Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world... Damn it!
Chapter Thirty Three - Blood Wards and Letters
The next day, the Saturday and the week before the train back to London, Hermione approached the other two with an idea of what to do with switching the prophecy globes.
"Alright," she began. "We know Snape heard the first part of the prophecy; the part up to and including 'born as the seventh month dies'; right?"
"Right," the other two replied.
"Right. That means he also knows it was given by Trelawney to Dumbledore while she sat on a hard wooden chair in a room at the Hogshead Tavern," she said. "So, that means the image seen in the prophecy globe must match that."
Dropping his head and giving a groan, Harry said, "You're right. That's exactly what I remember seeing when Dumbledore showed me the memory in the air above his pensieve when he returned after portkeying me back."
"Uh-hmm," she replied, agreeing. "So, we need to somewhat match that with the fake prophecy if we're going to go ahead with that."
"And how're we supposed to do that?" asked Daphne, seeing the problem.
"Polyjuice and transfiguration," Hermione promptly replied. "We need to get a few hairs off Trelawney for the polyjuice. Everything else can be handled with transfiguration. Everything from her clothing, to the chair she sat upon, to the rest of the room, if necessary."
"Damn!" Harry softly exclaimed. "You're right! And we don't even need to go to that much extent when it comes to the room because the only things seen in the image are Trelawney, the chair she sat on, and a small area of wooden floor under her."
"Well, that's the image and voice taken care of," said Daphne, slowly nodding. "And the transfiguring of everything from her spectacles to her jewellery, clothing, the chair and floor will be easy to temporarily transfigure. Now we just need to figure out how to fake a prophecy sphere and get it into the Hall of Prophecies."
"I've been researching how to make a prophecy sphere," said Hermione, sighing. "But, they're a closely guarded secret of the Unspeakables. We may need to convince and Unspeakable to help us fake one."
"I don't think that's possible," said Daphne. "They're too guarded of their prophecies. If we were to fake one, what's to stop others, in future, doing the same thing with important ones."
"Who's to say it hasn't already been done?" asked Harry. "Let's ask and see what they say."
Both looked to Daphne, who had more experience of the history of the wizarding world, to see what she'd say.
After a few moments she said, "We can't ask them. Let's see if we can convince Madam Bones to ask in our stead."
"Then we have a plan," smiled Hermione.
That afternoon, the three were wending their way back to their apartment when Daphne softly said, "We have someone following us."
Frowning back, Harry pulled out his Marauder's Map and quickly activated it as they were walking. It took them only a few moments to see it was Draco Black who was tailing them.
Walking back to their apartment, they carefully monitored the situation but did nothing other than keep an eye on things.
As they turned into the Ravenclaw corridor, Harry folded the map up to a smaller size and watched. "I think he might just want to talk," he said, once they were inside the warded area outside their door. "I'll hang back and make sure he sees where we go."
The girls then made their way inside, while Harry hung back enough to allow his cousin to see him disappear through the alcove behind the statue Professor.
As soon as he stepped within and closed the door, he unfolded the map and, together with the girls, watched young Draco hesitate for a few moments before he quickly made his way to their apartment entrance.
Moments later, they heard the Professor's knock on the door.
Harry quickly folded the map while the girls moved to and apart from either side of the door. He then checked to make sure both girls were ready with wands drawn as he popped his own wand into his hand and held it behind his leg as he opened the door.
Deciding to be friendly, he adopted a mien of pleasant surprise before he said, "Cousin Draco! This is a surprise. Please, come in." He quickly stepped away from the door to his left so he could watch Draco's right hand.
Draco quickly looked each way down the corridor behind him before he smartly stepped through and shut the door behind him. It took him only a moment to realise he was well-bracketed by drawn wands.
"Ah!" he said, with a small smirk for each of them before looking directly at Harry. "Would you like me to give an oath I'm here to do you and yours no harm?"
Harry thought a moment before he said, "I tell you what. You leave the wand in wherever you have it stashed on you, and we'll forgo the oath, deal?"
With a nod and a smile, Draco replied, "Deal."
"Thank you," said Harry. "Now, because we're being ultra-paranoid at the moment, please allow the ladies to step forward to scan you for charms, curses and the like, alright?"
An expression of anger mixed with being appalled flitted across Draco's face for a moment before he fixed his lips in a firm line and said, "I'll allow it."
Both ladies stepped forward and scanned him from each side.
"Tracking charm on the belt," said Daphne.
That made Draco's eyes widen in shock.
"And on the tie," added Hermione.
"Whaaat?!" Draco softly exclaimed, looking between both ladies. "Get them off me... please!" he firmly asked.
Hermione attacked the one on his tie while Daphne took care of the one on his belt buckle.
"Done," both ladies said almost simultaneously before they then moved away.
"Sorry," said Harry. "That obviously came as a shock."
"I never gave permission..." the blonde boy began, while he stood there fuming.
"For what it's worth," Daphne said to him, while moving away towards the couches. "The one on the tie is Professor Snape's. He's either keeping an eye on his godson or on all Slytherins. I think it's the latter as there was one from him on my old Slytherin tie, as well."
"I don't recognise the one on the belt, though," said Hermione. "The signature belongs to neither Professor Snape or Dumbledore. We're getting used to the signatures of both."
"Probably my father," muttered Draco. "The belt was gift from him."
As the boy stayed standing there, thinking furiously, Harry said, "Come, cousin. Take a seat." He indicated the couch opposite where Daphne had sat and Hermione was joining her, leaving a gap for him.
As Draco gave a gesture to indicate he heard and acknowledged the invite before moving forward, Harry moved to the couches and sat between his wives.
"Dobby," called Daphne, as everyone else settled down.
"Mistress?" asked the elf, when he popped in.
"Four butterbeers, thank you, Dobby," she instructed.
Dobby popped away and the butterbeers popped into existence on the coffee table a moment later.
"And how is Dobby," asked Draco, as he reached for a bottle.
"Happy," said Harry.
Once all four had a butterbeer in hand, Draco said, "He looks it. I'm... happy for him. Father would make me punish him for the slightest perceived error. And, if father thought I didn't punish him enough, he'd punish him a great deal more. I hated doing that."
As they sat sipping their bottles, Harry asked, "Now, what brings you to paying us a visit, cousin? Unless, of course, this is just a social visit of one House scion to another?"
Draco seemed to think for a few moments before he said, "I was informed by Gringotts mail owl, this morning, that my father is dead. Their copy of his lifestone has darkened."
"I... honestly don't know what to say to that," said Harry, not that unsurprised with the information considering what he thought he'd done to the man at the cemetery. "On one hand you have my condolences. But..."
"But, on the other, he was real piece of work," finished Draco.
"The important thing is, how do you feel about this?" asked Daphne.
With a very un-Slytherin snort, Draco said, "I think Potter's... cousin Harry's views somewhat match my own."
With a sigh, he continued, "The man was my father. He had his moments, where I was proud to call him that. Yet, he was also a criminal; someone who had reduced the name 'Malfoy' to mean all that's wrong with our world, and someone who was quite willing to do despicable acts in the name of blood purity.
"I miss the man who was my father when I was a small child. However, I do not miss the criminal; the man who worked his way up to being the Dark L... Riddle's second-in-command. I... do not wish to think about what he did to make it that high within the Death Eaters' ranks."
Nodding in sympathy, Harry said, "When I first re-entered the magical world at eleven, people were quick to tell me all these great things about my parents; how they were heroes, and such. However, I've also come to understand my father was very much what Professor Snape accuses me of. As well as being a loving husband and father, a good friend, and someone who fought for what he believed was right; he was also an unrepentant bully, arrogant, belittling of others, somewhat cruel at times, and similar attributes.
"My mother, however, was very loyal to her family and friends, but also had a very fiery temper." He snorted and said, "I've come to understand my mother would hold a grudge until it died; then have it stuffed and mounted on a mantelpiece just so she could keep it."
That had the other three snorting and quietly chuckling in amusement.
"However, I never found out about a lot of that for the first few years, because no one wanted to speak ill of the dead. People tend to put their heroes on mental pedestals, and won't hear a bad word said against them, let alone say a bad word themselves. But, I think to know a person, you have to know all of them; both their good and their bad attributes.
"As a result, I choose to think I now better know and understand just who James and Lily Potter were. And from that I have come to understand a lot of what makes me... me. Many have already told me I have my father's hair and facial structure; but, that I have my mother's eyes. I now also know I also have my father's love of pranks, without being a bully about it; just as I have my mother's love for others, and also her temper.
"From both of them I have their anti-bigotry mindsets, their focussed bloody-mindedness, their determination to do what is right and succeed, their acceptance of that which makes us different from one another, and their loyalty for family and friends.
"We are a product of the combined genetics of our parents. However, we are not limited to that. I strive to be greater than they were; as I have no doubt they would want me to. They do not define who I am. It's my own choices that do that. I have no doubt you could choose the same."
Everyone sat quietly for a while. Harry could see Draco was really taking his words to heart.
Eventually, the other boy said, "I am not my father."
"Of course not," agreed Harry, as if there was no doubt.
"I don't think I'll ever be of the Light," said Draco, as if Harry hadn't said anything. "However, I now have the opportunity to sever the Magical House of Malfoy from the Dark. I may not be able to drag the House all the way across to the Light; but, I believe I can drag it to Grey and Neutral."
"Sirius, the Black, is doing the same for the House of Black," said Harry. "You may want to talk to him about it. He may be able to help."
"I thought you'd already severed yourself from the House of Malfoy," said Daphne.
"I had," admitted the other boy, with a slight shrug. "However, the goblins have informed me my father did not change his Will. As such, I've inherited the Head of House position for the House of Malfoy; even if I am the last Malfoy."
"Been there, done that," smiled Harry.
Draco dipped the neck of his bottle to Harry in mock salute.
"So, are you going to be Draco Black, the Malfoy?" asked Daphne. "Or revert back to Malfoy?"
Draco seemed to ponder that, for a while, before he said, "I... hadn't thought that far. I guess it'll be something I discuss with The Black... cousin Sirius... over summer. As things stand, there're very few who realise I'm currently Draco Black. I'd like to keep it that way for a while."
"Very Slytherin of you," smirked Harry.
"Even though you think I have Gryffindor... tendencies?" asked Draco with a matching smirk.
"Oh, I never said you lacked Slytherin qualities, dear cousin," laughed Harry. "I had meant to imply... you tend to show such Gryffindorish tendencies, at times.
"There's a term I've heard someone say that I think matches us both," he continued. "Slythindor. Or, perhaps, Gryfferin?"
"I'd be one and you'd be the other?" asked Draco, amused.
"I think so, yes," said Harry, happy his cousin understood what he meant.
The conversation petered off for a few moments, each lost in their own thoughts, before Draco asked, "Who would have thought the two of us could sit down and share a few drinks together and talk like old friends?"
Harry snorted and said, "Maybe not old friends; but, what say, new friends?"
Draco smiled and nodded back.
"Good," said Daphne. "Now, there are only a few people who know your name is now Draco Black that we know of. To give you time to make a decision regarding your choice of name, how many in Slytherin know you've changed it?"
"None," Draco instantly replied. "At least, none that I know of. I've not made the name change known, nor corrected anyone who called me Malfoy. However, I have no idea how many people father told, if any. Therefore, I also have no idea how many of their sons and daughters who're at Hogwarts they told, if any."
Giving a firm nod back, Daphne said, "If we continue to call you Malfoy for the next week, when the train heads back to London, is there anyone you know of who could 'out' you?"
"Not that I'm aware of," said Draco; before he asked, "You'd do that for me?"
"It is not a difficult chore," smiled Daphne, just a touch snidely. "If someone ever has the effrontery to correct us on it, we can just plead ignorance."
"That will give you time to reach your own decision and speak with Sirius," said Hermione, speaking up for the first time since they sat down.
A little surprised by the offer, Draco thought about it for a few moments before he simply said, "Thank you."
"That's what new friends are for," smiled Harry.
Once Draco had left, Hermione smiled at the other two and said, "Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
Both Daphne and Harry snorted in amusement for different reasons.
Daphne said, "I don't think it could be a beautiful friendship..."
"Hermione's quoting a line out of a famous muggle motion picture called Cassablanca," explained Harry. "It was one of the last lines in the movie."
"The last line, actually," corrected Hermione. "Humphrey Bogart's character, Rick something, said it."
The last week of the term was filled with students receiving their summer holiday assignments, due the first week back of the new school year. Although they'd already received some, most were not handed out until this week. It was those assignments the three spent most of their time upon outside of classes.
Harry asked for, and was given, a copy of the summer holiday assignment for Ancient Runes. He believed it would give him a good grounding in what to expect once he began attending classes in the subject.
The most annoying part of the week was watching for and reading the odd article in the Prophet that implied Riddle hadn't been resurrected. However, by the Wednesday, his wives refused to allow him to read the newspaper any more while school was in session. So, his last two days of school he didn't have a chance to read the paper.
'Malfoy' did pay them a visit during breakfast on Wednesday morning in his current false persona. "So, Potter," he sneered. "Still suffering from the Confundus charm cast on you last Friday night?"
Standing just a little forward of one of his few friends, Draco gave a most subtle wink.
Harry laughed back. In a loud and clear voice, he said, "Oh, Malfoy; you do so amuse me. I would have thought, by now, you'd know you cannot make a magical oath, and make it stick, if you're under any sort of mind altering charm or potion. There would simply be no flash, as it was clear everyone saw me give off, on the stage in front of the maze, when I brought Pettigrew back for justice. As there was such a flash, I clearly wasn't confunded. And, therefore, I proved Riddle is back."
Draco then proceeded to sneer before grumbling and stalking off back to the Slytherin table. Of course, the whole thing was pre-arranged between Draco and Harry to get out the information the oath could not have been magically accepted if Harry was under compulsion at the time. It was a performance.
Once the week was over, the three Potters were waiting in the Entrance Hall on the morning of the train ride when they were approached, yet again, by Dumbledore.
"I've been in contact with your aunt, Harry," he said. "And I've let her know of the danger Riddle now represents since his resurrection. As such, I've informed them you'll be staying with them, again, this summer; and I'll be re-establishing the blood wards that protect you there."
"In other words, Dumbledore, you lied to them," growled Harry.
"I'm... I assure you, Harry. I'll be there this afternoon to re-establish the wards..."
"You won't be able to," snapped Harry. "You won't be able to, because I won't be anywhere near the place."
"I'm having members of an organisation I reformed pick you up from the station and deliver you to your aunt's..."
"That would be kidnapping!" snapped Daphne.
"You have no right to do that, Headmaster," glared Hermione. "If someone even approaches Harry to take him from the station, other than the Greengrasses, I'll holler blue murder and demand your arrest! I will quite happily lead a team of aurors to Privett Drive to rescue him with minutes of him being taken!"
"And, you're forgetting Riddle used my blood in his ritual," added Harry. "That means he can now walk right through your damnable blood wards as if they weren't even there."
"In other words, they provide no protection, at all!" added Hermione.
"If you try to have me kidnapped from the station, Dumbledore," growled Harry, "I'll defend myself with deadly force! Tell your little birdie club I'll fucking kill them if they try!"
With that, the three stormed outside and boarded the first carriage they could. They left a completely flummoxed Dumbledore standing in the Hall, unsure of what to do next. The concept the blood wards would now no longer protect Harry from Riddle, due to the ritual, had not even crossed his mind. But, he also knew Harry was correct.
Once safely on the train, they were joined in their compartment by Tracey and Blaise, Neville, Hannah and, surprisingly, Susan.
"Where's Horace?" asked Daphne.
"He left earlier," replied Tracey. "Something to do with his family." Then she almost minutely tapped the inside of her right forearm.
'Ah!' thought Harry. He had no idea the elder Urquhart was a Death Eater. He just hoped Horace could avoid that fate.
"So, what's everyone's plans for the holidays?" asked Hermione.
Tracey's family would be spending a short amount of time in Italy with the Zabini's, before spending a short time in France. Susan and Hannah had no specific holiday plans, other than to spend time together. Neville was building an extra greenhouse and had plans for the new one and the old one, plus the extensive gardens at Longbottom Manor. Mainly, he was looking forward to spending time with his parents.
"When you have an opportunity, we would accept an invitation to Longbottom Hall," said Daphne. "Harry needs to spend time with his godmother, too."
Neville grinned and nodded back.
The three bondmates were starting their time at Greengrass Farm. However, Harry wanted to finally go and have a look at Potter Retreat. Now that the three were married and all legally recognised as adults, Harry felt it was time to visit the ancestral home of the Potters and see what needed to be done to bring it back to it's former glory.
There was no visit from Draco, this trip. However, the three didn't expect it, anyway. Draco and the three felt the one visit on Wednesday morning was enough to keep up appearances.
Once the train arrived at Kings Cross, the three promised their friends they'd write during the course of the summer and quickly found the elder Greengrasses.
Once Astoria joined them, they prepared to Floo to the Farm.
When they arrived at the station and disembarked from the train, the three were approached by Mad-Eye.
"Mister Potter, ladies," he said. "I've just received a message from Dumbledore not to take you to your aunt's home, after all. Care to explain why?"
"No," replied Harry. "However, I'll do so, anyway.
"One, the Headmaster seems to have conveniently forgotten I'm an emancipated minor, and he's not my magical guardian; two, the blood wards are useless now, due to Riddle using my blood in his resurrection ritual; three, I do not consider my aunt's home my home, so the blood wards wont hold; and, four, I don't trust Dumbledore with taking care of my pocket lint, let alone being responsible for my magical protections.
"The fact that he went ahead and contacted my aunt and her family to convince them to allow me to stay with them again, plus contact those in his little bird watchers club such as yourself to escort me there pretty much under guard as if I was a prisoner, and didn't even think about asking me first, shows in quite clear terms why I'm getting to the point where I consider the old fool my enemy.
"Is that clear enough for you, Moody?"
"Crystal," replied the old Master Auror. With a nod to Harry and his wives, Moody then turned on his heel and stumped away.
As Matthias and Deece approached, Matthias asked, "What was that all about?"
"We'll tell you back at the Farm," said Daphne. "It's not for overhearing ears."
With a nod, Matthias led Deece and the Potters to the portkey point, and the five left for the Farm.
Once they'd settled, Matthias brought the four of them down to the parlour to talk.
"Alright," he began. "Over the past week, now that we know Riddle has returned, I have brought up some of the more powerful defences on the Farm."
This had both Daphne and Astoria perking up.
"Not used since the previous war, I've had the war wards improved and brought up from deactivated to standby," he said. "This means, anyone who attempts to attack the Farm will be met with deadly force.
"By rights, I'm supposed to ask permission of the Ministry before bringing them up to fully activated. However, there is no requirement for just bringing them up to standby. And, if we're attacked, I intend to fully activate them, irrespective of permission being granted or not."
"You intend to use the self-defence exemptions," said Hermione.
"I do," he nodded. "This is no different to how we used the wards in the previous war. However, we also had permission, back then, to employ the wards from Bagnold. This time, Fudge is still refusing to acknowledge Riddle's return.
"And therefore, according to him, we're not at war again," sighed Harry.
"Precisely," said Matthias.
"How goes other efforts?" asked Hermione.
With a slight shrug, Matthias replied, "Word has it Dumbledore's reformed his little bird club. Both Harry's godfather and honourary uncle have been approached by him to rejoin. Both, of course, have refused."
"We already knew the reforming part of that," said Daphne. "That's what the conversation with Moody at the train station was about. Dumbledore tried to force Harry back to the oh-so-loving embrace of the Dursleys, again."
"What?" asked Deece. "But, why?"
"The blood wards," snarled Harry. "He seems to think the blood wards are the ultimate in protection for me. And, he won't even attempt to admit he's wrong; no matter how many logical arguments and evidence shows he's wrong."
"Well, he'll be gone soon," said Deece. "Even now he no longer has any control over you."
"What of the Longbottoms?" asked Harry, wanting to change the subject. "They were both members of Dumbledore's burnt chicken club in the previous war."
With a small snort, Matthias replied, "Augusta refuses Dumbledore access to Longbottom Hall to even talk to them. However, I don't think it would matter if the old fool was able to talk to them. Both are still convalescing; and both are now very aware it's believed the old fool was the one who arranged to keep them in their mental state."
"How did questioning of the healer go over that?" asked Hermione. "I would have thought they would be able to track it back to Dumbledore by now."
"Tompkins had taken an oath to whoever he was working for," said Matthias. "Every time questions began to narrow in on who the ultimate perpetrator was, Tompkins would start to have seizures. If they pushed it any closer, they'd have probably killed the man.
"Nevertheless, he's in Azkaban now. There is not many who can survive more than a few months with their sanity intact. Harry's godfather is one of the rare ones. And Sirius believes he survived as well as he did due to his being able to wandlessly switch to his animagus form, and that he knew he was innocent."
"So, it's a dead end," sighed Harry.
"I'm afraid so," said Matthias.
"Any word from Madam Bones on when she'll be ready to make her move against Fudge?" asked Daphne.
With a wry smile, he replied, "She's still trying to convince me to run for Minister." He looked at Hermione and almost snarkily said, "Thanks for that, by the way."
Hermione blushed and looked away before she mumbled, "I still think it's a good idea."
"So does everyone else," he snorted.
Astoria, who hadn't heard this before, was quite surprised. She asked, "They want you to be Minister, daddy?"
He chuckled and said, "Our Hermione put the idea to family and friends the day after the third task. There's now quite a few people who also think it's good idea and want me to do it."
"You'd make a wonderful Minister, daddy," she said.
"I know, sweetie," he said. "However, we're about to re-enter a war. And, that would mean I'd be one of Riddle's priority targets. It places us at great risk."
"Well, the only way you're going to get them to stop wanting you to nominate for the post is to give them a better candidate," said Harry. "Have anyone in mind?"
"Ogden," he immediately came back with.
"Have you approached him with the idea?" asked Harry.
"Not yet. The man's a Fudge supporter," he replied.
"Then, if you want him on-side, you need to convince him of two things: One, Fudge won't survive a vote of no confidence; and, two, Riddle's returned," said Harry. "I can help you with the second and Sirius and I both can help you with the first."
Matthias seemed to think about that for a few moments before he said, "I'll set up a meeting."
The four teens settled into their holidays with three bondmates helping Astoria with her summer homework. They were working on the homework when Deece came and saw them where they were sitting together at the informal dining room table working together.
"I just had a Floo call from Augusta Longbottom," she said. "Alice and Frank are asking for you three."
A quick glance between the three bondmates and Harry asked, "When would she like us to visit?"
"Now, if you're not too busy," she replied.
"We can do that," said Daphne.
Looking to Astoria, Hermione asked, "Are you going to be alright to keep working while we're away?"
"Yeah, no problems," replied the younger girl. "You've given me plenty of information. I'll probably still be going when you get back."
"Thank you," said Harry. While Deece waited for them, the three packed up what they'd been working on and left it sitting to the side of the table.
When they were ready, Deece escorted them back to the Floo.
Just before they were ready to go, she said, "I'll expect you back for dinner. If you're staying there longer, please send an elf to let me know."
"We will, Mum," replied Daphne. "Thank you."
With Harry going first, with wand drawn and held ready, the three arrived in the Welcoming Hall at Longbottom Hall. They were greeted by Neville.
"What was the first thing you asked me the very first day we met?" Harry asked the other boy, wand at the ready.
Surprised by the question, Neville replied, "Umm... Have you seen a toad?"
Harry gave a firm nod and said, "Correct. Always ask a question of whoever you meet and expect to be a friend. It could be an enemy using a glamour or polyjuice." He popped his wand back into its holster.
Neville thought about that for a moment before he realised what Harry meant. He then asked, "Who else was in your compartment, at the time?"
"Only Ron Weasley," Harry promptly replied with a smile.
Meanwhile, both girls had also popped out of the Floo, and Madam Longbottom walked in with her wand in hand.
"In future, Nev," said Harry. "When expecting someone through the Floo, or at your apparition and portkey arrival point, be standing behind one of those couches, or something, with your wand in your hand ready to defend yourself. It may save your life."
"Mister Potter is correct, Neville," said Madam Longbottom. Turning to Harry, she said, "The fault is mine, Mister Potter. I have not yet instructed Neville in being safe from such attacks in these troubled times."
Harry gave a slight bow of acknowledgement to the older lady.
"And, what was that with the questions, Mister Potter?" she asked.
"A check system, Madam Longbottom," replied Harry. "By asking questions very few people will know the answers to, you check for glamours, polyjuice and the like."
"Clever," she said. "An idea we shall adopt." Turning to Neville, she instructed, "Start thinking of questions you can ask visitors you know others are very unlikely to know the answers to, Neville."
"Yes, gran," the boy dutifully replied with a short nod.
"Now," said the family matriarch, "Frank and Alice are expecting us in the conservatory. Neville, please escort our guests through to them. I shall join you shortly."
"Yes, gran," replied Neville before he turned back to Harry. "Harry, Daphne, Hermione... Please follow me. My mother and father are expecting us."
He turned on his heel and led them from the room through to the rear of the Hall.
As they walked, Harry said to him, "I've been wondering why you refer to Longbottom Manor as Longbottom Hall."
"It comes from our familial roots," replied Neville, with a slight grin. "The Longbottoms are of Nordic stock. More to the point, we descend directly from Vikings."
"Ah!" said Harry. "And the Vikings referred to their clan main building as Halls. As the manor is the main building of the Longbottom clan..."
"Exactly," smiled Neville, glad to see Harry understood.
The conservatory, as the name implied, was a large room that could easily have doubled as a small greenhouse. The only exception was that the climate within was at nominal room temperature, even with all the glass that formed the walls and roof.
The room was filled near the walls with potted plants of many varieties; some on shelves or in hanging baskets, some not. A small coffee table and 'outdoor' white-painted wicker couches with attached cushions surrounded it and were in the middle of the floor. Sitting in two wicker armchairs slightly turned to one another were Frank and Alice Longbottom. They had been softly conversing when Neville led their small party in. Both looked up at their approach and smiled.
"Mother, father," said Neville, a little formally, "May I present..."
"Harry!" Alice softly exclaimed, cutting him off; as she held out one hand, waiting to grasp Harry's.
Harry heard Daphne snicker slightly at Neville. If Harry knew the boy as well as he thought he did, the expression on Neville's face would have been priceless.
"Hello godmother," smiled Harry, as he joined her, placing his own hand in hers for a few moments.
Turning to the girls, he said, "I'm sure you remember my wives, Hermione and Daphne?" He indicated each.
"Of course," she said, as both girls came closer.
After initial greetings, with cheek-kissing for the girls, the four teens sat on the available couches while Frank called a Longbottom house elf.
"Tea for six, please," he instructed the little elf.
While they waited, Harry said to them both, "I must say, I'm very pleased with how you are both looking. There has clearly been a lot of improvement in the health of you both."
"There has," said Frank, with a slight nod back in acknowledgement. With a sigh, he continued, "We've been told, already, that the prognosis for a full recovery is unlikely. However, the lack will only be slightly noticeable."
"It means, though, Frank will be unable to return to auror duty, at least," said Alice. "And, I have to say, I'm actually happy with that."
"There are other ways one can be of service to the wizarding world," offered Daphne. "For example, there's always the Wizengamot. Perhaps a life of politics is in your future."
"Perhaps," said Harry. "However, no one can claim the Longbottoms haven't already given enough of themselves to the service of the wizarding world."
"Well said," said Madam Longbottom walking into the room. "Though I hope Frank will eventually succeed me to the Wizengamot when his health allows it; there's no reason to rush."
Harry could see that this was an uncomfortable subject among the adult Longbottoms. To change the subject, he asked Alice, "Were you aware Neville is considered a prodigy in Herbology?"
Alice, recognising Harry's attempt, smiled back and said, "It was not hard to come to understand our Neville's love of botany. And his marks from school reflect that. We are, however, at a loss to understand his marks in potions. The two subjects should be closely linked. And, as such, his marks in Herbology should carry over."
"The fault is not Neville's," said Daphne. "Rather, it is the fault of the Potions Master, Professor Snape."
"From day one, Professor Snape has targeted both Neville and Harry for... direct abuse," said Hermione. "The man may well be an expert in Potions; however, he is a poor educator. Neville is terrified of him. And he has cause to be so."
Almost angrily, Augusta turned her eyes on Neville and asked, "Why am I only hearing of this now, Neville? If I could have heard of this earlier, I may have been able to use my position on the School Board to do something about it."
"I... did not want to use my family name to get better treatment over everyone else," the boy muttered, bashfully.
"You should have," said Daphne. "Professor Snape was already targeting you, partly due to your name. Therefore, it would have only been fair on your part to use the same excuse to have our Potions Master... dealt with."
"I realise that, now," the boy replied, a little stronger. "After Harry had the man's behaviour... adjusted by the Headmaster, I realise I could have done the same. But, it's too late now."
"No, it's not," she disagreed. Looking to the Longbottoms, she said, "I'd recommend a private tutor. The one thing Professor Snape will not argue with, is performance. If Neville shows a marked improvement when we return to school, I envision our Potions Master will redirect his attentions to another; probably Weasley; who actually deserves the ire."
"We shall consider it," replied Frank.
"Thank you," said Harry. "Neville has stood by me through my entire time at Hogwarts. Even when just about everyone else turned their backs on me, or directed their anger towards me, Neville never faltered. I was just too blind to see it until the beginning of this year.
"I would be undeserving of that friendship, offered without expectation of anything in return, if I did not stand by him now."
"Thank you, Harry," Neville softly said. It was clear the boy was quite moved by Harry's words.
"You have nothing to thank me for, Neville," smiled Harry right back. "Instead, it's I who should be thanking you."
With a little throat clear, Alice said, "Yes. Well. I think you should tell us about what I hear about the Weasley children attempting to potion you, Harry."
With a nod of recognition, Harry began to explain how Hermione witnessed Molly dose him, and attempt to dose her, with Amortentia on the morning they boarded the train to head to Hogwarts for their fourth year. Then he went into what they caught Ginevra doing a couple of days later. And what happened from there."
"Where is she now?" asked an angry Alice.
"Molly served her six months in the low security wing in Azkaban and, as far as we know, returned to wizarding Britain," explained Hermione. "Where she is now, though, we don't know."
"We do know, though," added Daphne, "Arthur has divorced her and blocked her from returning to The Burrow. We think she may be staying with her Aunt Muriel."
"Even though she's served her time, we've cut off all ties with the Weasleys except for the twins… who we know had no idea what was happening… and Arthur, who was the same," said Harry. "We don't know enough about Bill or Charlie to form an opinion about them. And Percy has his lips firmly attached to our current dear Minister's bum..."
"Harry!" gasped Hermione, giving him a little smack to his arm while she blushed.
"Well, it's true," smirked Harry right back.
"Even so, you shouldn't voice it quite so... crudely," she huffed.
Harry chuckled a little and said, "We like Arthur and the twins. You couldn't meet a nicer man than he. And the twins are very loyal to their friends, including us.
"Bill, their oldest, dotes on his little sister. And we've no idea whether he'd side with her against the evidence, or still remain a good guy. But, I'm pretty sure Charlie currently hates me. I killed one of his favourite dragons in the first task of the Tournament.
"What I know about both of them is that they fled magical Britain and into careers that took them away from the Islands, as soon as they graduated. I think that was so they could get away from their overbearing mother."
"She sounds like a right harpy," said Alice.
"Oh, I don't fault her love of her children," said Harry. "It's just the way she goes about demonstrating that love. She smothers them."
"But, why have the youngest two turned out the way they have?" asked Frank, genuinely curious.
"Ginevra was raised on those fictional stories about the Boy-Who-Lived. From them she developed this mindset that she was destined to marry him," explained Hermione. "When Harry didn't display the same affection for her, especially after he saved her life in the Chamber of Secrets, she apparently demanded of her mother her help in making Harry fall in love with her.
"Her mother saw that Ginevra marrying Harry would mean they'd have some access to the Potter fortune. And saw it as a way to drag the Weasley's out of what she perceived as near-poverty. So, she went along with it."
"Ronald's different, though," said Daphne. "As the sixth son he grew up having to put up with hand-me-downs that had often already been handed down before. Just about everything he had he got second-, third- or fourth-hand, including his wand. And, though the rest of his family is unlike that, he seems to have developed this belief that, as a pureblood, he deserved a lot more than he got.
"This then led to him being near-insanely jealous of others having more than he. Especially, when that person or persons were not pureblood, such as the case with Harry. So, he decided that Harry's fortune was his ticket out of financial poverty and into the life he believed he deserved. Then, when his mother told him to make friends with Harry as a plan to get Ginevra closer to him, he eagerly went along with it."
"I didn't know that," said a shocked Neville.
"I'd've been disappointed with you if you did," smiled Harry. "You just need to be aware he may well try the same thing with you."
"He's already tried," the other boy scoffed. "However, no one in Gryffindor wants anything to do with either of them."
"Good," said Harry. He hesitated a moment before he admitted, "We've also been keeping a close eye on you, Nev. We know how you feel about Hannah. If we start seeing you pay more attention to Ginevra, and you've dropped Hannah, you can expect to find yourself being dragged to the Infirmary for Madam Pomfrey to take a look at you; no matter how much you try to stop us doing so."
While Neville blushed at the mention of Hannah, he also looked a little shocked that the three bondmates had been watching over him for Amortentia poisoning.
"Thank you," he softly said.
"Yes; thank you," said Alice.
"That's what friends do for friends," said Daphne.
Clearly a little uncomfortable, after a moment he said, "I also think Ron's failed his exams and assignments. Word in the tower has it he may well be forced to repeat fourth year, or be expelled from school due to scholastic failure."
With a snort, Daphne said, "That's unsurprising. Without Hermione there to carry the majority of his work for him, he actually has to do his own work for a change."
"I, for one, will be happy if he is held back a year," smiled Neville. "It'll mean I won't have to put up with him and his whining in the dorm any more."
"Or his flatulence," laughed Harry.
"That too," smiled Neville right back.
"And we won't have to put up with him in the classes Ravenclaw shares with Gryffindor," said Hermione.
"That's if the rumours are true and he gets held back," said Neville, bringing their joy back down to earth.
The three returned to Greengrass Farm well before dinner was due and returned to their homework with Astoria, who was still sitting at the table and working away.
"How'd it go?" she asked, barely looking up.
"Good," replied Hermione with a sigh. "Neville is now behaving more confidently, now that he has his parents back.
"You noticed that too?" asked Harry.
"We all did," said Daphne. She thought for a moment before she said, "I think Neville's problem is his grandmother. She's quite domineering."
"I know," sighed Harry. "But, I've already verbally spanked her once; about the wand. I didn't want to do it again on what amounted to the third time I'd met her."
"Let his parents do that," said Hermione. "I thought you might have noticed the way Alice appeared quite angry with her. It was in her body language each time Augusta spoke to Neville. She tensed just a little."
"I noticed that, too," said Daphne.
"Facial expressions I'm okay with," said Harry. "Body language I'm still trying to come to terms with."
"Let's not discuss this now," suggested Hermione. "We'll keep an eye on him, as we said, and act if we need to. Let his parents rein the matriarch in."
As they were talking, they spread their homework back out again.
"By the way," said Daphne. "We also need to see if Draco's called Sirius yet. If he hasn't, I think we should alert Sirius that Draco's likely to contact him soon."
Harry shook his head and said, "No need. Draco and Narcissa are staying at the Black House in London with Sirius and Remus. We'll probably even run into them the first day we turn up there."
"They're there?" asked Hermione, surprised. "I would have thought, with Lucius dead, they'd have returned to Malfoy Manor."
"It's not safe," said Daphne. "They have no idea whether or not Riddle can get in. They're having the wards seen to by the goblins, but that black smokey flying thing they do hasn't been seen before. No one knows if it'll keep out Riddle and his flunkies if they make a concerted effort to get in.
"And that also doesn't include whether or not there are... certain devices within the property that Riddle can use to bypass any wards to get in, or something that he can use to remotely detonate hidden explosives or release potions in gas form, and similar. So, they've got to be very careful and have a very close examination of the entire property."
"Besides," he added, "Though I might be a prime target of Riddle… and that also brings you two into the mix… the same can be said of Draco and his mother if Riddle learns of their... 'defection'. For the time being, the Black House, with its heavy enchantments and escape tunnel, is the safest place for them. Sirius is determined to do right by the last few remaining members of his family."
"Has he told them of the tunnel?" asked Hermione, a little worriedly.
"No," he replied. "He'll only tell them if they have no other choice but to use it. Apparently, my safety - as well as the secret of the tunnels - is more important to him than the very slight risk the House might be attacked while both he and Remus are away."
In a private dining room in the back of the Hog's Head Tavern, Dumbledore walked into the room and sighed to himself. There were less than a dozen people waiting for him inside, sitting around a large table. The Order, he felt, should have been far larger.
He walked up to the head of the table and took the seat left there especially for him.
Looking around, he saw, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Nymphadora Tonks, Alastor Moody, Dedalus Diggle, Elphias Doge, Mundungus Fletcher, Rubeus Hagrid, Severus Snape, Emmeline Vance, Molly Prewett, and Minerva McGonagall.
What he did not know was that Shacklebolt was there under the direct orders of Madam Bones, and was tasked with reporting all he knew from the meetings back to her. Nor that Tonks was there as Sirius's personal spy within the Order.
People he hoped to see, but weren't there, included: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Filius Flitwick, Arthur Weasley, Hestia Jones and Sturgis Podmore. All but Jones were members of the old Order and he'd hoped they'd come to the meeting where he reformed it.
He had also hoped to have at his fingers the Potter and Black fortunes to help fund the Order while they battled Riddle's forces. Alas, that was clearly now not going to happen.
"Thank you, all, for coming," he began. "As you know, Voldemort has been resurrected and, of course, will soon return to attacking all that which we hold dear.
"I have been unable to review young Harry's memories of the resurrection where it took place in the cemetery in Little Hangleton. However, I hold to the hope that Amelia Bones will soon see reason and allow me to view it.
"It's irrelevant," growled Moody. "The evidence collected at the site shows the ritual occurred. We don't need to know any more about it."
Dumbledore leaned forward and put on his most heartfelt pleading expression. He said, "Can you get me a copy of the memory, Alastor? I feel I really must review it. I believe I might be able to deduce something from it that Amelia's people would have missed, or not realised the significance of."
"Not going to happen, Albus," grumble-snarled Moody. "Amelia has it locked up tight, and only she has access to it. She never lets it leave her sight, unless it's secured away. I don't even know where it currently is."
With a sigh of great disappointment, Dumbledore said, "Very well. I shall endeavour to appeal to Amelia to use her common sense, yet again."
Sitting up a little straighter, he said, "The second issue is Harry, himself. He has, yet again, refused to listen to my advice and has refused to return to his childhood home where he would be safe. He is being quite rebellious."
"Safe?!" scoffed McGonagall. "The boy was abused there! Albus, you're the only one who has yet to accept that simple fact. He is far better off with his wives, the Greengrasses and Sirius."
"The blood wards I'd placed on the Dursley home..." he began.
"Are now useless," she snapped back, interrupting. "I heard what he said to you the morning the train departed, Albus. With Riddle using Harry's blood as part of his ritual, your so-called vaunted blood wards became useless.
"If he's at the Greengrasses, he's protected under the Fidelius, ancient magic and war wards. All of which are far superior, in each instance, than the blood wards you placed on Privett Drive. Leave the boy be!"
Dumbledore sighed again. This meeting was not going as he would have wanted it. He had hoped to gain their support in tracking Harry down and returning him to the Dursleys. Clearly, that was not going to happen.
"Harry must be protected, under our care..."
Dumbledore was about to appeal to them all to hunt down Harry when a letter flashed into existence directly in front of Shacklebolt. He gave a bare little jump in fright, not realising it had just been delivered by 'Dobby Express Deliveries' before casting his wand over it.
Finding no enchantments on it, he picked it up. The letter was addressed to him.
Opening it he pulled it out and quickly read it. As he read, his face changed from a concerned scowl, to smiling, to opening grinning, to chuckling, before he began to openly laugh.
He was laughing so hard by the end he just handed the letter off to Moody. Of course, Moody first scanned it again before taking it and quickly reading through it.
By the time he finished, he too was laughing. "Gotta love the humour of that boy!"
Calming down, Kingsley finally managed to get his laughter under control and accepted the letter back off Moody. Reading from it, he said, "This is an open letter to... 'Fumbledorks's Disorder of the Basted Turkey'."
Grinning, as many who listened huffed as if scandalised by Harry's cheek, he continued, "Dear Disorder. As you can deduce, for security purposes, for most people I'll use false names in this letter.
"No doubt Dumb-as-a-Door has attempted to convince you all I'm unsafe where I currently am. He might have even tried to convince you I'm under some sort of evil enchantment, and need to be found so that I can be brought under the Order's care. He's tricky, that way. The only enchantment I'm under is one of love for my two wives, to whom I remind you all I'm soul-bonded; and our real family. And by real family I don't mean, of course, those wastes of good oxygen called the Dursley family.
"I'm finally free of such enchantments; or, should I say, potions? Isn't that right, Potions Queen Dolly Brew-it? Have you tried to excuse your actions to your fellow Disorder medallion holders by claiming it was all some big misunderstanding, yet? If not, well, I suppose there's still time before Mumblebore's little birdie club winds up its meeting. You should speak up while you have the chance. Of course, you can do that at any time, as the sheer volume and annoying sound of your screech could cow a dire wolf.
"Trust me, Brew-it; I understood very well what you were attempting to do. You can think yourself lucky I didn't demand the charge of attempted Line Theft be added to your charges. I doubt even Arse Pus Fumbledick's backroom shenanigans could have got you off that particular charge, had I pushed it.
"So, for the rest of you, I know exactly who you all are. Besides, the aforementioned two, there are: Borers Queenie Shot-me-Bolt, Sexy-Do-Me Bonks, and A-bore Broody; then there's Diddle-less Dangle, Oh-my-Arse Bog, Done-poo-us Felcher, Roots-us Hangin', Sniffles Snipe, Err-my-line Lance and Me-Never McGonna-Call.
Your information security is abysmal. And yet, the self-appointed Leader of the Laughable, Albumen Pustule-Sore, wants you to take care of my security needs. Ha!
"Should you approach me, attempt to cast a spell upon me or my wives and family, or otherwise attempt to do me what I consider harm - due to the current risk of Riddle and his lickspittles wanting to attack my person - I will assume you're a Death Eater who's using Polyjuice or similar who's attempting to kidnap me; and treat you as an enemy combatant. At that point, I will aim to put you down... hard. You can consider the likelihood of me using lethal force in defence of my person or family as 'High'. I cannot afford to take a chance. You can now consider yourselves well warned.
"I am a married emancipated minor. That means I'm under no one's enforced authority. No one can claim guardianship of me, any longer. No one can order me about. I'm free of such. If you try to take me by force, it will be kidnapping. And the first thing I'll do when I'm away from you, if you're lucky enough not to find yourselves dead while I escape your clutches, is make that charge to Madam Amelia Bones, herself. As I'm now a member of the Wizengamot, I believe I can easily make it stick.
"I should say I'm sorry for interrupting your little club meeting being held in the private dining room at the back of the Hog's Head Tavern; but, you see, I'm really not. Unlike the White Whiskered Wanker, I'm not a liar. I'll now allow you to return to your close physical inspection of Arse-bum's navel lint.
"See you! Hairy Pouter"
When he finished, Kingsley lowered the note and looked around with a grin on his face. Prewett and Snape were both almost red with rage, McGonagall and a few others looked amused, including Tonks. The rest, including Dumbledore, looked shocked.
"Well, Albus," said Moody into the silence. "It appears the boy has you well and truly pegged. And it appears he knows exactly what you were attempting to do in this meeting."
Then he roared with laughter again, as Dumbledore looked furious.
That led to the others looking around, quite worriedly, and chatter about the risk they were taking meeting at the unsecured Hog's Head if Harry was able to deduce who and where they were so easily.
None of them, magical raised all, realised Harry had a supposedly lowly house elf spying on Dumbledore. And that Dobby had reported to Harry of the meeting. It only took Harry a few minutes to write the letter based on what Dobby told him and had Dobby deliver it while elf-invisible.
When Dobby had returned from Hogsmeade and reported he had both delivered the letter and was not spotted doing so, Harry grinned at his wives.
Daphne rolled her eyes a little but couldn't help smirking back. "You're incorrigible, you know that?"