Chapter 84: Nonviolent

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"Alright, alright," Zatouji replied before taking a lecturing posture and starting, "The familiar classification system was created by devils back during the Great War. It categorizes familiars into three categories. Low-tier, mid-tier, and high-tier. Low-tier familiars are those that lack any unique traits or characteristics, and have specs too low to be used in battles. They are usually magical version of ordinary animals. As low-class devils currently aiming to gain your first familiar, it is expected for you to start with a low-tier familiar."

"And why is that? Not criticizing low-tier familiars, but they seem to be the least useful," Naruto pointed out, not getting the explanation.

Zatouji immediately answered like it should be obvious, "They are, but they are also the easiest to handle. Mid and high-tier familiars are much more difficult for their masters. They can be rarer, harder to tame, outright dangerous, require long ceremonies to attract, or any number of challenges. Low-tier familiars are generally nonviolent and passive, easy to take care of, and relatively simple to find. So it is acknowledged that newbie's like you start with low-tier familiars."

Rias then told Naruto calmly, "Devils aren't restricted to only one familiar, Naruto-kun. Some ultimate-class devils actually have around half a dozen familiars, often times all of different abilities and uses. As a devil matures and grows stronger, they are capable of handling more powerful familiars. As young devils without familiars though, it is recommended to start with the easiest familiars."

Now Naruto gets it. So as a rookie, it is expected for them to start with beginner level familiars, aka low-tier ones. Then they gradually work their way up from there.

Naruto never liked doing things conventionally though. Looking at Rias, Naruto asked seriously, "But there is nothing that says we can't aim for a higher level familiar, right?"

Sighing, Rias knew Naruto was already set on this. So she reluctantly acceded and answered, "No. There isn't."

"Then I want to aim for a different familiar, Rias-chan. Will you give me permission?" Naruto requested earnestly.

"I don't think not giving it will stop you," Rias commented bluntly.

"…True, but I'd certainly prefer having your permission," Naruto claimed with a sheepish grin.

"Alright. I give you my permission," Rias stated hesitantly. Her eyes turned a bit sharp as she told him solemnly, "Know the risk you are taking though. Mid and high-tier familiars aren't easy to claim. Chances are high that you will fail to obtain one today. You can come back here anytime, but you will be on your own. It takes weeks to schedule assistance with a familiar master. If you don't have a familiar, you will also have to continue handing out your fliers by hand. Understand?"

"Got it, Rias-chan. I'll take full responsibility," Naruto declared with a confident smile.

"Ufufufu, should have expected this. Naruto-kun isn't one to give up what he wants," Akeno commented.

"…You mean he's stubborn," Koneko quickly added.

"And an idiot." Raynare.

"I'm not sure whether to admire his determination or condemn his foolishness," Zatouji claimed with a small, slightly mocking, smile. Shrugging he continued, "If you want to continue though, I should at least explain the other groups to you."

"So there are mid and high-tier familiars. Despite what the names might imply, high-tier familiars aren't inherently superior to mid-tier ones. The familiars that fit into these groups are those that have special or unique traits and characteristics. The only difference is whether those abilities are related to battle or not. High-tier familiars are those that are considered inherently suitable for battle. Bigger, stronger, faster, more powerful magic, that sort of stuff. Incidentally, that means most high-tier familiars are difficult to tame and possibly dangerous to their owner. Mid-tier familiars are those that have traits or abilities not directly related to battle. These familiars tend to be rare, difficult to attract, and oftentimes are difficult to take care of."

"So why are those battle worthy considered 'high-tier'? The mid-tier familiars seem just as useful. Not everything is about battle," Naruto pointed out.

"You got to remember this system was made by devils back during the Great War.

At the time the greatest concern of devils was defeating the angels and fallen angels.

So those familiars useful in battle were more highly valued at the time," Zatouji easily explained.

"That makes sense," Naruto admitted as he thought over it.

"Of course it does. Now what did you say you wanted? A familiar with an unusual healing capability?" Zatouji said to himself. He then started muttering out loud as he thought, "That's actually a tall order. The horn of unicorns are treasured as a medicine to cure everything, but they only are attracted to pure virgin females…Phoenixes are legendary creatures rare to the point of nonexistence…Sky dragons too difficult to find outside of tall mountains…Gulon aren't in this region…Ruamano only found at sea…What about?…Yes, yes. That would work. Difficult, but possible."

Straightening, Zatouji looked at Naruto before announcing, "The only possible option for you would be a fairy."

"A fairy?" Naruto asked with a tilted head.

"Yes, a fairy. Also called pixies. They are small spirits. Their main characteristic is a type of dust they produce, unimaginatively called fairy or pixie dust. It is an extremely valuable component in potion making and alchemy.

The main advantage of having a fairy as a familiar is economically. An ounce of fairy dust is worth a good chunk of change to the right people.

Usually it has to be gathered from areas of heavy fairy activity, a difficult and inefficient method.

A person with fairies as a familiar can gather it much easier. The reason I recommend it to you is that when the dust is fresh, it contains healing properties. The specifics vary on the type of fairy," Zatouji clarified expertly.

"Okay," Naruto replied, not seeing anything wrong with that.

"Aren't fairies difficult to make familiars though?" Rias questioned in concern.

"Of course. Fairies are more holy creatures, and thus rarely bond with devils. They are also extremely fickle, and don't usually interact with other beings," Zatouji admitted.

"So why are you recommending them to Naruto?" Rias immediately demanding.


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