Chapter Thirty Five - No Umbitch for Pack

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world... Damn it!

Chapter Thirty Five - No Umbitch for Pack




Over the next two weeks, Ant and Harry put in the hard effort and converted the small rear back verandah into a decent-sized wooden deck that stretched the width of the house, and projected out into the back yard a dozen feet. Due to it's height off the ground it was bordered by a railing, and a set of stairs descended to the existing path directly opposite the back door.

At regular intervals, the four inch square wooden support beams continued up to a height of nine feet above the height of the deck surface. These would eventually form the support structure for the roof. For now, Ant would be using them to support a gazebo style wooden slat roof with clear Alsynite style sheeting to keep out rain.

While they worked on their 'summer project' the girls, accompanied by Cele, went browsing wedding catalogues and shops. Hermione had chosen to wear a traditional muggle bridal gown while Daphne would wear a traditional witch's bridal robe.

At various times, friends also came visiting.

Blaise and Neville found themselves helping out, at one point, in building the deck. Neville loved it and asked plenty of questions; even going so far as declaring it was a concept he wanted to include at Longbottom Hall. Though putting in an equal effort, Blaise just appeared bemused by the whole thing and couldn't understand why they couldn't just build it with magic. It took Ant and Harry about an hour to convince him of the pleasure that came of doing it by hand.

Watching a pureblood like Blaise pushing the drillbit of an electric drill through a four inch square vertical wooden beam highly amused the other teens, with the girls coming out to watch. When he'd finally pushed it through, he looked up to see the others grinning back. They even applauded him for his effort; leading him to grin back.

"That was actually fun!" he exclaimed to Ant. "What can I make a hole in next?"

After laughing about the Italian-descended Slytherin boy's expression and choice of words for a few moments, Ant showed him where he needed more holes drilled, before leaving him to it.

But the two weeks weren't just about building the deck. Harry and Neville also had to accompany the ladies, when they were required, to give their opinions about a few things relating to the wedding. On most of those occasions they were also accompanied by Luna and Tracey in their roles as bridesmaids.

Some of those visits were to muggle shops, and some were to Diagon Alley and other magical shopping areas that Daphne knew about. The latter trips were by way of the Knight Bus.

The completion of the deck led to Cele buying a six-seater outdoor setting for it while Ant bought a decent sized gas-powered barbeque. And the next night, once the decking oil had dried, they had a mini-party out on the new deck to celebrate.




As summer deepened they had just entered into August when the three teens were walking through the local neighbourhood, enjoying the warm day. Hermione was showing them the local sites, including where she attended school, when the weather suddenly turned foul.

Unforecasted storm clouds rolled in, so the three were making their way back to the Granger residence when the air suddenly turned very chilly and heavily laden with moisture. They were taking a shortcut through a pedestrian right-of-way when Daphne suddenly cried out. "Dementors!"

Looking behind them and where she was pointing, Harry saw three of the horrid beasts heading straight for them. He immediately popped his wand into his hand and cast his patronus, with Hermione and Daphne - who the two had taught during the previous year - right behind him with their own.

As Harry's patronus stag led the way, it was joined by the patronus does of both his wives. And all three patronuses charged straight at the dementors. In only a few moments the three dementors were driven off with the patronuses chasing them back into the sky.

Not wanting muggles to see the magic, the three debated whether to race for 'home' or stay to make sure the beasts didn't return. They waited a further couple of minutes before they realised they were gone. And the storm like conditions faded away again.

As they hurriedly walked, Harry pulled out his mirror and contacted his godfather.

"Hiya pup!" answered Sirius, until he saw the expression on Harry's face. "What happened?" he asked, now quite concerned.

"We were just attacked by three dementors," Harry almost snarled back.

"Where are they and where are you, now?" asked Sirius, almost snapping out the question.

"They're gone. But, we're about half a mile from the Granger's home and hurrying back there now," he replied.

"We'll be there soon," said Sirius.

When the mirror went dead, Harry dropped it back into his pocket and quickly scanned the skies again, just as the girls were doing, as the three quickly headed back to the house.

When the three hurried into the yard of the house Sirius and Remus were waiting for them out front. They were concerned the dementors had been there ahead of them. Their worries were unfounded when they found Ant and Cele hadn't even realised a dangerous situation had occurred until Sirius and Remus suddenly apparated directly into their sitting room, startling them both, and explaining what had happened.

"You're both alright?" asked Hermione, hurrying over to check them over.

"Yes, we are," replied Cele, checking them over right back. "We didn't even know there was anything wrong."

"They didn't harm you, did they?" asked Sirius of Harry. "Do you need chocolate?"

"We're fine," answered Harry. "I'm just bloody glad the three of us know and can do the patronus charm."

After the six of them began to settle down, Sirius was about to leave to head directly for the Ministry when a Ministry owl flew in and dropped off an 'official' Ministry letter.

Remus grabbed it and quickly scanned it for traps and the like before releasing the owl of its load. He handed it to Sirius to read while he took the owl to release it out the back. Sirius ripped it open and quickly read through it before handing it off to Harry. He was fuming.

Dear Mr. Potter,

We have received intelligence that you performed the Patronus Charm at twenty-three minutes past six this evening in a muggle-inhabited area within view of and near the presence of muggles.

As you have already received an official warning for a previous offense under section 13 of the International Confederation of Wizards' Statute of Secrecy, we regret to inform you that your presence is required at a disciplinary hearing at the Ministry of Magic at 9 a.m. on the 5th August.

Hoping you are well,

Yours sincerely,

Mafalda Hopkirk


Ministry of Magic

"Don't worry, Harry," said Sirius. "I'll be taking care of this."

"This is Umbridge," said Harry, as Remus walked back into the sitting room. "This happened in the old timeline but we didn't expect it to happen this time. This time I'm emancipated and not living at the Dursleys.

"It was her attempt at an assassination. She didn't expect me, or the girls, to know the patronus charm as it's not taught until seventh year. Hopkirk is acting on her orders.

"Go see Madam Bones. Hopkirk works in her department," said Daphne as Harry offered the letter back to Sirius. "Take the letter with you. Ask her what is meant by 'intelligence' and how the letter got here so fast. It was obviously prepared in advance."

Hermione added, "Point out how neither Daphne nor myself received a similar letter, when we were there with Harry and casting the same charm.

"Next," she said, "Demand she head directly to Umbridge's office. I bet you'll find the orders to the dementors still there. Though the Pink Toad'll try to pass them off as rogues, they weren't. All three were wearing control medallions."

Nodding, Harry said, "Move fast and play it right and we should be able to use this to get Umbridge sent to Azkaban. And, hold onto the letter. If this gets pushed, as the Minister will want to do, I'll need a copy of it for Stewart Ackerman."

Sirius took the letter and immediately made a copy of it before giving the original back to Harry.

"I'll be back as soon as I can," he said, before apparating away with a copy of the letter in his hand.

As soon as Sirius left, Ant furiously asked, "Someone tried to use those beasts to murder you?"

Turning to look at him, Hermione said, "Yes. Last time, though, Umbridge thought she was on a win-win situation. She sent two after Harry, then. She expected them to 'Kiss' him; a horrible way to die. If he'd managed to drive them off, which he of course did and which can really only be done with the patronus charm, then she had him for a breach of the underage magic laws and, just like this time, breaching the Statute of Secrecy. That would have meant time in Azkaban."

"Bitch!" Ant softly snarled.

"Hence our nickname for her - Umbitch," smiled Daphne, unconcerned by the language. Even Hermione didn't scold her father for it.

"Though the letter tells Harry the hearing is at 9:00am on the 12th of August... a week later than last time... at the last minute the Minister moves the hearing to an hour earlier," continued Hermione. "He tried to hold the hearing before Harry even turned up, using it to make it seem Harry had no care about his actions or held the Ministry and the wizarding world's laws in contempt.

"Luckily, Harry was there just after the hearing started and well before the Minister could wrap it up. And, that time, Dumbledore swooped in and managed Harry's defence. Personally, I think it might have been a Dumbledore set up that way to make him, yet again, appear to be a hero to Harry."

"This time, if the hearing isn't cancelled by Madam Bones by tonight, I'll be there two hours ahead of time," said Harry. "On top of that, as a member of the Wizengamot now, I'm entitled to a lot more than just a few minutes warning. If I don't receive notice well in advance, it'll be another black mark against Fudge. It may finally be enough for Matthias to convince Ogden to run for Minister."

"You'll be wearing your Wizengamot robes when you go, Harry," Daphne firmly said. "It'll be a poke in the eye to the Minister to do so."

Harry nodded and said, "While we wait for Sirius to return, I've got a letter to write to Stewart."

"It might be moot within a couple of hours, if that, love," said Daphne.

"Yes, but it also might not," he disagreed. "It will not hurt to draft the letter up ready to send if Sirius doesn't return with word the hearing has been cancelled."

"And Stewart will be most wroth with you if you leave him uniformed again," smiled Hermione.




While they waited for Sirius to return, the three sat at the kitchen table and wrote up the letter to Stewart. As they were writing Remus sat with the Grangers in the sitting room and told them all about the charity bursary fund he managed on behalf of Harry and the Lily Potter Memorial Fund.

The three agreed to include the original of the letter from Hopkirk as an attachment to the letter to Stewart.

Once finished, they quietly returned to the sitting room and waited. However, it wasn't long before Harry was on his feet and pacing.

After putting up with it for only ten minutes, Daphne frowned at him and firmly said, "Harry, stop it. Sit down and meditate."

"I don't think I can meditate while Sirius is away," he sighed, stopping.

Remus was about to comment when Hermione beat him to it.

"Being able to meditate, even when it's a highly stressful situation, is important," lectured Hermione. "Anyone can mediate when it's quiet and they're calm. You should be skilled enough at it now that you can meditate while we wait."

"Hermione's right," the old wolf agreed. "Now is a great time to meditate. Take a seat, Cub."

Grumbling about traitorous wives and pushy honourary uncles, Harry found a clear spot on the floor in the corner, and sat and crossed his legs in a semi-lotus position. Focussing on his breathing he was soon dropping down into his meditative state.

He didn't even notice when, about thirty seconds later, Remus cast a charm on him.

Tilting his head slightly to the side while he looked at his cub, Remus softly said, "That's not bad. Considering the emotional state he was in as he sat down he dropped into his meditative state very quickly."

"He's eager to start finding his animagus form," said Daphne. "All three of us are."

"Any ideas on your forms yet?" he asked the girls.

Both grinned back and Daphne said, "Yes. All three of us know the type and have some idea of the... breed of each."

"And they are?" asked Remus, honestly curious.

"... Going to stay a secret until the potion," grinned Hermione. "You'll have to wait until they're revealed."

With a snort of amusement, Remus returned, "An answer worthy of a Marauder."

Though the three had explained to Ant and Cele what an animagus was, they were both very curious as to what the potion would do.

Remus was explaining its effects, and how it rapidly progressed the learning stages towards becoming an animagus and what those stages were, when Sirius returned. This time he apparated into the garage and came in through the interconnecting door.

"I'm back," he called before he walked into the sitting room.

Harry immediately popped out of his meditative state and stood up. "What happened?" he immediately asked.

"Lots!" grinned Sirius. He then explained what happened from the time he left until he returned.

"So, it was a murder attempt by Umbridge, and my hearing is now being replaced with a trial for her," said Harry. "What of Fudge's part in this?"

"He's not being asked any questions, yet," replied Sirius. "He'll be suddenly required to bear witness on the twelfth at Umbridge's trial. They want to try and keep him in the dark as much as possible. If they can keep him thinking the trial is actually a hearing for Harry, the less chance there is of interference.

"In the mean time, Umbridge is being held in the cells at the DMLE as a 'flight risk'. In reality it's so she can't run to Fudge and get him to try and get her out of it; or give him time to come up with a valid defence.

"However, Amelia has her dead to rights. As you 'suspected' it was her order that sent the dementors after you. However, she sent them here only on the off chance you would be here. However, if you weren't, the secondary order to the dementors was to take out Ant and Cele and, possibly, Hermione."

Cele gasped as Ant went white. Cele sat there for a moment before she mumbled, "Excuse me," and ran for the downstairs toilet.

Ant quickly followed her.

Looking to Hermione, Sirius looked abashed and apologised. "I'm sorry that sounded so blunt; but, there was really no way to soften that blow."

Hermione scowled back at him.

"It wasn't your finest moment," murmured Remus.

As they waited for Cele to finish revisiting her dinner, Hermione called Winky and asked her to prepare a peppermint tea for her mother and English breakfast tea for the rest of them.

With a look of concern on her face, Winky quietly said, "Yes, Mistress." And quickly set the makings up on the stove in the kitchen.

"Peppermint?" asked Sirius.

"It's a good herbal remedy for settling the stomach," explained Hermione. "Mum drank a fair bit of it while she was suffering from morning sickness. She'll want some when she and Dad return."

As Cele returned to the table, she muttered, "Sorry."

Winky immediately set before her a hot cup of peppermint tea before then setting cups of black tea before everyone else. The scent of peppermint immediately began to permeate the room.

Sirius immediately replied, "No, I'm the one who should be and is sorry. I should have found a better way to break that news to you."

Cele just waved him off as she sipped from her cup.

Ant said, "Sometimes, you can't be anything but blunt."

With a nod back Sirius turned to the three and said, "Though it's no longer a hearing for Harry, the three of you will be called as witnesses. You can expect Amelia to get in touch with you some time tomorrow."

"With these three coming to visit my home on the weekend for the next couple of weeks, I'd like you to consider coming, as well. There's more than enough room."

With his own nod, Ant said, "We'll consider it."

"Good," said Sirius. "I know you have the tunnel and the portkeys; but, I think everyone will be happier if you're behind wards for at least the next couple of weeks."

"What about the wards that are here?" asked Cele.

"They're an alert ward and an intent-based ward on the boundary of the property; and anti-fire and similar wards on the house itself," explained Sirius. "Mainly, they're designed to slow them down enough for you to be aware you're about to be attacked, and allow you enough time to get into the tunnel.

"That's all we can put up on a muggle home without breaking the law. Even then we're skirting it. But Harry, Amelia and Augusta - our three sitting Wizengamot members - are trying to get laws through that'll allow us to put stronger wards up. It's yet another thing Fudge has been blocking; and another reason we need to get rid of him."

Harry nodded in agreement.




Four days later, Harry and the girls were up very early and dressed, ready to head to the Wizengamot. While Harry was dressed in Wizengamot robes, the girls dressed in their finest non-formal robes. All three wore a light cape with the disillusioned Potter crest on the breast, and a hood that could easily be hitched up and over their heads to help mask their faces as they travelled.

Walking downstairs they entered the kitchen where Winky had already prepared for them a light breakfast of pastries and small mixed fruit cooled compotes. None of them had the stomach for the usual fare for an English breakfast.

They learned Fudge had only remained unaware of the trial until late morning the day after the attack. He immediately headed for Madam Bones's office and demanded Umbridge's release. He was flatly denied.

However, the fact Fudge found out about it so fast demonstrated to Madam Bones that she had at least one 'tattletale' in among her aurors. That was yet another untrustworthy auror she needed to ferret out.

However, even though she denied Fudge the release of Umbridge then and there, the woman was still released that night after she went home for the evening. The Minister simply browbeat a lowly 'guard' auror to release her.

The Granger household received an apology letter from her the next morning, the Wednesday. Only about thirty seven hours after the attack.

What none of them were aware of until later, was that Umbridge simply walked back into the Ministry, that morning, to return to work as if she'd done nothing wrong. Two aurors on guard duty in the lobby of the atrium immediately recognised her, stunned her and portkeyed her directly back to the cells, before she could even open her mouth in protest.

This time, Madam Bones made sure there was a senior auror on guard duty that was told if he released the woman, no matter how much Fudge demanded it, he'd better lock himself in the cell if he released her; because that's where she, Madam Bones, would stuff him as soon as she learned of it.

The three were still sitting at the kitchen table when Ant and Cele joined them for their own breakfasts.

After Winky laid a plate in front of him, Ant looked at Harry and said, "Promise me you'll be keeping these two safe today."

"I'll be doing my utmost to keep them safe all the time, Dad," Harry firmly replied. "You need not ask."

With a nod of acknowledgement Ant dug into his breakfast, while Harry returned to reading articles in the Prophet over Hermione's shoulder.

About fifteen minutes later, Sirius, Remus and Matthias entered from the garage and bid everyone a good morning.

"Ready, you three?" asked Remus.

With verbal nods, the three stood and bid the Granger adults a good day before walking into the sitting room and being side-along apparated to the Ministry apparition point.

From there they immediately headed to Madam Bones's office for a quick meeting. They were ushered directly in.

"Morning Amelia," greeted Sirius, first in the door.

"Sirius," she nodded back. As everyone else filed in and greetings were exchanged she ushered everyone to chairs already in the room for the purpose of their gathering.

Looking to Harry with a slight smirk on her face she slid a document towards him and said, "Mister Potter, it seems you forgot to sign the demand for trial for Dolores Jane Umbridge you had cause to be sent to me."

Cocking an eyebrow and smirking back, and knowing he had never done such a thing, he replied, "Did I? How careless of me."

While someone snorted in amusement from his side of the desk, Harry leaned forward over the desk and quickly scanned down through the form. Once he'd read through it he asked, "Would someone mind loaning me a quill? I believe I can rectify this oversight right now."

Almost with a flourish, Sirius quickly offered him a self-inking one.

Harry quickly signed the form and slid it back to Amelia.

"I trust this grievous error on my part will remain between us, Madam?" he asked. "I'd hate to be embarrassed by it, if anyone should ever find out."

"Of course, Mister Potter," she returned with a grin, dragging the form back to herself.

Once she had it back she quickly slipped it into a folder near her left hand. Harry immediately realised that it contained all the documentation for the trial the woman didn't want to be made public yet.

"Now that that small oversight has been rectified, shall we go?" she asked, rising from her seat beyond the desk and picking up the folder as she stood.

As they were walking back through the aurors' offices, Harry asked Remus, "Thanks for joining us today, Remus. It's appreciated."

With a smirk back, he replied, "Think nothing of it, Cub. My boss is a wonderful man, who willingly allowed me the day off to attend."

"Did he just?" grinned Harry. "I'll have to thank him for that, if I ever meet him."

With a chuckle, Remus said, "You do that."




On the way out of the office they met up with Stewart Ackerman, who had insisted he act as legal counsel for the three, even though they weren't on trial but were, instead, witnesses for the prosecution.

Taking two separate lifts, the group exited on the ninth floor and walked down the steps to the Wizengamot chamber. And, as they were witnesses, the three were escorted direct into the witness waiting room. They were also joined by Sirius as a fourth witness.

"How long are we likely to wait, this time?" asked Harry, once they were all ensconced on comfortable chairs.

With a slight shrug, Stewart replied, "That depends on how Madam Bones runs things. I would expect chronologically to the best of their ability.

"Are we the only witnesses?" asked Hermione. "I would have thought they'd have witnesses from when Umbridge ordered the dementors after us to appear first, then."

"There are," Steward replied with a nod and a small smile. "However, they're being kept in a different room."

Half an hour later, Daphne was called in to give her version of what happened, and Stewart accompanied her. Fifteen minutes later, it was Hermione's turn, and five minutes after that Harry was called in.

When he ascended the witness box there was quite a bit of grumbling from the assembled over his wearing his Wizengamot robes.

Amelia, chairing the trial, banged her gavel and sharply said, "Mister Potter is a peer. As such, he is fully within his right to wear his Wizengamot robes to this trial, as do you all."

While waiting for the grumbling to die down, Harry took a look around. Daphne and Hermione were now sitting with Matthias and Remus in the visitors' gallery; so they were safe now.

In the middle of the floor, on the accused's chair, sat Umbridge. She was deliberately not even looking towards his direction. Instead, she sat there as if butter wouldn't melt in her mouth and as if she hadn't a care in the world. However, Harry could see the slight shaking of her hands as they rested on the arms of the chair. And she did look a little pale.

Looking in the other direction Harry saw Dumbledore in his seat among the warlocks, and Fudge sitting alongside Madam Bones but slightly back. Both were scowling, which Harry thought was a good sign.

Once the assembled had settled down again, Harry's attention was drawn to Scrimgeour, who was acting as the prosecutor for the trial.

Scrimgeour's questions were simple and clear. He asked Harry to relate the events that happened in 'Muggle London' near Hermione's registered place of residence, his first sight of the dementors, recognising that all three were wearing gold control medallions at the time, driving them off with patronuses, and rushing back to the Granger residence to ensure they were alright.

Then it was the defence solicitor's turn.

The only question of any significance the slimy looking man asked was. "Mister Potter, when you, in contravention of the Statute of Secrecy, cast..."

"Objection!" both Stewart and Scrimgeour shouted.

"Sustained!" Madam Bones barked. "Mister Pennybaker! That is the third time you've been called to accounts for that line of questioning. Another such and you'll be spending the next forty-eight hours in the holding cells upstairs. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Ma'am," the man said, a little contritely. But, it was clearly an act.

After that, the man asked only one other question to do with how Harry was walking through 'Muggle London' at that time of night before the questions were wrapped up and he was able to join his wives in the visitors' gallery.

Of their group, last came Sirius. He spoke quite eloquently about what had happened from his point of view. Harry even heard a few things Sirius hadn't mentioned when he returned to the Granger residence on the night of the attack.

Next was Kingsley Shacklebolt, who had been one of two aurors sent to find the control orders for the dementors. They testified finding the other pairings of the three dementor control medallions in Umbridge's locked office, inside the drawer of her locked desk. And their forensic charms examination showed that they were put there by Umbridge.

He was then asked about whom he interviewed relating to the matter, but was not required to speak on what they'd said.

From Remus, he found out that the people Shacklebolt named and identified as having valid information were required to testify before Daphne was called in.

Unsurprisingly to the three bondmates, the forensic examination also found three unregistered blood quills. That had led to further charges.

Lastly, when Madam Bones asked Scrimgeour to call his next witness, Scrimgeour called out, "The prosecution calls to the stand, Minister Cornelius Oswald Fudge."

The shocked man gaped back in shock for a few moments, while the hubbub of noise from the tiers rose a bit, before he suddenly surged to his feet and loudly exclaimed, "What?!"

Madam Bones had to bang her gavel a few times before she restored order.

Once she had it, she turned to Fudge and said, "Minister Fudge, you have been called to the stand. Please take yourself there, now."

"I will not!" he roared.

"You will, sir," Madam Bones ground back out forcefully. "Or, I will have you treated as a hostile witness and have you forced!"

Fudge and Bones engaged in a staring contest, for a long few moments, before Fudge gave a huff and stormed down to the witness stand.

Pennybaker rose to his feet and firmly stated, "I object to this witness being called. I have not been notified of him being called and, therefore, am not prepared to question him."

"Overruled," said Madam Bones. "You were aware Minister Fudge was called. His name appears on the list of those required to attend, this day."

"I believed his name was only included on the list as, as Minister, he sits on the Wizengamot," tried Pennybaker.

"Then that is your error, Mister Pennybaker. It is not for the court to ensure you haven't made incorrect assumptions."

Pennybaker glared back for a moment before his expression changed to a calm one and he gently sat down again.

Once he was ready, Scrimgeour began his questions.

From the questioning it was determined Fudge did not know Umbridge was planning on sending dementors to deal with Harry or the Grangers or both, did not know she had in her possession three unregistered blood quills, or a couple of other matters.

"Minister," said Scrimgeour. "The woman is supposed to be your Senior Undersecretary - your most trusted confidante and advisor - her behaviour reflects directly back on you - how could you not know these things?"

Now Harry understood why Fudge was on the stand. It had nothing to do with providing further evidence against Umbridge; and everything to do with making the man look incompetent.

Fudge almost muttered an answer where he said he could not be expected to know everything that went on in the Ministry, as he was a busy man and trusted in others to do their work and keep an eye on things for him.

"Such as Dolores Umbridge?" asked Scrimgeour.

"Yes," glared Fudge.

"Then it appears you placed your trust in the wrong person, is that not so?"

"Yes," the Minister gritted out.

"After your error of placing your faith in Lucius Malfoy, who was only a few weeks ago positively identified as a willing Death Eater, why did you not take steps to ensure everyone else you've placed your trust in was worthy of it?"

Straightening up his posture, Fudge pretty much declared, "I've known Dolores for more than twenty years. In all that time I've not had cause to lack faith in her."

"Do you not think that, if you did not have blind trust in the woman, you would have spotted her crimes earlier?"

"Errr... no," blustered Fudge.

When Pennybaker stood to question for the defence he tried to get Fudge to admit that he was responsible for ordering Umbridge to take at least some of the actions she took. And, from her expression, it was clear Madam Bones anticipated this. She looked almost eager.

On one such question Fudge managed to can his Ministership, right then and there, with an ill-thought answer.

"No, I did not want to know she was doing something wrong..." Realising what he said, he immediately snapped his mouth shut. However, it was already too late.

Harry looked to Madam Bones and grinned. Then, looking further into the tiers, he spotted Ogden. The man was openly scowling at Fudge. Checkmate.

Turning to his wives, Harry whispered. "Fudge just sunk himself. He might hang on to his post over the weekend, but he'll be gone by Monday morning."

Both girls were happy to agree.

When asked if she wanted to speak in her own defence, Umbridge almost snootily replied, "I am the Senior Undersecretary to Minister Cornelius Fudge. I do not need to explain myself to you; it's you who have to explain yourselves to me.

"You may not understand the reason behind some of the things I do, nor do I expect you to. However, everything I have done is for the betterment of the wizarding world in general, and wizarding Britain in particular."

That 'rang bells' for Harry. Even more so when Scrimgeour asked, "That sounds like you're saying... 'Everything you do, you do for the greater good'. Is that what you mean?"

Harry gave a little shudder.

Knowing the question was fraught with danger but not being able to avoid it, she gave a little huff and replied, "I would not use that term; but, yes."

When the Wizengamot returned from their deliberations - less Harry, Umbridge and Fudge - the verdict was quite significant against the Pink Toad.

She was sentenced to life in Azkaban for the attempted murder of a member of the Wizengamot, five years for the attempted murder of Hermione and Daphne, five years each for each blood quill, five years for the accepting of multiple bribes, and her immediate termination as an employee of the Ministry and forbidden from holding a position within the Ministry ever again.

However, after the first sentence was read out, life imprisonment, everything else was moot. When the wizarding world said life imprisonment they meant it. By their order, Umbridge was never to be released until she was dead. And, as the first sentence related to a capital crime, Umbridge was going into the maximum security section and would now be dealing with dementors up close and personal.

The three bondmates were quite relieved.

"No 'Professor Umbridge'," Hermione happily grinned.

"No blood quill," agreed Harry with a grin of his own.




When the six returned to the Granger residence, the grins on everyone's faces immediately told the Grangers the verdict.

"How long did she get?" asked Ant.

"Life, and then some," replied Sirius.

"If the kids are right and Riddle makes an attempt on Azkaban to get his people out soon after Christmas, we might be lucky and she dies during the attempt," said Matthias.

"We can no longer rely on that previous information, Dad," said Hermione. "In the previous time, Riddle was able to both operate in secret; and had a few more people helping him.

"This time he could be slowed down due to having less people; or sped up as he needs to get his people out faster to rebuild his forces, and he no longer needs to concern himself with losing the element of the failed acknowledgement of his return."

"I think it'll be later," said Harry. "He cannot move on Azkaban without having enough people to make the raid a success. And he cannot have a failed attempt as he knows it would push the Ministry to boost the auror force on the island."

"And a failed attempt will make him appear weak," added Daphne. "Which means even less people flocking to him."

"Amelia's 'taking steps' there, anyway," said Matthias. "I don't know what those steps are, but she's confident they'll be enough."




Because of the result of the trial, and that the actual address of the Granger residence was protected information during said trial, the Grangers were happy to remain in their home and maintain their dental practice.

However, the attack gave Matthias and Sirius enough evidence to have the wards on the property strengthened. They saw to that immediately.

The day after the trial Hermione called aside Winky and Dobby and gave them quiet instructions. She spent about twenty minutes softly talking to the pair of them before she dismissed them.

When she saw the expression on Harry's face she explained what instructions she gave the little elves. In case the Granger residence was directly attacked, Winky was to immediately summon Dobby. Then, the two of them would make sure the Grangers were able to get into the tunnel and would be safe.

Their next job was to pack up certain effects, get them out of the house and into the Potter vaults in safe storage. And, finally, their own safety was primary after the Grangers. If they weren't able to get everything out before Death Eaters entered, what ever remained to be packed away was to be considered abandoned; and the elves were to join the Grangers in the tunnel safe room.

Two days after the trial and, as planned, the three moved to the Black House.

They were immediately shown to their old room, which both Sirius and Remus made sure was reserved for them, and it was suggested they change into something 'more appropriate'. That is, into casual wizarding wear.

Once they'd changed, Sirius showed them the room next to their own and said, "This one is now set aside for the Grangers. I know you've done the same at Potter Retreat; but, I believed such a room should also be set aside here for them.

"From here they'll still be able to run their practice. That's something they can't do from Potter Retreat."

A very grateful Hermione quickly moved in to hug Sirius and said, "That's very nice of you, Sirius. Thank you very much."

"You're very welcome, my darling," he said, enjoying the hug. Giving it a few moments, he then pushed her out to arms length and looked her in the eyes. "This is the sort of thing families do for one another; and, you're family."

Once they were ready, the three followed Sirius back downstairs to the parlour. A nervous Narcissa and Draco were waiting for them. As the three walked in both ex-Malfoys rose in greeting.

With a grin on his face, Harry walked over and offered his hand to Draco. "Ferret," he said.

As a matching smirk blossomed on Draco's face, he accepted the handshake and said, "Scarhead."

That little exchange had everyone else relaxing from how tense they all were.

"Everything alright?" asked Harry.

"It is not Malfoy Manor; but, we are comfortable. Thank you," said Draco.

With a nod back, Harry then moved to Narcissa.

"Cousin Narcissa," he said, taking the lady's left hand and very lightly kissing the back of her knuckles. "You're looking well."

"Cousin Harry," she softly replied. "As do you."

Once the girls had stepped forward with their own greetings - and neither ex-Malfoy so much as sneered at Hermione for being a muggleborn - everyone found seats.

"How was your time living in the muggle world for a couple of weeks?" Draco asked Daphne.

"Amazing, as usual," she replied with a wide smile. "You really should try it some time, Mal... err... Black. Draco."

Daphne's slip made Draco smirk back a little and acknowledge the faux pas with only a gentle nod.

He asked, "I've heard they have the most wonderful toys."

Both Harry and Hermione were interested in how Daphne viewed the muggle world, so remained silent and just listened as the conversation developed.

"Toys, yes," she acknowledged. "However, they also have the most amazing devices to make their lives easier and more entertaining.

"For example, they have a device in almost every home - and sometimes more than one - called a television. It's a one-way communication device with images and sound. They... broadcast, they call it... a signal from a central point; and all these televisions pick it up and display the sound and image in the person's home.

"It can be used to display recorded plays that you can watch over and over again, if you wish. Or, among other things, show news events from far and wide. It's truly amazing.

"But, that's only one device of a great many. My time with the Grangers has really opened my eyes with how modern muggles really are. We pay them a great disservice to think of them as less than witches and wizards."

Draco was honestly quite curious. He said, "I hope to have the opportunity to see this for myself, at some time."

"That can be arranged," said Harry.

"We should make plans for a trip into muggle London so Draco and Narcissa can experience London, muggle-style," suggested Hermione.

"We can do that," nodded Sirius. "For now, though, what are your plans for your time here?"

"Nothing concrete," said Harry. "Other than the wedding in two weeks, my Ancient Runes exam, studying in advance for the coming year, training and what we've already discussed."

"That's a lot already," he smiled back. "In the meantime, we have that project we've been working on. Do you want to get the potion side of it out of the way this evening when Remus gets back?"

Harry looked to his wives and saw they wanted to do it. Turning back to his godfather, he said, "Yeah, alright. Let's do it."

With a nod of happiness, Sirius said, "Good. In the meantime you need to meditate to prepare your minds. Remus should be here about 5:00pm. He's promised to be here early, this evening. We'll do it as soon as he arrives."

As the three teens nodded back Sirius smiled again and said, "Excellent. Now, away with you. Go meditate."

The three bowed their way out of the room with Harry hamming it up. "Yes, oh great memsahib; oh, great master of pranks; oh, great and wonderful..."

Harry felt himself lucky he was able to catch, out of the corner of his eye, Sirius quickly drawing his wand and raising it in his direction. He was able to leap out of the way of a quick snapped stinging hex.

Laughing, he ran from the room and chased after his wives.




Remus arrived a few minutes after 5:00pm, as promised. The three, who had spent a significant portion of the afternoon meditating, eagerly awaited his arrival.

Once he arrived, and greetings and hugs were exchanged, the five of them trooped to the library, where the furniture had been sent to the edges of the room to leave a large clear area in the middle of the floor.

Sirius, almost ceremonially, carried up with him the three bottled potion phials of 'Intra Animalis' (Animal Within) potion in a wooden phial rack.

For the first change, the three were dressed in comfortable and loose muggle shorts and t-shirts. And Remus carried three large blankets. It was unknown, for the first change, whether their clothes would survive the change. When the wizard initiated the change using their own magic, the clothes went with them. However, the potion forced the internal magic to make the change; and clothes often didn't survive the experience.

When the Marauders sought out their animagus forms they didn't know about the potion. So, they did it the hard, and long, way to initiate their first changes. Remus estimated the potion bypassed almost eighteen months of hard effort.

Once they were all inside, Sirius used his Head of House authority and spelled the door shut. They wouldn't be bothered until he opened the door again.

"Alright," he said when he was sure they were ready. "Who's first?"

"I am," said Harry.

He collected a phial off Sirius, yanked a hair out of his own head, and dropped it into the now uncorked phial. With a gentle swirl of his hand, he waited until the potion changed to the right golden colour before nodding once in satisfaction and moving to the middle of the room.

Turning back to face his family, he kneeled on the floor, sat back on his haunches and looked back in not a little fear at his family. Seeing the looks of love coming from them, and the trust he had in them, he took a deep breath and downed the potion.

Not a little worried themselves, the other four watched as Harry downed the potion and closed his eyes. As Harry obviously and quickly slipped into his meditative state he started to glow with a minor golden aura similar in colour to the final potion.

Only a few moments later his body began to shift.

Very quickly his body morphed and flowed from human teenager to dark furred wolf. Standing on four legs where Harry kneeled was a Eurasian wolf with what appeared to be darker than normal fur colouring and wearing Harry's t-shirt and shorts. He even appeared to doggy-grin back at them as he sat on his haunches.

A few moments later he reverted back to Harry. Leaving a grinning Harry kneeling on the floor and sitting on his haunches. Thankfully, his clothes were only in a little disarray, and he was able to move the clothing about a bit to have it sit better on his frame.

"It's a wolf," Sirius suddenly said, surprised.

"Why surprised?" asked Harry. "My godfather and honourary uncles are both canines of a form. A dark furred Eurasian wolf seems to be a great blend of the two."

"My galleon was on you being a bird animagus, considering how much you like to fly," said Sirius.

"I fly for the freedom of it," said Harry. "I long more for family - pack."

Both adults nodded back in thought.

"I think I'll be next," said Daphne.

As she walked over to take her own phial she snapped a hair out of her scalp and dropped it in. Once it turned gold she walked to where Harry now stood and got out of her way.

As did Harry, she kneeled on the floor and sat back on her haunches.

As soon as she was ready she barely hesitated in chugging back the potion and dropping into her meditative state, glowing a little.

And, as with Harry, she quickly morphed into her animagus form. Both adults were stunned by the result.

While Harry's form took that of a Eurasian wolf, her own took that of a Grey wolf with blonde highlights.

"That's... highly unusual," said Remus. "Two wolves?"

"I guess we should have expected it," said Sirius.

As she was about to transform back, Harry quickly grabbed a blanket off Remus, flicked it out to open it right up and quickly stepped forward to wrap it over Daphne's back and around her shoulders.

When she transformed back, and while Harry held the blanket around her, Daphne quickly rearranged her clothes back into a presentable fashion before standing up.

With a nod to Harry she stood up straighter and removed the blanket from her shoulders, before the two rejoined the others.

Hermione had already taken one of her own hairs and dropped it into the remaining potion while Daphne was getting sorted out.

As she passed Daphne and Harry she grinned and winked at them as she sat where her two bondmates had sat.

"Any bets on whether it's another wolf?" asked Remus.

"No bet," Sirius immediately shot back.

Assuming the same pose on the floor, Hermione shot back her own potion and closed her eyes.

A few moments later she glowed and transformed. Where once sat human teenager Hermione, now sat a Timber wolf.

"Damn!" said Sirius. "All three of them. They really are kindred souls."

"You doubted that?" asked Harry, a little amused.

"I guess we shouldn't have," acknowledged Remus.

When Hermione looked like she was about to transform back, Harry hurried forward with the blanket and covered her as the transformation took effect. As with Daphne, he held the blanket in place as Hermione reassumed her human form and rearranged her clothing under the blanket.

As she stood she took the blanket off her shoulders, grinning the whole time.

"They're the same and different," said Remus, once the teens were fully back to being presentable. "All wolves but slightly different species."

"Uh-huh," agreed Hermione. "Harry's a Eurasian wolf, but with darker colouring to more closely match his natural hair colour. Daphne's a grey wolf with the similar effect on her hair. And I'm a timber, or Eastern, wolf with hair that's a touch frizzy... like my own natural hair."

With Daphne and Deece's help in getting the right hair potions, Hermione's hair was now in long wavy locks.

"The Eurasian wolf, Canis Lupus Lupus, and the timber wolf, Canis Lupus Lycaon, are both subspecies of Canis Lupis, the Grey wolf; which is Daphne's form. Canis Lupus Familiaris, the domestic dog, includes Irish wolfhounds... Sirius's form; so, the Irish wolfhound is actually a subspecies, a few removed, of the grey wolf, too."

"We're pack!" Sirius happily exclaimed. "This means we're really going to be working hard on getting you to change into your animagus forms over the next couple of weeks. If possible, I'd like to have you confidently making full transformations before your wedding.

"We're going to be able to have so much fun!" he said, before he switched to his form and bounded around the room, barking happily.

The others all laughed at his antics.

"No wonder you three kept it a secret," grinned Remus.

"We thought it'd be a nice surprise," grinned Daphne.




After an evening where the entire household of seven sat down together for dinner, the three retired to their room to discuss the events of the day.

Speaking about the revealing of their forms, Daphne said, "Sirius and Remus's expressions seeing our forms were quite funny."

"It was hilarious," laughed Harry. "I'm glad Hermione suggested we keep it secret until the potion. Seeing the expressions on their faces when we each changed, especially your two, well made it worth it."

"What's next?" asked Hermione; as always, eager to learn.

"Next we meditate, seek out the wolves within each of us, and attempt to merge with them," explained Harry, as if they hadn't discussed this numerous times before. "However, we shouldn't even think of doing that without adult supervision with either or both Sirius or Remus."

"I still don't really understand what they mean by that," she grouched.

"I think it'll become obvious once we start," said Daphne. "I think I have a fair idea now; but, I don't want to say anything in case I'm wrong and set us back."

"When do we get our names?" asked Hermione.

"By Marauder tradition, that's up to Sirius and Remus," smiled Harry.

"It's not much of a tradition if Remus and Sirius were part of the four who supposedly started the tradition," she grouched.

"All traditions start somewhere, love," said Daphne. "Why not with the original Marauders for the naming of animagus forms?"

"I just..." she sighed. "I just... don't want mine to be something I don't like."

"We'll make sure it's something you'll like," said Daphne. "I very much doubt that 'Prongs', 'Padfoot' and 'Wormtail' were first choices, either."

"But, Moony might have been," said Harry.

"According to Sirius, your dad gave him that nickname before they all became animaguses," explained Daphne. "It was discovering Moony was a werewolf that led to them searching for a way to accompany him while he was in his transformed state; and that led to them studying up on and becoming animaguses."

With a few nods back, Harry turned to Hermione and asked, "I daresay, since you've discovered your form, you've given thought to a few nicknames. What sort of name appeals to you?"

Hermione flipped open her trunk and pulled out the journal she'd taken to keeping. Opening it up to a specific page, she read, "Stalker, Fleetfoot, Sprinter, Tracker..."

Harry and Daphne started to gently laugh.

"What?" asked Hermione; confused.

"We get it," said Daphne. "You want a name that more closely resembles the nature of your form, rather than just the physical type of form. Each name you mentioned relates to something the form does, rather than is."

"For example," said Harry. "You could have chosen names like Fang, Ruff, Woodsy, and Frizz; but, they all refer to the form itself. Understand, love?"

Hermione looked down at her journal, gnawed a little on her bottom lip, and said, "You're right. I've got nothing like that here."

"As the three of us are wolves, I think Hermione's wish is likely to come true," said Daphne. "It would be a bit difficult to assign us names based on physical characteristics when we're all pretty much the same."

"I'd already thought of names for the both of you," grinned Harry. "But..." He held up a finger before either could ask what it was. "But... I'm not telling you what they are until those two are ready to start assigning them."

Both girls grumbled back.


