Chapter 89: Fairies

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Giving a cocky grin towards the wyvern, Naruto called out, "Okay, this is how it works. We can either do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way involved you bending over so I can put my foot in your ass without much of a hassle. The hard way involves me utterly defeating you and crushing your pride before shoving a frickin' tree up there. Now make your choice."

The response of the wyvern was a furious roar, as if it understood what Naruto had said to it.

"Good. The hard way is way more entertaining," Naruto said as he confidently strolled towards the wyvern.

As the sounds of battle started, Kiyome managed to peek over a boulder. She started turning green. She just watched in horror as the bloodbath occurred.

"That was totally over the top and unnecessary," Kiyome declared as she urgently bandaged the brutalized wyvern five minute later.

"Hey, that thing went for my throat. It's lucky I didn't return the favor," Naruto replied stubbornly. Geez. Do a girl a favor, and what does he get? A thank you? No. He gets lectured.

"Lucky?!" Kiyome exclaimed in disbelief before declaring, "Thousand Years of Death?! What sort of messed up, shameful technique is that? You took the largest bone you could find, and shoved it up…t-there."

"Hey, it's the one that chose the hard way," Naruto said in defense.

Kiyome just ignored him in favor of tending to the wyvern. Muttering to herself with a large frown on her face, she spent the next ten minutes diligently doing what she could. After disinfecting and bandaging all the wounds, she stood up and announced, "Okay, that's all I can do for now. I'll return tomorrow and continue the treatment."

"Great. Now we can continue, Kiyome-senpai," Naruto declared enthusiastically.

"I didn't give you permission to refer to me so familiarly," Kiyome told him quickly.

Naruto just brushed her comment off though as he claimed, "Come on. We're working together. That's at least enough to call each other by our given names. Be happy I didn't call you Kiyome-chan."

Kiyome just rubbed her brow in annoyance. Deciding to just move on, she pulled out a large piece of paper. Placing it on the flattest rock she could find, she started to write on it quickly.

Naruto tried to peak over her shoulder to see what she was writing, but she subconsciously moved her body to block his view. Naruto pouted at the move, but moved back and waited.

"Okay. I'm done," Kiyome declared as she straightened. Turning to Naruto she handed the paper to him. Naruto took it and saw it was a type of map. Kiyome quickly clarified, "That is a basic map of this forest. I marked where we are, and the four places you can find your ingredients."

"Thanks for this, but I thought you were going to help me personally," Naruto commented with a small frown. The map would be useful, but he expected a bit…more.

"I am, but you'll still need this. I'll only be helping you for today. Each of these locations are several hours walking distance from each other.

Not to mention what you'll have to do to actually get the ingredients once you get there.

I'll only be able to get you started on one of the ingredients today," Kiyome informed him professionally.

"That's too bad cause I'm going to finish gathering the ingredients by tonight," Naruto said with a grin.

"Impossible," Kiyome stated immediately before elaborating, "I've interacted a bit with the kappa and mermaids. The cucumbers and kelp you need are their food source. They'd demand at least a day of labor from you before giving you even one…each."

"That's my problem. I'll figure something out," Naruto claimed nonchalantly, which seemed to annoy Kiyome slightly for whatever reason. He then shot her a grin and asked, "And travel distance? Ha. No need to worry about that."

"And what is that suppose to mean?" Kiyome demanded.

As an answer, Naruto unfurled his devil wings. Kiyome paled as she realized what he meant.

"I still think that the Undine was a good option," Zatouji claimed stubbornly.

The entire group was walking away from the pond that the familiar master had showed them the water spirit, Undine.

Several members of the group were aghast from seeing the creature, which looked like a martial artist more than anything. A muscle bound, terrifying looking…female.

"How was that thing a good option?" Naruto demanded.

"Well you're aiming to make a fairy your familiar, right? Fairies are actually related to Undines," Zatouji informed him matter-of-factly.

"Geh! Are you telling me fairies look like that?" Naruto demanded in horror.

Naruto isn't usual one to discriminate based on appearance, but that Undine scared the crap out of him.

That thing looked like it could knock his head off with a punch.

"The appearance of fairies vary depending on the type of fairy in question. They typically take humanoid forms, but usually with a twist of the elements they represent," Zatouji told them calmly.

"You said that fairies and Undines are related. Can you elaborate?" Rias requested.

"Of course, Ojou-sama," Zatouji gushed out, seemingly charmed by Rias' appearance. He quickly turned serious though and explained to the group, "Both fairies and Undines are spirits, a type of magical creature. Spirits don't reproduce like flesh and blood creatures. They are instead born from the elements themselves. Fairies can be born from practically every element. An Undine is an Elemental. Elementals are far more powerful than their fairy cousins, but that also means they can only be born from the four most powerful and essential elements. Water, fire, earth, and air. Water elementals are the Undine. Fire elementals are the legendary Salamanders. Earth elementals are the Gnomes. Wind elementals are the Sylphs. Elementals are basically the high-tier equivalent of fairies."

"Fascinating," Rias muttered honestly. Turning to the Naruto clone, she asked him, "What do you think, Naruto?"

Before Naruto could answer, Zatouji pitched with, "Undines are also far simpler to handle than fairies. Instead of going through a complicated and uncertain ceremony, all you have to do to tame an Undine is defeat them in hand to hand combat."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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