Chapter Forty Five - Reductors and Blue Carpet

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world... Damn it!

Chapter Forty Five - Reductors and Blue Carpet




As Harry, Daphne and Hermione led the others out onto the floor of the atrium, he watched as aurors began levitating the unconscious forms of unmasked Death Eaters back in through the doors of the expanded broom closet they'd just left.

Once in the middle of the floor, about two thirds of the way back from the fountain, Harry turned to his ladies and those behind and said, "Us three will make our stand, here. Remember: Riddle's mine. For those who haven't figured it out yet, there's a prophecy that states only I can kill him.

"However, everyone he's with is fair game. Take them down... hard. If you just stun them, their... friends... will simply revive them again. We cannot afford for anyone taken down to be revived and getting back into the fight.

"If you get a free shot at Tommy-boy... then, by all means, take it. However, you will fail if you try to kill him. The prophecy and Lady Destiny won't let you. That, however, does not mean you cannot hurt him.

"Now, we've got a bit of time. Conjure yourselves up some shields, walls and revetments to shield yourselves; even if it's just something that's hip high. They will be throwing killing curses at you. Make sure those walls are strong and thick. Angled up polished marble is the best; but, anything is better than nothing."

Putting actions to words, Harry and his ladies immediately transfigured a few of those stones they carried about in their pockets into thick, angled polished black marble walls that rose to hip high. To each side, the walls went even higher; to almost shoulder height.

In less than a minute they'd fashioned for themselves a suitably strong three-sided marble roofless redoubt from where to make their stand.

They paused for only a few seconds when a voice from the door to the broom closet firmly called, "Here they come!"

"Alright, my lovelies," said Harry a little tensely. "Remember: Safety first. No heroics. We just pour the firepower at him and take him down hard and fast."

Calling over his shoulder, Harry called, "Remember: Wait until they pass the fountain. We don't want them using it to hide behind. We want them between the fountain and us."

While he'd been talking, either Hermione or Daphne had created a small stack of marble blocks in front of their walls, ready for them or Harry to use to shield them from killing curses. The more they could block from reaching their walls, the less time they'd have to spend repairing those walls.

Hearing a ding from the direction of the lifts, everyone tensely waited.

Riddle strode out of the lift foyer and immediately turned and walked through the security gate. At first, it didn't appear he'd seen them. Suddenly, he hesitated in his stride just a little, before continuing in their direction. They'd been seen.

Once past the fountain he slowed before coming to a stop, evilly grinning at them. He only had five Death Eaters with him. Two stood to his left with the remainder stood to his right.

"Well, I'd love to stay and chat," he silkily smirked. "However, I have a prior engagement."

He gave a quick snap turn to apparate and only staggered.

Harry could see the look of shock as it passed across his face before he quickly donned his superior, disdainful smirk again. His sudden whisper to activate a portkey also failed; making his smirk even wider.

"It appears my friends have failed in their task of taking down the wards," he said. "No matter. I'll just have to walk past you to apparate out."

Harry couldn't help it. He began to chuckle.

Riddle turned to look at him, clearly only seeing him properly for the first time.

With a cruel smile he said, "Ah... Harry Potter, come to die. Are you aware of the prophecy, young Harry? Did you know it says I'll kill you?"

"Oh, Tom," smirked Harry. "You were quite foolish to think the only copy of the prophecy was in the Hall of Prophecies. Dumbledore kept a copy in his pensieve. That's the one I listened to.

"And, I know full well I'm destined to kill you. Just as you're destined to be killed by my hand."

Angrily, Riddle retorted, "This is not where it all began, boy! It is only there could that come to pass."

"But this is where it all began, Tom," replied Harry. "It is here, where magical Britain formed as a unified society. It is this spot, at ground level above us, where the original eight powerful families met to form the original Council of Twelve. It is this you wanted to tear down and replace with a dictatorship, with you as the dictator.

"And, it is to here where you willingly, even eagerly, came to meet your death."

As Harry spoke, Riddle stared back with an expression of superiority, then fear, then anger.

"I am immortal, Potter!" snarled Riddle. "You, at least, witnessed my resurrection. I cannot be permanently killed!"

Harry chuckled back and, in an innocent voice, asked, "Oh; you mean your little trinkets?"

At the look of shock on Riddle's face, he continued, "Sorry, Tom. We found all your little anchors and dealt with them; including the one you were unaware of. Diary, ring, cup, locket, diadem, your pet snake and my scar. You're now back to being as mortal as everyone else."

With another look of comprehending horror that transformed to rage, Riddle suddenly raised his wand and slashed down with it, point first, as he yelled a snarl of, "Avada Ked..."

He was interrupted by Harry having snap cast back both a tongue-locking hex and knockback jinx with each wand, stopping Riddle's killing curse before he could even finish casting it, as the so-called Dark Lord staggered on his feet and had to dispel Harry's overpowered Langlock hex.

Chuckling, Harry called, "And that, folks, is how you stop the killing curse in it's tracks with two first year minor charms."

Building up to a full rage, Riddle began his attack, throwing everything he could at Harry.

And Harry and his wives retaliated.




Riddle's barraging attack was the signal to start the main part of the battle. However, only two of his remaining Death Eaters even managed to get a curse off before the five of them were blasted back off their feet by the combined power of the aurors and Unspeakables.

As curses flew back and forth Riddle managed to maintain his own against Harry - his wives, who joined in when they could - and the occasional curse from one of the Unspeakables and aurors arrayed behind them and to their sides.

What became apparent pretty quickly was that Riddle had managed to find a ritual or two to build up either his magical core or power or both.

However, it wasn't nearly enough.

Whether it was because of a distraction caused by an auror or Unspeakable - or a drop in his magical power, or similar - Harry managed to get a curse through Riddle's formidable shields. The curse tagged Riddle in his wand arm. He even saw the sudden fluctuation of power Riddle was using, and subconsciously capitalised upon it with his own attack.

It was just enough to throw Riddle's casting off. The follow up reductor curse to his head impacted without being sufficiently shielded and blew his head clean off his shoulders.

The headless body was flung backwards until it impacted the low wall of the fountain, where it clearly snapped it's spine.

Spell fire immediately stopped. Shocked at how anti-climactic the battle actually was, Harry and his wives just stood there for a few moments wondering where the next attack would come from.

However, it was over. Riddle was dead. And, with the destruction of his horcruxes, he wasn't coming back.

In the silence, Harry didn't know who, but someone began to cheer. Very quickly there was cheering from all the surviving forces of the light behind them.

Harry just stood there, staring at the body of Riddle when it was draped over the wall of the fountain, as his wives wrapped him in a hug from either side.

"It's over," sobbed Hermione. "It's... really... over!"




When Riddle suddenly woke up, he was lying on his back in the middle of a pale blue plush wool carpet. It actually felt quite comfortable.

"Hello, Thomas Marvolo," said a deep baritone voice.

Suddenly snapping up into a sitting position, Tom reached for his wand with a snarl on his lips. It wasn't there.

A quick look around for his missing wand and he found he was sitting on said carpet in the middle of a room. Other than the carpet, everything was white. Looking down at himself, he also found his robe was white. That he was barefoot, however, was not that unusual for him.

Standing just off the rug before him was a white man of average height, with long wavy black shoulder-length hair on broad shoulders. His hair was loose and hung to his shoulder blades. He, too, wore white robes and was, apparently, barefoot under them.

"And who might you be to be standing in the presence of Lord Voldemort," sneered Tom.

The man smirked back and allowed... something... to happen. From behind his back stretched out two massive white wings clearly anchored behind his shoulders. And, shimmering into existence above his head, a golden halo formed.

"I am called Michael," said the man. "And, to you, I am your angel of death."

Tom gaped back in shock, and great fear.

"You cheated us in October, 1981, Thomas Marvolo," said Michael, as his voice became colder. "However, thanks to Harry James and his wives, you don't get to cheat us this time."

Suddenly the angel's face turned to one of great anger and he barked, "Now; get up! Judgement awaits you!"




Once the initial celebrations finally abated, Harry joined Madam Bones and Unspeakable Croaker in the Minister's Office. The Minister, who'd been immediately summoned once Riddle was dead, was one of the first back to the Ministry building; and ensured Harry, Hermione and Daphne were immediately escorted directly to his office.

For the first time in either timeline, Harry actually drank a glass of firewhiskey. And immediately decided he didn't like it.

Minister Ogden was gushing in his effusive praise of Harry and his wives.

"There's another Order of Merlin, First Class, in this for you, Mister Potter," he rapidly gushed. "My... I don't think there's been a dual winner of such an honour..."

"Stop! Please!" Harry interrupted, raising his hand in a warding off gesture, as if in pain.

Once he realised the Minister had finally shut up he calmly said, "Minister, it wasn't just me and my actions that led to the final death of Tom Riddle. Both Daphne and Hermione played significant roles; as did Madam Bones, Unspeakable Croaker and Professors Flitwick and Snape. I was just the one who got in the final kill shot.

"For a start, both these ladies..." he indicated his wives, "... have trained with me since September, the year before last, to fight and ultimately defeat that monster. And both Madam Bones and Unspeakable Croaker, together with their people, and the two Professors were deeply involved in that."

Both adults snorted; and Madam Bones scoffed and said, "Rubbish! This was all you and your wives."

"Nevertheless," retorted Harry. "I simply will not accept any formal acknowledgement of what happened if, at least, everyone else involved is not also recognised for their efforts. So, forget it."

"Ah!" exclaimed the Minister, settling back into his seat. "Mmmm... Yes... I see."

"In the meantime," said Harry, leaning forward to place his partially drunk glass of Ogden's Finest on the Minister's desk. "I'm tired. I'm a sixteen year old boy who's just had to kill a man; all because of some blasted prophecy given by a batty old drunken fraud.

"I'd like to go to bed, cuddle my wives, and... if they'll let me... make mad and passionate love with them…"

"Haaarrrrryyyy!" squealed both girls, as they both blushed to the tips of their roots.

"… before dropping off to sleep," he finished. "I think we can leave it to you people to handle the media and... whatnot," he said with a wave-off gesture. "Starting tomorrow, us three have OWLs to prepare for. They're only in a few weeks, you know."

"Oh... ummm... o-of course!" stuttered the Minister.

Standing up, with both girls moments behind him, Harry asked, "May we use your Floo, Minister?"

As the Minister was about to reply, Croaker said, "I've a better idea."

He stood and pulled an old quill out of his robes. He then popped his wand out of his holster and, while intoning 'Portus!', tapped the quill with the tip of it. The quill glowed blue for a few moments.

Offering it to Harry, he said, "This will take you right to the front steps of the castle."

Taking it, Harry nodded his thanks while holding it before him. Turning to the Minister he said, "Please, let me know sometime tomorrow after classes what your final decision is. I'm too tired to be of much use, at the moment."

As both wives stepped forward to grab a pinch of the quill, the Minister said, "Of course, Mister Potter... ladies... leave everything to us. I'll talk to you tomorrow afternoon."

As Harry gave the Minister a small smile and nod, Croaker tapped the quill with his wand and said, "Activate!"

The three teens disappeared in the swirl of a portkey.

Once the three teens had disappeared, the Minister sighed and said to the other two, "I cannot not award Mister Potter an Order of Merlin, First Class, for this. The public would lynch me in the middle of Diagon Alley, and I cannot say I'd blame them for it."

"He didn't say you couldn't award him one, Minister," said Croaker. "He said you'd also have to recognise his wives and teachers for their contributions, if you did."

"Ah!" said the Minister, understanding. "Yes... Interesting..."

"And, might I also say, Minister," said Madam Bones, "Sometimes it is better to beg forgiveness than ask permission. Mayhap it would be better to present Mister Potter and his wives with a... fait accompli?"

"Oh!" exclaimed the Minister. "Capital idea!"

As the Minister appeared to stare off into the distance, thinking deep thoughts, Croaker and Bones just looked at one another and rolled their eyes.




As promised, the portkey dropped all three teens on the steps immediately outside the main doors of the castle. And, surprisingly, Harry only managed to stumble a little from the landing. If he hadn't felt so tired, he might have thought it was from a much reduced reserve of magical power he was currently experiencing.

Walking in through the doors, he said, "I think we'd better go see the Headmistress and tell her what's happened, before we head for bed."

"Yeah, I think that'd be the right thing to do," agreed Hermione as Daphne just nodded.

While it was well past the evening meal, it was not yet past curfew. So, all the lights were still on. The three walked through the castle to the gargoyle at the bottom of the stairs to the Headmistress's office.

Stopping in front of it, Harry said, "Oi! We need to see the Headmistress. We have important news."

The gargoyle stared back impassively for a few moments before it gave a curt nod and stepped out of the way. A few seconds later, the three were standing on the landing before the office door.

As Hermione raised her hand to knock, the Headmistress called from beyond, "Come!"

No longer surprised they were now detected when approaching any Professor's private rooms Harry reached out and opened the door, before stepping back to allow his wives to precede him.

Headmistress McGonagall was sitting at her desk, obviously going through paperwork.

As they stepped through and approached, she looked up and said, "I had been informed you three had snuck out of the school. I trust you had a very important reason for doing so?"

"We did," smiled Daphne.

After staring at the three of them for a long moment, and recognising how tired the three were, the Headmistress conjured three matching chairs before her desk and indicated they should sit.

Once the three were sitting down, Harry sighed and said, "In leaving the school, as we did, this afternoon; I'd first like to say that we did so with the full knowledge of Minister Ogden, Madam Bones and Unspeakable Croaker."

That clearly surprised the Headmistress, but she didn't respond. Instead, she simply raised an enquiring eyebrow and waited to hear more.

"We had specific intelligence relating to Riddle and his activities. We knew an attack was planned on the Ministry, this evening.

"As we learned of it in plenty of time, we... together with the Departments of Magical Law Enforcement and Mysteries... set up an ambush for the Dark Tosser Dork Lard. And, this evening, Riddle and his remaining forces walked into a trap of our making."

That surprised McGonagall. But, before she could voice anything, Harry continued.

"About two hours ago, Riddle entered the Ministry with the intention of accomplishing two main objectives. The first was to assassinate the entire leadership of the Ministry; the Minister, his undersecretary, and the Heads of all the Departments was the first. His second objective was to enter the Hall of Prophecies and collect the prophecy that was specifically related to him... and me."

"Prophecy?" exclaimed the Headmistress.

"Yes, Ma'am," said Harry. "It was one that said Riddle and I would face each other, and that one of us would kill the other."

"My word!" she exclaimed, clearly shocked.

"Yes; well," said Harry. "Us three have known about it for quite some time. However, Riddle only knew of the first two lines of it. He went to the Hall of Prophecies, this evening, to collect it, so he could hear the rest of it."

As the Headmistress sat there staring back in shock, Harry said, "As I said, because we knew of the attack, and when it was going to happen, a trap was set.

"And, at about 7.00pm this evening, in the middle of the atrium at the Ministry of Magic, with Daphne and Hermione by my side... and a great deal of aurors and Unspeakables assisting... I managed to finally 'off' the bastard for good.

"He's dead... and he ain't ever coming back. The threat of Voldemort is over, and the ranks of his Death Eaters are well and truly broken. Not that there are many of them left alive, at any rate."




At Hermione's suggestion, Headmistress McGonagall summoned the four Heads of House to her office; Professors Snape, Sprout, Flitwick and Babbling - who had become Head of Gryffindor House when Professor McGonagall accepted the permanent post of Headmistress.

When all four Heads of House arrived and were offered chairs, they were surprised to see the three Potters sitting off to one side alongside the Headmistress's desk. Their curiosity was quite clear.

Once the four Professors were sitting, Headmistress McGonagall cleared her throat and said, "I have little doubt we'll learn more of what has actually transpired, earlier this evening, over the coming days. However, Missus Granger-Potter feels you four... and I'd have to agree... need to be aware of the wonderful news that's about to befall our student population, once the Daily Prophet arrives tomorrow morning.

Professor Snape almost unobtrusively reached down and bared his left forearm to his side, and glanced at it before looking back at Harry in shock.

Harry caught it and gave a snort of amusement.

"I shall be blunt," said Harry. "At approximately 7.00pm this evening, in the middle of the atrium at the Ministry of Magic, I killed Tom Riddle. Voldemort is dead. And..."

What else he was going to say was suddenly drowned out by the exclamations of shock from three of the heads of Houses. Professor Snape just sat there, completely stunned. However, Harry caught the almost imperceptible look of gratitude on the man's face. And gave a nod and smile back.

Once the shock had passed, the Headmistress and senior staff of the school, with input from Harry and the two girls, decided how they wanted the school populace to learn of this momentous occasion.

While they were working things out, Professor Snape said to Harry, "You'd best summon the mutt. If he finds out about this through any way, other than directly from you, he'll kill you.

"Mind you," he smiled. "He might just decide to kill you, anyway; for not letting him know what you were up to, in advance."

Professor McGonagall smirked and said, "That's a wise idea. Harry, the Floo powder is on the mantelpiece. Professor Black's floo address is 'Defence Office'. Ask him to come up here, won't you?"

With a pained expression and a sigh, Harry said, "I'd rather not." But, did as he was bid.

With his head in the fireplace he ended up having to yell, "Hey, Padfoot!" before his godfather walked into the room, probably from his private quarters.

"Pup?" he asked, a bit sleepy. "How'd you manage to get a floo call through to me?"

"I'm in the Headmistress's office," replied Harry. "We need you to step through. There's important news in the offering."

As Sirius hurried to don a pair of boots and make himself better presentable, he asked, "What sort of news?"

"Too important for a simple Floo call sort of news," he replied. "That's why the Headmistress asks you to come through." Then he pulled his head back out of the flames and waited.

As Sirius stepped into the office, Harry moved back to his chair between his wives. Professor McGonagall conjured him another chair and bid him to sit.

"Once a thoroughly confused Sirius sat down, McGonagall smirked at Harry and said, "Mister Potter, would you like to do the honours?"

"Nope!" Harry instantly replied, folding his arms and looking adamant. "He's gonna wanna hug me, then kill me, then hug me again. And, all the time, he's gonna yell at me."

That earned him a few chuckles from the staff. Even Snape smirked at that one.

It was Hermione who spoke up. "Mister Padfoot. Mister Hunter, Miss Tracker and Miss Pouncer formally advise you that Mister Hunter ended the Dark Tosser tonight, in the presence of Miss Tracker and Miss Pouncer; and Madam Bones, Unspeakable Croaker and a host of other supporting cast members."

Sirius appeared confused and shocked as he tried to figure that out.

"In other words," smirked Daphne, staring at a very shocked godfather. "Harry killed Voldemort tonight. The Dork Lard, as Harry often calls him, is dead. And, it's for good, this time."

Sirius stared back in shock and a little horror, his mouth gaping open and closed.

"Wait for it..." muttered Harry.

Suddenly, Sirius surged to his feet and appeared one moment as if he wanted to attack his godson, while the next storm out of the office, before turning back again. His mouth still not working.

"Here it comes..." muttered Harry, cringing back a little.

"Harry James Potter!" Sirius finally barked, getting his brain and mouth to sync, before finally managing to half push other staff members out of his way heading for his godson.

"What the bloody hell have you done?!" his godfather cried at an almost screech level, before grabbing Harry by the front of his robes and dragging him to his feet, to envelop him in a hug.

Sirius hugged him very tightly for a couple of seconds, before then shoving him out to arms length. Harry just went with it.

As Sirius began to spin him about, looking him over, he babbled, "Are you hurt? Did he get you? Do you need to see Pomfrey? What the bloody hell were you thinking?"

"No... no... no... getting an annoying prophecy out of the way, so I could live," replied Harry in all the right places.

Past Sirius's shoulder, Harry managed to see Snape sitting with a hand shielding his face and his shoulders jiggling up and down. Apparently, the Potions Master thought the whole thing hilarious.

"You could have been bloody killed!" yelled Sirius. "Moony would kill me..."

Sirius suddenly stopped, so befuddled he was apparently unable to think and act at the same time. He suddenly shouted, "Moony's gonna kill you! Then me! Then you, again! You're gonna be grounded!

"Wait, I'm your godfather. That's my job. You're grounded, Mister! You're grounded until you're... like... ninety, or something!"

"Sirius," Harry calmly said. "I'm fine. We're fine. It's done."

When it appeared Sirius was going to start yelling again, it was Professor McGonagall that 'rescued' Harry. "Professor Black! Enough!"

Sirius whirled on her and it looked like he was going to yell at her before his brain obviously kicked in, in time. "He's my godson, Minnie," he whined. "I'm allowed to yell..."

"And you have," she cut in. "And now you're done. Sit down!"

Looking like he was going to disagree, Sirius hesitated a moment before he cast one last filthy look at Harry before returning to his chair.

As he moved back to it with his back to Harry, Harry turned to the Headmistress and mouthed, "Thank you."

McGonagall then proceeded to tell Sirius how the staff was going to break the news to the students the next morning. Apparently, something very similar occurred after Riddle was destroyed the first time, back in 1981.




Once the decisions had been made, the Headmistress shoo'ed everyone out of her office while saying, "I need to confirm everything with Madam Bones or the Minister first, before we act tomorrow. I do not want students complaining to their parents how we withheld their mail, even if for only a little while, with the Minister unaware of the why of it."

As they filed out of the office, Sirius quickly tagged the three bondmates and said, "My office, before you head for bed. You need to tell both Moony and the Greengrasses, at least, of what has happened.

"Like me, you do not want them learning of it from the Daily Prophet, tomorrow morning."

"And you need to send Hedwig to your parents tonight with similar news," said Harry, looking at Hermione.

When the three trudged after Sirius into his office; Sirius, noticing how tired they were looking, suggested they call Dobby and share a Pepper Up potion between them.

Dobby was happy to bring the potion from Madam Pomfrey's stores.

While they were getting that done with, Sirius attempted to Floo call Remus, but was unsuccessful. Eventually, he called 'Chuckles', and had him wake Remus and get him to the fireplace and Floo call him.

Remus appeared in the flames a few minutes later.

"Damn it, Padfoot!" Remus half whined half snarled. "What the bloody hell was so important you had to drag me out of bed on a work night?"

"Your boss wants a word," replied Sirius.

After Harry gave his godfather a filthy look, he turned to fireplace and calmly said, "Your boss is telling you he has no problems with you taking a day off tomorrow. Voldemort is dead."

"What?... Pardon?... I mean... what?" spluttered Remus.

Sirius leaned in and barked, "Your bloody idiotic honourary nephew and his wives snuck out of the school, today; and 'offed' the Dark bastard!"

"He... what?" Remus almost snarled.

"Sirius," whined Harry, wincing.

"Mister Hunter, accompanied by Miss Pouncer and Miss Tracker, laid a trap for Mouldyshorts at the Ministry, explained Sirius. "When ol' Snake Face turned up, Harry killed him. Voldemort's dead! This time, apparently, for good!"

"Padfoot, if this is a prank..." snarled Remus.

"Marauder's honour," said Sirius. "No prank. Harry's offed the Snake-faced bastard. He did it earlier tonight."

Remus appeared to stare back for a few moments before he snarled, "I'm coming through."

"And, I'm outta here!" exclaimed Harry.

However, as he made a break for the door, Sirius hit him with an Incarcerous from behind, causing him to trip and fall to the floor, well short of the door.

In the meantime, Daphne had transfigured a desk chair into a long couch, and she and Hermione were sitting on it.

As Remus stepped through the Floo into the office, Harry was being levitated onto the couch. Harry thought it was Hermione using a Mobilicorpus levitation charm. She was quite good with charms.

Remus took one look at a bound and floating Harry, before turning to Sirius with fire in his amber eyes.

"Harry tried to make a break for it before you stepped through," explained Sirius.

"Then, how about you explain to me just how it is the Cub managed to kill the Dark Lord?" demanded Remus. After a glance at Harry he continued, "And, apparently, come through unscathed."

As Harry was reluctant to speak, as he was bound and all, Daphne and Hermione explained everything to him.

"Was it Snape that gave you this intelligence you spoke of?" asked Remus, once they'd done describing their day and evening.

"That we can't tell you," explained Daphne. "Sorry."

"We had both experience and reason to believe it was accurate," said Hermione. "This evening proved that."

"The entire operation was placed under the tightest and highest security restrictions by both the Departments of Magical Law Enforcement and Mysteries," said Daphne. "And much of it is still under a knowledge Fidelius."

"And why were you three involved?" asked Remus.

"There is... was... a prophecy that stated only I could kill him," Harry finally spoke. "Both Madam Bones and Unspeakable Croaker were both aware of it, and knew I had to be there to kill him. Hermione and Daphne wouldn't let me go alone."

"You could have been bloody killed!" barked Remus.

"That was not likely with the way we planned and carried out me facing him," snapped Harry. He was tired and becoming irritable. "With Hermione and Daphne providing point defence, and about thirty aurors and Unspeakables behind me in support, it was more likely I was going to get killed by a piece of falling masonry than Riddle hitting me with a curse."

"Bloody hell!" sighed the old wolf, finally starting to calm down.

"Yeah. Bloody hell!" echoed Sirius.

With Remus calming down, faster than Sirius did, Sirius looked to Daphne and said, "You'd better hurry up and Floo call your Mum and Dad."

Daphne gave a slight wince before she sighed and nodded. Then she moved to the Floo to make her call.




By the time Daphne finished her call to her parents, with almost as much drama as with Remus but without her parents stepping through, the three finally made their way back to their apartment.

As she'd well and truly finished her letter, having drafted and edited it a number of times while in Sirius's office, Hermione moved to Hedwig and sent her off with her letter to her parents. At least with a written letter, there would not be an immediate bout of yelling. All three were thankful for that.

What they didn't know, and may not have slept as well if they did, was that the yelling part was only delayed.

The three went directly to bed, afterwards. And, contrary to Harry's stated intentions in the Minister's office, the three immediately went to sleep. All three were simply too tired.




The three were up reasonably early the next morning. And, though they felt they had definitely earned a sleep-in even if it was a school day, they knew they needed to be in the Great Hall for breakfast. They needed to be there to assure everyone all was well.

As they walked into the Hall, the noise dipped only momentarily, before rising to it's normal levels. And they walked over to join Luna sitting in the middle of the Ravenclaw table. On the way, they made sure the Headmistress was aware of their presence.

All three were still, pretty much, exhausted. But they also knew a good feed for breakfast often lifted energy levels again. Though, not wanting to eat much just yet, Harry decided to grab a small bowl and partially fill it with porridge, a tablespoon of diced fruit, and milk.

Looking up at the head table as he ate, Harry could see the senior staff looked as tired as he felt.

"You did something really big, last night; didn't you?" asked Luna.

Hermione snorted a little before she calmly said, "Yes, Luna; we did."

"What did you do?" she asked.

"Something that will make everyone... well, nearly everyone... very happy," replied Daphne. "I'm sure the Headmistress will make an announcement about it in a few minutes."

"Oh, have you managed to rid the castle of the nests of Blibbering Humdingers?" she asked.

"Something even better, dear Luna," replied Harry. "Now, hush. You don't want to spoil the surprise."

A few moments later, one of the Ravenclaws in their year, Michael Corner, leaned over and asked, "You're not still contagious, are you?"

"I... what?" asked a confused Hermione. "Contagious? What're you talking about?"

"Well, the three of you were off sick, yesterday; right?" he replied. "Supposedly, it was with something highly contagious. That's why you spent the day in your apartment, rather than in the Infirmary."

Daphne gave a little snort but didn't say anything.

"Michael; no," said Harry. "We weren't sick. We had... something else we had to attend to."

"What do you mean?" the boy frowned. "And, why all three of you?"

"You'll find out before breakfast is over," scowled Hermione. "You'll need to wait for the Headmistress's announcement."

"No hints?" asked Corner. "Not even a little one?"

Hermione scowled but seemed to think about it. Eventually, she said, "You think we were sick? You're not even close!"

"What does that mean?" asked Corner, clearly completely confused.

Before Hermione could snap at the boy, as Harry could clearly see she was about to do, he said, "You have your little clue, Mister Corner. It is not Hermione's fault you don't understand it."

When Corner pulled back to tell those around him what he'd been told, Harry leaned in to Hermione and quietly said, "Careful, love. You're tired. And, when you're tired, you become a little... waspish."

She sighed and leaned back towards him. "Sorry," she said. "I just wish McGonagall would get on with it."

Quickly checking his watch, Harry said, "Soon. It's just gone 8.00am; so, she'll stand before the owls are due at 8.15."




When Headmistress McGonagall finally stood about five minutes later and made her way to the lectern, the whole Hall was waiting for her to speak.

With a little clear of her throat, McGonagall allowed the magics of the lectern to carry her voice across the Hall. "Good morning, students," she said.

Once what little noise there was died down, she continued, "For those who don't already know, the reason you were asked to all be here, this morning, was because I have a very important announcement to make. Today is a day for celebrations."

She let that settle into the minds of the students before she continued. "Last night, after the evening meal, I was visited in my office by three of our own. There, they informed me of the most auspicious news.

"Once they left for the evening, I was able to confirm their news... beyond any shadow of a doubt... with both Madam Bones of the DMLE, and the Minister himself.

"At a little after 7.00pm last night, while we were all enjoying the last moments of our evening meal, the Dark Wizard, Tom Riddle, otherwise known as the Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort..." there were only a few gasps... "... was killed in combat."

It took a moment, but the Hall suddenly erupted with cheers and shouting of joy. However, there were a few who either chose to simply disbelieve the news, or were very unhappy with it.

Harry could even hear one foolish Slytherin exclaim, "But, the Dark Lord's immortal! He can't be killed!" His voice was almost lost in the din.

After allowing the school body to cheer for a while, Professor McGonagall then managed to calm them down enough to sit down again and listen.

"Quiet!" she snapped to one student who hadn't gotten the hint already.

When that student, a Gryffindor, finally calmed down, she gave another little throat clear and said, "I assure you, all, that it has been confirmed by many that Tom Marvolo Riddle is dead. For myself, this information was confirmed by Minister Ogden, Madam Amelia Bones of the DMLE and Unspeakable Croaker of the Department of Mysteries. They had it confirmed by experts in necromantic and soul magics."

She hesitated a moment before she turned to look directly at Harry, Daphne and Hermione. "Will the Potters please come up here and stand before the student body."

With a groan and sigh, Harry stood; Daphne and Hermione only a moment behind him.

Stepping over the bench seating at the Ravenclaw table, he led his ladies towards the front of the Hall. Many students were whispering among themselves as to why.

Professor McGonagall, looking at them with both pity and kindness and a small smile, gestured for them to stand side-by-side in front of the lectern and off the dais.

"Yesterday," the Headmistress called out. "Most of you were aware that the Potters did not attend classes. The reason is because they were involved in a highly secret operation, run through the offices of the Departments of Magical Law Enforcement and Mysteries. And, yes, that operation concerned the take-down of Tom Riddle. They were not even in the castle, at the time.

"It is these three students... Mister Harry Potter, Missus Greengrass-Potter and Missus Granger-Potter... who faced Dark Wizard Riddle in combat of magic in the middle of the atrium at the Ministry of Magic, and defeated him."

She then stepped away from the lectern and began to applaud them. In moments everyone else had joined in a standing ovation, with lots of cheering and yelling, from the entire Hall.

Harry had just turned to stare daggers at a very unconcerned Headmistress, who just smirked back.

After allowing it to go on for over a minute, the Headmistress lowered her hands and stepped back to the lectern. This was the signal for everyone else to settle down again. It took about another half-minute before she, again, had the attention of the Hall.

"Secondly, classes for today are cancelled; so you may spend the day in quiet celebration. Please remember that there are those in the final weeks of their study for their OWL and NEWT exams, and give them the respect to study for those important examinations in peace."

"Now that we've shown our gratitude to the Potters," she spoke up. "I think it's time I allowed the owl mail to be delivered.

As she stepped away from the lectern, and gestured for the Potters to return to their seats, the owls began to stream in through the owl windows at the peak of the roof to deliver their loads. Of course, many of them were carrying copies of the Daily Prophet to those students who held a subscription.




Of course, the front page of the Prophet led with the sensationalist headline, 'HE'S DEAD!' and opened with the paragraph, 'Last night, one time hero of the wizarding world, Mister Harry Potter (15), again rid us of the Dark Wizard, Tom Riddle, writes your source of all the news that's critical to you, Rita Skeeter.'

Reading through it, Harry grumbled until he reached the third paragraph. "Well," he scoffed. "Neither of you two ladies even gets a mention until the third paragraph. And all the Unspeakables and aurors, that did most of the work, don't even get a mention until towards the end."

"The wizarding world needs a hero, Harry," said Daphne. "Not a whole heap of them."

Harry, Daphne and Hermione were still going through the paper to point out all the inaccuracies to one another when they were interrupted by a voice opposite.

"Is it true, Potter?" asked the voice. "Did you really kill the Dar... Riddle?"

Looking up into the face of Justin Finch-Fletchley, Harry snarked, "No, Finch-Fletchley. This whole thing has been one massive great prank... perpetuated by us, the Ministry, the Daily Prophet and the staff of Hogwarts... just to prank you.

"Of course it's bloody true, you pillock! With Hermione and Daphne helping me, I blew his fucking head off with a reductor curse, in front of a whole slew of aurors and Unspeakables!"

He was just about to turn back to reading over Hermione's shoulder her copy of the Prophet when he looked back up and said, "Oh. And, you're welcome. We fixed your bloody problem; just like you had the gall to demand I do."

Finch-Fletchley flinched and looked like he wanted to say something back. Instead, he just gave a slight nod and walked away.

As the boy walked off, Daphne smacked him in the back of the head.

"Ow!" he said, glancing accusingly at him. "What was that for?"

"Try to, at least, be a little gracious of their thanks," she replied. "It's the best they can do."

"I'm supposed to be gracious after what he said to me the other day?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yes, you are," she firmly replied.

With a little sigh of annoyance he grumbled, "Fine!"




While sitting apart a little to check out his mail, Harry noticed a couple of official letters from the Ministry. Of course, before he opened them, he checked all of it for portkeys, potions and the like.

The first he opened was a personal letter from the Minister. This time it was an 'official' personal thank you from him; together with a note informing him the Minister would be paying 'all due care and attention' towards a more public thanks from the people of Wizarding Britain. Plus, an addendum informing him his presence was not required for that day's emergency session of the Wizengamot.

The next was a letter from the Wizengamot Administration Services informing him of an emergency session of the Wizengamot being called for that early afternoon. And that he was required to attend as a full sitting member. Clearly, this was the session the Minister had already excused him from.

He actually didn't want to attend it, as he felt 'those old blowhards will spend the whole time telling him what a wonderful person he was; and he could do without it, thank you very much.'

His real reason was he wanted to fulfil his promise to his wives he made the previous evening, and spend the rest of the day in bed having wild and passionate sex.

Thankfully, the swarms of mail he knew he'd soon be receiving had yet to be sent. He made a mental note to himself to work with Dobby to continue to have all that mail redirected and searched. He had little doubt the hyperactive little elf would be responding to most of it in his name.

Once all the mail was out of the way, and it appeared his two ladies were pretty much finished with their own mail and reading the Prophet, he gestured them in close.

"I think it's time for classes, ladies," he softly said.

"But, Harry," said Hermione, a little confused. "Headmistress McGonagall said today's classes had been cancelled."

"Ah!" he said. "But, I'm talking about our personal class on... Advanced Sexology, to be held in the master bedroom of our apartment in about twenty minutes."

While Hermione blushed quite deeply, Daphne burst into laughter.

With Harry still grinning at Hermione, and trying to waggle his eyebrows thinking it was in a seductive manner, Daphne wiped her mouth of the last remnants of breakfast and said to Hermione, "Come on, Hermione-love. I do believe we have... as Harry suggested... classes to attend. And, I daresay, there is likely to be plenty of... practical applications."

"But, I... he..." stuttered Hermione. Harry just scooped her up by the arm and the three of them beat a hasty retreat for the seventh floor.




By the time lunch approached, the three of them were sprawled over the bed, naked, and half-dozing.

What had started as a tender foray into three-way sex, quickly became a lot more vigorous in its application. A first time became a second, quickly followed by a third. It was only that they were getting exhausted from all the physical activity that they finally collapsed.

"I'm getting hungry," muttered Harry.

"Then get up, call for your crazy little elf, have him set up the dining table in the common room, and then have him lay on a lunch for us," suggested Daphne.

"Why do I have to be the one to get up?" he whined.

"Because you're the one who said they were hungry," said Hermione.

"And you're not?" he asked.

"I am," she calmly replied. "However, you're the one who mentioned it first."

"Harry," said Daphne. "I'm hungry now, too. Get up and organise lunch for us."

"Hey, aren't I supposed to be the man of the house?" he whined. "Why can't I order you..."

While Harry was whining with his version of logic, Daphne calmly reached for her wand in Harry's cubbyhole in the head of the bed.

The next thing he knew he was hit with a Depulso charm and sent flying off the foot of the bed. He landed on the floor with a thump.

"Oh, good," said Hermione, in a chipper but tired voice. "You're up."

Both wives snickered as Harry groaned and climbed to his feet to glare at them.

"Somehow, I don't think that's what the banishing charm was designed for," he snarled.

"Oh?" asked Daphne. "Mother tells me she's used it that way on father a few times now. Where did you think I got the idea from?"

As both wives snickered again, Harry began snatching up clothes left strewn on the floor and angrily pulled them on while grumbling to himself.

Only wearing pants and a shirt, he stormed out of the room into the common room.

Forcing himself to take a couple of deep breaths first so he wouldn't appear angry at the elf, he called, "Dobby."

The little elf immediately arrived with a pop. "Yes, Master Harry?"

"We'll be having lunch in here, today, Dobs," said Harry. "Can you set things up so we can sit down for lunch in about... a half hour? Something light, please."

"Yes, Master Harry," replied Dobby, before he popped away again.

Walking back into the bedroom, Harry looked at both his wives, still sprawled on the bed, and said, "Lunch will be light, and in about half an hour. Since I was so rudely flung out of my own bed, I'm going for a shower."

"A shower sounds good," chirped Hermione. "I reek of sex." A moment later, she said, "I can still taste Daphne on my lips."

Already stripped back off again, Harry had a most evil thought.

Turning to his wives and the bed, he wandlessly and incantlessly summoned his wand to his hand. Then he turned it on Hermione.

A quick incantless total body petrifying charm, followed by incantless silencing and body levitation charms, and he had the girl off the bed and following him in through the door and into the shower. He stood her, frozen, in the shower stall before going back for Daphne.

He was surprised to discover Daphne hadn't even noticed her sister wife had disappeared. He hit her with the same three charms and soon had her in the shower stall, as well. Both were propped against the wall.

He grinned at them both before immediately turning the shower on cold, then releasing the petrification charms and jumping back, out of the way.

Both girls immediately screeched and screamed, and tried to stop themselves collapsing to the floor of the shower in a tangle of naked arms and legs as they were drenched with near freezing shower water.

Howling with laughter, Harry had backed off to the wall near the door and was leaning against it, watching their antics as they screamed threats of dire harm at him.

A few seconds later, one of them managed to at least turn the hot water on to stop them half-freezing to death.

Once the water had warmed up to a suitable temperature, and the girls weren't yelling at him anymore, he calmly walked into the enlarged shower to join them.

"Since you've finally decided to join us, you can start by washing my back," huffed Daphne, dumping her wash cloth into his hand and turning around.

Now that the fun was over, he was happy to comply.




Once they'd finished their shower and were suitably attired in casual wear, the three of them walked out of their bedroom and into the common room well after the original half hour Harry had set Dobby. There, they found Luna, Blaise, Tracey and Draco chowing down on their lunch.

"Hey, that was supposed to be ours!" complained Harry.

"You weren't here, and it was going to waste," said Draco with a sniff as he ate a combined fruit and cheese plate with water crackers.

"Thankfully, at least someone asked Dobby to enlarge the table first," said Hermione.

Where she'd expected their usual round table set for three, was the rectangular table set for eight.

As they walked over, Dobby popped more food on the table for them.

As the three sat down, Harry asked, "What brings you four to unexpectedly visit?"

"We came up to find out the truth, rather than what was written in the Prophet," said Draco. "Luna was already here and let us in."

As the three looked to Luna, she calmly said, "I came up to see if you were finished having sex yet, and wanted to ask if you'd provide an interview for the Quibbler."

That caused Draco to cough up what was in his mouth across the table.

Blaise and Tracey, sitting opposite, immediately pulled a face as Tracey exclaimed, "Eww!"

Blaise drew his wand with a disgusted expression on his face and vanished the mess.

"Sorry," coughed Draco, as he reached for a goblet of pumpkin juice, taking a huge swig. "Wrong hole."

Luna simply sat there with a knowing smirk on her face.

"If you must know, Luna; we were... ensuring the strength of our bond," muttered Hermione.

"Is that why you were screaming those nasty words from the shower?" she innocently asked. "You'll have to tell me what some of them mean, later."

Trying not to laugh, Harry blushed and coughed. "Hermione and Daphne did not appreciate the nuance of a sudden cold shower. Especially when it's so... unexpected."

"And why would they..." began Blaise, before he suddenly waved his hand as if swatting them away. "No. Don't tell me. I really don't want to know."

Hermione gave a bit of a haughty sniff and said, "Harry got a bit miffed when Daphne used a banishing charm to toss his bum out of bed. He retaliated by using petrification and levitation charms on us and put us in the shower, before turning the cold water full on. Only then did he release the petrifications."

"Oh," said Luna, as the three Slytherins grinned. "Yes. That would do it."

"Anyway," said Harry, as the three Slytherins grinned. "In answer to your request, Luna; I think we'd be happy to provide an interview for the Quibbler. However, if I remember correctly, the Minister will be dropping by some time after about 4.00pm. I suspect there will be quite a few people with him, including the press. You're more than welcome to join us."

"Thank you, Harry. That would be nice," replied Luna.

"Actually, we should probably discuss that with the Headmistress, before the Minister and his... entourage get here," said Hermione. "We don't know, for sure, that she knows."

"You should probably ask her if you can have the Great Hall reconfigured for his visit, too," suggested Draco. "If the Minister intends for you to give an interview, there'll be a lot of people coming. He'll want everyone there to witness it."

Harry just kept eating, glared at his cousin and muttered dark thoughts as he ate.

"Hey!" said Draco, a bit affronted by what he thought was an attack on him when he heard some of the imprecations. "You're the one that went out and decided to kill the Dark Lord. What did you expect?"

"To be left alone now I've gotten rid of the problem for them?" Harry asked a little irritated. "After all, everyone's been saying I should go and do it; so, we did. Is it too much to ask they leave me alone, now?"

"In order: that's never going to happen, just because they said you should doesn't mean you had to, and yes," said Blaise, ticking them off on his fingers. "You've up and made yourself a hero, again. What happened at breakfast this morning is only the very tip of what's about to befall you. And, by being with you, Daphne and Hermione."

"Damn it," growled Harry. "All I've ever really wanted is to be left to grow up happy and healthy; marry; raise a family; have lots of grandchildren I can spoil... Now, I'm once more touted as the hero of the wizarding world. I'm never going to get a moment's peace each time I step outside our wards."

"Too bad," said Tracey, a little angry at him. "You're alive; you beat him; you have two lovely wives, who are going to spend the better part of their lives making you happy; you're going to have plenty of children and, through them, those grandchildren. Be happy with that."

"You've been sheltered from your fame pretty much all your life, Harry," said Draco, gently. "That, at least, was something to be thankful to Dumbledore about; irrespective of the rest of his manipulations.

"However, now you have to get used to it coming at you, directly. This time, you can't be hidden away. And, the Harry Potter I know wouldn't do it. The Harry Potter I know is more than capable of being able to face the surge coming at him, and will bear it with dignity and nobility."

Staring at his cousin in shock and a little awe, Harry softly exclaimed, "Damn, Draco!"




A/N: If you can't tell, we're now down to the final stretch. All that's left is the clean-up and wrap-up. There's five chapters left (four and a half, really), and this one is done and dusted.