Job search

"waking up I decided I had to look for a job, anything should be fine as long as it gets me money.

"I quickly took my bath, put on the new short skirt and a white long sleeve,' I bought at the mall close by when I went to the groceries.

I wonder how that man is doing, well he shouldn't be my problem I helped the best way I can. I gently close the door behind me.

"After walking for some time and face countless rejection in on day I was excusted, I decided to have a cup of tea,and try calling Kate it's been long, with all this mess going on I almost forgot I had a best friend."Hopefully she won't yell immediately the phone connect's" I chuckled gently at the thought.

"... calling .... Ringing", (grunt),Well hello look who remembered I still existed, it's been ages! Abi ! Where have you been I tried calling but you weren't talk my calls , I've missed you so much,you've got a lot of explanation to do young lady.

" (laughs) Hi Kate , indeed! I've missed you so much! How have you been? Replied Abigail,

No,no no, " we aren't starting with me what's up with you.

I sighed as I know there wasn't escaping it, I told her every thing, Including my new house address and me currently looking for a job.