Chapter 6: Motohama

The football club had chased him far longer than he expected. They still didn't catch him, but they made him late for class. The teacher gave him extra homework as a punishment.

He probably isn't going to do it, but that still means he'll be lectured tomorrow. He may be a master at tuning out lectures, but that doesn't mean he likes them.

"You called Himejima-senpai a sadist. That's practically sacrilege," someone claimed immediately.

Naruto looked over in exasperation to look at the Perverted Trio. Naruto was truly fated to be surrounded by perverts.

There's no escaping it. No other way to explain the Perverted Trio all being in his class, and the three living close to him. They always stuck to him like glue on the walk back to their houses.

Naruto finally just shook his head before asking, "Himejima, huh? That's her name. I ran away before I got her name because of the whole, you know, sadist thing she's got going on."

"Yes, that goddesses' name is Himejima Akeno. One of the Two Great Ladies of Kuoh Academy. Beautiful, elegant, and gentle.

She is a perfect Japanese beauty," Motohama explained passionately. He then turned to Naruto with an anger he never used before when talking to Naruto.

Apparently his love of Akeno surpasses his worship of Naruto. "To have that gentle and demure beauty be called a sadist is the ultimate insult. It insults the entire Yamato Nadeshiko ideology."

"She is though. I know a sadist when I see one, and she is a serious sadist," Naruto asserted stubbornly.

Matsuda and Motohama looked about to physically attack Naruto, but Issei acted first by declaring with a perverted face, "I don't care either way.

Those OPPAI! Such beautiful oppai. I don't care if she is a sadist or not. I would face death itself if those magnificent oppai were the reward."

Matsuda and Motohama looked thoughtful for a few moments before gaining equally perverted faces. Matsuda quickly said, "That's true.

Akeno-senpai is totally worth any cost. It would be like Icha Icha Slave. Plus, the idea of Akeno-senpai in a leather S&M outfit…*shiver*…Ama~zing!"

Naruto just looked at the trio in disgust. True, the trio had raved about Icha Icha Slave, so they were into that sort of thing, but Naruto could tell they could get off on anything if it meant a beautiful girl.

He could stand perverts, but that sort of think was just ridiculous to him. People have standards and preferences. It's just a matter of pride. These three just lacked any whatsoever.

Naruto looked up into the sky and flipped the bird at it. This was just cruel, sticking Naruto with these three.

If this was payback for creating the sexy jutsu, then he'd long since paid his due with Jiraiya. Now it was just someone up there laughing their ass off.

"Hyoudou Issei?" a voice interrupted.

Naruto looked towards the person. His eyebrows immediately rose up when he recognized the person. It was a girl their age.

Her black hair was in a bob-cut, and her eyes were a violet color. She also had a pair of red glasses on. She was a bit on the short side, with a rather petite figure.

He recognized her. Souna Shitori, the student council president. She was the one responsible with issuing him punishments for his many pranks.

Issei looked baffled that she had asked for him. Bewildered, he looked around before pointing to himself questioningly. She nodded before saying, "Yes, I mean you, Hyoudou-san. I need to talk to you."

Issei's mouth opened and closed several times in confusion, forcing Naruto to act. Moving forward, he lightly shoved Issei forward.

He then grabbed the back of Matsuda and Motohama's shirts and started pulling the two struggling boys away while telling Souna, "Sure you can. Not like he has anything better to do."

Souna's eyes turned sharp when she acknowledged Naruto. He chuckled awkwardly. She had never forgiven him for when he pranked the student council.

Okay, it might have been a slightly inappropriate prank, maybe a bit of a perverted one, but it was to be expected. She was the one to punish him for his pranks most of the time, it was only natural that the student council would get the worst prank.

Knowing he was unwanted, he started walking away. Matsuda and Motohama being pulled along.

"What the hell? Why is THE Souna Shitori talking to Issei? Unfair!" Matsuda declared while struggling against Naruto.

"Just shut up. Issei was clearly just as shocked as you two. Now be good friends and be happy that a girl is willingly talking to him," Naruto ordered with a sigh.

"This is messed up. Souna-kaichou is one of the most popular girls in school. Why is she talking to Issei? Don't tell me. A confession?!" Motohama asked in disbelief.

Naruto rolled his eyes and just continued walking away. He doubted it was a confession. Not only was Issei not the type for girls to like, but Souna wasn't the type to do something like that.

Her eyes had also been cold, calculating. Naruto hadn't sensed an malicious intent towards Issei either. So she wasn't punishing him for anything.

In conclusion, she probably has some business with Issei. More boring than a confession, but anything that gives Issei more experience with woman is a good thing in Naruto's mind. He'll just have to ask Issei tomorrow about it.


Next Morning

"You're joining the student council?" Naruto asked, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. He had not been expecting that.

He had arrived this morning to see Matsuda and Motohama trying to interrogate. Issei seemed to have been holding it in though…barely.

As soon as he saw Naruto, he burst out that Souna had asked him to join the student council.

Issei nodded eagerly before elaborating, "Yes, although Souna-senpai says I'll have to be an ordinary assistant because people won't elect me to a more important position."

"Why though?" Motohama demanded immediately. He then continued, "There is literally no reason she would ask you to join the student council. I have better grades."

This time Naruto detected clear signs of Issei holding something in. Issei wasn't that good of a liar.