Chapter Eighty Three - Wanderings

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.

Chapter Eighty Three - Wanderings




This time, they weren't bothered by students, including Prefects, trying to come into the carriage. The only knocks on the door they got were from their friends returning from the Prefects' meeting at the other end of the train; and when they each returned from their patrols.

As she and Neville didn't have the first patrol, when Hermione returned, she told Harry, "We reminded the others that the owners' carriage was off-limits," she said. "The new Head Boy is a Slytherin, Miles Bletchley. He wasn't too happy to be reminded of that. However, he and the new Head Girl did make sure the other Prefects were aware not to attempt to enter here."

However, they did hear one yelp. Harry assumed it was someone who didn't realise they were about to try to enter the last carriage.

Both he and Daphne made sure they were all aware of the password, 'courage under fire', to get into the Gryffindor owner's suite. And they were all invited to drop by at any time.

"Just don't enter the private bedrooms, if the door is closed, lest you receive first-hand knowledge of the beauty of the act of reproduction," he said.

To which Daphne squealed and blushed, before smacking his arm in embarrassment. The others laughed.

When Harry changed, he changed into his 'Adjunct Professor' uniform.

"Harry, what are you wearing?" asked Hermione, always eager for new information.

"It's a surprise, Hermione," he replied with a smile. "You'll find out when we sit for the Feast."

She pouted a little, at not being immediately informed; but, was apparently prepared to wait.




Walking in through the main doors at the castle and into the Great Hall, Harry was about to head to the Ravenclaw table after a chaste kiss to the cheek of his wife, when he remembered that wasn't where he was going to be sitting for the feast.

He turned away and walked up onto the dais and around the head table, taking seat at one of the 'lesser' professor's spots on the Slytherin end.

A few students saw him sit there and looked at him with curiosity written all over their faces.

It was only Malfoy who snarked about it. "Potter? What do you think you're doing?"

"It's Professor Potter, Mister Malfoy," he flatly replied. "Now, go sit down before you become the first student of the year to lose both House points and earn a detention."

"That's the way," Professor Dinwaddy murmured to him. "Show your authority right from the get go."

He smiled back at the Potions Mistress. "He's the most troublesome one," he murmured back. "He constantly makes himself a perfect patsy for me, by opening his mouth before he engages his brain. I really should be grateful to him."

She actually smiled back and acknowledged his remark with a slight nod.

With the student body, less the First Years, finally sitting, Headmaster Flitwick stood on his chair and called for quiet. When he had it, he called to Professor McGonagall - who Harry had invited back to the Deputy Headmistress slot after Professor Sprout was adamant in not taking it - to bring in the new First Years.

She walked out the doors and returned a few minutes later leading the new 'ickle firsties'.

As always, there was lots of fearful looking around as they followed the Professor up the aisle.

With her usual efficiency, she had them arrayed before the head table and the Hat, sitting on its stool.

The Hat, recognising its moment, then broke into song. It was one of unity and respect across the Houses. Harry chuckled when it finished with:

"For the first time history, when it comes to that,

I'm Adjunct Professor Sorting Hat!"

Harry heard Professor Jones, the new History of Magic Professor, from two seats down harrumph and mutter, "Smartarse piece of cloth!" and giggled as Professor Dinwaddy look affronted at the man. Thankfully, his remark, and Harry's subsequent giggling, was drowned out by the applause to anyone but the few close by.

The sorting started with Euan Abercrombie heading for Gryffindor, and continued apace with the last, Rose Zeller, heading for Hufflepuff.

With the sorting finished, Professor McGonagall moved the stool to the side of the room, but placed Hat on the end of the table opposite Harry. Clearly, this was to show Hat as now being a recognised member of staff. Subtle, but effective.

Headmaster Flitwick then rose to address the student body.

"For those new to Hogwarts; welcome. For those returning; welcome back. First, I shall cover some major changes that have occurred since you were here last."

Professor Flitwick covered the new positions of Head of Houses being unique positions. Then introduced the four ladies who now held those positions. Their titles would be 'Madam'. And he next publicly welcomed back Professor McGonagall to the position of Deputy Headmistress.

Then he told the students Professor Binns had finally moved on to his 'next great adventure' - which made the entire student population happy, except for those who grieved the loss of their 'nap time' - and introduced Professor Jones to the position of Professor of History.

He then said Professor Duncan, as DADA Professor, had chosen to remain, after all; and that a curse that affected the position had been found and removed. Harry had earlier learned the curse actually did exist, and that it was tied to the office of the DADA Professor and anchored to Riddle's School Award. The goblins simply removed the award and destroyed it; thus, removing the curse.

Next he moved on to Harry.

"In days, many years past, now," he began. "We once had Adjunct Professors serving here. An adjunct professor is a professor who works part-time in that role. But, still retains all the authority of a full time professor. That position has been reactivated.

"Our first adjunct professor in many a year, is our very own Mister Potter. Adjunct Professor Potter will be assisting Professor Jones in Defence Against the Dark Arts, and - occasionally - Professor Wiblin in Charms."

That had a fair few of the students chatting among themselves. Harry looked over and saw Hermione staring back at him apparently gobsmacked, while Neville was grinning his head off.

Looking at the Slytherin table he saw Malfoy staring at him, flushed with a look of utter loathing. He chose to ignore it, for the time being. Daphne and Tracey were also grinning.

Letting the students settle again, the Headmaster then said, "And, finally - though he's already let the cat out of the bag - I introduce Adjunct Professor Sorting Hat. Professor Hat will be assisting Professor Jones in imparting to you the true history of the school and much of magical Britain - instead of the nonsense you've read in some texts. He, after all, has lived through it since the time of the founders.

"That's staffing. Now, I have news concerning equipment within the school..."

He told them of the new brooms, the much expanded library, the new telescopes (though, did not mention they were of muggle manufacture), the wider selection of plants within the greenhouses, and the changes to some of the curriculum - especially, in muggle studies.

"Through the very generous donation of the owners of the school, Lord and Lady Potter, the school currently finds itself flush with extra Galleons. If you have an idea where we can spend some of that gold, please advise your new Heads of House. They will bring it to the senior staff; where it will be given well-reasoned consideration.

"To give you time to absorb all that new and wonderful information, I now call on our industrious elves to serve our feast."

He gave a double clap of his hands and the tables filled with food as he sat down again.




As he ate, Harry engaged in polite and jovial conversation with those staff members sitting close by. And, also kept shifting his eyes back towards the students. He finally caught the eye of Susan and Hannah, and they both grinned at him.

When he turned to look at Luna, she seemed to realise he was looking at her. She turned to him and waved with a big smile.

Both Professors Dinwaddy and Jones wanted to know why he was an Adjunct Professor while still a student, so explained the arrangement he had with Professor Duncan and Headmaster Flitwick concerning the role. He also explained how he had temporarily filled the role as unofficial Adjunct Professor of Charms to teach the senior years the Patronus Charm.

When the meal was finally cleared away, Professor Flitwick once more stood to address the students.

"As always, the Forbidden Forest is forbidden - unless you are accompanied by a member of staff. The list of banned items, as always, is available to all from Caretaker Filch; and is affixed to his office door.

"This year, it is my sad duty to officially inform you of the passing of Albus Dumbledore. For some, he shall be missed."

The Headmaster's words were quite telling. He wasn't mentioned as a previous headmaster or professor, he didn't say he was sad but said it was his sad duty, and he said the man would be missed 'by some'.

"Now, I call on the owner of our school - who is also adjunct Professor Potter - Lord Potter-Slytherin-Gryffindor, to say a few words."

'That's twice he's mentioned me as the owner,' thought Harry, as he rose to move out to the front. Professor Flitwick returned to sitting in his chair.

"Good evening," said Harry. Mimicking Professor Snape's style, he kept his voice quiet but projected. He used his magic to project his voice, just a little. It kept everyone quiet to listen. "For those who missed the announcement at the Leaving Feast, last year - or failed to read the news in the Daily Prophet, soon afterwards - I am Lord Harry James Potter-Slytherin-Gryffindor. It is why I wear the crests of those two Houses upon my robes, and why they are surrounded by a gold border." He indicated them. I am also a student in Ravenclaw House." He indicated that on his robes.

"You may address me as Lord Potter for matters relating to the school administration, Professor Potter when I'm teaching, or Mister Potter when I'm sitting in a class being taught. If you make a mistake, don't worry about it, it confuses me at times, too. For my friends - by invitation - you may address me as Harry. You may not address me in any other fashion." He dropped his voice an octave and firmly said, "That includes just Potter, scarhead, or other insulting terms."

Lifting his pitch back up, he continued, "I do not like bullies. Most of you are already well aware of that fact. I, especially, do not like bullies who pick on those younger than them. Or those who bully, by gathering unto themselves, minions or lickspittles - to bully by superior numbers. I think them cowards, all.

"As of right now, the terms 'mudblood' - and any derivative of that foul word - and 'blood traitor' are hereby banned for anywhere on the school property - including aboard the Hogwarts Express - unless they are used by someone like Professor Jones to demonstrate the stupidity of pureblood supremacy.

"I am Lord Gryffindor; and, I am Lord Slytherin. As such, I own this rock pile known as the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. That means - within these grounds; and upon the Hogwarts Express - if I will it, so will it be. As per the old ways, I am the Lord of the Manor. If you do not like that - if you cannot accept that..." he pointed at the doors back out to the Entrance Hall, "... there's the door - leave!

"I am also married. I now introduce my lovely wife, Lady Daphne Ophelia Greengrass-Potter." Daphne rose in place. "Though she has chosen not to use the names Gryffindor or Slytherin in her title, she is - nevertheless - also Lady Slytherin, and Lady Gryffindor. You will accord her the same respect as I demand, lest you experience my ire." He then bowed to Daphne and said, "Thank you, my Lady." Daphne gave a slight curtsey and retook her seat.

"As we are married; and, as we are Lord and Lady Gryffindor and Slytherin; we have taken up residence in the Gryffindor and Slytherin owners' suites. You will find the entrance to them on the third floor near the entrance to the infirmary, behind the portrait of the gryffin. If you need to see us, and we're in our private apartments, you'll find a flat mirror next to the portrait. Just announce yourself to that and you will be attended.

"We are both students commencing our OWL year. As such, we are already going to be quite busy. Add to that our need to attend matters relating to the administration of the school, the Wizengamot, and our five Houses, we're going to be extremely busy. If you have a complaint on something related to the school, you'd best make it to one of the staff in the first instance; else, you'll be given short shrift.

"That aside, we're still approachable. If you see us out and about - by all means - approach us if you wish. We'd hate to be thought - snotty - or, snooty. We do not put on the la-di-dah airs of those who feel - insecure - in their place within our society. We want you to be happy here; and to feel secure. After all; while this is Daphne's and my home; it's your home, too, for eight months of the year.

"Now, if Headmaster Flitwick has nothing else to inform you..." he looked at the Headmaster, who smiled and shook his head in response, before he turned back,"... then it's nigh time you were all abed. Don't forget to be down early for breakfast so your Heads of House can hand you your class schedules. Classes will start immediately after breakfast.

"Prefects, please escort our new First Years to their dormitories. To you all, good night; and I wish you sweet dreams. Off, you trot!"

As the student body rose as one and began to chat among themselves, and the Prefects corralled the First Years for their Houses, Harry turned back to the staff. "I didn't over do it, did I?" he grinned.

Headmaster Flitwick chuckled and shook his head as Professor McGonagall smiled back. "No," said the little Headmaster. "You had them - enraptured."

Harry shrugged and said, "Believe it or not, that - style - I used, was something I learned from Professor Snape's manner of speaking to an audience. He may have been a dreadful teacher, but he sure knew how to capture the attention of an audience."

"That, he did," sighed Professor McGonagall. "That, he did."




Daphne and Tracey waited for him. Then, together, they made their way to the owners' suites.

"How do you ladies think I did with that little speech?" he asked.

"You did very well, Harry," said Daphne.

"You held everyone's attention right though," said Tracey. "I don't know if that's because you spoke clearly but softly, or whether they were in awe of the one who killed Voldemort, or it was because you were radiating power. It worked."

As Harry approached, the portrait slid aside, and they climbed the half flight to enter the Gryffindor portion of the joined suites.

Both Frosty and Maisey popped in and welcomed them.

After they both greeted their suites' elves, Daphne grabbed Tracey's hand and turned to Harry, "You go make sure everything's sorted where we want it. I'm taking Tracey down to see her room and make sure her stuff's in there."

Harry held up both hands in mock surrender and said, "Yes, my Lady."

"Behave, you!" she growled as Tracey giggled, and was dragged down the joining passage to the Slytherin section.

Harry smiled after them before climbing the half flight to their bedroom.

Inside, he quickly checked the walk-in robes and the bathroom. Everything was set up as they liked. He suspected Petey and Ninny's elvish hands in that. Their nightclothes were laid out on their turned down bed.

With a nod of satisfaction, Harry headed back downstairs to check out the rest of the place and to meet up with Daphne and Tracey. He met them in the living room in the Slytherin area.

"You like?" he asked Tracey.

"I love!" she gushed, giving him a hug.

"Your stuff in your room?" he asked.

Pulling back, and with tears in her eyes, she nodded.

"Good," he said. "Now, you know how to call on the two elves that take care of us, in here. You're welcome to call on them if you need anything."

"And what if I - umm - if I would like to have a guest?" she blushed and dropped her eyes.

"This is your home away from home, Tracey," he replied. "If you have guests, I won't mind."

"No," she said. "I mean - umm - a..."

Interrupting, Daphne smirked and said, "She means if she wants to have a boyfriend spend the night - in her room - with her."

Not clueless, but wanting to tweak his Slytherin friend, he said, "Oh! You mean, if you want to bring some poor, unsuspecting male in here, and screw his brains out?"

"Gahh!" she exclaimed turning bright red.

"That is, of course, unless you've decided to beat for the other team, and you want to bring a female in here..."

"Harry!" exclaimed Daphne; also blushing a little.

"Sure!" he simply said. "You're old enough to make that sort of decision on your own. I'm not your father or Head of House, so it's none of my concern if you want to make some bloke's dream come true and fuck him senseless."

"Harry!" squealed Daphne, again.

Tracey just blushed even deeper and appeared unable to voice a response.

"Okay!" he said. "I'll be good!"

Looking at Tracey, he calmly said, "If you want to entertain a friend overnight, you have my permission to bring them here. Is that better?"

Slowly calming down again, she eventually nodded her head and looked him in the eye. "Thank you," she quietly said.

"No problem," he said. "Just make sure you have suitable Silencing Charms in place. I don't want to hear you howling out my name during any of your long bouts of ecstasy. I mean - that is, of course, if he's good enough..."

She gaped back at him in dawning horror before another flush darkened her skin.

"HARRY!" Daphne squealed again at a higher volume.

Next thing he knew, Stinging Hexes were being cast in his direction. With a couple of yelps of pain, he bolted back upstairs to the master bedroom; trying not to laugh between getting shot.




Next morning, Harry was dressed in his student robes and escorting both girls down to breakfast in the Great Hall. Though, they could have had breakfast in the owners' suites, Harry and Daphne both needed to show they were just as much students as owners.

They were the first of their friends to arrive and sat in the middle of the Ravenclaw table to await them. They'd already started on their breakfasts as they others started turning up.

Neville, ever the gentleman, assisted Hermione into her seat opposite. Sitting himself, he casually asked, "How'd you sleep?"

"Sleep?" asked Harry, before he looked like he knew what Neville was getting at. "Oh, right! That's the other thing you do in a bed, right?"

Neville looked back, stunned into immobility, as Hermione exclaimed, "Harry!" while Daphne just reached across and smacked him up the back of his head.

"Don't mind him," she blandly said to them both. "He's been like this since last night. I think he's trying to be - you know - funny."

Neville finally got his brain back into gear and snorted in amusement; and continued to load his plate with eggs and bacon.

Turning back to Harry she growled, "You - behave - or you're sleeping on the couch, tonight."

"Hey; that's not fair!" he pouted. "We don't even have a couch. We have armchairs and loveseats; not couches."

"I'm sure Frosty can find one, somewhere," she sniffed.

Hermione tittered at their byplay.

"And you, Lady Hermione," said Harry, wanting to get off the subject of couches very quickly. "How was your time with the Bulgarian - Or, should I say, the 'bulge'-arian."

"Victor - was the perfect gentleman," she huffed.

"In other words," he retorted. "You didn't get lucky."

Hermione harrumphed and threw a breakfast pastry at him, while Neville tried to hide his snickering.

Dropping into place next to Tracey, Blaise asked, "Hey folks. What're we talking about?"

"Whether or not Hermione got lucky with Krum," Neville replied with a straight face.

Hermione's head snapped around to look at the boy, while also looking like she'd just been stabbed in the back. Harry just burst out laughing, which earned him another smack in the back of the head. And Blaise looked astonished at the answer.

'Pa-pardon?" he stuttered.

"Harry's being crude and it looks like he's infected Neville with the same stupidity," replied Tracey, glaring at Neville.

Neville at least had the decency to look abashed. Not Harry, though.

After that, with the arrival of Susan and Hannah, Harry decided to behave himself. Luna was the last to arrive. He already knew that, if he tried to go toe-to-toe with being the most crude with Luna, he'd lose.

It's not that Luna was deliberately being crude, either. She just didn't have a bar to cross for what was considered 'decent' discussion topics, and not. If Harry wanted to talk about a woman's hygiene issues, for instance, Luna would happily chat away about them. But, if Harry used an impolite term, Luna would frown at him and tell him off for being rude.

To try and embarrass her, one time, he asked her about her knowledge and experience of blow jobs. She calmly discussed what she knew the term to mean, wondered about how - for her part - she'd overcome the gag reflex, wanted to know the truth about actual lengths expected in erect penises of boys her own age, and about how a boy would perform such a feat on a girl. She'd even asked Harry - if he wouldn't mind, of course - taking his penis out of his robes and getting it erect for her. She even offered to assist him in getting it erect, so she could see one for herself. A request Harry politely refused while madly blushing.




It took a while, but the denizens of the school finally came to accept that the heir to two of the founders was actually a student with them. And, one in the midst of his OWL year.

One of the first things Harry felt he had to do was tell new Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain, Roger Davies, he was withdrawing from the Quidditch team. The boy looked like someone had killed his familiar, the way he acted.

"But, why?" he practically cried. "I only get one year as Captain, and this is it. You can't quit on me!"

"Rog, I have to!" Harry replied with an exasperated sigh. "I'm in my OWL year, I have four Ancient Houses to look after, I have Wizengamot issues to deal with, I have to deal with admin issues with the school, I'm recently married, and - to top it all off - I'm an Adjunct Professor and am required to teach classes! I just can't spend time playing Quidditch!

"On top of that," he quickly said before the boy could interrupt. "I've also had to give up my favourite activity, running the etiquette club with my wife. Thankfully, my friend, Neville Longbottom, has stepped forward to take my place. But that, among all the things I've had to give up, hurts me the most. And, if there was one activity I'd take back if I could, it would be that; not Quidditch!"

The boy left, most upset. But, Harry eventually promised to help him find a replacement. He just couldn't stay on as seeker.

Harry was also visited by a small delegation of Slytherins who were upset at what they perceived as unjust treatment by the Potions Professor, Potions Mistress Dinwaddy. Harry's first question to them was, "Have you taken this to your Head of House?"

"But, you're our Head of House," one spluttered.

"No, I consider myself the Lord of your House. Your Head of House, for the purposes of looking after the students within that House, is Madam Winthorpe. It's her job to hear these complaints, as its part of what she's specifically paid to do. If she determines there's any validity to your complaint, she takes it to the Headmaster in the first instance, not me.

"Only when the Headmaster deems it an issue he is unable to deal with, or you're unhappy with his determination, should you even think about bringing it to me. Do you understand?"

After a little grumbling, their spokesperson said, "Yes, Lord Slytherin. Thank you."

"You're welcome," he replied. "Just - make sure of the validity, and logical reasoning, of your complaint before you take it to Madam Winthorpe."

Besides that one instance, the Slytherins, for the most part, got over their initial anger and curiosity and settled down. However, they were quite shocked when, one day, out of the blue, Harry simply walked into their common room.

One of the female Sixth Years, looked oddly at him and asked, "Errr - how did you get in here, my Lord?"

Harry smirked and said, "Really, Miss Baddock. Have you forgotten, already, that I'm Lord Slytherin? There is nowhere in the castle I cannot go if I wish to so go there. And that's especially apt for this common room."

"How did you know the password?" she asked.

"I don't need one," he replied. "Pass worded doors automatically open for me as I approach."

"All of them?" she asked in surprise.

"All of them," he smiled. "This is my home, Miss Baddock. Did you really think I'd be unable to get into anywhere within my own home?"

"Errr - no," she replied, with a slight blush. "I guess - I just hadn't thought of it like that."

He gave a slight nod and said, "That's because you're only thinking of Hogwarts as a school. Instead, try to think of it as someone's home that hosts a school. And that someone is me. Then, shall you be on the right track."

She nodded back before she asked, "And what brings you to our common room, Lord Slytherin?"

With a nod and smile at her words, he said, "Now you're getting it. Actually, I'm just here because I was out for a walk and became curious. After all, you're in my House - well, one of my Houses - and I felt I should at least pay a visit. If only so people don't think I'm being rude and ignoring them, you understand."

She smiled back with a very small bob that could - if one was to stretch the definition - be considered a curtsey. "Then, welcome," she said.

He was just smirking back when Malfoy entered.

"What are you doing here, Potter?"

Quick as a flash, Harry had his wand out and, with a quick cast, had the Blonde Git slammed up against and pinned to a wall.

"Mister Malfoy," Harry glared at him, with his magic amped up and swirling about. "Obviously, my little talk at the Opening Feast either didn't make it through the sludge in your ears to your brain, or it promptly leaked back out again.

"I am Lord Slytherin, you ignorant little shit," he sneered. "Firstly, fifty points from Slytherin for your disrespect of a Professor. Secondly, two weeks detention at the hands of our caretaker, Mister Filch. Thirdly, your first warning of only two allowed you before I expel you from this castle.

"Take heed, Mister Malfoy," Harry, almost leisurely, strode up to him. "I took out the Dork Lard who called himself Voldemort, while surrounded by sixteen of his inner circle masked morons. One of which was your father; and, another, your godfather. An insignificant little gnat, like you, I normally cannot even be bothered acknowledging. However, you are more and more popping into my thoughts. And they're not nice ones.

"If you cannot - if you are unable - to grasp that simple fact - I will not hesitate to smack you silly in public to such a degree, the name Malfoy will be used as a point of derision from that point forth. You'll have to take your family to the mainland to escape it all.

"What do you think of these examples? 'Ha, look at that idiot; he's such a Malfoy' or 'Merlin, I got that so wrong I thought a Malfoy must've snuck into my bloodline' or 'He was so stupid he made a Malfoy look smart'. All good examples, don't you think?"

Still pinned to the wall, Malfoy just glared back; furious.

"Don't make me expend the energy to deal with you, Mister Malfoy. Your precious 'Dork Lard' only took me three spells to kill. You're such a mediocre wizard, I doubt I'd need more than one, for you."

With that, Harry spun about and stormed from the room. As he passed out of the hidden entrance, Malfoy was released from the Sticking Charm and slid down the wall to land in an ungraceful heap at the bottom of it.

The Head Boy, Miles Bletchley, from where he was standing near the door leading to the boys' dorm rooms, sneered at the git and said, "Malfoy, you're such a Malfoy."

A couple of the younger years - who'd had to put up with the git prancing about and ordering others around, as if he was the Prince of Slytherin - openly snickered.




On his next wanderings, he decided to give the Gryffindor rooms a quick visit.

As he walked up to the portrait of the one the Gryff's called the Fat Lady, he said, "Hello, Agatha."

"My Lord," she said with a curtsey.

"Open up for me, please," he said.

"Of course, my Lord," she said with another curtsey as the portrait swung open.

He stepped up and through the round portrait hole and into the common room. Looking around - ignoring those within, for the moment - he thought, 'How in Merlin's name are people supposed to think in here? Red and gold are not colours conducive to a peaceful environment.'

One of the Lions in the room, Katie Bell, rose with a cheeky grin, curtseyed and said, "My Lord Gryffindor; you honour us."

Hurry burst out laughing and with a bit of a wave off gesture said, "Oh, gee whizz! Gosh darn and all."

She grinned back and came up to give him a hug. "How're you doing, Harry?" she asked.

"Good, actually," he said, releasing her to step back to arms length. "How goes it with you?"

"Thankful I'm past my OWLS and have until next year before undertaking my NEWTS," she replied. "What brings you here?"

"Well," he began. "I was having a bit of an idea. You see, red and gold aren't exactly good colours for a relaxing environment. So, I was thinking of mixing them together and making it a bit of a pastel. How does it sound to you if I set up this area with an orange décor? Perhaps - burnt umber?"

Looking back at him, a bit horrified, she exclaimed, "No!"

"I think it's a great idea!" said Ron Weasley, from where he was sitting playing chess with Seamus Finnigan. "It'll be just like the Chudley Cannons!"

"No!" she exclaimed, again, after glaring at the red-headed boy. "Just - No!"

Harry couldn't help himself. He started giggling before letting it out in a full-throated laugh.

Stepping forward and hugging the girl again, he said, "Never fear, Katie dear. I'm kidding!"

With a cry of "Harry!" coming from the stairs that led to the girls' dorms, Harry was grapple-hugged by the brunette-haired missile of Astoria, who'd charged him. "What brings you here?" she asked as she stepped back again.

Over the past few years, Astoria had changed from the knobbly-kneed, gawky nine year old he first met; into a svelte, willowy young woman that turned heads wherever she went.

"Hey!" he said mock-hurt. "I can't come and visit my favourite little sister?"

"You've never come before," she said, not in the least affected by his shenanigans. "Why are you really here?"

"True," he sighed and stood up straighter. "I'm here because I was curious. It's been a while since I was in here last, and wanted to see it again. Besides, as Lord Gryffindor, I really should visit more often."

"Yes - you should," she said with a cocked eyebrow and little moue. "I am supposed to be your favourite little sister, after all."

Harry grinned and stepped over to her, giving her a hug. "And don't you forget that," he said. Pulling away just slightly, he asked, "Still dating Colin?"

She blushed and pulled back, before looking down and nodding.

"Is he - behaving - himself?" he asked.

With a sly smile she blushed even deeper before nodding again.

"Good," he simply stated. "I'd hate to have to give the boy the shovel talk."

Katie asked, "The 'what' talk?"

"The shovel talk," Harry said, turning to her.

When he saw the look of confusion on her face he whisked out a quill from an inner pocket of his robes and transfigured it into a full-sized shovel.

"This is how the 'shovel talk' goes," he said, before looking stern at his favourite Gryffindor chaser. "Colin. This is a shovel. Do you know what a shovel is used for?"

Playing along, Katie grinned before she said, "Digging holes, my Lord?"

Sternly nodding, he said, "But, not just digging holes, Colin. It's used for burying bodies. Do you understand?"

With a little awe, Katie silently nodded.

"Good," he said. "Because - if you make my little sister unhappy - I'll come looking for you. And, when I do, I shall be carrying a shovel..." and he gave it a little wave, "... Are we clear?"

After a couple heart beats, Astoria screeched, "You wouldn't dare!" While Katie blinked for a moment before bursting out with laughter.

Harry turned and grinned at Astoria. "Hey; I've been practicing that little talk for ages now. You wouldn't want it to go to waste, now; would you?"

She glared at him and snapped, "I'm going to marry that boy, Potter. And you better not..."

They heard a bit of a boyish yelp from the stairs, interrupting her berating Harry. Turning, they saw Colin standing at the foot of the stairs to the boys' dorm.

"Y-you are?" he squeaked, looking a little pale and frightened.

When Tori looked almost horrified at Colin, wondering what to say, Harry grinned before waving the shovel at him; and said, "Shovel, Col..." before the boy passed out in a dead faint; "... in!"

Tori whirled back on Harry with a look of fury on her face. "This is your fault, Potter!" And she snapped her wand into her hand.

Harry had a bare moment to say, "Uh-oh!" before he dropped the shovel, turned and bolted for the portrait hole; spells whizzed by him as he ran. At least one Stinging Hex nailed him right on the left bum cheek as he ran, making him yelp in pain.

Katie and a few others broke out into laughter as he practically dived through the hole and made his escape.

Bolting along the sixth floor corridor he didn't look back until he reached the stairs of the grand staircase. Turning back, he noticed she wasn't chasing him, so slowed down to a jaunty stroll and grinned to himself.

As he made his way down to the owners' suites, he whistled a bit of tune. As he passed some of the students, they gave him funny looks. Some even quietly snickered after they passed.

'No appreciation for whistling talents," he thought.

Entering the Gryffindor owners' stairs, he hurried up them and into their study room. The others, except for Tracey and Blaise, were there, working on assignments.

They turned to look and, as soon as they saw him, gawked back.

Noticing the looks, he frowned back and asked, "What? Is my tie crooked or something?"

Susan grinned and said, "Nope. Your hair's streaked red and gold."

"It looks like you annoyed a Gryffindor," Neville snickered. "I-if I had to guess..." he wheezed, "... it would be Astoria!" Then he broke out into howling laughter. Hermione was snickering away while Luna and the 'Puffs were grinning at him.

Harry frowned and walked into the half-bathroom off the room and checked himself out in the mirror. Sure enough, his hair was, indeed, streaked red and gold. And was even twinkling.

And, worst yet, he couldn't dispel the Charm. Daphne had to do it when she finally saw him. But, not until she laughed herself almost silly. He didn't dare tell her about the shovel talk, though. He knew she'd back her sister.


