Chapter 111: Awkward

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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She liked Naruto well enough, and had even considered the possibility of the two becoming more than friends.

For the moment though, she definitely lacked any true romantic feelings towards her blonde rook. She could accept it though.

She didn't have much modesty, and Naruto would more than likely make this very enjoyable for her. The rumor mill about the blonde spoke highly of his sexual prowess.

He was easily the best candidate at this point for her to lose her virginity to.

With her thoughts clear and her resolve firmed, Rias slowly climbed onto Naruto's bed.

The blonde was only sleeping in a pair of boxers, ramen-themed again. That certainly made it easier for her.

She carefully reached her hand into his boxers, grasping Naruto-junior. She then used her other hand to lower his boxers enough to reveal it.

Her world then spinning uncontrollably.

Rias felt a hand grasp her shoulder for a moment before she was spun around. After that she couldn't make any sense of what was happening.

She felt her limbs being wrenched around at an amazing speed, something wrapping around her at the same time.

After ten seconds of complete confusion, Rias felt her arms being pulled behind her back. It was rough enough for her to let out a cry of shock and pain, but was quickly cut off when something was shoved in her mouth.

With her mouth now forced to stay open, she could only endure whatever the hell was happening to her.

No more than fifteen seconds after it started, Rias felt the motions stopping. She was then treated to a rough shove.

She tried to catch herself, but her limbs were unable to respond to her commands. So she took a rough tumble off the foot of the bed, landing on her side roughly.

She was slightly stunned, but she was finally given a chance to recover. After taking a few seconds to recover from shock, Rias tried to reorient herself.

Her limbs weren't responding, struggling against something. She was lying on the ground at the foot of Naruto's bed.

She was unharmed despite everything. Her mouth was also being forced open by some object.

The last one was what she focused on first. Using her tongue, she quickly deduced that it was some sort of ball.

There also seemed to be a strap going around her head from it. Rias blinked in disbelief as she finally realized.

It was a ball gag.

Looking down as much as she could, her disbelief only widened at what she saw.

Her breasts were restrained by rope in a figure eight pattern that only served to emphasize her chest.

Turning her head, she found rope also restraining her arms behind her back, and her legs were fully wrapped up and pulled back by a rope connecting to her wrists. It meant Rias' entire body was being forced to bend back awkwardly.

What the hell?!

This was…bondage…Like extreme bondage.

What's more, Rias could detect the soft snored of Naruto. He was still asleep. Yet he was the only possible culprit of how this had happened.

Naruto had tied Rias up in an extreme bondage style…while still asleep.

Shaking her head as much as she could, Rias immediately tried to escape, but she couldn't.

The knots were solid, and the ropes were expertly tied to prevent any excess movement.

She tried to draw upon her Power of Destruction to destroy the bonds, but failed to feel even a bit of demonic power.

That means…these roped have those seal things on them. They are suppressing her demonic power.

Refusing to believe that she was trapped, Rias only picked up her struggles. There had to be a mistake somewhere.

A knot not properly tied. One not tight enough. Maybe the rope was too thin. Something!

For the next twenty minutes, Rias tried everything…Nothing worked. She only succeeded in tiring herself out. She was now sweating quite a bit, exhausted from her frantic efforts.

She was also drooling around the ball gag uncontrollably from when she had tried to make enough noise to wake Naruto.

Laying there exhausted, Rias was surprised to find a teleportation circle form in the darkness. Her eyes widened in horror as Grayfia appeared in the room. This could not get any worse!

"I'm disappointed in you, Ojou-sama. Trying to lose your chastity in such a…manner…" Grayfia began automatically after she appeared, but her words trailed off as she took in the situation. Naruto still fast asleep, his junk hanging out of his boxers like a boss. Rias on the ground at the foot of his bed, tied up bondage style. Rias was also covered in sweat. Grayfia's mind nearly short-circuited as her mind came to the obvious conclusion. In shock at the fetish of Rias, Grafia spoke in an airy and empty voice that clearly showed she wasn't all there at the moment, "It seems I was too late."

Rias immediately started struggling, trying to say something to the maid. The sounds came out muffled and unintelligible due to the ball gag in her mouth.

"Sirzechs-sama and the master would be sad to find out that you've lost your chastity…and in such a way," Grayfia stated, her voice gradually weakening as she tried to ignore the situation and thoughts going through her mind.

Finally she couldn't anymore. So she continued, "This…isn't the time or place for this conversation.

I shall explain to Sirzechs-sama what has occurred, but I shall wait to talk to you tomorrow for an explanation before informing the master.

For now…enjoy yourself?" Grayfia ended, clearly unsure what to say to the person she now identifies as a hardcore bondage lover.

Rias' struggles only increased, but that proved fruitless as Grayfia quickly teleported away.

If it wasn't leaving via a magic spell, it was clear she would have fled the awkward situation like a bat out of hell.

The thought of being in a love nest that involved such intense sexual play clearly didn't agree with her.

Rias cried anime tears as her sister-in-law left. She definitely misunderstood the situation.

She's now going to go tell Rias' brother that Rias enjoys being tied up and sleeping on the floor like a dog.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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