Chapter 91: Priestess

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Akeno quickly pitched in, "Buchou and Yuuto both wanted familiars that could fly, and I wanted to go for numbers. We just chose familiars that fit those desires. Shiro chose Koneko."

The two fell silent at that, absorbing the information. There were multiple creatures running around. So they just had to choose one, huh?

Raynare didn't really care. She wasn't looking for anything fantastic. She just wanted something that would hand out those annoying fliers for her.

Anything would do. She'll probably just choose something at the last minute.

Asia poked her fingers together as she admitted, "Ano, I was hoping for a cute familiar."

Zatouji gave her an indulgent smile before telling her, "Then all you have to do is find one, bishoujo-chan."

Asia quickly started looking around with an enthusiasm that had previously been missing.

"This is a terrible idea," Kiyome groaned out as she held her face in her hands. Looking up, she watched as Naruto treaded water in a pond alongside a green creature.

Roughly the size of a large child, it had a green carapace, a beak, and a plate on its head. A kappa.

"No, it's an awesome idea," Naruto retorted.

"You can't beat a kappa in a swim race," Kiyome snapped.

"Well I can't stay around here for a day doing chores," Naruto claimed. After arriving, Kiyome had talked to the kappa. It expected a day's labor from Naruto in return for one of its special cucumbers.

Naruto can't do that, and so challenged the kappa to a swim race. If Naruto wins, he gets a cucumber as a reward. If he loses, he has to do the day of chores without a reward.

"That doesn't change the fact that you can't win. Even a devil can't beat a kappa in water," Kiyome argued in annoyance at his nonchalant attitude.

Grinning at her, Naruto declared with a grin, "Watch me."

Sighing and shaking her head, she decided to let him make his own grave in peace. "You two ready?" The kappa nodded immediately, but Naruto submerged for a few seconds before coming back up. Shaking out his hands, he nodded as well. So she announced, "Then…Begin!"

The kappa started swimming with terrific force, an entire wave forming behind it from the amount of water it was displacing. It was truly living up to its nature as a water yokai.

If only it was actually moving. It took several seconds for the kappa to realize it was still in the same spot. Feeling a weird pressure, it spun onto its back. It then lifted one leg.

The jaws of both the kappa and Kiyome dropped when they saw a thread of metal wire wrapped around its ankle.

They followed the string till they saw it wrapped around a tree trunk ten feet away.

The two slowly turned to look at Naruto, who had finished the swim by now. Only his eyes were above the water as he looked at them. He slowly rose up, revealing a wide grin and his hands forming two peace signs. He then declared, "I'm a ninja. We cheat."

"Wait. Look."

Those were the words of Zatouji when he abruptly came to a stop. He then pointed up into the trees.

The Gremory group all looked up to see that he was pointing at a small creature. It was a small dragon.

Only slightly taller than a foot, it had blue diamond-like scales, red eyes, a pair of small wings, and a short tail. It was just relaxing on a branch, ignoring the group entirely.

"Sprite Dragon," Zatouji said in surprise before adding automatically, "A dragon that uses blue lightning."

"It's cute," Asia commented gleefully.

"It's quite a high class one, even among high-tier familiars," Yuuto remarked in interest.

"Amazing. This is my first time seeing one. What beautiful scales," Rias exclaimed softly, looking at the small dragon in awe.

"I recommend one of you try and make it your familiar," Zatouji said seriously.

Naruto looked at him annoyance as he demanded, "What the hell? You discouraged me from getting anything but a low-tier familiar, but now you're telling us to try a high-tier one."

"This is entirely different, boy," Zatouji claimed before elaborating as he looked back at the Sprite Dragon, "There is a major difference between searching and aiming for a familiar beyond your expectations, and having one fall right into your lap. Sprite Dragons are rare, and they can only be properly trained as a baby. Like this one. Any older and they become uncontrollable. Finding one randomly like this is as close to fate as you can get."

"Then we can't waste this opportunity," Rias declared passionately.

Akeno was the one to pose the ultimate question, "Okay, but who will be the one attempting to tame it?"

That caused a brief silence to encompass the group. Rias finally announced hesitantly, "Those without familiars should get first choice."

"Although it might be a good idea for us who have more experience dealing with familiars to try. They are still rookies," Yuuto pointed out reasonably.

Rias quickly proposed, "Let's first go and see who wants to submit their name for consideration."

"Remember to consider your compatibility with it. It is also said Sprite Dragons only open up to those with pure hearts.

They can be trained regardless, but having a high compatibility and a pure heart would surely make it easier," Zatouji told them as he kept his eyes fixed on the Sprite Dragon.

A small dragon like that can't escape a group like this. If it moves, they'll easily be able to keep up. As long as it doesn't sneak away.

"In that case, I'll pass. I feel like I wouldn't be a good match," Yuuto said with slight reluctance.

"…Pass," Koneko said calmly.

"In that case, I'll similarly withdraw," Rias declared regretfully.

"Ara ara. I think I'll stay in. I use thunder, and I've received training as a Shinto priestess. Seems I fulfill both requirements," Akeno stated with a smile.

"You realize being a priestess doesn't automatically mean you have a pure heart, Akeno-senpai. Or should I call you sadist-chan," Naruto commented wryly.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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