Chapter Twelve - Sorting and Cursing

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world... Damn it!

Chapter Twelve - Sorting and Cursing




The three eventually found what they were looking for not far from their apartment. None of them knew that there were even classrooms on the seventh floor, somewhat expecting most of the room to have been taken up by the room of requirement and the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw common rooms and visitors rooms.

However, they found a sufficiently large enough room, complete with windows, and called Dobby and Winky to prepare it for their needs. It was the first time they'd actually laid eyes on Winky since she bonded to Hermione. And her 'uniform' was the same as Dobby's, except she had an urban camouflage dress on, rather than pants. It looked... different.

Over the next couple of days, Hermione had a ball laying out what she felt was a workable layout for sorting, responding and dealing with gifts and the like.

Once all the classroom furniture was removed, Dobby and Winky happily moved the racks of mail from the hidden storeroom into one side of the now transformed classroom. They replaced one of the windows with an 'owl accessible' window; and, nearby, put in a couple of long roosts for them. In the sorting area, they put in long wooden benches for the various stages starting from the back of the classroom leading to the front, where the window and owls would be located and 'roosted'.

Once everything was where Hermione thought it should be, she said, "Now we just have to employ people to get everything going."

"We're going to need seventh years with experience in checking for traps, compulsion charms and the like," Daphne mused. "Some sixth years can possibly do that, too. But, mainly, we need people we can trust."

"We need people who can write well... have good quillmanship," muttered Hermione. "Those are for the apology letters."

"And people who can make a quick determination on what sort of letter needs to be written in response," said Daphne.

"Merlin! You two make a good tag-team," exclaimed Harry, listening to them exchange ideas back and forth.

Both girls looked back with matching smiles, before Daphne said, "Of course. We're bondmates; so, of course, we'd be compatible in our thinking."

Both girls then decided that they'd be the ones, working with Dobby and Winky, to organise getting things happening.

"Not that we don't think you'd eventually get it done, Harry," explained Hermione. "But, we're both, I hate to say, a little better at organising things than you."

Raising both hands in the air in surrender, Harry replied, "I won't argue; I happen to agree. Just... thank you, both."

That earned him a big smile and a kiss from each.




Back in the apartment the girls set to work thinking about who they'd want to approach before offering them the chance to make some pocket money working 'after hours'.

When Hermione asked Harry if he wanted to offer the chance to the Weasley twins, he replied, "No. It will make the two youngest and the Potion Queen think they still have an 'in' with us. I don't want to give them any reason to think that.

"I'll still give the twins the thousand galleons for their store, though. In June. After the third task."

Hermione nodded and the two girls returned to their lists and occasionally asking Harry for his opinion.

Once done, Hermione asked, "How will we approach them?"

"Directly, away from the Great Hall," said Daphne. "We'll do it individually so as not to end up having people approach us asking for work until after we've got the initial people organised and working."

"I'm going to password the door," said Daphne.

"Without a portrait?" asked Hermione

"Voice activated on the locking charm," replied Daphne.

Harry was beginning to feel like a third wheel. "Anything I can do?" he asked.

"I'd have thought you'd be looking at safer ways to get past the dragon, by now," replied Daphne, looking over at him.

"What was wrong..." he started before seeing the looks on both their faces. "Never mind," he amended, sitting back.

Thinking for a moment, he told them, "I'm going to go ask the Room of Requirement for help."

Looking up in surprise, Hermione said, "That's a brilliant idea!"

"Well, I do have them, at times," he half-snarked back.

"I know you do," she soothed him. "It just reminds me we haven't made as much use of the Room as we really should have, or can."

He moved over to both and gave them a light kiss on the cheek each. "You know where to find me. Send Dobby or Winky to come and get me if you need me."

And, with that, he left the apartment to head across to the Room of Requirement.




Asking for help in how he could safely get past a Hungarian Horntail, he entered to find a single armchair with a reading table, alongside. There were books on the small table.

Taking a seat he began by first reading the title and table of contents of each book. They contained battle magic, charms, curses, hexes, runic arrays and rituals. He set aside the ones on rituals and runic arrays because, first, rituals took time and were heavily frowned upon in Magical Britain; and, second, runic arrays took time and would show that he was actually a lot more knowledgeable, magically, than he should be for a fourteen year old.

However, he did intend to go through them when he had a chance.

Picking up a book on magical combat, he began to read; skimming when he either knew the information or it wasn't all that relevant when facing a dragon alone.

He was deep into practicing wand movements for memorising matching incantations when Winky popped in. "Miss Grangy and Miss Daffy say it's almost time for dinner. Theys be waiting for you in the apartment."

"Thank you, Winky," replied Harry, marking his page and placing the book back on the reading table.

The little elf popped away, again, as he rose and headed for the door.




That night marked another night when both girls joined him in bed naked. But, before going to bed he fashioned up a shelf at the top of the headboard where he could place his glasses and wand. He didn't want to rely on Hermione getting them for him when, or if, he needed them.

As they were settling down, Daphne asked, "Harry, why do you wear glasses? What charms do you have on them?"

Frowning, wondering where Daphne was going with this line of enquiry, he said, "I need the glasses because of my poor eyesight. And there're no charms on them. I didn't even know I could get charms on them."

"You've never noticed that our school mates don't wear glasses?" she asked, surprised. "I mean, Tracey did for the first two years. But, that was because you need to start puberty before they can magically fix your eyes."

"Huh!" he exclaimed. "It would be brilliant if I could get my eyes fixed. I hate having to wear them. It's yet another thing that lets people recognise me."

"I think we should speak to Professor Flitwick about organising you a day to go to Saint Mungo's to get them fixed," she opined. "But, first, we'll speak with Madam Pomfrey about it."

"On the subject of getting things fixed," said Hermione, from her side. "I need to speak with Madam Pomfrey about getting my front teeth fixed. We can't rely on Malfoy accidentally hitting me with the tooth growing hex, this time."

"And both of us should really start on the anti-pregnancy contraceptive potion, as well," Daphne added.

"Hey! Whoa!" exclaimed Harry. "Jumping the gun there a bit, aren't you?"

"Jumping what?" Daphne asked, confused.

"It's a muggle phrase," replied Harry. "It means doing something early, even too early." He gave himself a bit of a mental shake and said, "But, that's beside the point. I thought we agreed to take things slow."

"And we are, love," said Daphne. "But, it's still something we should talk to her about."

"Harry, how do we know that our bond doesn't render those sort of potions useless?" asked Hermione, propping herself up to look down at her bondmates. "We know there are a great many potions and charms that'll no longer affect us. A standard contraceptive potion may be one of them."

With Harry pushed flat on his back, Daphne also propped herself up on an elbow to look at the other two. "The same could also apply to the sex charms we learned in those girls-only talks Madam Pomfrey gave us in first year."

"Sex charms?" Harry half-squeaked.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, Harry James," Hermione scolded him. "They're the two parts of a pair of charms cast on the witch and wizard by themselves to ensure the witch doesn't fall pregnant immediately, or within a few hours beforehand, of the two having sex. Either should do the trick. But, both are supposed to make sure.

"They're usually only used, though, when the witch isn't taking the contraceptive potion," added Daphne.

"Just what did you girls learn in that class?" Harry asked, a little horrified. "All we got was the usual, 'No means no' talk. And that her door was always open for us to go and talk to her if we had any questions. We didn't even get the 'what goes where' talk I know they now give in muggle schools."

With a sigh, Hermione said, "In other words she basically told you, without actually coming right out and saying it, that ensuring the witch doesn't get pregnant is the responsibility of the witch. That's just stupid. And not a little irresponsible."

With a shrug, Harry explained, "Most of what boys come to know is actually learned, if you want to call it that, by listening to the older boys talk. And that, I'm very sure, is at least ninety percent hippogriff shit."

"You're not sure?" asked Daphne, frowning a little. "Harry," she asked. "Before we came back. And even as of now, this time around, that I think of it. Are you a virgin?"

"Yes," he replied a little embarrassed to admit it.

"I would have thought..." she began. "You know..." And blushed.

"You thought that, because I'm the Boy-Who-Lived, I would have had sex with half the girls in school by now."

"Yes," she softly said.

"I haven't," he admitted. "I haven't even spent time in a broom closet, fumbling about in the dark, with anyone."

"You know at least half the witches in school wouldn't mind doing that with you, don't you?" she asked.

"I do," he sighed. "However, they all want to have sex, and tell about it afterwards, with the Boy-Who-Lived; not Harry. Besides, I wouldn't know who to ask, anyway."

"Do you want a list?" Hermione asked a little gleefully.

"Merlin, no!" he exclaimed. "Look. Can we just drop this subject, please? It's going to make it hard enough to get to sleep as it is."

"Hard enough?" asked Hermione, wanting to twig him a little more.

Harry just blushed again and groaned as both girls laughed.

"You do realise this talk is going to make me have those sort of dreams tonight, don't you?" he plaintively asked.

"Sorry, Harry," both girls apologised.

With Harry flat on his back, and both girls using his chest as a pillow, they all soon drifted off to sleep. As he lay there, Harry just hoped it wouldn't be an embarrassing night; or morning.

It wasn't.




The next day, the Sunday, the girls spent a good portion of the morning after breakfast helping Harry come to grips with Ancient Runes. It was a subject they hadn't been paying as much attention to as they'd originally promised a couple of weeks earlier.

Harry covered how far he'd managed to get through his 'Introductory' book and the practice examples he'd worked through.

The girls also quizzed him on the identity of the various runes and told him he needed to spend more time memorising them.

"Shouldn't I also be practicing carving the runes?" he asked, at one point.

"You should," Daphne confirmed. "But, we'll need to get you started on carving them on blocks of chalk. We'll need to owl-order the proper carving tools and blocks of various substances for you to practice on. For now, you can borrow mine." She rose to go to her trunk to get the tools and blocks of chalk out of her own supplies.

While she was gone, Hermione showed him what they were working on as fourth years. And outlined the term project she and Daphne, who had paired up for the year, were aiming to accomplish.

On her return, Daphne laid out her rune carving kit and showed it to Harry.

Hermione said, "That's a lot better than mine. Mine's only the basic kit. Daphne owns and uses an advanced kit; which is more expensive."

"And, who do I need to order one from?" asked Harry.

"Flourish & Blott's have both in stock," explained Daphne. "You can owl-order them."

"Get three, then," ordered Harry. "One each for me and Hermione. And another, spare."

"Alright," replied Daphne. "I'll add them to the list we're already preparing for the store." Looking up, she said, "Your trust vault's getting a hammering, you know."

"It doesn't matter," he replied, shaking his head. "It only has to last up until shortly after Halloween. At that time, I'll be emancipated and have access to the family vaults. The trust vault will then be joined by a second vault and be made stipend vaults for each of you."

"Of course," sighed Hermione. "We keep forgetting."




They began the week as if it was normal. Harry kept thinking about his gifts for both girls, and hoped they'd accept the rings if they arrived on time for Friday evening. His Monday afternoon, while both girls were in Arithmancy, was spent self-studying his borrowed Ancient Runes introductory texts. And he spent a little time in the Room of Requirement studying the books found in there, and developing plans on how to deal with the dragon.

His plan for the second and third task had little change. He'd, once again, be using gillyweed for the second task. But, this time, he'd be buying - or suggesting to the girls such a gift for him for Christmas would be most welcome - a divers' watch with a timer. And he'd see about wearing some armour that was waterproof to wear while he was underwater, in case he had to rescue young Gabrielle Delacour again.

This time, for the third task, he was going to see if he could tack a locator charm on the Cup before it went into the maze. And use that to make his way directly to it. However, this time, there was no way he was going to allow Cedric to touch the damned thing. That was one life he could immediately save.

By the time classes finished for the day, Harry was back in their apartment waiting for them.

He was suffering from a feeling of dread and was just starting to get worried when Dobby popped in. "Master Harry, Sir," he blurted. "Miss Daffy's been attacked and is in the hospital wing."

Without even a word back to Dobby, Harry was up and bolting out of the apartment. Running, he was down the corridor and taking the steps three at a time with his heart pumping wildly in his chest.

Barrelling along one corridor, he nearly knocked over a gaggle of third year Gryffindor girls as he ducked through one of the castle's shortcuts heading for the second floor and the infirmary. Back down a narrow flight of stairs and he was finally haring along the corridor leading to the doors into the hospital wing. Both doors were already open as he ran through and skidded to a stop.

"Harry!" he heard Hermione call from behind a screen on the opposite side of the ward from his usual bed.

He trotted over and around the screen to see Madam Pomfrey working on Daphne's bare back with the top sheet pulled up to her waist. Diagonally across her back was a large gash that Madam Pomfrey was in the middle of healing. Daphne was out cold with her head facing to her left and away.

Hermione came over to hug him and sobbed into his shoulder. "Oh, Harry!" she cried.

Standing near the foot of the bed, while holding a sobbing witch in his arms, he was still gasping for breath. His heart was hammering away in his chest.

"Wh-What happened?" he finally managed to get out. "Wh-who did this?"

"I... it was Flint," she sobbed. "I saw him."

"Mister Potter," scolded Madam Pomfrey. "Take her to the other side of the infirmary."

"How is Daphne, first?" he demanded.

"It was deep, but it was clean," replied the medi-witch. "I'll be able to get it healed with a little time. If I take my time she won't even have a scar."

"Thank you, Ma'am," he gratefully said, starting to lead Hermione away a little as the Headmaster and Professor Snape hurried in.

"Ahh! Poppy," the Headmaster said, hurrying over. "I heard that one of our students had been injured. I came asking if I or Severus could be of assistance."

Ignoring the Headmaster, she looked at Snape and said, "Potions Master? I'm going to be needing more Essence of Dittany, Skin-Knit potion and new skin balm as a matter of urgency, I'm afraid. I'll be using quite a bit on this young lady here. Pain relief potions will also soon be in demand, I expect."

Finally choosing to notice the Headmaster she said, "Yes, Headmaster, you can. Find whoever did this and boot them from the school."

"Well, without any evidence, Poppy..." the old started to gently say as if talking to a small child.

"No evidence?" Hermione barked pulling away from Harry. "You haven't even begun to investigate this vicious assault and you're already deciding there's no evidence?!"

As soon as Hermione started berating the Headmaster the old man immediately flinched.

"Ah, Miss Granger," he tried. "I've already spoken to a few students..."

"But not me!" she cut right back. "I was there, Headmaster. You haven't asked me what happened, yet."

"Oh, yes," he said. "I believe you were stunned, though; were you not, Miss Granger?"

"Not before I saw who was involved in firing the curse that did that!" she snapped back pointing to Daphne.

"Oh, I see," the Headmaster said, clearly surprised by Hermione's response. "And just who attacked Miss Greengrass, then?"

"Marcus Flint!" she hissed. "Otherwise known as 'Dead Man Walking', or 'The Corpse that doesn't know it's Dead, yet'."

"Well, Headmaster?" Harry coldly stared at him.

"Yes, well," the Headmaster said. "I shall have words with Mister Flint to find out why he lied to me; and take things from there."

"If your things do not include an immediate call to the DMLE, for them to do the investigation as is their mandate... not yours... and to her father to let him know his daughter has been viciously attacked and is in the infirmary hurt... then I and my bondmates have decisions to make," Harry almost snarled. "This was an unprovoked attack, clearly demonstrated by the fact Mister Flint attacked her in the back! Call the bloody aurors and call her father to let him know she's been hurt. As the bondmate of Miss Greengrass I demand it."

"I do not appreciate being spoken to this way, Mister Potter," the Headmaster coldly said back.

"Then do not put yourself in the position where, through your own inaction, you give cause for it to occur!" roared Harry.

The Headmaster stared coldly back at Harry for a few moments before he turned to Snape, instructed him to aid Poppy, and turned back to Harry.

"That will be detention, Mister Potter," he said. "Served with Mister Filch."

"Fine!" he replied. "But it will not be served until my bondmate is back on her feet and one hundred percent recovered. Clearly, I need to remain here to protect them both because evidence lying on that bed shows the staff are unwilling or incapable of doing it themselves."

Showing a hint of anger on his usually easy-going nominally grandfatherly countenance, instead of responding, Dumbledore turned and left the infirmary.

Harry turned to Hermione and said only loud enough for her to hear, "He had bloody well better contact the aurors and Matthias or I will. And, I'll be telling both that I... advised... the Headmaster to make sure he did the same, first. However, I do not believe he'll do either."




Both teens were sitting together alongside the bed opposite where Madam Pomfrey continued to slowly work when Harry noticed the witch was lightly sweating and seemed to be rapidly tiring out.

"Madam Pomfrey, when is the last time you ate or drank?" Harry sternly asked.

"I'm fine, Mister Potter," she almost waspishly snapped back.

"No; you're not," he firmly disagreed. "You're now talking to someone who has used that excuse far too often in the past. Dobby!"

"Yes, Master Harry?" the elf asked after popping in.

"Dobby, can you organise a cold pitcher of ice water, a cool damp towelette and something quick but nourishing for Madam Pomfrey to eat while on her feet and working?" asked Harry.

With a firm nod, Dobby popped away.

Turning back to the medi-witch, Harry could see her about to disagree but think better of it. Harry walked beyond the screens for a few moments and returned with one of the wheeled bed tables patients usually used for sitting in bed and eating meals or working on homework.

He arrived just in time for Dobby to pop back and place everything asked for on the table.

"Thank you," he said. "You've been a great help."

The little elf popped away again instead of bursting into tears, wailing about how great a wizard Harry was, as he often did; though not so much lately.

Harry poured the medi-witch a glass of water and insisted she take a few moments to drink it.

As she polished off a decent-sized glass of water he held the cool towel out to her. She took it and, as she wiped her face and the back of her neck, she said, "You have the makings of a fine healer, Mister Potter. You've already learned the first trick, of not accepting 'No' for an answer."

Harry smiled back as he poured a second glass and set it ready.

"Eat, too, Ma'am," he said. "Otherwise, you'll be joining your patient on the bed."

"I will, Mister Potter," she replied with a smile. "In just a little while I'll be able to stop for a time." Dropping the cloth back on the table, she said, "Now, Nurse Potter; go sit with your bondmate again. I've got work to do."

Harry gave a slight smile and returned to sitting with Hermione, holding her hand in comfort.

Ten minutes later, Madam Pomfrey stepped back and pulled a small atomiser from her pocket. She leaned back in and gently sprayed the solution within down the length of the gash before she pulled the sheet up to Daphne's neck. "Now," she sighed. "We need to leave that for about thirty minutes."

Turning more fully to Harry and Hermione she said, "Don't worry, you two. Everything's coming along nicely. I'm going to get a bite to eat and rest my legs for that time before I return and continue." She grabbed the edge of the bed table Harry had brought round and towed it back out beyond the screens.

She'd only been gone for a few minutes before Matthias and Deece came striding in. Hermione popped up, dashed to and threw herself into Deece's arms. "I couldn't stop him," she sobbed. "They attacked us from behind!"

Matthias stood looking at Daphne for a few moments before he asked, "What's the diagnosis, Mister Potter?"

"She's going to be fine," replied Harry. "Madam Pomfrey is taking her time in healing the wound so she doesn't end up with a wide scar. She's just sprayed something on it and wants that to sit for about another... twenty-odd minutes before she continues.

"As to what happened, Hermione and Daphne were walking back to our new apartment next to the Ravenclaw common room entrance when Marcus Flint, I believe, plus a few others came upon them from behind. Daphne was hit by... whatever that curse was he used... that slashed her from above her left shoulder blade down towards her lower back on the right. It was pretty deep and opened up nearly an inch wide at the widest point. It could have easily killed her. Another few inches to the right at the top, and it would have severed her jugular vein on that side. She'd have been dead in seconds.

"I have no idea who came upon them and revived Hermione... or brought both of them here... but they have my gratitude. One of my elves, Dobby, popped into our apartment and let me know Daphne had been hurt. I think Hermione sent him. I raced here as fast as I could.

"As for what was done after that," said Harry, his voice dropping into almost a growl. "Dumbledore came in and tried to say there were no witnesses so nothing could be done. Hermione quickly disabused him of that notion. She saw Flint cast before she went down.

"Dumbledore and I had heated words where I demanded both you and the DMLE be contacted to investigate the matter properly. The old fool tried to brush it under the carpet, trying to keep it as an internal matter. That then led to me being given detention, to which I refused it until Daphne's released from here one hundred percent healed and healthy.

"Both Hermione and I have been here, ever since. So, I have no idea what Dumbledore's done other than contact you, since you're here."

Matthias stood staring at Daphne, nodding his head a little, before he obviously came to a decision. He turned to Harry and said, "You've done your job... and I thank you for that... now I do mine." He turned to Deece where she was comforting Hermione and said, "According to Harry, Madam Pomfrey will return in about twenty minutes. In the meantime, I'm going to have words with our so-called esteemed Headmaster." And he strode from the room.

From where he was sitting Harry looked at Deece when she turned back from watching her husband leave; and, feeling quite ashamed for himself, said, "I've failed you both, Ma'am. And, for..."

"Nonsense!" she interrupted. "No one expects you to stand bodyguard for either of the girls; especially here, in Hogwarts.

"No. The fault lies entirely with the staff and the culprit. Matthias and I both know that."

With a sigh and a resigned nod, Harry had no choice but to agree.

"Now," said Deece. "Have either of you eaten?"

Harry replied, "No, Ma'am," as Hermione shook her head.

"Then the two of you had best head down to dinner," she firmly ordered. "I'll remain until you get back."

"Thank you," both quietly said, unwilling to argue. And, together, they left the infirmary.




Up in the Headmaster's office, Dumbledore was 'entertaining' a very irate Matthias Greengrass.

"I take it the aurors have been and removed young Mister Flint from the school, Albus?" Matthias snarled at the Headmaster.

"There's no need to involve the aurors, Matthias..." tried Dumbledore.

"The bloody Hell there isn't!" barked Matthias in sudden obvious fury. "My daughter could easily have died, you old fool! Now call the bloody aurors to have them fully investigate this matter; or, I will!"

"I've already investigated the..."

"You're not a bloody investigator, Albus," Matthias again interrupted. "That's not your job; and you're certainly not qualified to investigate such a serious matter! You have ten seconds to call them, Albus; or, again, I will!"

"Now, Matthias..."


"Let's not be..."


"There's really no..."


"Matthias, plea..."


Dumbledore sighed.


The Headmaster began to rise from behind his desk.


"Alright, Matthi..."


Dumbledore finally hurried to the fireplace.


He collected a pinch of Floo powder and threw it into the grate. "Aurors!" he firmly called, kneeling.

As soon as the flames turned green, he stuck his head in. "Good evening, Albus Dumbledore here... Yes... I wonder if I may trouble you to send a couple of your finest to talk to us about the assault of one of our students... Yes." Sigh "Yes, I'm actually asking for the aurors to visit... Yes... When you have time."

"Now!" roared Matthias.

"Yes," said Dumbledore as he flinched. "That was the father of the student... Matthias Greengrass... It was his eldest, Daphne... Yes." Sigh "Yes, I'll open the connection. One moment."

The old man pulled his head from the flames, allowed the flames to die out, and opened the connection for the aurors to step through.

A couple moments later, two aurors stepped from the fireplace in a flash of green flames.

"Ah, said Dumbledore. "Master Auror Scrimgeour and Senior Auror Shacklebolt. Nice of you to join us."

"What's this about a student being attacked, Dumbledore?" Scrimgeour asked with a frown.

"There was a small altercation..." he tried.

"Hippogriff dung!" barked Matthias. "My daughter was attacked from behind by... allegedly... Marcus Flint. Also attacked was her bond-sister, Miss Granger. I want the matter fully investigated and the perpetrators hauled before a criminal sitting of the Wizengamot! She's still undergoing treatment within the hospital wing even now!"

Scrimgeour glared at Dumbledore and asked, "Is this the matter you refer to as a 'small altercation', Professor? A serious assault by one student upon another than landed the victim in the hospital wing undergoing significant treatment for their injuries?"

"I have twice spoken with the young man responsible..."

"Why?" growled Scrimgeour, cutting him off.

"Pardon?" asked Dumbledore, surprised by the question.

"Why did you speak with the person responsible?" asked the Master Auror. "You're not a qualified investigator. You've not been trained in how to conduct such interviews. Why did you speak to them other than confirming they were somehow involved?"

"I am the Headmaster," Dumbledore tried.

"That's irrelevant," snapped Scrimgeour. "Being the Headmaster does not qualify you as an investigative interviewer. In future, you will leave all such matters to us. If you do not, you will be considered to have interfered with an auror investigation and a formal complaint of such will be forwarded to both the Wizengamot and the School Board. Stay out of such matters other than to contact the DMLE."

While Dumbledore appeared shocked to his curly pointed slippers from having been so thoroughly reprimanded, Shacklebolt asked, "Where is Mister Flint now?"

Dumbledore spluttered a little before he replied, "He should be now, or in a little while, in the Great Hall for dinner."

Both aurors nodded and turned for the door. They'd gone about three paces before Matthias barked out, "Aurors!" and both turned back.

"The witness to these events, Miss Granger, is currently sitting with her bondmate in the infirmary standing vigil over my still unconscious daughter."

Both aurors nodded and turned back to the door. A moment later, they were gone, on their way to the Great Hall.

Turning back to the Headmaster, Matthias said, "You should have done that immediately and in the first place, Dumbledore. You may be the Headmaster of Hogwarts, the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, and the Supreme Mugwump of the ICW; but, you are not a God. You are not above the law. You do not get to make decisions that are outside your authority; as this clearly was.

"The next time you make such a stupid decision, I'm putting forward a formal complaint against you for abuse of authority. Do not make the same mistake again."

Then, he too strode from the office. He left a shell-shocked Albus Dumbledore in his wake.




When Matthias returned to the infirmary, Deece was sitting where the two teens had sat and was watching over her eldest.

As he walked up to her, he asked, "Where's Harry and Hermione?"

"I sent them to dinner," she softly replied. "They've been in here since the attack."

"Mmm," he said, sitting in the second chair. He patted his wife on the leg and said, "Good idea. I have no doubt both children will be returning to our daughter's side as soon as they've gulped down as much food as their stomachs can hold."




Not a truer word was spoken. Both Harry and Hermione were sitting at the Ravenclaw table with the intention of eating their fill as quickly as they could. If that meant they'd not be sitting, waiting for dessert, then that would be the case.

While they were waiting and praying for the meal to be served, Harry, who'd been talking to Luna about Daphne's injuries and who caused them, was bumped shoulder to shoulder by Hermione. When he turned to see why she'd interrupted him, he saw her point towards the front of the Hall. There, they saw two aurors standing and watching the Slytherin table and main doors.

"They're here for Flint and his cohorts," said Luna, noticing the actions of the two.

Harry turned back and said, "Good. So they should be."

Harry went back to telling Luna about Daphne's injuries while keeping a weather eye on the aurors when, during a time Luna was telling Harry it wasn't his fault and he shouldn't shoulder the burden so much, Hermione nudged him again to indicate the aurors.

Harry looked up and watched as the pair of them first headed for the doors before rounding Hufflepuff table and walking over to the Slytherin table. Walking up to Flint, who had just sat down, they stood either side of him. The man with the lion like mane of hair - Scrimgeour, Harry and Hermione recognised - bent down and spoke softly in Flint's ear.

Flint appeared to go a little white before he stood up and stepped back over the bench. Shacklebolt - as again both Hermione and Harry recognised him - forcibly turned the young man to face Scrimgeour before patting him down. Another few words from Scrimgeour and Flint slowly pulled a wand from his left sleeve. Shacklebolt practically snatched it from his hand.

Standing behind the repeated seventh year, Shacklebolt clearly cast the prior incantation charm upon the wand before he looked over Flint's head at Scrimgeour, caught the other man's eye, and nodded.

Snape, as soon as he saw the aurors 'request' Flint stand up, came hurrying down from the head table, robes billowing away. He clearly seemed to ask a question of the aurors before he was curtly dismissed by Scrimgeour; and left standing there, ignored, and quite irate.

Shacklebolt pulled a wand evidence bag from his robes and dropped the wand within. Then pulled out a set of magical suppression handcuffs and cuffed the young man, right there, in front of everyone. Flint was then marched from the Hall.

As he passed the end of the Ravenclaw table, both bondmates could see Flint's face was still white as a sheet and he looked ready to pass out. As they passed, Shacklebolt noticed Harry and Hermione and caused their little procession to halt for just a moment. Shacklebolt quietly said something to Scrimgeour, who gave a sharp nod of his head back.

Shacklebolt came over to the Ravenclaw table and stood behind Hermione and Harry, before bending down with his head between theirs.

"Could you two please step outside for a moment?" he softly asked.

Both nodded and rose from the table, following the large dark-skinned auror from the Hall.

Just out in the Entrance Hall he turned back to them and said, "Miss Granger, I believe you were a witness to what happened, this afternoon, to Miss Greengrass?"

"Yes, auror; I was," Hermione firmly stated.

With a nod, Shacklebolt said, "Thank you, Miss Granger. Two of our fellow aurors will be stopping by after dinner to interview you and... hopefully... Miss Greengrass. I take it you'll be in the infirmary at that time?"

"We will," she replied. "We have no intention of leaving Daphne alone."

With another nod and a soft smile, Shacklebolt said, "Then I shall let our investigators know. Thank you for talking with me."

Knowing a dismissal when they heard one, the two teens headed back into the Great Hall to return to the Ravenclaw table just as the meal was served.




As soon as they could, the two quickly left the Ravenclaw table to head back to the infirmary. As they anticipated, they left before dessert was even served.

When they walked in, it was to see Madam Pomfrey, once again, working on Daphne's back. This time Deece was aiding her as Matthias, once more, was standing at the foot and back a little.

"How's it going, Matthias?" Harry softly asked.

Almost startled, Matthias turned to look at them both and replied, "She's healing nicely. Madam Pomfrey does good work. For now, she's keeping Daphne asleep because the work she's doing would be a little painful for Daphne to undergo if she was conscious."

"I'm grateful Madam Pomfrey is putting in the effort with Daphne to ensure any scarring will be minimal and easily dealt with with the scar banishing salve," said Hermione "Daphne is quite proud of her looks. I don't blame her for that. I wish I had them."

Turning and somewhat confused, Harry asked, "Why? You're as beautiful as she is."

Hermione blushed and muttered, "You're just biased."

"No, I'm not," Harry said a little irritated. "Hermione; you're gorgeous. You're the only one who doesn't see that. Please, stop putting yourself down."

"He's right; you are," said Deece. "Ask Poppy to fix your front teeth at some time, and I'll organise a proper potion for your hair. That's all you need."

With a sigh, Hermione said, "Thank you."

It was about a half hour later when Madam Pomfrey declared she was done with Daphne's back. Coming forward, they could see that the large gash that was there not that long ago now was a somewhat wide red line. And that was only the red of new skin and slight scar tissue.

She placed a jar of new skin balm and another of scar tissue salve on the bedside table and instructed both teens on how to apply it.

Turning to Harry she said, "And you, Mister Potter... while the two of you are treating Miss Greengrass for her scar... should also be treated for some of those scars on your own body. I'm sure both lovely young ladies will love to rub the scar tissue salve into the scars on your back, for a start."

She then turned to Hermione and said, I have the energy for this, so I'm going to do it now. Miss Granger, is it your desire for me to adjust the size of your front teeth?"

"Yes. Yes, please; Madam Pomfrey," she replied.

"Then pull your top lip back in a grin and hold your mouth open, please," instructed the medi-witch.

Following the instructions, Hermione tilted her head back a little and bared her top teeth. A few quick muttered incantations from Madam Pomfrey while she pointed her wand at Hermione's top teeth and everyone could see them shrink.

When Madam Pomfrey pulled her wand away, Hermione smiled at the others. "Just beautiful, my dear," said Deece.

When she grinned at Harry, he shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "I thought you were beautiful as you were. However, I also recognise how self-conscious they made you feel. If it makes you feel more beautiful, I'm all for it."

Deece almost unconsciously patted him on the head, and muttered, "Good boy."




The Greengrass adults left a little later, but not before Astoria came in to check on her big sister. Tracey, Blaise and Horace were with her. She had a short time catching up with them before they had to leave.

"How is she?" asked a concerned Tracey.

"Healing," sighed Harry. "Madam Pomfrey's done really good work. With the aid of her healing charms, new skin balm and scar tissue salve it shouldn't be too long before she doesn't even have a mark to show for the amount of damage that was inflicted upon her.

"Madam Pomfrey used Daphne's own magic to heal the wound, augmenting it with her own. That's why she's still asleep. She wants her to sleep to help her recharge her magic reserves, and to stop her doing damage to the work that's now been completed."

Once they saw Harry had finished his explanation, Tracey said, "Flint's been taken away. That happened just before dinner was served. Two aurors came back as dinner was finishing up and took away Beauregard Derrick and Henrietta Vaisey. But, this time, Professor Snape went with them.

"Flint was legally an adult," explained Harry. "Derrick and Vaisey, on the other hand, are still minors. Therefore, they can only be questioned when a parent or guardian is with them. As Snape is their Head of House, he acts in loco parentis for them."

"But why did he attack Daphne?" complained Tracey.

"To get to me," Harry sighed. "Now that it's known we're bonded, it makes both girls a target of those who intend to support Riddle, if he comes back. They get to me, through them."

"The Headmaster tried to bury the whole thing," Hermione grumbled. "He tried to make it look as if there were no witnesses to what happened. Therefore, there was... as he put it... nothing he could do. He forgot, or didn't want to know, that I witnessed it. Even then he didn't want to call the aurors. Harry tried to force him to; but, it was Mister Greengrass who finally forced him to make the call."

"I just hope that now," said Harry, "that seeing someone, or more, taken away by the aurors for committing assault on another student, we'll see a reduction in the number of students cursing or being cursed by another."

The three Slytherins left a little while later taking Astoria with them. Harry and Hermione, however, stayed in the hospital wing until near curfew; when Madam Pomfrey came out and ordered them out of the wing. She also put up wards around Daphne's bed to stop anyone trying to approach her without the medi-witch's knowledge or consent.

While they were there, two other aurors entered and took Hermione's statement as to what happened; plus, took away a copy of her memory of the event.

"Thank you, Miss Granger," said the female auror of the two. "We'll let you know when you need to attend court."

Hermione nodded back and the two aurors left again.




Back up in the apartment, both teens decided to just go to bed. Their homework could wait.

Harry was just heading for his own bedroom when Hermione plaintively asked, "Harry? Even though Daphne isn't with us tonight, can I still join you?"

"Of course you can, love," he replied. "I'd like that, too. I really don't want to sleep alone, tonight."

"Me neither," she admitted. "I'll just get my things and join you."

After his evening ablutions, Harry climbed in to bed just as Hermione came back in. She was carrying some toiletries and walked into his ensuite. A few seconds later she came back out, shucked her clothes and climbed in to bed.

Harry was now used to seeing both his bondmates nude, so seeing her naked no longer had the effect on him it did the first few times he'd seen either or both of them, undressed.

Hermione slid into 'her' side of the bed and rolled on to her side. "Cuddle me, please Harry," she softly asked.

Harry just rolled to his right as Hermione slid her back to him until they were spooning. "We'll go visit her again before breakfast; alright, love?" he asked.

"I'd like that," Hermione softly sniffled.

Hearing her softly cry again, Harry pulled her extra firmly against himself and used his right hand, under her head and neck to softly run his fingers through her hair by bending his arm at the elbow and folding it back.

It took them both a little while to drift off to sleep. Harry even forced himself to stay awake until she'd drifted off first.


