A Call for Vengeance

The sun had barely risen over Aincrad when Asuna and Shino gathered their forces. The air was tense as they addressed their subordinates, their voices carrying a weight that demanded attention.

"We have an urgent task at hand," Asuna began, her tone commanding yet laced with an underlying sorrow. "Kuradeel has betrayed our guild. He tried to kill Shino and has gone into hiding. This is not just a matter of personal revenge—it's a threat to all of us. We cannot allow this betrayal to go unpunished."

Shino stood beside her, her expression stern and resolute. "I know many of you are shocked, but we must act quickly. We need to find him before he causes more harm. Search every floor, every corner of this world. He must be brought to justice."

The subordinates nodded in agreement, the gravity of the situation settling in. They dispersed swiftly, spreading out across various floors of Aincrad to begin their search for Kuradeel.

Far away, hidden in the shadows of a darkened room, Kuradeel crouched low. He had taken refuge with Laughing Coffin, the notorious player-killing guild. Poh, the leader, leaned against a wall, his eyes narrowed in thought.

"They're searching for you," Poh said, his voice dripping with disdain. "The Knights of the Blood won't stop until they find you, and that could lead them straight to us."

Kuradeel nodded, understanding the unspoken threat. "I know. I'll find another place to hide, but before that, I need one last favor."

Poh raised an eyebrow, curious. "And what would that be?"

"I want to kill Kirito of the Moonlight Black Cats," Kuradeel said, his voice filled with venomous hatred. "He's the one who stood in my way, and I want him dead."

Poh smirked, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Why stop at one? Let's eliminate the entire Moonlight Black Cats guild. It'll be fun, and it'll send a message."

Kuradeel's lips curled into a twisted smile. "Agreed."

Later that day, Asuna summoned Klein and the Moonlight Black Cats to the Knights of the Blood guild headquarters. The atmosphere was thick with tension as they gathered in the grand hall. Kirito's eyes scanned the room until they landed on Shino. Their eyes met briefly, but neither spoke. The silence between them was heavy, filled with unspoken words and unresolved emotions.

Asuna stepped forward, addressing the assembled group. "We're forming an alliance. Klein's guild, Fuurinkazan, has already agreed to join forces with us, and now we ask the Moonlight Black Cats to do the same. Together, we can move forward and tackle the challenges that lie ahead."

Keita, the leader of the Moonlight Black Cats, nodded. "We agree. It's time we stand together."

Asuna's expression grew somber. "There's more. We need your help to catch Kuradeel. He tried to kill Shino, and he's on the run. We have to stop him before he hurts anyone else."

The room fell silent, the weight of Asuna's words sinking in. Kirito's heart clenched as he processed the information. He had known that Kuradeel was dangerous, but hearing it from Asuna made it all the more real. His mind raced with thoughts of regret—regret for not forwarding the video to Shino, regret for not preventing this from happening.

He glanced at Shino, expecting to see her devastated, but to his surprise, she stood strong, her face set in a determined expression. She had changed, no longer the person he once knew. She was a commander now, a leader with a mission. Kirito couldn't help but feel a newfound respect for her, even as a sense of loss gnawed at him.

The other members of the Moonlight Black Cats tried to approach Shino, but she excused herself and left the room. Klein's guild and the Moonlight Black Cats exchanged determined looks, silently agreeing to extend their help in the search for Kuradeel.

Back at the Moonlight Black Cats' guild house, Keita gathered his members for a meeting. "We need to find Kuradeel. Any ideas on how to locate him?"

Kirito opened his menu and searched his friends list, but Kuradeel's name was nowhere to be found. He had already left the Knights of the Blood guild and unfriended Kirito as well. Frustration bubbled up inside Kirito as the meeting ended without a solid plan to find Kuradeel.

Later, alone in his room, Kirito couldn't shake the overwhelming guilt that consumed him. He regretted not sending the video to Shino, feeling responsible for what had happened to her. He knew he had to make it right, to find Kuradeel and bring him to justice. With that resolve in mind, he finally drifted into a restless sleep.

The next morning, the search for Kuradeel continued. Kirito and the others scoured various floors, their efforts tireless but ultimately fruitless. No matter where they looked, they couldn't find any trace of him in the player search lists. As the day wore on, their hope began to dwindle.

In the evening, Keita called for another meeting at the guild house. They discussed their next steps, frustration evident in their voices. Suddenly, Silica received a message from Tetsuo, one of their guild members.

"Tetsuo says he's stopping by the shop to collect some items," Silica relayed.

They nodded, deciding to wait for him to return before continuing their search. However, as the minutes turned into hours, a sense of unease settled over the group.

Tetsuo, walking through an alley after collecting his items, felt an eerie sensation. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was being followed. His hand hovered over his menu, and he quickly messaged Keita.

"I think I'm being followed. I don't have a teleport crystal with me. Need help." The message sent a ripple of tension through the Moonlight Black Cats. Keita's heart pounded as he read the message, his mind racing.

Before he could respond, Tetsuo was surrounded by players dressed in black robes, their faces hidden in the shadows. They attacked him with merciless precision, knocking him out and tying him up.

The last message Keita received from Tetsuo was a cry for help, followed by silence.

Panic set in as the Moonlight Black Cats desperately tried to reach Tetsuo. They messaged him repeatedly, but no response came. By midnight, Sachi noticed something that made her blood run cold.

"Tetsuo's name… it's gone from the list," she whispered, her voice trembling.

Kirito's stomach dropped. "He's probably fooling around, trying to prank us," he said, though his voice lacked conviction.

Keita forced a chuckle, trying to convince himself that Kirito was right. But deep down, fear gnawed at him.

Suddenly, Kirito received a message from a player named Johnny Black. His heart skipped a beat as he opened it, finding a video attached. The message was short and chilling.

"Enjoy the feast."

Kirito's hands shook as he played the video. The horrific scene unfolded before his eyes—Tetsuo being brutally tortured by the Laughing Coffin members, their twisted smiles etched in his mind. The video ended with Tetsuo being thrown into a horde of Poisoned Scorpion monsters on the 74th floor, his screams echoing as the monsters overwhelmed him.

Tears welled up in Kirito's eyes as he watched the gruesome footage. The others, noticing his distress, gathered around him, peering at the screen. Gasps of horror filled around them as they realized what had happened.

Sachi and Silica were visibly traumatized, their faces pale with shock. Keita clenched his fists, his body trembling with rage. They had all lost someone dear to them, and the need for revenge burned within their hearts.

Kirito's mind was a whirlwind of emotions—grief, guilt, and an all-consuming desire for vengeance. They couldn't let this go unanswered. Tetsuo's death would not be in vain.