Chapter 63: Banter

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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The motive to have you taken care of is there," Rias justified logically. Asia still looked like she was denying her words though. Rias then shrugged and added, "Although I personally doubt it. I was simply saying it is possible. It's also possible devils orchestrated this. Or humans. Or another group. A group of fallen angels are the most likely suspects. However if they really wanted Twilight Healing, they would have sent a stronger force of fallen angels. Not to mention not tried to conduct it deep within devil territory. There's just too little information to make a conclusion."

"That stinks, but I guess there is little we can do about it," Naruto muttered in an annoyed tone.

"I agree with you. For now we need to get back to the main business," Rias claimed. She then moved and sat down behind her desk. Crossing her fingers in front of her face, Rias looked at Asia before announcing seriously, "The matter is clear. As a follower of the church, even if excommunicated, I cannot offer you my protection."

"But Rias-chan?!"

"Quiet, Naruto," Rias snapped quickly before Naruto could protest even more. Knowing Naruto couldn't restrain himself for long, Rias looked back at the now depressed Asia. She then continued, "However, there is an option available to you."

Rias pulled out a bishop piece before explaining, "The bishops role is to support the rest of the household. Your Twilight Healing means you are very well qualified for this duty. I cannot offer you my protection when you are simply a follower of the Biblical God, even if you are excommunicated. If you join my peerage though, you would be within my jurisdiction and thus under my protection. I am offering you that chance."

"If I did this…became a devil…I could stay here?" Asia asked uncertainly.

Rias quickly nodded and assured her, "Yes. You would be considered a part of my household, and all that entails. You would probably end up going to this school and joining this club as well."

Asia only hesitated for a second. Peeking at Naruto out of the corner of her eyes, she gave a determined nod before answering, "Okay. I'll do it. If I can stay here, then I'll become a devil."

"Understood. Lay down on the floor and I'll start the process of reincarnating you as my bishop," Rias said as she stood up.

As Asia slowly laid on the ground, Raynare commented in an insulted tone, "I'm a pawn, but she gets to be a bishop."

Rias sighed and rolled her eyes before clarifying, "It's simply a matter of classifying each of you into the roles you are best suited for. Asia's sacred gear and personality practically guarantee that she'll be relegated to a support role. Thus the bishop fits her. You are not only stronger and have a wider array of skills, but you are also far more experienced. Pawns are meant to be the pieces most likely to make it deep into enemy territory so they can be promoted. You have a good chance of surviving till that point."

With the prideful hybrid now satisfied, Rias focused on Asia. Putting the bishop piece on her chest, Rias straightened back up. A red magic circle sprang up as Rias began her chant.

"I command thee, Asia Argento, on my name of Rias Gremory, become my servant. Return to this land as a devil. You shall lead a new life with great joy as my bishop!"

And with that it was done. Asia weakly got to her feet. Naruto immediately moved to help her. He lead her back to the couch where she had been sitting before.

Rias then gave a weary sigh before announcing, "I think that is enough for today. It is late, and a lot has happened today. Naruto, it is only sensible that Raynare-san and Asia-san live with you."

"Why is that 'sensible'?" Raynare asked with a raised eyebrow. Asia also let out a small squeak at the news.

Naruto just looked at her before saying blankly, "I live alone in a mansion."

Raynare just stared, caught off guard. Seeing no lie in his eyes though, she shrugged and commented, "At least the housing will be good."

As the group started leaving though, Rias called out, "Naruto-kun. Can you wait for a minute? I want to talk to you…alone."

Naruto looked at her in befuddlement, but finally gave a nod. He turned to Asia and Raynare and Asia and told them, "Just wait outside. I'll be out in a few."

The two then walked out of the door, although Asia was far more reluctant. Once the door closed behind them, Naruto turned towards Rias. Scratching the back of his head awkwardly, he finally took a seat on the couch. She joined him, but neither of the two talked.

Naruto finally broke the silence by turning to her and telling her, "I still need to thank you for coming to help me, Rias-chan. Thanks. I also appreciate that you helped Asia-chan. I know she doesn't mean much to you, but she's my friend. So it means a lot to me."

"It's fine. Even I can empathize with her situation. It's nice to be able to help her. Not to mention I got a sacred gear using bishop out of it. So it isn't entirely selfless," Rias admitted shamelessly. She then grew noticeably nervous as she looked at Naruto, which was weird since Rias is rarely nervous. She finally burst out by saying, "I'm sorry."

"Huh," was Naruto's intelligent reply.

Rias took a deep breath and looked Naruto in the eyes before going ahead all at once, "I've not been a good king to you, Naruto-kun. I haven't been paying you enough attention. I saw that you were a competent fighter and adapted to being a devil quickly, and decided that was enough. I didn't make an effort to check with your progress or get to know you beyond a bit of banter when we were both in the clubroom. I neglected getting to know you, and instead viewed you as a servant. I'm sorry. I sincerely regret doing such a thing. I've just been distracted and because of that I was treating you badly."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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