Chapter 95: Kiyome

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"Don't be fooled," Kiyome warned him before clarifying, "The flowers themselves aren't the dangerous part of them. Quite the contrary actually. The petals of the flowers are said to create an amazing tea, and the nectar and roots can be used as alchemical ingredients. No, the dangerous part is the air above them. These flowers periodically release a puff of a specific chemical into the air. They grow in dense groups like this to the point that the chemical forms a cloud above them. The cloud then blocks access to them, since these flowers grow in small depressions in the ground."

"So I'm assuming the cloud is dangerous or something?" Naruto asked.

"Yes. Very dangerous," Kiyome said grimly before explaining, "The chemical can have a variety of effects based on how you are exposed to it. If the chemical gets on your skin, it causes a terrible rash. You'd spend the next few days itching your skin off, which would only make things worse. If the chemical is introduced into your bloodstream through a cut or scratch, it causes hallucinations and fever. If it gets in your eyes, it can cause loss of vision. The most dangerous part is if you breath it in. If introduced to your lungs, it will cause respiratory failure within minutes."

"Yeah, that doesn't sound pleasant," Naruto commented with a flinch. Looking at her, he asked, "So I'm assuming there's a way around all that, Kiyome-senpai."

Nodding, Kiyome answered automatically, "Of course. The safest option is to just wait. There are a number of animals adapted to feeding on these flowers. They run in and carry aa few flowers out. We could then steal one of those. The other option is a slight bit more dangerous. We can create a specific salve that counteracts the chemical's effect on the skin. We can then cover our mouths and noses, close your eyes, and then run in. Grab a flower quick, and run out. We'd then have to apply the salve to any exposed skin."

"I see," Naruto replied thoughtfully.

"…Why do I feel you have a different idea?" Kiyome deadpanned.

"Cause I do," Naruto stated with a grin. Stretching his arms out and cracking his fingers, Naruto started walking forward.

Pausing ten feet away from the cloud of yellow, Naruto took a deep breath. Forming wind chakra in his lungs, he then blew it out.

The resulting gust of wind was unsuitable for inflicting damage in a battle, but it proved more than suitable for scattering the cloud of chemicals.

With a grin, Naruto strolled forward calmly. Reaching down, he pulled one of the flowers. He then spun around and started walking back to Kiyome. Holding the flower up, he called out, "Got it."

Kiyome was silent for several seconds. She then exclaimed emotionlessly, "I'm done. I don't care anymore."

Tilting his head, Naruto immediately questioned, "What do you mean?"

"I mean I don't care anymore. I don't care that you've somehow managed to accomplish in hours what would have taken me a week.

I just want to finish this up, and leave," Kiyome said as she massaged her temples.

"Alright. This location should be satisfactory. The population of fairies in this area is more than satisfactory," Zatouji announced as the group entered a wide clearing.

The group had been walking for hours by that point, and the landscape had changed to reflect as such.

Instead of the creepy forest they had entered in, they were now in a healthy and beautiful forest.

The trees were covered in leaves, and the sky had cleared up so sunlight peeked through the canopy.

A beautiful and clear lake was a short distance away. There was also a greater abundance of small animals here, from squirrels to birds.

If the previous forest was something out of a horror movie, this one was from a fairy tail.

Zatouji turned to the group and announced, "There's not a whole lot more to do, but wait. The two girls got their familiars. All that is left is the kid. Since he refuses to change his mind, we need to wait till the real one arrives with the ingredients. Well, if he arrives."

"The boss will come," the Naruto clone immediately claimed in annoyance. He quickly added, "I made a clone to transmit our current location to him. He'll be here once he finishes."

Rias nodded at the clone before announcing, "Alright then. Everyone can relax and do their own things until Naruto-kun arrives."

Everyone nodded. Almost immediately the focus of those present turned towards their familiars.

Asia started cuddling with Raito, and Raynare started half-heartedly using a stick as a toy to play with her fox.

The rest of the group quickly followed their leads, and summoned their familiars to play with them. Zatouji seemed to take this opportunity to survey the creatures in the area.

It all left Naruto feeling a bit left out. Deciding he didn't have much of a use currently, Naruto informed the group, "I'm going to dispel myself. The boss will be here soon anyway."

The group nodded their understanding, and so the clone went up in a puff of smoke.

The group stayed there for half an hour waiting. The first warning they had was when a group of birds started flying a distance away.

Barely ten seconds later, a blur shot out from the canopy of leaves to land in the clearing.

Once it came to a stop, it showed Naruto. Kiyome was perched on his back, looking rather windswept.

As soon as they came to a stop, she clambered off his back.

She then quickly did her best to tame her hair that had been ruined by the high speed they had been traveling.

Akeno, Asia, Yuuto, and Rias called out while Raynare and Koneko stayed silent.

Naruto straightened and flashed them a grin as he said, "Hey guys. Sorry about keeping you waiting."

"Nonsense. You came with plenty of time to spare," Rias replied. Turning to Kiyome, Rias added, "Which I guess I should thank you for, Abe Kiyome-san."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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