Chapter 72: Pink

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"Nonsense. It is my duty as your king to give you the opportunity to grow. Plus, there is a selfish motive behind this. As a member of my peerage, it reflects positively on me the more skilled you become. So I'm behind you one-hundred percent," Rias exclaimed with a playful wink. Asia nodded uncertainly at her words. Rias then turned to Raynare and ordered, "Since I've got a good understanding of where Asia is standing and working towards, it is now your turn, Raynare-san."

Raynare huffed a bit, but took a few steps away from the group. Putting on a pair of leather gloves, she then unfurled her mismatched wings and formed a pink light spear as she explained, "I've spent most the past week adjusting to the changes of becoming a devil."

"I assume your light abilities became unstable," Rias questioned, looking at her light spear warily.

"Not particularly," Raynare claimed before clarifying, "It's more like my entire magic became unstable. The introduction of demonic power wrecked my control. My flight ability became erratic, and my light spears did become somewhat unstable. Thankfully it just took a few days of practice to adjust to the change. Afterwards my light magic returned to the way it was before I became a devil, and I've regained my previous flight capabilities."

"That's good. We didn't know how your reincarnation would affect your abilities," Rias admitted.

Raynare quickly informed her bluntly, "It isn't perfect. I have to wear gloves or my own light spears will burn me."

"Expected. You are a devil. Light will harm you, although I have a suspect your resistance to light is far higher than the usual devil," Rias commented thoughtfully.

"Shouldn't you already know this stuff?" Raynare questioned skeptically.

"What do you mean?" Rias questioned in confusion.

"Please don't play innocent. I can easily tell that ponytail there is-" Raynare began before she was interrupted.

"I suggest you hold your words, fallen angel. Or you might find yourself not liking what happens to you," Akeno spoke slowly, a scary look entering her eyes as she glared at Raynare openly.

Raynare didn't look intimidated. She scowled at Akeno before her lips turned upwards into a playful smirk. She then said in a teasing voice, "Oh, so someone doesn't like her heritage. I was wondering why it was being hidden, but I just figured it was because you are a half-breed. The fallen angel blood in you is diluted, even considering you were reincarnated as an devil. Still there, but clearly that of a half-breed."

As Naruto and Asia reacted in shock at that tidbit. Even Koneko's eyes widened in surprise, which was a huge reaction for her.

Akeno was a half-breed fallen angel. Or was. Whatever you would call her after being reincarnated. A hybrid like Raynare?

By far the biggest reaction was from Akeno though.

Pure murder was in her eyes as she looked at Raynare, and sparks started gathering around her hand.

The killing intent she was sending out was beyond obvious to anyone even partially accomplished in sensing.

Akeno's sparking hand started to raise to no doubt fire a spell at Raynare.

Only for Rias to quickly grab it. Flinching slightly at the shock she received, she powered through to exclaim firmly to her enraged queen, "Enough, Akeno. Calm yourself."

Akeno looked split between following the order of her king or attacking the fallen angel, but finally stopped her attempted spell. Lowering her head towards Rias in a bow, she spoke simply, "Sorry, Buchou." She then looked towards Raynare with clear malicious intent as she hissed, "You're lucky, fallen angel."

"Yeah, yeah," Raynare replied uncaringly.

"That is enough from you to, Raynare-san. I understand that you aren't happy with your current situation as my servant, but I will not allow you to antagonize Akeno.

If you continue to so so, I will punish you. Understand," Rias sternly informed the fallen angel, her patience for the fallen angel's bad attitude finally running out.

Raynare looked rebellious, but after a few seconds she lowered her head submissively and replied, "Of course. I was…out of line."

Giving a stiff nod at the obedient reply, Rias still sent a meaningful look at Naruto. He gave her a grim nod of understanding.

Things were not going well. First the quarrel between Yuuto and Naruto over Excalibur Ruler, and now the barely restrained hostility between Akeno and Raynare.

Any sense of unity in the peerage is impossible with conflicts such as these existing between the members.

If things didn't change soon the peerage would probably break apart within a week, much less excel as a team is meant to.

Yuuto is likely to attack Naruto or go stray due to Naruto's ownership of Excalibur Ruler, and Rias will probably be forced to trade Raynare away if the situation with Akeno isn't resolved.

Between Akeno and Raynare, it is no contest who is more valuable in Rias' mind.

She might be trying to give the fallen angel a chance, but Akeno has been Rias' best friend for years by this point.

Naruto was already planning on dealing with Yuuto soon, but it was becoming increasingly clear he'd also have to step in between Akeno and Raynare.

As it is he's the one with the best rapport with Raynare, no matter how little that is.

With Akeno turning away from Raynare bluntly, Rias sighed and looked towards Naruto, Asia, and Koneko. She then told them carefully, "It is true. Akeno's mother was human…but her father was a fallen angel. The rest is her business to tell you on her own, but the relationship between her and her father is nonexistent." Turning to Raynare, Rias continued, "As for why we don't know more about fallen angel/devil hybrids…Akeno has chosen not to utilize her fallen angel blood. I also won't force her to explore her capabilities in light. Thus we have little to no previous knowledge of how they would react when used by a reincarnated devil."

"A waste. Using light is in her blood," Raynare growled out as she crossed her arms.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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