Chapter 13: Raped

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"Nothing, just messing with you guys. It's really fun to watch people gape when you say something totally random and nonsensical," Naruto stated with a wide grin as he put his hands behind his head.

"O~kay," Rias replied, once again losing her composure due to Naruto's pure randomness. This time when she recovered, she felt some genuine annoyance.

She's stressed enough without her potential peerage member doing his best to fuck with them. So she requested in a clearly strained voice, "Can you please be serious, Naruto-san? I have something very serious to talk to you about."

Naruto tilted his head in response, his eyes raking over her form with an intensity that honestly made her feel a bit uncomfortable.

It wasn't even perverted or anything. She was well used to perverts looking at her. She didn't even really care. Something about Naruto's gaze though was…powerful.

There was power in it. Authority. Experience. It made her feel like she had suddenly lost control. No, she never had control here. Even if Naruto was in her club room.

It was a disconcerting revelation. The thought of her desperate situation was enough for her to not completely back down though. She couldn't give up here without a fight. Her freedom was on the line.

Taking note of Rias' sudden change in demeanor, Naruto also observed that she still didn't back down. It impressed him slightly.

He was sending spiritual pressure at her, so her ability to not fold under it spoke highly of her mettle. Chakra is partly composed of spiritual energy, so it can be used to convey emotions or urges.

Killing intent is the most common use, quite literally just using chakra to communicate a person's desire/ability to kill another. Applying spiritual pressure is a more advanced technique, one Naruto preferred to use.

Naruto didn't have any true killing intent in him, so he used a different method for intimidation. Spiritual pressure is, put simply, using chakra to try enforce your will upon another.

This allows a near instantaneous battle of wills to determine relationship, who is in control, who has greater authority, who is dominant, etc. A victim can resist if they have the necessary force of will and character.

That was rarely a problem for Naruto though. Naruto firm and unwavering will was one of his hallmarks. He was also a natural at exerting spiritual pressure.

Jiraiya had claimed that Naruto amazing track record at convincing his enemies is partly due to his spiritual pressure. Naruto apparently subconsciously used spiritual pressure when his emotions ran high.

So he uses spiritual pressure to dominate his opponents mentally while simultaneously imposing his dominance physically. It was a two pronged attack that allowed Naruto alter the mindsets of plenty of his enemies.

He could still use it despite his weakened state. For Rias to be able to partly resist it is impressive, even if Naruto was holding back a good deal.

Letting up on the spiritual pressure, Naruto decided to listen to her. This must be serious. Guess he'll have to let up on the messing around. He was only doing that because of his own anxiety anyway.

Naruto was far from an accomplished sensor, but even he could tell that this group was far more powerful than most of the humans in this world. He couldn't get an exact estimate of their power levels, but he didn't really need to.

He had been dragged to an out of the way building, where he was now surrounded by four people of unknown strength and intent. Now Naruto wouldn't consider himself paranoid like many ninjas, but even he was feeling a bit nervous right now.

He was sure he could escape if they proved to have insidious intentions, but he might have to out himself as not being a 'normal' person in the process. He hoped to avoid that.

His apprehension had caused him to act out to try and gain more control of the situation. His over the top antics and randomness interrupted their flow, and he used spiritual pressure to gain a psychological edge over Rias, the apparent leader. That allowed him to gain a better measure of her as well.

He was still far from comfortable, but he was more comfortable than when he entered. He still didn't detect any malicious intent, so he doubted they were going to attack him. Naruto was also confident in his ability to avoid being pranked as revenge.

So Naruto grew serious as he nodded at Rias. She seemed happy at the shift, and motioned for him to sit on one of the couches.

Naruto decided to do the smart thing for once and not antagonize Koneko by sitting next to her. Akeno then took the spot next to Koneko, since she couldn't sit by Naruto due to his earlier demand.

Kiba then took the spot next to Naruto. Rias moved in front of her desk, sitting on the top instead of sitting in her chair. Likely to be closer to the group.

Crossing her arms, Rias smiled at Naruto as she began speaking in a pleasant voice, "Welcome to the Occult Research Club, Naruto-san. Thank you for coming."

Naruto raised an eyebrow before replying coolly, "No offense, but I wasn't exactly eager. Kiba-san worked so hard though, I felt I had to at least listen to what you wanted. He did almost get raped on the way over here after all."

The group sweat dropped at his words, while Yuuto shivered as he remembered when Naruto managed to guide him into the girl's locker room. Yeah, he did almost get raped. He finally commented in a strained tone, "It is…fine, Uzumaki-san. I was careless."

"Yes, regardless. I thank you for coming. As I said before, I have something very important to talk about. Something…life changing," Rias explained carefully, having gone over what to say with Akeno before this.

Naruto didn't say anything, just curiously waiting for her to continue. Taking a deep breath, Rias continued, "The Occult Research Club is a mere façade. Nothing more than a hobby.

A cover. I'll be frank, Naruto-san…Everyone in this club is a devil." Her declaration was punctuated by everyone present, besides Naruto of course, unfurling black wings that resembled bat wings.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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