Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world... Damn it!
A/N: We cracked over 1000 followers yesterday. That was inside ten days. *sniffle* I'm feeling so loved. *wipes a lone tear clear*
Chapter Five - Rituals and the Grangers
To add to their problems for the morning, when the Daily Prophet was delivered with the mail, the story of the bond between the three was the leading story on the front page.
Hermione sighed and pointed to the article. Harry looked 'over' her shoulder and read it with her, while Daphne found it in her own copy.
* # *
Ever vigilant for important news for our loyal readers, I've come across the most astounding piece of information. The hero of our wizarding world, Harry Potter (14), known to many as the Boy-Who-Lived after his astonishing defeat of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named thirteen years ago this Halloween, is involved in a three-way soul bond with two witches, writes Rita Skeeter, special correspondent.
We, at the Daily Prophet, would like to congratulate Mister Potter and his two bondmates, Miss Daphne Greengrass (14) of House Greengrass, and Miss Hermione Granger (14) muggleborn. While we do not know the exact situation which led to the bondings, the date and time leads us to believe both took place one minute apart while they were travelling to Hogwarts aboard the Hogwarts Express on the 1st of this month.
This reporter will work hard for you to learn all the facts on this most unusual circumstance and report them in your newspaper for your information.
Already, we know all three have just begun their fourth year at our most famous of schools of magic. And, we have also learned that Mister Potter and Miss Granger are both of Gryffindor House, while Miss Greengrass is of Slytherin House.
Normally, this might prove to be a problem. However, due to the nature of soul bonds, the three teens would have been offered a private apartment within the castle. This offer is allowed and encouraged under Ministerial law to allow the partners involved to become more comfortable with one another; and to strengthen the bond.
For our younger witches out there, it now means Mister Potter is 'taken'. And, any marriage contracts that may have existed for any of the three are now void. Sorry ladies!
* # *
"Damn it!" Harry sighed. "The way this is written, I think we need to expect buggy little Skeeter to come crawling around."
"I'll get my jar ready," smirked Hermione.
"Sorry?" asked Daphne, confused. "Jar?"
"Rita's an unregistered animagus," Hermione quietly replied, a little gleefully. "Her form is that of a water beetle."
"Our first time through," explained Harry, "Hermione, here, figured out what she was; after she reported that nonsense about the supposed three-way relationship between her, me and Krum."
Looking back in surprise, Daphne breathed, "So that's how she does it. Dad's been wondering about that for a long time, as have many others. Skeeter's published stuff before that was privileged information. It's hurt Dad, dearly."
"Last time through, Hermione trapped Skeeter in an unbreakable glass jar for a couple of weeks," said Harry. "By the time she let her out, Skeeter was willing to do anything we wanted... at least, for a while."
"This time, I'm getting a bloody magical oath off her," said Hermione. "I didn't do that, last time."
By the time Harry had read through most of the paper, with the girls continually stopping so they could read the fashion pages and the like and talk to each other about them, most of the rest of the school had already headed off to their first class. They were still sitting in a now mostly empty Great Hall when Madam Bones approached them and sat opposite. Two aurors stood at her back, looking around.
"Mister Potter," she said.
"Ma'am," replied Harry, with a slightly quirked eyebrow and a small smile.
"Firstly," she said. "Congratulations to the three of you on your soul bond. I hope you realise how incredibly rare it is."
After the three acknowledged both, she said, "I want you to step me through what happened, this morning."
Harry had a naughty idea. "Well, I was having this lovely dream that included..."
"Stop!" she barked and glared at him. Harry couldn't help but chuckle back.
"I'm well aware of what a fourteen year old boy is likely to have been dreaming of, Mister Potter," she said. "Start from when the three of you walked into the Great Hall, please."
With a light gesture of acknowledgement, Harry described the whole matter from when she said until the twins left.
When he'd finished, she turned to look at Daphne and asked, "Is there anything you feel Mister Potter left out, Miss Greengrass?"
"No, Madam," replied Daphne.
Then the older witch turned to Hermione and asked, "And you, Miss Granger?"
"No, Ma'am," she replied.
"Thank you," Madam Bones said, starting to rise. "And, thank you for waiting for us, here. I know no one asked you to do that."
"It made sense, Ma'am," he quietly replied.
"It is my experience many witches and wizards tend to lack common sense, Mister Potter," she said with a wry grimace. "Please expect to receive communications from me if, as is likely, this matter goes to court."
"Yes, Ma'am," Harry replied. "You do realise, of course, that neither of them should have the education needed to brew such potions?"
"Yes, Mister Potter," she said. Then she and her two aurors headed back out of the Hall.
"Well, ladies, what now?" Harry asked them. "We seem to have some time on our hands."
"We need those containers for the basilisk venom," said Hermione. "I suggest we go to the Room of Lost Things and see what's in there we can use."
"Alright," said Harry. "However... first... Hermione and I have a Dah-Dah class to get to. And Daphne's got Charms."
Hermione looked almost appalled that they'd almost missed a class. "Oh, Gods!" she said, almost horrified. "I don't believe I forgot about a class!"
Harry just laughed and said, "Again, relax, Hermione. It's no big deal for us, remember?"
Quickly, the three made their own way out of the Great Hall.
After his last class for the day, his first with the fake-Moody was the morning class, Harry returned to the apartment and pulled out his unfinished homework. He didn't want it still hanging over him when they visited the Grangers, that evening. He knuckled down and got it done.
Then he pulled out the book on Ancient Runes and started going through it. There were even exercises within it he could do. He was still going strong when Hermione and Daphne entered.
Looking at them, confused, he asked, "Professor Babbling let you out early?"
"No, Harry," smirked Daphne.
Hermione said, "It was the full double. But, clearly, you've found Ancient Runes interesting enough to lose track of time."
Sheepishly, Harry said, "Oh. Yeah, I guess I have."
The two girls looked at each other and grinned before moving over to the opposite sofa.
"So; homework?" asked Hermione.
"Ummm... I've already done mine," said Harry.
"You have?" asked a surprised Hermione.
"I have," he replied. "Remember, I've currently got two less classes than Daphne; and three less classes than you. As well as that meaning less homework, it also means I've got more time to do it."
Hermione frowned and said, "Well, it seems you have been holding back, haven't you?"
Harry sighed and replied, "All to try and keep my friendship with Ron."
"That boy really has been nothing but an anchor around your neck, dragging you down," said Daphne.
"Yeah," said Harry. "My eyes have been well and truly opened to that."
Knowing they'd have to leave the school to visit with the Granger parents, the three went early down to dinner. As with lunch, there was no sign of either of the two youngest Weasleys.
"I'm wondering if Ginny and Ron have been suspended," said Harry to the other two.
"They should have been at least suspended," said Daphne. "The level of the crime should mean they're currently sitting in holding cells in the DMLE."
"Even though they're both minors?" asked Hermione.
Daphne thought about that for a few moments before she said, "You're right. They'd not be in cells; but, house arrest isn't out of the question."
Neville, who had arrived and sat down opposite, greeted them and asked, "So, if you don't mind me asking, what happened this morning?"
"Ginny tried to slip Harry love and loyalty potions," said Hermione. "And, it appears, Ron was carrying similar potions on him."
Utterly shocked, Neville said, "But... but, that's illegal!"
"We know," said Daphne. "That's why neither of them was here for lunch; and haven't put in an appearance, so far, for dinner."
"Nor was Ron in Dah-Dah, this morning," Harry slotted in.
"We think the DMLE may have removed them both from the school," said Hermione.
After a few moments, Neville emphatically said, "Good."
Surprised, Harry asked, "You support their removal for the use of love and loyalty potions?"
"Definitely," said Neville. "Gran calls those sorts of potions 'the Imperius curse in a bottle'. I agree. They rob people of the right to make their own decisions."
"That's actually... quite a profound concept," mused Daphne. "One I happen to agree with. Any sort of mind-altering potion... especially one that's given against the wishes of the taker... sickens me. They could all be classed as a 'liquid Imperius curse' when you look at them that way."
The talk moved to classes and how effective 'Moody' was as a Professor. Though they couldn't say anything, none of the three were looking forward to the class in a couple of weeks that dealt with the three Unforgivables.
The talk moved on to the two visiting schools that would arrive just before Halloween. Neville said he was actually looking forward to their arrival; as he wanted to know what the other two schools were like.
Soon enough, Madam Pomfrey stopped by to ask if they were ready to depart.
Because there were three of them, and Dumbledore wasn't available to make them portkeys, the four headed for the Three Broomsticks, a wizarding pub in the town of Hogsmeade, just outside the main gates into the castle grounds.
From there, they travelled by Floo - a magical form of travel that linked fireplaces across the breadth of the isles - and arrived in the Leaky Cauldron. Of the four, Harry was the only one not to exit properly and landed on his face. However, that seemed to be standard for Harry. He did the same the year before last when he travelled from the home of the Weasleys, the Burrow, to Diagon Alley in the original timeline.
"Before we go further, Madam Pomfrey," said Harry. "I think we may need to go to the bookstore to pick up a book on soul relationships for Hermione's parents."
Amused, Madam Pomfrey drew a small book from her robes and showed it to Harry, "Never fear, Mister Potter. I already anticipated that need."
Harry looked back a bit sheepishly and said, "Oh. Sorry."
"That's alright, Mister Potter," she replied. "It was good that you thought of it in case I had not."
Instead of going into the Alley, Madam Pomfrey led them outside. There, they boarded the Knight Bus for the reasonably quick journey to Crawley, where Hermione's parents lived.
The Granger home was quite a substantial sized house. Nothing on the size of the Malfoy Mansion; but, clearly larger than either the Burrow or Shell Cottage.
Hermione led their small party to the front door, opened it, and announced their presence by calling out, "Mum! Dad! We're here!"
They then heard a male voice call back from the rear of the house, "Are you really, sweetheart? Are you sure you're not just an audible imagination? I could be hearing things, you know!"
By then, the four were inside. The last in, Madam Pomfrey, closed the door behind her. Harry snorted in amusement.
Hermione practically ran down the hall that led away from the front door and through a door further back and off to the left. Harry, Daphne and Madam Pomfrey heard her squeal, "Daddy!" And adult male laughter in response.
Through the door Hermione went out, in walked what was clearly her mother. The familial similarities were too much for it not to be. The woman was smiling as she walked down the hallway towards them.
"Hello," she said, by way of greeting, "You must be Madam Pomfrey and Hermione's friends." She then indicated a door immediately to their left and said, "This way, please. We'll go into the parlour."
The three preceded Mrs Granger into a large parlour before she stepped in and, indicating the couches and armchairs, said, "Please, be seated. I'll go see if..."
Just then, through another door, in walked a teary-eyed but grinning Hermione, and what was clearly her father.
"Ummm..." she said, "Harry, Daphne, Madam Pomfrey, this is my father, Doctor Anthony Granger; and my mother, Doctor Celeste Granger." Turning to her parents, she introduced the others, "Mum, Dad; this is Harry Potter, Daphne Greengrass and Madam Poppy Pomfrey, our school healer."
"Call me 'Ant'. And my wife's 'Cele'. Healer?" asked her father, as his brain caught up and he was suddenly concerned. He took a closer look at Hermione with a father's eye, then shot a look at Harry before shooting another look at Hermione; particularly her tummy area.
Hermione, seeing the look, blushed and said, "No, Daddy; that's not what this is about!"
Daphne practically snickered.
"Certainly not," huffed Madam Pomfrey.
Ant looked a little abashed but weathered it. "Well, when my daughter suddenly comes home after only being away for a few weeks; and with a boy and the school nurse in tow..."
Understanding, Madam Pomfrey said, "Of course. But, no; that's not what this is about."
"Please, sit," said Cele. "I've just put the kettle on."
As everyone sat, Ant said, "So, we finally meet the Harry Potter my daughter's been writing us about since November three years ago."
"Daddy!" squealed Hermione before she blushed near crimson. Harry nearly matched her colour tone for tone as Daphne again snickered a little while Madam Pomfrey just smiled.
"Tell me, young man," asked Ant. "Did you really jump on the back of a... what was it?... a twelve foot tall troll that had managed to get into the school?"
"Errr... yes, Sir," said Harry, quite embarrassed. "It would have hurt Hermione, if I hadn't."
"And late second year?" Ant asked. "Something about a magical snake?"
"Yes, Sir," said Harry, squirming in his seat. "It attacked Hermione, see... A-and I wasn't going to have that."
"How big was this snake?" asked Ant.
"Errr..." replied Harry. "I'm not really sure. It was about... I don't know, really... about sixty feet long?"
"Mister Potter," gasped Madam Pomfrey, while Daphne looked at him in shock. "The basilisk was how long?"
"About sixty feet long, Ma'am," mumbled Harry. "About... three feet wide between the eyes."
The room sat stunned as Cele came back in carrying a tea serve on a tray. "What?" she asked, a little confused by the expressions on some faces. "What'd I miss?"
"Put the tray down, love, and I'll tell you," said a clearly shocked Ant.
When she placed the tray on the coffee table, he said, "The magical snake that placed our daughter into a magical coma, two years ago? It seems it was about sixty feet long and three feet wide between the eyes."
Cele gasped and her hand flew to her upper chest in shock.
Ant looked at Harry with a piercing stare and asked, "And, pray tell, how did you deal with it?"
Very uncomfortable, Harry replied, "I killed it. With a sword."
"With a sword?" exclaimed Daphne, beating the others by a half breath. "What sword?"
"The... ummm... Sword of Gryffindor," replied Harry, quietly.
"You've got the Sword of Gryffindor?" exclaimed Daphne.
"Well, no," Harry replied with a bit of a shrug. "The Headmaster has it now. It's in a case in his office."
"Let me get this straight," said Ant, trying to get his head around the news. "A sixty foot long, three feet wide, magical snake caused our daughter to fall into this magical coma. You got upset about that. So, you decided to go after it with a sword?"
"Umm... no," replied Harry.
Hesitantly, he then went through the basic details of what happened, that night, on the 29th May 1993.
"... and Fawkes carried all of us back up the pipe into Myrtle's bathroom," he completed. "That's it, I guess."
Ant didn't say a word. He just rose, walked over to a cabinet, pulled a bottle of scotch and a glass out of it, and poured himself a healthy measure into the glass held in a shaky hand.
"Errr... D-doctor Granger..." stuttered Madam Pomfrey.
Not even acknowledging the medi-witch - or correcting her for his name - Ant reached in and pulled another two small glasses out of the cabinet, before turning and walking back. He poured a healthy measure into all three glasses and handed one each to Madam Pomfrey and Cele.
Both ladies chugged them back. Ant held his for a little while as he placed the bottle next to the tea serving and sat back down.
"Harry," said Daphne. "I know it was big; but, when you said it was 'a big snake', I didn't know it was that big."
"What did I have to compare it to?" asked Harry a little defensively. "I had no idea how big a basilisk normally grows to."
Daphne sighed and just shook her head.
"Anyway," said Madam Pomfrey, clearing her throat. "That's not the reason we're here; and I need to get the children back to school."
Everyone sat up a little straighter; especially, Ant and Cele.
"What do you know about soul mates?" asked the medi-witch of the two adult Grangers.
Confused, Ant replied, "Well, I believe Cele and I are soul mates. We've been together since grad school. We knew, even back then, that we would be together."
"Good," said Madam Pomfrey. "This makes things easier. In the magical world, with witches and wizards, we have soul relationships... as we call that sort of thing... that can go even deeper than that. Yes, we have soul mates. However, we also have soul bonds and soul bounds.
"With those who are soul bound, as soon as the binding is established, no matter the age, magic recognises the two involved as being married. That's because their souls become joined. To us, it's a wondrous thing for two people to be so closely matched. We consider it to be a match made in Heaven that not even our highest laws can interfere with.
"And, actually, it's considered a criminal offence to attempt to keep those involved in a soul binding apart. That's because, to do so, could literally kill those involved."
Taking a sip of her tea, she continued, "The level I want to discuss with you is the one between that and soul mates... The soul bonded.
"In a soul bond, magic has recognised that the... parties... involved are linked. Though we do not recognise them as married at that time, they are perfectly suited to one another for when they decide to marry, and make the relationship permanent. And, unless something bad happens, they will marry. Magic wants it to happen.
"Again, there are laws in place to stop people trying to separate the soul bonded. And ancient magic that protects them against someone trying to do just that. Once the bond has been initiated, no one is permitted to stand in the way of the bond. And the bond cannot be broken without the death of the other.
"Because of these conditions, the Ministry of Magic... our government... monitors for these bonds being initiated. They then send an urgent message to the parties involved informing them of the establishment of the bond, so that no one can separate them... unintentionally. Irrespective of the laws, the bond trumps them.
"And that brings us to why we're here, this evening. In something that has not been seen in recorded history... which means we're going back millennia... these three young people," she indicated the three teens, "are involved in a three-way soul bond."
"Whaaat?" Ant softly exclaimed, before looking at his daughter. Cele just looked stunned.
Hermione, fretting a little while Madam Pomfrey explained, looked at her parents with worry in her eyes. Ant's complexion became flushed and he started to look like he was going to blow his top.
There was sudden flash and John, Roma and another appeared in the room. The third looked like a slightly overweight woman of African descent with frizzy hair pulled back into a bun. However, she had a large shock of white hair in front of her black hair. It looked almost a negative of Narcissa Malfoy's locks.
Ant and Cele snapped their heads around to see the three beings that had suddenly appeared, and both sat in shock.
"Anthony Michael," said the angel Harry hadn't seen before quite sternly. "Don't you go losing your temper, now."
"Wh-who are you?" he asked.
John said, "I'm John, Harry's guardian angel." Indicating the other two, he said, "This is Roma and Della. Roma is Hermione Jean's guardian angel. And Della is Daphne Anna's."
Harry was looking at Madam Pomfrey and could see she appeared frozen.
"Umm," he said. "What's wrong with Madam Pomfrey?"
"She's frozen in time," said Della. "She's not to be aware of this. But, she'll be instantly revived once we leave."
"Guardian angels?" squeaked Cele.
"Yes, baby," said Della, a lot more calmly. "And we're here to stop Anthony Michael, over there, from losing his temper."
"Oh," said Cele.
John cut in and said, "You two only need to understand that the soul bond between these three," indicating the three teens, "is literally a match made in Heaven, as Poppy Susan said it was.
"Losing your temper about it means you are losing your temper with Heaven. And we can't have that."
"So," said Ant, clearing his throat. "I don't get a say in this?"
"No, dear boy, you do not," Della firmly replied.
"However," said Roma, speaking for the first time. "You do not need to fear for your daughter's happiness. She has loved Harry James since she was twelve years old. Even without the soul bond, she would have married him.
"What the soul bond does is protect her, Harry James and Daphne Anna from many forms of magical attack. It also protects her from anyone trying to use the law to keep them apart. The soul bond was decided upon to keep her and the other two safe. It is not for you to interfere."
"I'm her father," said Ant a little morosely. "It's my job to keep her safe. I swore it."
"And you are," said Roma. "This bond is part of that."
"You're a good man, Anthony Michael," said Della with clear feeling. "You're a loving husband and father. We are most pleased with you."
"However," said John. "We needed to step in to stop you making a horrid mistake. A mistake that would have deeply wounded your daughter, Harry James and Daphne Anna. It would not have stopped what is to happen."
Ant, knowing the truth of the words, sadly nodded his head.
Turning to Cele, Roma said, "And you, Celeste Marie, we are also most pleased with you, too. You are a wonderful wife and mother. Keep up the good work and you shall soon be rewarded."
"Rewarded?" asked Cele.
The three smiled and Della said, "You will know when the time comes."
John said, "We must take our leave. When we go, time will recommence. At that time, Poppy Susan will be unfrozen. You are not to speak to her of meeting us. Understood?"
All five nodded.
With another flash, they were gone.
Poppy suddenly said, "I know this is a great shock, Doctor and Doctor Granger... and difficult for you to accept due to you both being muggle and having little understanding of our world... however, there's nothing anyone can do to undo this."
Harry reached into his pocket and drew forth the two Ministry letters he'd received the night of the bond being initiated, and handed them to Ant.
"These are the notices we received on the evening of the 1st of September, Sir," he said.
Ant quickly opened each and read. When he was done he sighed and handed them back to Harry.
"Young man," he said. "My daughter is everything to me. If you hurt her; if you harm her..."
"I understand, Sir," said Harry. "I cannot promise you I will not hurt her feelings. I can promise you, however, I place my life after hers. Before both of them, actually. Our... enemies... will have to get past me to get to either of them. And, at that point, I'll either be unconscious or dead."
Daphne practically dived onto his lap and kissed him. "Damn, Potter. You're a noble git."
Knowing her parents were right there, and that her father was on the verge of getting quite upset, Hermione only came around and kissed him on the cheek. "She's right," she said with a grin. "You are a noble git."
As Hermione returned to her seat, Madam Pomfrey said, "Actually, a lot of that is the bond. Mister Potter's... alpha male mind view... is heightened to the point where instinct will automatically move him to protect both girls. You've nothing to worry about there, Doctor Granger."
"How will he support them both, let alone a family... when that comes... many, many, years from now, I hope" asked Ant of Poppy, though glancing rather pointedly at Harry.
"The Potter family is one of wizarding Britain's oldest families, Doctor Granger," replied Madam Pomfrey. "They're also one of the richest. And, as Harry is the sole surviving heir, he inherits the lot on his majority."
"I'm rich?" Harry squeaked in shock before he remembered being told precisely that by John before he was backstepped.
"Yes, Mister Potter," said Madam Pomfrey, surprised. "I would have thought you knew that."
"Errr," he said. "I didn't think there was that much in my trust vault."
"That's just your trust vault, Harry," said Daphne. "The Potter fortune is quite substantial. Your magical guardian should have told you all this."
"Dumbledore," sighed Harry. "He kept it from me."
Of course, Harry already knew this. But demonstrating the knowledge was not something he was allowed to do, just yet.
"What about your bank statements?" asked Ant. "Surely, they'd tell you how much you have."
"I don't receive any," Harry replied with a shrug.
"Mister Potter," said Madam Pomfrey. "What do you mean you don't receive any bank statements?"
"I just don't," replied Harry. "I've never received one."
"Well," she huffed. "We'll have to see about getting you into Gringotts, at some time, to get that sorted out."
"As long as young Harry can support my little Princess, I'm happy," said Ant.
"Then have no fear on that, Sir," Daphne firmly said. "In muggle terms, I believe you would say, Harry's loaded."
"Something else to talk to the goblins about," Harry muttered, annoyed yet again at Dumbledore keeping things from him. This was something he didn't learn about in the previous timeline, either; so, it's not as if Dumbledore was going to ever tell him.
Once they'd finished their teas, as they were about to head back to school, Cele said, "Harry, Daphne; as this looks like Harry, at least, is going to wed our daughter. We hope, at some time, you can look upon us as another set of parents."
Surprised, Harry said, "I'm... honoured. I've... Yes. Thank you. What would you prefer I call you?"
"What ever you're comfortable with, for now," Ant replied, smiling. "However, we hope... when you're comfortable with it, mind... you'll call us Mum and Dad."
"I... th-thank you," said Harry, quite moved by the gesture.
"I, too, am honoured," Daphne said, noticing the effect the gesture had on Harry. "Thank you."
"And with that, we really must be going," said Madam Pomfrey, herding the three teens out the door.
When they'd gone, Cele softly said, "I can't believe we met three angels tonight."
"Which ones?" asked Ant. "The kids or the one's in white?"
Cele turned to him and smiled, "You can't fool me, Anthony Michael Granger. I know when you're feeling really moved or shocked about something."
"How can you argue when it's three angels who tell you not to interfere?" he sighed.
With a smile, she replied, "Well, you did get to give your 'or else' talk; even if it was quite curtailed."
He smiled back and hugged his wife. "I did, didn't I?"
Madam Pomfrey and the three teens caught the Knight Bus back to the Leaky Cauldron and immediately Floo'ed back to the Three Broomsticks.
On the walk back to the castle, Madam Pomfrey said to Harry, "I'll let Professor McGonagall know you need to visit Gringotts as a matter of some urgency. However, I don't know when one of the staff will be able to escort you, Mister Potter."
"Thank you, Madam Pomfrey," replied Harry. "That would be appreciated."
Finally getting their chance to investigate the Room of Requirement the next night - specifically the Room of Lost Things - the three teens moved through the towering stacks towards where Harry remembered the diadem could be found.
They also found a half-dozen empty and sealable large potion ingredient jars. Each looked to hold about half a litre - or, an eighth of a British gallon.
Using a levitation charm, Harry forced the diadem off the bust and out of the room. Once they were outside in the corridor with the diadem and the potion jars, Harry reconfigured the room into a place to destroy the horcrux.
However, when they went inside. They found a ritual room.
And, there, on the floor next to a runic circle laid in gold on the floor, was a small booklet explaining how to destroy horcruxes without destroying the vessel.
Harry and Hermione looked at each other and laughed a bit.
"What's so funny," asked Daphne.
"We could have... should have... come here and just asked the room to provide us with answers, our last go around.
Leaving the diadem sitting on the floor, Daphne and Hermione - after first casting the multiplication spell, Gemino, on the booklet twice - each studied a copy of the booklet while Harry had a look around.
Bare stone walls and floor, magical torches in sconces on the walls, otherwise, barren.
When the girls were finished they looked up and at each other before they each lowered their 'instruction manuals'.
"That... looks complicated," said Daphne.
"Agreed," said Hermione.
"But, let's try it anyway," said Daphne.
Both girls smiled at each other, before they rose together from the floor.
"Anything I can do to help?" asked Harry.
"Yes, but not right now," said Daphne. "This is the Ancient Runes part of the ritual. The spell flinging, which you're going to be doing with us backing you up, will happen after we get ready and then start."
Harry watched as his two bondmates walked around the runic circle with a five-sided star in the middle with it's tips just touching the inner full ring of two, between which were the runes.
Hermione led, and she was going around and tapping on a rune, here or there. As she worked all the way around. He could see Daphne nodding behind her and saying, "Yes... that one... yes... good..."
As they moved around, Harry saw the five-pointed pentagram change shape into a six-pointed sexagram - also called a hexagram. They then compared their notes to what they saw; then checked the whole thing with every rune, again.
This time, Daphne levitated the diadem and placed it as close as possible to the intersecting hexagon of the sexagram.
"Alright," said Hermione. "I think we might be ready to power it up."
She then handed the last copy of the booklet to Harry and showed him the spell he needed to use. It was called a banishing soul charm that was handy on malicious spirits.
Moving to a spot around the other side of the circle a bit, Daphne called over, "Alright, Harry. Learn that. Once you've done that, you're to come and sit at this point, but about three feet outside the outer circle, alright?"
Harry saw where she indicated and nodded.
With his wand in his hand he began to practice the wand movements. Then, without pumping magic, uttered the incantation a couple of times. Finally, believing himself ready, he sat cross-legged at the spot Daphne had indicated. The spell described what he was to do, and when.
Once he was in place with his wand in hand and ready, he looked to see the girls sitting at their own points, equidistant from him. Both girls began the ritual and used their wands to pump magic into the rune circle at two specific runes.
As the entire rune circle lit up and began to glow, Daphne said, "Invócant in animam warda (Invoke the soul ward)"
An almost shimmering dome formed over the sexagram. It's edge was in perfect alignment with the six points of the star with the edge running along the gold circle of the inner edge of the rune circle.
Next, it was Hermione's turn. She incanted, "Libera animam ex obiecto (Free the soul from the object)"
There was a sound of a tortured scream coming from the diadem. Both Hermione and Harry recognised the sound. However, the soul fragment did not come free so easily. Hermione incanted again, more forcefully this time.
Again, the scream. Everyone could see the black mass starting to pull free, upwards from the diadem.
A third, even more forceful, incantation from Hermione and the fragment was pulled completely free.
Once it was clear it was free, Harry raised his wand and cast, "Relegant animae (Banish the soul!)" Once, twice, thrice. Each time the cast passed through the ward and struck the fragment. On the third and final time, it appeared to shred utterly the fragment into nothingness.
With a sigh, all three sat back and relaxed. The ritual, though short, was draining on all three.
"Good job," Hermione panted. "Good job, everyone."
A little tired, himself, Harry said, "Did you notice how this ritual was just perfect for three to perform; and that we're three?"
"Three is a powerful magical number, Harry," said Daphne. "So, no; I'm not surprised, at all."
Back in their apartment, Harry said, "Okay, that leaves the cup, which I'll talk to the goblins about; the locket, which Sirius will get for us; the ring, which Dumbledore must get; Nagini, which is Neville's responsibility or mine at the graveyard; and, finally, Voldemort.
"If it wasn't because John said I have to defeat old Moldyshorts in battle... which makes me, yet again, the hero of the wizarding world... I'd be quite happy to sic Madam Bones and her aurors onto Riddle Manor and let them take care of that problem for us.
"But, noooo... my destiny is to face Riddle in battle. Which will then lead to my demanding House Potter be elevated to noble status, and on to a revolution in magical Britain that will see no more Dork Lards for many, many years to come. I don't want to famous. I just want to be Harry."
"Oh, stop whining, Potter," snarked Daphne. "If not for that destiny we'd have all perished on 2nd May 1998."
"No, I don't know," disagreed Hermione. "If not for that destiny, there'd have been no prophecy, if not for the prophecy, Voldemort may well have not attacked the Potters, and Dumbledore would definitely not have interfered with Harry's life. They're interconnected."
"Riddle would still have been resurrected," argued Daphne. "And, he would have still attacked Hogwarts. The timing may have changed, but the attack would still have happened."
No one could argue with that.
"So, what next?" asked Harry.
"Organise for a solicitor for Sirius now?" asked Hermione. "Why wait until you see the goblins in November? Or, when Professor McGonagall can spare a staff member to escort us there?"
"How?" asked Harry.
"My father," said Daphne firmly. "Let me write to him with our 'suspicions' about your godfather not getting a trial and see what we can do from there. With Dumbledore still in Saint Mungo's the old fool cannot get in the way."
"That makes sense," said Hermione, clearly thinking hard and nibbling her bottom lip.
Harry thought about it and had to agree.
"Alright," he said. "I can write down how I've already met and spoken to Sirius, and you can include it with a letter to your father. Is that alright?"
Both girls nodded. Daphne said, "Get that written down as soon as you can. And, I'll write the letter to my father. Can I borrow Hedwig?"
"Of course," said Harry. "Hedwig's as much your owl now, as mine."
"No, Harry," Daphne disagreed. "Hedwig is yours. But, with your say-so, she'll carry a letter for me."
"Actually, now that we have our own apartment, let me set up a roost for her in here," said Hermione. She rose and went over to the single large window the living room had, and opened it. She them cast a weather protection ward over the entire window suitable for mail owl windows; before turning and creating an owl perch next to it. She added owl treat and water dishes to the perch, in easy reach of any owl that alighted on it.
Looking at it, she frowned for a moment before doubling it's size. "Just in case we have other owls find us here, instead of in the Great Hall at breakfast."
The three had just sat down and prepared to work on homework, when Hedwig flew in the window and landed on the roost. She looked at the three of them for a moment, gave a bit of a bark, and settled down to nibble at an owl treat.
"How did she know?" asked Hermione, surprised to see the owl.
"No idea," replied Harry. "She always knows, though; when I have a new place for her."
"Mail owl magic," Daphne simply offered. "Or, possibly, familiar magic. Does it matter?"
Harry and Hermione glanced at each other while Daphne was looking down at writing her letter to her father. They both thought the same thing about Daphne's remark. Those raised in the magical world, with the exception of a very few, seemed to just accept something was 'so' with no care of how it became 'so'.
"No," Hermione replied. "I guess not."
With another glance at Hermione, Harry said, "I think, tomorrow morning, we should all sit at the Slytherin table."
Daphne froze at what she was doing in surprise before she turned to Harry. With a curious expression, she asked, "Why?"
"Because, my dear Daphne," he replied. "With the exception of classes, you've been ignoring your friends."
Daphne blushed and looked back down at the parchment before her. "I... didn't want to make either of you... uncomfortable with sitting with my friends."
Harry sighed and went to sit next to the girl. He wrapped one arm around her and softly asked, "Do you honestly think that little of us?"
Startled by the question, Daphne almost jerked upright. "No!" she blurted. "I mean... no. I... just thought you might be uncomfortable sitting there."
"We might be," replied Hermione, coming to sit on the other side of the blonde girl. "But, isn't that for us to decide?"
"You're our bondmate, Daphne," Harry gently chided. "We're supposed to be there for each other. What sort of bondmates would that make us if we can't 'suck it up'... as John said to me... for even one meal with the snakes; hmmm?"
"You'd do that?" she asked, still not looking at either of them.
"Yes," Harry simply replied. "And, for tomorrow night... especially as it's a Friday night... I think you should ask them to visit with us for a while. Or your sister. Or both, even. Professor McGonagall did say she expected us to have guests come visit."
"Uh-hmm," hummed Hermione. "We can also ask Dobby to prepare some light snacks for us, while we sit and talk."
"Whaddaya say?" asked Harry.
Daphne finally looked at him with tears in her eyes. She sniffled and said, "I'd like that. Thank you." And she turned and said to Hermione, "Thank you, too."
"No need to thank us," smiled Hermione.
"No," said Harry. "I'm just sorry we didn't pick up on how much you were missing your friends, earlier."
With a comforting squeeze to her shoulder he moved back to his seat and returned to writing his part of Daphne's letter to her father.
When it was finally done, he handed it off to Daphne. She went to Hedwig and, with gentle encouragement to the bird, sent the owl off to her father.
Once Hedwig had flown off, she turned back and firmly said, "Right. Homework."
"We're still expecting your parents to visit us on Saturday?" Hermione asked her.
The first letter Daphne received from her parents, after sending to them her letter informing them of the bond, was a short note that said they'd be at the school on Saturday afternoon. They were given no other hints as to how the Greengrass parents had accepted, or otherwise, the news of the bond.
"Yes. Saturday afternoon," said Daphne. "They'll be prompt in the Entrance Hall at 1.00pm. We'll need to be there, awaiting them."
As agreed, the next morning the three - instead of moving to their right upon entering the Great Hall and sitting at the Gryffindor table - moved to their left and made their way across to sit at the Slytherin table. Most Slytherins watched them come with no small measure of curiosity. Only a small few looked at them with some level of malice.
Seeing her friend, Tracey, had already arrived; Daphne hurried over and gave her friend a hug with both girls making a bit of a squee sound. Once they broke apart, Daphne indicated a few vacant spots to sit opposite. And Harry and Hermione took seat.
Most Slytherins were simply surprised when the three sat down; but, held their tongues. It was only Malfoy who spouted off.
"What do you think you're doing, Potter?" he half-snarled.
"I think I'm sitting down about to partake in breaking my fast, Malfoy," Harry calmly replied. "Why? What did you think I was doing?"
"This isn't your table!" the blonde haired boy shot back.
"Au contraire, Malfoy. Due to the bond, this table most certainly is my table; just as it is Miss Granger's and Miss Greengrass's," Harry disagreed. Harry gave a quite pointed look at the other boy and said, "The law is quite clear on this."
Before Malfoy could verbally retaliate, Daphne cut in and said, "Did you know Harry was supposed to be in Slytherin, Malfoy?"
Surprised, the boy replied, "No. So, why isn't he, then?"
"Because of your attitude on that very first day, Malfoy," replied Harry. "If you hadn't behaved the way you did towards me, I would have been a Slytherin. I begged the hat not to put me in Slytherin... when it said it was going to... just because you were placed in it. That's why my sorting took so long."
That earned the boy quite a few scathing looks from his housemates, especially those in the upper years who overheard. It was a pity he never noticed.
"You? A Slytherin?" he sneered. "Dumbledore's golden boy?"
"Yes; me," replied Harry, serving himself a breakfast. "If you'd had a surname that came after Potter... such as, I don't know, Spungen or something... then I'd not have argued with the Hat, and we'd have ended up dorm mates."
Harry had the attention of many of those at the table within hearing distance, by then. "But, I must say, I'm actually quite surprised you weren't sorted into Gryffindor; or, possibly, Hufflepuff."
"And why is that?" the boy sneered.
"Your flat-out, unwavering loyalty to your father... clearly demonstrated when you often say, 'When my father hears about this'... clearly demonstrates strong Hufflepuff traits of commitment to family. And the fact you can't help yourself, at times, in coming over to the Gryffindor table and spouting off without, apparently, thinking about what it is you're doing, screams Gryffindor courage and a penchant for leaping in with both feet before thinking things through.
"Really, Mister Malfoy; even after three years you still haven't figured out you're being both brash and just a little foolhardy in doing so? How many times have you done that and found yourself losing points for your House and serving detention? How much worse would things have been if your godfather, Professor Snape, wasn't there to bail you out of trouble? It's clearly a failed strategy; yet, you keep doing it. That does not a Slytherin make. Nope; that's a Gryffindor."
Harry could see quite a few of those who were sitting at the table, not saying a word, and looking between themselves. He was making them think about it. Even Crabbe and Goyle were looking at each other and thinking. Malfoy, though, was looking furious. Harry wondered when 'Mount Malfoy' was going to erupt.
"And what would you know of it, Potter?" the blonde snarled.
"I told you, I was supposed to have been sorted into Slytherin," Harry replied almost off-handedly. "I used my cunning to pay attention. I listened, and learned; before I acted. How else do you think I was able to find the Chamber of Secrets? The only time I don't do that, is when you come over and attempt to goad a response out of me. And I'm smart enough to recognise that's a failure on my part; my temper.
"However, I know it's a weakness with my character. I accept it. But, I plan on doing better regarding that this year. Part of that was unloading myself of the baggage that is Ron Weasley." Indicating Hermione and Daphne, he continued, "These lovely ladies, I have no doubt, are more than willing to smack me about if I don't learn to deal with it."
Daphne snorted. "You've got that right."
"But, I am smart enough to listen," Harry smiled back.
Surprisingly, though he sat there fuming, Malfoy didn't retaliate.
"Take a look around you at your housemates, Malfoy. They're listening in and not saying a word," Harry continued. "They're being cunning in gathering information without offering any of their own. They're learning at no cost to them. That's being Slytherin."
"And what do you get out of it?" he sneered.
Harry smiled. "I get your whole house to start thinking differently about me. I've got them all wondering whether or not I really am Dumbledore's 'Golden Boy', as you put it. Or, is it all an act? I've got them all wondering about whether or not you, on that first day, cost them having Harry Potter in their House. And, by the way I'm talking, I'm demonstrating just how cunning I can be; which, in turn, demonstrates how much of a Slytherin I actually am. I'm disproving previously held misconceptions about myself.
"And, finally, I'm using your Gryffindor'ish penchant to jump in and spout off as my personal foil to pass that information to them. Really, I thought it was quite a Slytherin thing to do. Don't you agree?"
Malfoy finally figured out that shutting up was the wisest course of action he could take, and refused to respond any further. And Harry returned to his breakfast.