22 - Happened

A lot has happened since pen first

touched paper,

The evening I was inspired by a

programme about a poet with the surname of


And music that made me want to lie in

a field and gaze at clouds on a

Summer's Day.

But, looking back through the mountains

and valleys of this journey,

It's been worth it to stand where I do now;

To acknowledge and to give

deep thanks

For the help and support that has been

there through it all:

To Christel for asking me about my poems,

To EQ Transcription Services for typing out my longhand;

To Joe for also asking me about my poems;

To Fabienne who lights up Instagram with her love of that

rich, radiant and calming colour known as Blue;

To everyone who has read this far and wishes

to journey further:

Thank you.

The verse has opened and it doesn't

want to stop :)

Del Elle