Chapter 30: Volunteer

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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This device will locate humans with strong desires since there is no point in wasting fliers on those who lack the desire necessary to call upon us.

Using this you go around at night, find the houses of humans with strong desire, and put a flier in their mailbox."

Naruto took in this information with a small frown. This would make the entire task simpler as Naruto wouldn't need to hand out fliers to random people. You can target those relevant to your goals. It still sounded extremely annoying though.

So he quickly questioned, "Just throwing the obvious out there. I'm rich, and I'm still getting income for Icha Icha. Can't I just use that as a source of income instead of doing this?"

"The answer to that is, yes. You can definitely do that. That would be your choice though. Despite being my servant, I cannot simply take the profits from the Icha Icha franchise.

You'd have to willingly let us access them, and a large business transaction like that would require a great deal of preparation.

You'd have to talk with my father, lawyers would have to discuss terms. It would take months, at least.

Until that time you will have to gather income in the usual way," Rias regretfully informed him.

That caused Naruto celebration to be cut down. He quickly demanded in annoyance, "So I still have to hand out fliers?"

"Yes," Rias replied, once again amused by his very open emotional state. She then clarified, "If it makes you feel any better, I would have had you hand out fliers anyways.

This is considered the basics of reincarnated devils for a reason. The number of contracts a devil has made is used to determine when they are ready to take the test to become a mid-class devil along with the amount of income they have collected.

If you make no contracts, it could lower the chance for you to raise your ranking quickly. This also teaches another skill essential to devils. Social abilities.

As creatures of desire, devils have to know how to get what they want. Not everything can be achieved through power.

Interacting with clients is a good way to gain a greater understanding of how to properly cooperate with people.

You need to be able to comprehend the motives and desires of people, know how to be affable and persuasive, negotiate a contract, evaluate the worth of your actions and choose a suitable reward, etc.

These skills can aid us in future endeavors in my opinion, so this is something I must insist you do, Naruto-kun."

"Fine," Naruto grumbled in irritation, reluctantly accepting her words. Grabbing a stack of the fliers, he announced to the group, "If that is all, I'll be heading out.

"Good. That is all I needed to tell you today, so you don't have to return here afterwards. It will likely be dark when you finish. Just come here tomorrow after school."

The next day Naruto was working his way towards the clubroom with an unusual hurry in his steps.

The previous day had gone as well as could be expected. Handing out fliers sucked, even with the radar.

Just a whole lot of running around. Naruto had eventually turned it into a training exercise.

The continuous movement helped his endurance, and he decided to travel by rooftop which also worked his chakra control and capacity. So while it might have sucked, it was at least bearable.

The school day was a bit more annoying. Somehow it had leaked to the general school populace that Naruto had joined the Occult Research Club.

Gossip naturally resulted, although Naruto had just ignored that. The real problem was with the Perverted Trio.

Issei was distracted, but Matsuda and Motohama both grilled Naruto on his reasons. They then begged him to allow them to enter as well, as The Two Great Ladies of Kuoh were in the club as well as the school mascot.

That was just annoying for Naruto since they couldn't join, but he couldn't explain why.

So he was glad when they day ended. He was hurrying to the clubroom. He'd forgotten something that was going to happen today, and he had to tell Rias.

Opening the door, Naruto was immediately greeted with, "Good of you to arrive so quickly, Naruto-kun."

Rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, Naruto claimed weakly, "Yeah, but you probably aren't going to like the reason why though…I sort of have somewhere to be in half an hour."

Raising an elegant eyebrow, Rias finally told him, "Really? I'll need an explanation, of course. Sit down and tell me what you have to do. I'll decide afterwards.

Nodding, Naruto quickly looked at the two couches. Yuuto wasn't to be seen. Koneko was sitting in her usual spot while eating another sweet smelling snack, and Akeno was sitting opposite her on the other couch.

Akeno shot him a wide smile while he was looking. Getting the usual bad feeling in his chest from seeing Akeno, Naruto sat next to Koneko. Akeno pouted at his action.

Rias once again just watched all this in amusement. Despite his statement the day before about not trusting them, Naruto had managed to create his own little niche in their group rather easily.

The playful fear of Akeno. A polite relationship with Yuuto that Rias suspected would grow stronger once the two were able to get to know each other.

The teasing of Koneko. To her he acted like a blunt, but rather loyal servant. She wondered how long that would last. Naruto did not strike her as the type to stay contained for long.

Leaning forward, she questioned, "So what is it that you need to do?"

Naruto scratched the back of his head as he informed her, "Well, I got sort of bored over the past few months. I couldn't train all the times after all, and I don't have many hobbies.

So I started volunteering three or four times a week at different places. Today is specifically the day I usually volunteer at a nearby soup kitchen."

Rias just looked at him curiously. That…actually fit Naruto quite a bit. Thinking deeply, she finally spoke up, "Technically there is nothing against a devil performing charity work.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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