The Battle to the death

Kirito stood on the 47th floor, his mind still reeling from the recent events. Sasamaru's death weighed heavily on him, gnawing at his thoughts. The safe zones were supposed to be just that—safe. But Sasamaru had been killed inside an inn, a place where no harm was meant to come. The knife that ended his life was a mystery Kirito needed to solve.

He made his way to the 50th floor, where Tyfania, a skilled blacksmith and an old acquaintance, resided. Kirito found him at her forge, the rhythmic clanging of metal on metal echoing through the workshop.

"Kirito! It's been a while," Tyfania greeted him warmly, wiping sweat from his brow. "What brings you here?"

Kirito pulled out the knife, its blade still gleaming menacingly. "I need you to take a look at this."

Tyfania's eyes narrowed as he took the knife from him. He inspected it closely, his brows furrowing in concentration. "This isn't just any weapon," he finally said. "It's made from a rare item, one that bypasses the safety protocols in the safe zones. It's crafted specifically to kill, even where death shouldn't be possible."

Kirito clenched his fists, anger bubbling beneath his calm exterior. "So it was murder…"

Tyfania nodded, handing the knife back to him. "Be careful, Kirito. Whoever made this is dangerous."

Kirito thanked him and left, though his mind was far from at ease. He couldn't shake the feeling that something more sinister was at play. As he wandered through the market, purchasing healing potions, he bumped into Klein and his guild members.

"Klein," Kirito greeted him with a nod.

"Kirito! Good to see you, man," Klein grinned. "You look like you've seen better days. What's up?"

Before Kirito could respond, his menu pinged with an incoming message. It was from Keita: Silica left the guild. She feels guilty for Sasamaru's death. We're searching for her. Can you help?

Kirito sighed, his heart heavy. Klein, noticing the change in his expression, peered over his shoulder at the message.

"Need a hand?" Klein offered, concern in his voice.

Kirito shook his head. "Thanks, but I've got this. It's something I need to handle on my own."

Klein nodded understandingly. "Alright, just don't hesitate to call if you need backup."

Kirito bid Klein farewell and made his way to the 35th floor, his thoughts occupied with the missing Silica. He realized, with a pang of regret, that he hadn't added her as a friend, which made locating her all the more difficult. Instead, he tracked down Keita and the others, following their position on the map. As he moved through the dense forest, his senses heightened, aware of the danger that lurked around every corner.

Suddenly, the rustling of leaves caught his attention. He halted, his hand instinctively reaching for his sword. Emerging from the shadows were several members of the Titan's Hand, their eyes locked on a fleeing figure—Silica, with her pet Pina flying close behind.

"Kirito!" Silica cried out, panic lacing her voice as she spotted him. She darted toward him, seeking protection.

Kirito stepped in front of her, drawing his sword. "Get behind me, Silica."

The leader of the group, a tall woman with fiery red hair and a menacing smile, stepped forward. "So, you must be Kirito," she sneered. "The one who's been a thorn in our side."

"Rosalia," Kirito recognized her instantly. She was the one who had sent Shino to kill him. Her reputation as a player killer was well-known, but Kirito hadn't expected to face her so soon.

"Hand over Pina, and we might let you walk away," Rosalia demanded, her tone dripping with malice.

"Not happening," Kirito retorted, his grip tightening on his sword.

Rosalia laughed, a cold, heartless sound. "Very well. I guess I'll just have to kill you both."

As the battle began, Kirito turned to Silica. "Run! I'll hold them off."

Silica hesitated, her eyes wide with fear. "But—"

"Go! Now!" Kirito's voice was firm, leaving no room for argument.

With tears in her eyes, Silica fled, Pina following closely behind. Rosalia smirked, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "You're a fool, Kirito. A noble, but foolish hero."

Kirito braced himself as Rosalia and her men closed in. Rosalia was stronger than he had anticipated, her spear striking with deadly precision. Kirito parried her attacks, but she was relentless, taunting him with every blow.

"Is this all the great Kirito can do?" Rosalia mocked, her spear grazing his cheek. "I expected more from you."

Kirito gritted his teeth, determination fueling his every move. But Rosalia was skilled—too skilled. She was toying with him, pushing him to his limits. Just as Kirito was beginning to tire, an arrow whizzed through the air, striking Rosalia's spear and knocking it off course.

Kirito looked up in surprise to see Shino emerging from the shadows, her bow drawn and ready. "Need a hand?" she asked, a slight smirk playing on her lips.

"Shino…" Kirito breathed, grateful for her timely arrival.

Rosalia snarled, anger flashing in her eyes. "You again! I'll kill you both!"

Shino and Kirito fought side by side, their combined efforts slowly wearing Rosalia down. But Rosalia was still dangerous, her strikes precise and deadly. As the battle raged on, Rosalia began to falter, her confidence waning under the relentless assault.

Meanwhile, Silica wasn't safe yet. Rosalia's men had caught up to her, and despite her best efforts to fight them off, they overwhelmed her. Pina valiantly tried to protect her, but the attackers were ruthless. Silica cried out as they struck Pina down, her heart breaking as her beloved companion vanished into a shower of pixels.

"You'll pay for that!" Silica screamed, fury igniting within her. But her strength was no match for the brutal onslaught of Rosalia's men. They surrounded her, their intentions clear in their leering grins.

Just as Silica feared the worst, Keita, Sachi, and Tetsuo arrived, charging into the fray. The battle was fierce, but the Moonlight Black Cats fought with a ferocity born of desperation and grief. They managed to take down half of Rosalia's men, with Silica avenging Pina's death in a blaze of fury.

Back with Kirito, the battle was reaching its climax. Rosalia, now on the defensive, fought with desperation. In a final, desperate move, she lunged at Kirito, her spear aimed straight for his heart. But Shino's arrow found its mark first, piercing Rosalia's thigh and disrupting her attack. Kirito seized the opportunity, thrusting his sword through her chest.

Rosalia gasped, her HP dropping rapidly. But as her body began to disintegrate, she pulled out a Revive Crystal, her health restoring almost instantly. With a feral scream, she plunged her spear into Kirito's chest, her eyes wild with rage. Kirito's HP plummeted, and he barely managed to pull the spear out before Shino, in a final act of defiance, shot another arrow, this one piercing Rosalia's head. The player killer's body disintegrated into data fragments, leaving only silence in her wake.

Kirito collapsed to the ground, his HP dangerously low. Shino quickly administered a full healing potion, saving him just in time. As Kirito's strength slowly returned, he looked up at Shino, gratitude shining in his eyes.

"Thank you…for saving my life," he said, his voice barely a whisper.

Shino nodded, her expression unreadable. "It's what anyone would do."

As she turned to leave, Kirito called out to her. "Wait! What's your full name?"

Shino paused, then looked back at him. "Asada Shino."

Kirito watched her go, her figure disappearing into the distance. He couldn't shake the feeling that their paths would cross again.

Soon after, Keita and the others arrived, worry etched on their faces. They were relieved to find Kirito alive and Rosalia defeated. As they discussed the events, Kirito noticed Silica's tear-streaked face and learned of Pina's demise.

Kirito knelt beside her, offering comfort. "There's a way to bring Pina back, Silica. We'll make it happen."

Silica's eyes lit up with hope, and she nodded, grateful for Kirito's reassurance.

As they gathered to leave, none of them noticed the shadowy figures lurking behind the bushes. Sasamaru and Ducker watched from a distance, their expressions twisted with resentment.

"They actually did it…they took down Titan's Hand," Sasamaru muttered, disbelief in his voice.

Ducker scowled. "We need to be more careful. They're tougher than we thought."

Without another word, the two former guild members slipped away, determined to avoid detection.

As the Moonlight Black Cats made their way back to the Coral Village, Kirito couldn't shake the feeling of unease. The battle was over, but the war was far from over.