Abigail escape

As Abigail lay there, pain radiating through her body, she felt something inside her break. She had been humiliated, beaten, and utterly abandoned by the one person she had foolishly thought might show her some kindness or care. There was no escape from this nightmare, no way out of the hell that had become her life.

But even as despair threatened to swallow her whole, a spark of defiance flickered deep within her. She wouldn't let them break her completely. She couldn't. One day, she vowed silently, I will find a way to escape this.

But for now, all she could do was pick herself up, wipe away the tears, and carry on. Because there was no other choice.

The days that followed were a blur of pain, fear, and endless servitude. Veronica's cruelty seemed to know no bounds. She found new and inventive ways to torture Abigail, both physically and emotionally. Yet, despite the constant torment, Abigail's spirit remained unbroken. The spark of defiance that had ignited within her grew brighter with each passing day.

One evening, as Abigail was cleaning the grand hall, she overheard Veronica and Alex discussing their plans for a grand ball. It was to be a lavish affair, a showcase of their wealth and power. The thought of such extravagance while she lived in squalor filled Abigail with a burning sense of injustice.

A daring plan began to form in her mind. She knew it was dangerous, but it was her only chance for freedom. She would use the chaos of the ball to make her escape. She would need to be clever, quick, and resourceful, but she was determined to succeed.

In the days leading up to the ball, Abigail worked tirelessly to prepare. She saved every scrap of food she could, hoarding it in a secret hiding place. She also studied the layout of the mansion, memorizing every corridor and room. And kept the only bank card she had with her. "The money here should last for some time" Abi' thought "I need a plan to get out with out being notice",

On the night of the ball, the mansion was a hive of activity. Servants scurried about, preparing for the arrival of guests. Abigail pretended to be ill, claiming a headache, in order to avoid the main hall. She slipped away to her hiding place, where she quickly devoured the food she had saved.

When the time was right, she emerged from her hiding place and made her way towards the ballroom, where the guests were gathered. She knew that Alex would be preoccupied with entertaining his guests, leaving the mansion relatively unguarded."Well at least that's good for me" she whispered gently.

Abigail waited for the perfect moment, when Alex was distracted by a group of guests. She slipped away unnoticed, making her way towards the kitchen. She knew that the kitchen door would lead to the servants' quarters, and from there, she could find a way out of the mansion.

Once in the kitchen, Abigail moved quickly and quietly. She avoided the main corridors, sticking to the side rooms and hallways. She eventually found a small, unmarked door leading to a narrow passageway. She knew this passageway led to the servants' quarters, but she wasn't sure where it would take her.

With a surge of courage, Abigail pushed open the door and stepped into the passageway. She followed the passageway for what seemed like hours , until it finally opened into a small courtyard at the back of the mansion.

From the courtyard, Abigail could see a high wall surrounding the property. She knew she had to climb it if she wanted to escape. Gathering her courage, she began to ascend the wall , then suddenly she hears footsteps approaching her heart pounding in her chest. She new she had to hurry or she would be caught, and that the last thing she needed

After what felt like an eternity, Abigail reached the top of the wall. She pulled herself over and dropped to the ground on the other side. She was free. Freedom at last, but she knows better than to hover around does walls. She tries to steady herself, "well this road seems deserted" she said

Around the walls was an another world entirely ,she hasn't been to this part of the city.

The cold air hit her like a slap, but she welcomed it, feeling more alive than she had in months. The dark, dirty road stretched out before her, a path leading away from the nightmare she was leaving behind. She began to walk, her steps quick and unsteady, her breath coming in short, panicked bursts.The road was rough, the dirt kicking up with each step she took. Her thin shoes did little to protect her feet from the cold and the sharp stones, but she pressed on, driven by the need to escape. The darkness was her ally, hiding her from the prying eyes of anyone who might be searching for her.But as the minutes turned into hours, and the adrenaline began to fade, exhaustion set in. Abigail's legs grew heavy, her body aching from the cold and the effort. She stumbled, nearly falling, but caught herself on a nearby tree, her breath ragged and uneven."I have to keep going," she whispered to herself, the words a desperate mantra. "I can't stop now"