammered a fearful apology at Luna. Luna just smiled happily and waved back. Delacour giggled at her reaction; which was - essentially - none.

Krum, who Harry was coming to like, loudly sniffed and said, "Mister Bagman, it appears you have soiled yourself again."

Harry, if he wasn't so angry with Crouch, probably would have laughed, as Delacour did anyway.

"Perhaps now would be a good time for a spot of tea, while Mister Bagman goes and - sorts himself out," said Dumbledore quite calmly as if he was asking about the weather. When no one said a word back, he calmly called for a house elf and they all found themselves with a cup of the hot beverage while Bagman disappeared for a while.

Crouch spent the time glaring at Dewey and looking fearfully at Harry.

It was only a few minutes before voices became raised again, and a minute later they were again yelling.

After an hour, Harry stood and stretched. The room, again, went silent.

When he relaxed into an easy stance, he said, genially, "Well; while watching adults yell at one another for no apparent purpose was fun for the first hour, I'm missing one of my favourite subjects - Ancient Runes."

Looking at Dewey he said, "Dewey, I can see you're still having loads of fun laughing at these two fools, who can't seem to wrap their tiny little brains around the fact there's nothing they or you can do to change things; so, I'll leave you to it. Everyone else, your time has expired." Turning to Luna he said, "Luna dear; I think it would be best for you to leave with me. I don't want to see you subjected to any more - negativity."

"Okay, Harry," she happily said, gathering her book bag, standing up and taking Harry's offered elbow.

"Where are you going, Mister Potter?" called Dumbledore.

"Well, let's see," replied Harry before turning to Luna. "Luna dear; what class do you have on at this moment?"

"Charms, I believe," she replied.

Turning back to Dumbledore, Harry said, "I'm escorting Miss Lovegood to the Charms classroom. And, from there, I'll be heading to the Ancient Runes classroom." He then smiled, raised his off hand and, with a twinkling of his fingers, gaily said, "Toodles!"

As Harry turned and headed for the door, Dewey laughed.

Immediately, the yelling started up again. Some even directed at Harry, who simply ignored it and walked out with Luna on his arm.

He only made it about a hundred feet down the corridor away from the gargoyle when he heard a laughing Cedric call out. "Hey, Harry! Wait up!"

When Harry turned around the three champions were all hurrying up to him grinning or openly laughing. Delacour, when she wasn't being mean, actually had a nice laugh. Even Krum's face bore a grin.

"That vos fun!" he said, clearly happy.

As all five walked away along the corridor, Harry superciliously said, "Such is the power of having a lawyer in your pocket. Well worth the gold, I say."

He received snickers of amusement in return.




As the first task drew ever closer, Harry and the Seven - plus the Weasley twins - worked as hard as they could to figure out a way to get Harry out of competing. Even Dewey was eventually forced to admit Harry would have to compete. With the support of Harry's guardians, he was trying to push through a declaration of emancipation, but the Ministry was baulking at it. The Minister's office refused to sign off, as was required, since Harry was headed for the Wizengamot once his Lordship was available to him. Fudge wanted Harry nowhere near those seats.

The night before the task, Harry and Daphne were the last two in their room. He was currently lying on a couch with his head resting in Daphne's lap. While she was almost idly running her fingers through his hair.

When Harry found out from the twins - who had talked with their brother, Charlie, the dragon wrangler - the first task involved a nesting mother dragon and a golden egg, he all but hyperventilated and passed out.

"How the hell am I supposed to get out of facing a bloody dragon," grumbled Harry. "I'm fourteen, for Merlin's sake!"

"You're also an incredibly powerful wizard, when you draw power in, Harry," said Daphne. "You know, and can do, enough charms and curses to get past a dragon; even if it is a nesting mother."

"Alright - alright," he said, from where he lay. "I have to compete. However, I cannot compete because I'm not of age. I have to compete starting with the first task on the 24th of November..." And it hit him. He had the answer. It ran like a freight train through his mind. He finally realised what it was that had been nagging him ever since he met Dewey for the first time.

His head suddenly shot up out of Daphne's lap.

"Harry?" she asked.

He swung his legs around to sit properly forward on the couch. She could almost see the wheels spinning behind his eyes.

"Sweet Merlin; I've got it!" he softly said.

"Got what, Harry?" she asked, wondering what was going on with her suddenly excited betrothed.

"Ah!" he replied turning to her with a look of delight on his face. "I know! I know! Dewey and I've been thinking all backwards about this. I know how to not compete and not breach the contract when I do! Ha! The answer's been staring us in the face all along!"

"Alright; spill!" said Daphne. "What did you figure out?"

"I don't need to think about how to get out of the contract; I needed to think about how not to compete," replied Harry with a large grin.

"That - doesn't make much sense," frowned Daphne.

"Oh, it's actually quite simple," said Harry with a knowing grin. "I need to run it past Dewey first, of course. I'll see him tomorrow before the task. But, what I need to do is..."




"Introducing the fourth champ - err - competitor, Mister Harry Potter!" the announcer's, Ludo Bagman's, voice rang out over the stadium.

Everyone looked expectantly to the gates leading in to the stadium from where the other three contestants entered and exited after collecting their eggs, waiting for Harry to enter. Even the dragon was looking around expectantly, looking for threats.

No one entered.

Daphne was getting worried. Harry had told her to leave him a space next to her and she had dutifully complied, leaving a reserved spot to her immediate left between her and Tracey. He had also told her he would come up there and sit with her to watch the other competitors compete. However, they all went ahead of him. And there had been no sign of her beloved since she left him at the entrance to the competitor's tent.

After a few long moments Bagman's voice rang out a second time, "Introducing the fourth competitor, Mister Harry Potter!"

And still no one entered.

Suddenly, she felt a hand land on her left shoulder. Reaching up with her own hand it landed on a hand covered in the soft, silky feel of 'Her Harry's' invisibility cloak. She sucked in a deep breath in shock. She knew it was Harry because she felt his Head of House ring on his ring finger under the cloth. And she could now smell the light musky smell of the cologne she bought for him for his last birthday.

Once more the announcer's voice rang out, "Mister Potter! You must come out and compete!"

She felt the weight of 'Her Harry' settle into the seat on the bench and cuddle up to her.

"Are you ready to watch me beat these bastards?" he whispered into her ear.

She nodded. Her heart was thumping away in her chest with worry, but she trusted her beloved.

Harry quickly whipped off his invisibility cloak, causing those sitting nearby who thought the spot empty, to suddenly gasp in surprise. The only ones who didn't were his guardians and Dewey, who were sitting behind him. He wrapped the cloak into a small ball and dropped it into Daphne's lap. Then he stood up.

Drawing his wand, he firmly placed the tip against his own throat and cast the Sonorus Charm.

"Excuse me! I'm afraid I'm not yet ready to compete. Sorry."

Voices rose around the stadium. It didn't take them long to spot Harry standing in place in the stands between Daphne and Tracey.

"Mister Potter. You must enter the stadium floor and compete. If you do not, you will lose your magic."

"And I fully intend to enter the stadium floor and compete, Sir. Just not today."

Harry watched as Bagman was about to speak again when the hand of Barty Crouch Senior sitting next to him suddenly gripped his arm and held him back. Crouch then stood and cast his own Sonorous Charm.

"Mister Potter," his voice carried across the stadium seating, "the rules state, quite clearly, that this event will be held on the 24th of November."

"Yes, Sir," shot back Harry. "But the rules also state that I cannot participate in the tournament unless I am of age. If I do, then I am in breach of the rules. If I breach the rules, then I am in breach of the contract. If I breach the contract I lose my magic. Therefore, Sir, I cannot compete today."

"If you do not compete you will lose your magic, Mister Potter."

"And, as I said, I fully intend to compete. Just not today."

"Then when do you intend to compete, Mister Potter?" asked Crouch, clearly becoming quite agitated.

That was the question Harry was waiting to hear. He grinned. "As you have already stated, the rules state this event must be held on the 24th of November. Therefore, in order to meet the condition of the contract that dictates this event is to be held on the 24th of November, and for me to meet the condition that I am of age, the earliest I can participate in this event is the 24th of November nineteen ninety seven.

"I'm terribly sorry, Sir. But, all these folks - and that poor dragon down there - are in for a very looooong wait."

"Mister Potter. As you know, I am Bartemius Crouch and I am the British Ministry representative responsible for the contract. It was the intent that the event be held today, Sir.

"Then that is what you should have included in the contract. Alas for you - and these folks all gathered here today - you did not do that."

There was a great deal of background chatter around Harry and throughout the stands. Crouch was bent over to his side and was arguing with someone before he straightened back up and glared back at Harry.

"Then, under my authority, I'm changing the contract to reflect that the event will be held today."

'Yes!' thought Harry. Behind him he heard Dewey almost whoop in joy.

"Firstly, Sir, you do not want to do that," Harry calmly said. "The consequences are dire. Secondly, I would still have to be of age. As I would lose my magic, anyway, by competing, I still choose not to compete as the safer alternative."

"Then, Sir, as the ranking representative of the Minister present, the Ministry deems you of age. Now you must compete."

'Gotcha!' thought Harry, as Dewey actually did whoop in joy and laughed. Looking around the spectators, Harry asked, "Are there any judges, other Ministry officers, or anyone else who disagrees?"

No one disagreed. Everyone else sat there in near silence, except for muttering to one another, watching the drama unfold between two participants of the 'Sonorus battle' sitting almost across from one another in stadium seating.

"No?" Harry asked again. "Well, the only way for the Ministry to deem me of age is to emancipate me and make me an emancipated minor," Harry reasonably said. "Still no takers?"

Still no one said anything. He turned back and grinned at his guardians. Cygnus, wearing his own grin, offered him a thumbs up.

'Here we go,' he thought. "In that case - and on your authority - I, Harry James Potter, Head of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, hereby acknowledge and accept I have been legally emancipated this day by the in-situ representative of the Minister of Magic, Mister Bartemius Crouch; and, having now come of legal age, hereby accept the Lordship of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter. So say I; so mote it be." Harry was suddenly surrounded by a quick flash of magical light that faded away.

"Thank you for that," he simply said. "Now, as you have altered the conditions of a magically binding contract after it has been enacted, it falls to me and the other parties of the contract - as the aggrieved parties - to either agree or disagree with the alterations. As the - or one of the - then aggrieved party or parties; it falls to me, by magical law, to either accept the alterations, not accept the alterations, or vacate the contract in it's entirety."

That created a bit of a ruckus. Harry ignored it, and soldiered on.

"I, Lord Harry James Potter, as aggrieved party of the unauthorised and unagreed alteration of the contract regarding the Tri-Wizard Tournament, by Mister Bartemius Crouch, Ministry representative to the Minister of Magic and signatory to the magically binding contract associated with the Tri-Wizard Tournament this day, hereby vacate the contract enacted by the Goblet of Fire on the 31st of October 1994 and declare the contract terminated. So say I; so mote it be."

There was another flash of magic. This time, Harry saw it was himself, Dumbledore, Karkaroff, Maxime and Crouch who all flashed. He also suspected the three champions also flashed, but they were in the hospital tent and out of his sight.

He continued, "This tournament is now over unless you can sign the three true champions - who actually want to compete - to a new contract. Finite!"

Harry plonked his bum back down onto the bench and turned to Daphne with a wide grin. "Well, my love? Shall we retire to the Great Hall for afternoon tea to celebrate my victory?"

Daphne grapple-hugged him and burst into tears. "Prat!"

Dewey roared with laughter while his guardians all came forward laughing to hug them both.

"Bloody hell, pup!" crowed Sirius. "Best prank ever!"

"Mister Potter!" called Crouch, still using his own Sonorus. "Mister Potter!"

Harry ignored him.




Taking his beloved's hand, Harry quickly led her off the stadium seating and, together, they rushed back to the Great Hall laughing all the way. The guardians and Dewey took a more leisurely stroll. It was his intention to beat the journalists, especially Rita Skeeter, out of the stadium and back to the safety of the castle walls.

Running into the Great Hall and laughing they were greeted by those students who could not secure seating in the stadium and didn't have a class on at the time.

"Well?" asked one of the female Ravenclaw Third Years. "How did you do?"

"My intellectual genius of a betrothed," replied Daphne, "utterly outsmarted them and didn't have to compete. He also managed to get the tournament cancelled until such time as they re-sign the three true champions. And there's nothing they can do about it!"

"How? - How on Earth did you manage that?" the girl asked, a little shocked.

"Quite simple, my dear Miss Fawcett," said a grinning Harry. "By using their own weapon against them. As they used the conditions of the contract to force me to compete in the first place; I used the conditions of the contract to force them to delay the tournament until the 24th of November 1997. When they then tried to force through a change to the contract, to again try to force me to compete today; I used that to vacate the contract, thereby cancelling it."

Not a couple of minutes later and the 'official' delegation of judges and Ministry flunkies entered the Great Hall. They were followed by Harry's guardians, Dewey and the rest of the Eight. As soon as one of the official delegation spotted Harry sitting halfway along the Ravenclaw table, he indicated Harry to the rest and the whole body made a bee line for him. Ludo Bagman was in the lead. Harry just sat there and pretended to ignore them.

"Mister Potter!" barked the balding overly-round middle aged wizard, Ludo Bagman.

"Mister Bagman!" barked Harry right back. "And its Lord Potter, you fat, pompous gnat!"

Everyone that was in the Great Hall immediately fell silent and watched the entertainment happening amidst them.

"Mister Potter, you will return to the stadium - right this minute - and compete in the tournament," snarled the old Quidditch player.

"Mister Bagman, you will drop to your knees, pucker up and kiss my hairy bum!" snarled Harry right back. "And its Lord Potter, again, you blowhard!"

While Bagman stood there blustering away, Barty Crouch stepped forward as the second person of the Ministry tag team.

"Mister Potter..." tried Crouch.

"Lord Potter!" snarled Harry.

"Mister Potter, while that was a very clever attempt to sabotage the Tri-Wizard tournament, I'm afraid you still must compete or you will lose your magic," he said trying to sound calm while speaking through a clenched jaw.

"No, he won't," said Dewey, stepping forward from behind. "As Lord Potter's legal representative, I assure you, he does not!"

Crouch got all flustered and babbled a bit.

"Squib Crouch," said Harry, calling the man's attention back. "While your not-so-clever attempt to get me to actually compete in an event I'm not obligated to do so might sound perfectly logical to you, I'm afraid you're probably suffering from the effects of your magic slowly draining away, and are sounding like an idiot!"

"What do you mean, my magic?" he growled.

"Well, Squib-To-Be; you just broke a magically binding contract by altering the conditions of said contract when you were not legally allowed to do so; one enforced by the Goblet of Fire. That means it's your magic that will be stripped, not mine," replied Harry quite reasonably.

Crouch stood there for a few moments unable to make much of a sound as his jaw worked and his hands kept clenching and unclenching into fists. However, his skin took on quite the sickly pallor.

Dewey calmly said, "He is correct, Mister Crouch."

Crouch spun around to face the other officials. As soon as his eyes alighted on Dumbledore he bellowed, "Dumbledore! Make him compete!"

"I'm sorry, Bartemius," replied Dumbledore in a calm voice. "But, I'm afraid Mister - sorry - Lord Potter's, and Mister Skroohem's, reading of both the contract and the rules of the tournament are correct. While the contract stated the event was to be held on the 24th of November, it certainly did not mention the year. I must say, I am quite surprised to find such an amateurish mistake in a document you charged to be written. Did you not carefully review it first, before accepting it and signing it?"

Daphne put in her two knuts and said, "And I also must say, you're looking quite ill, Mister Crouch. Perhaps someone should escort you to the infirmary for Madam Pomfrey to have a look at you. After all, if my betrothed - Lord Potter - is correct, you may very well already be suffering from the effects of the beginning of you losing your magic."

"Squib Crouch!" called Harry as the man was about to turn around.

The man turned and glared back.

"On the night the names were discharged from the Goblet of Fire, I believe everyone would have willingly agreed to vacate the contract and start again, and everything would have worked out," said Harry. "From what I understand, the sole opponent to that idea was you! You may very well be losing your magic right now - and, I daresay you are - and it's your own pig-headed obstructionist fault. Good day, Sir."

As most of the official party left the Hall again, with both Bagman and Crouch ranting at Dumbledore, Madam Maxime remained. When the party was far enough away she turned to Harry and said, "Lord Potter, it is a very brave thing you are doing and take a great risk. I feel I must commend you for your actions and wish you luck. Good day, young man."

"Thank you, Madam Maxime," replied Harry before she could leave. "I trust you are now of the opinion I was not a willing participant of this farce?"

"Indeed, Lord Potter," she replied with a slight bow before leaving.

As Madam Maxime strode out of the Great Hall, Cygnus, Isabel, Sirius, Gran and Dewey all came forward. Harry gestured them into seats opposite while grinning like a loon.

"Where's Aunt Amelia?" he asked.

"She had to return to the Ministry where she's going to keep an eye on anyone trying to do any hanky-panky with the Ministry's own copy of the contract," replied Cygnus. "Plus, it's a work day. So..."

Harry turned to Dewey and asked, "So, we're good?"

"Definitely," replied Dewey. "You did everything right. Though you legally did not need to, you even described what you were doing as you did it. So, no one can now accuse you of 'being lucky'.

"If you're considering a career in law when you graduate, I hope you'll come and see me. You've the mind needed to think outside the box for a career arguing contract law."

Harry grinned and said, "I'm afraid you're going to have to wait in line. There are others who have expressed similar sentiments regarding other careers."

As they were talking, a large barn owl flew in and alighted in front of Harry. It bore an owl harness with the crest of Gringotts stamped upon it. Tied to the harness was a letter.

"Well, hello, you," Harry said to it, as he reached out and removed the letter.

Daphne reached out and offered the bird an owl treat. Harry, as he was dressed to compete, was not carrying any of them on him.

Opening the letter, a short one compared to the usual missive Harry received as the Head of an Ancient House, Harry read.

Lord Harry James Potter

Head and Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

Lord Potter,

On behalf of Axe-Lord Ragnock, may his reign be long and his vaults ever full, I offer you congratulations on your emancipation and elevation to your Lordship.

As you have now attained your birthright I request your attendance, at your earliest convenience, at the London Branch of Gringotts Bank. The purpose of the meeting is for you to sign the requisite parchmentwork to open the remaining vaults to you.

Further, now that you are legally of age and considered an adult under wizarding law, there are other matters I need to raise with you I would be uncomfortable including in this note due to the sensitivity of the information.

Once more, congratulations on your emancipation and elevation to your Lordship.

Bloodfang Runerock

Master Account Keeper

for The Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

Gringotts Bank

Harry handed the letter for Cygnus to take but Cygnus smiled and said, "Harry, you're emancipated now. You're an adult, so I'm no longer your magical guardian."

Harry blinked as he hadn't thought of that. He said, "But, still - our Houses are allied and I still cherish your wise counsel. If you wouldn't mind?"

Cygnus smiled and said, "Thank you, Harry," before taking the letter and reading it.

Handing it back after he read it, he said, "Well, at least we know that part of what you did out there is valid."

Harry nodded and handed the letter next to Dewey. Taking it and reading it, Dewey said, "Confirmation is always welcome. That the goblins' records have reflected the emancipation means that magic has accepted it as valid. The Ministry cannot override it."

"Mmm," said Harry with the verbal nod. "But that 'other matters' concerns me." He accepted the letter back from Dewey and handed it to Sirius.

After Sirius read it and handed it back, Harry handed it to Gran.

"What have you got on this afternoon, Harry?" asked Sirius.

"Herbology with the Lions," he replied. "Double period. And Astronomy with Daphne's house is on after midnight, tonight."

"I think we need to get you in to Gringotts, this afternoon," said Sirius, as Harry accepted the letter from Gran and handed it to Isabel. "It is unlike them to be - reticent to include all relevant information in their correspondence."

Cygnus nodded and said, "Agreed." He turned to Daphne and asked, "What do you have on this afternoon?"

"History of Magic with the 'Puffs," she immediately replied. "But, you've already given me a permission to be excused from that."

Isabel then handed the letter back, and Harry handed it to Daphne.

Looking to Dewey with a smirk, Harry asked, "Any advice from legal counsel?"

Dewey grinned, wiped a fake tear from his eye, sniffled and said, "I have a client who seeks my advice before acting. I must be in heaven."

The adults chuckled while Dewey said, "Go, now."

"That is - troubling," said Daphne, frowning as she handed the letter back.

"Then it's unanimous," said Harry. "I need parchment, ink and quill." He began to look around a little until Daphne whacked him lightly on the arm with her fountain pen.

Turning back to her, he saw her smirk and hold the pen for him. "Sorry," he blushed. He accepted the pen and looked down the table to some younger year Ravenclaws who were using the table to - supposedly - do homework; but spent most of the time watching Harry and his party.

Immediately catching the attention of one of the younger girls he asked, "Ladies; might I seek your indulgence for a sheet of parchment?"

The girls blushed and giggled, and one slid a small sheet of parchment down the table.

Daphne rolled her eyes while Cygnus snorted and Sirius said, "Damn, Pup! Betrothed on your arm and you're still sweet-talking the ladies."

Isabel whacked him on the arm and said, "Shoosh, you. He was just being courteous."

Harry just grinned as he uncapped the fountain pen and placed the sheet of parchment before himself ready to write. "So, a quick message to Professor Flitwick informing him Daphne and I needed to urgently leave the school for Diagon Alley, due to urgent House Potter business?"

Cygnus nodded and said, "Based on advice from - House advisors - and legal counsel - blah blah blah."

Harry nodded and quickly wrote out the note.

As he was finishing, Isabel said, "Sign it 'Lord Harry James Potter', just so there's no misunderstanding."

Harry nodded again and did so. Looking up and capping the fountain pen before handing it back to Daphne, he said, "Now I just need someone to deliver it..." and saw Tracey and Luna walk in.

They came over and sat down between their party and the young girls who gave him the parchment.

"Problem?" asked Daphne of Tracey.

The other girl shook her head and said, "No. We had a single period of History of Magic this afternoon, remember? And Luna wasn't allowed in to her double period of Potions because the class had already started before she got there from the arena. We met coming out of the dungeons."

"In that case," said Harry. "Could one of you please hand this to Professor Flitwick after the last class, this afternoon?" sliding the sheet of parchment before the two newest arrivals. "Daphne and I have urgent business to attend at Gringotts."

"I'll take it," said Luna in her dreamy voice. "I'll be heading up to Ravenclaw in a little while, and I'll put it in his Head of House mail box for you."

"Actually, Harry," said Isabel. "You'll need to head up there, anyway. You really don't want your first foray into Diagon Alley and Gringotts as Lord Potter to be while you're wearing your competitor's outfit."

Harry sighed and said, "Dang it. I was hoping no one would notice."

Isabel just smiled back and said, "Not notice The-Boy-Who-Lived walking among them? Not likely."

"Fine," grouched Harry. "We'll be as quick as we can." Taking the note back from Luna with his thanks, and putting it in his pocket, Harry climbed to his feet and assisted Daphne to do the same.

He didn't notice Isabel nod her head in approval of his actions.

They quickly made their way out of the Great Hall, passing a 'gaggle' of Beauxbatons students who had just entered.

"Voyez-vous plus tard, mes amis!" called Harry over his shoulder, as he and Daphne walked arm in arm heading out of the doors.

One of the Beauxbatons girls called back, "Your pronunciation eez atrocious, Lord Potter!"

Harry just blew her a raspberry over his shoulder as he escorted Daphne from the Hall with his head held high. The gaggle - giggled.

From where he was still sitting at the Ravenclaw table, Sirius sighed and said, "I swear on Merlin's wand, if that boy wasn't already betrothed and clearly in love with Daphne, he'd be beating them off with a stick!"

Isabel leaned over and said, "Daphne wrote to me and told me there are at least three Veela among the Beauxbatons students. And all three, at least, have been making goo-goo eyes at him. He hasn't even noticed."

"Really?" asked Sirius in surprise. "Damn! The boy's got it bad!"

Isabel smiled but still gave him a whack on his arm. "On top of that - thank you very much - I don't think he's figured it out yet."

"Figured what out?" asked Sirius with a pout while massaging his arm.

"He's emancipated!" sighed Isabel, as if talking to a particularly dense child.

"Yes; and?" asked Sirius.

Isabel just shook her head and said, "You'll figure it out."


