Unknown World 2

As I was walking in this unknown place, I observed this strange weak body through the my Observation Qi Technique.

It's a useful skill even for me, The Heavenly Demon as it utilizes minuscule qi to see what's inside your body including the muscles, bones, tissues and fibers of the whole body, especially dantian.

And the only conclusion that I received from my technique is that this body was in a freakishly poor and empty condition.

Albeit, excellent in physical appearance. Its physical strength and abilities were a liability when I received this body's memory too.

It's almost a teen stage body in adult age years due to how frail it is.

"Ahh...fuck...this will be difficult."

I said grimly as I imagined my path of difficulties to enter the peak in this world too, similar to my past world.

"But still, I want to do that path again. To become the strongest and to get revenge on those bitches...that betrayed me."

The prominent energy that I felt in this world is the unknown strange energy with different characteristics compared to the qi energy in my past world.

However, I felt hints of qi in this world too- a small amount of my world's energy.

Although it's a trivial amount of energy, it's better than when I can't use it.

So I immediately think of ways to absorb this small amount of insufficient qi energy in this world.

"I can use...that technique."

I entered a secluded part of the unknown street with this strange metal that served as a light in this dim place.

And I drew the symbols of the ritual that I will use. And I cut my hand with some sort of sharp thing that I got from a street post.

The thick red blood flows out from this small wound that I cut. And I use it to draw signs and symbols that fortified the symbols I drew before to the pattern of the forbidden technique.

It's one of the most excruciating techniques that I know as The Heavenly Demon.

It's a technique that exchanges your blood for qi energy.

It's a well-known technique used by the Land Blood Demon as he terrorized my realm.

And the one that causes his death too.

I've learned this technique because of the significant power that it gives you but I didn't activate it until the betrayal of those...bitches.

Basically life for power. It's a dangerous technique when used in a qi-enchanted place or a place that dwells so much qi energy.

You will literally die from absorbing too much qi energy in your body which leads to it being drained of its blood.

However, this can also be used as a lifeline card in life-and-death battles as it will give you an enormous boost in strength and a significant upgrade in your power in exchange for your own blood.

I used it when I felt that this world was insufficient in qi energy.

Because there's almost no chance for me to die in qi absorption using that technique due to how qi energy is evident in those worlds- it's a small amount.

There's a different energy that flows in this world besides qi energy.

And that energy is much more apparent. Nonetheless, since I didn't know about it and its characteristics.

I basically can't use it.

Though, I hope that my unforeseeable journey will lead me on how to use this strange energy and get revenge on those people.

I immediately formed a blood contract to the qi energy of this world by sacrificing my own blood and this agonizing ritual as the key to the connection of this world's energy.

I instantly felt weakened as my blood are sucked from my body.

It feels so shit and disgusting that even though it's the second time, I almost puke.

But I endured, endured and endured. As time passed by, the ritual symbols shone in a bright red and almost blinded me in this secluded part of the street.

I quickly closed my eyes due to how bright the bloody light that it gave off.

And as it calmed down, I begrudgingly opened my eyes in this strange street.

"Fuck...it's almost blinding as I used my hands to protect my eyes."

As I noticed a bloody red symbol of a teardrop appeared in the back of my hand.

That signifies the completion of the ritual.

When I absorbed the qi energy of this world. I perceived the faster rate of absorption of energy in exchange for a drop of blood.

"This will help me passively collect qi energy in my dantian even though it's really slow in this world."

As I gripped the worn nameplate that I had gotten from my worn-out jeans saying my name and the place that I should go.

Or the original soul's goal of wanting to go to that unknown place.

"By the way, What's this Alzahid Academy? This is like some sort of school."

So questioned the locals of this world about this unknown Academy.

"Do you know...Alzahid Academy?"

"Do you know this place? Sir?"

"Where is this place? Ma'am."

Through prolonged exploration and questioning of people in the different streets of this unknown world.

I found myself staring at a store named Advance Magic Practices and Books.

This store is living proof of the room libraries that my shamans used to have in my realm when they were performing rituals.

The books are unorganizely stacked in different places of the store giving it the impression of a chaotic place.

This is an abomination place for me.

"I really...hate books."

As I observe the books at the store.

However, due to my strong curiosity about this unknown world, I still entered the store to gather information from the books that contained an array of knowledge about this world

I picked a colorful book with a tinge of blue and gold on its cover that interested me on one of the shelves in the store.

It's named Magic Basics for Beginners Volume 1 on one of the shelves in the store.

And as I read the introduction of the book-

Magic is the power to use the different elements of nature in this world. Affinity and compatibility on the other hand are some of the most significant factors in deciding the magic of that person.

However, to become a mage, one of these two factors will determine the specific type of element in nature that the Mage will use through compatibility.

At the same time, the Affinity will determine the amount of power you can unleash on the world.

That's why people with higher compatibility and affinity are considered as progidies. Because they have a huge potential to stand at the peak of their element.

Though elements can be combined too. This affinity and compatibility will help you progress in the element that you're compatible with.

"Magic? Elements? Affinity and Compatibility? What's that?"

I wondered. It is a strange system of power to me.

And as I continued to read.

After a long time of reading, a girl suddenly talks to me.


And when I turned to look in her direction.

It's a girl with auburn hair and blue eyes speaks to me. When I looked directly at her face, I was dumbfounded when I saw her eyes.

It's enchanting. It's fucking enchanting that I can't take away my eyes from it and that nose, it perfectly supplemented those picturesque eyes.

Her lips are small but with a rose pink color. That fair and beautiful skin and supple cheeks that give the perfect complement to her face.

Also, that long shiny auburn hair. It's really beautiful that I was shocked at her beautiful face.

Even in my years as the Heavenly Demon and seeing many of the top-grade beautiful ladies in my realm.

As I looked at her, I gotta say that she was one of the most beautiful if not the most aside from that bitch.

She's mesmerizing the more I observe her and seeing that she seems to be troubled by something is apparent due to nervousness and seriousness in her face.

I decided to talk to her but first, I remembered my goal. The Alzahid Academy and I want to gather information about this unknown Academy.

"Do you know anything about...Alzahid Academy? Miss?" I asked.

Seeing her deeply troubled and anxious is written in her gorgeous face. However, she still answered.

"I will answer that- If you help me leave this place...please sir," she said worriedly.

Why does she want to leave this store? I wondered.

"Why? Is there something- that you are troubled about?" I asked again.

"Yes...someone or people are following me," she said nervously.

"Do...you want my help?" I asked with care due to how serious and nervous she was.

"Yes, please...I might be killed if you leave me alone sir," she said, dread appeared on her face.

"Why...are you getting killed if I leave you?" I said as I pried for more information about what I was dealing with.

And who the fuck will make that to this otherworldly beauty, fuck them. I said inside of my mind.

"It's...assassins- sir," she said nervously thinking that the man in front of her would not help her as teardrops in her face appeared.

Now I understand, she's followed through sort of reason and might be assassinated if I leave her behind.

As I think of way to deal with this haunting situation for her, I know that she's a type of someone with status due to the beautiful dress that she wore. It's really shiny and eye-catching which supplements her stunning figure.

I think of the reasons why I will help her.

My first reason is I want to gather information in this world and she can help me with that due to her status.

Second is she's really beautiful and it would be a waste for her to die in this gloomy place.

And third, I always save people in their direst situation.

Though, my once people that I saved betrayed me.

But when I think of the benefits of saving this girl. I decided to take the risk in this battle.

I will have to use that.

So I decided to help this pitiful lady.

"Okay...I understand miss... I'll help you and follow you" I said smiling at her.

"Really?Thank you- so much...I thought I was a goner and I'd be dead for sure" she said hopeful at the situation.

"Don't celebrate yet, we didn't even leave this store and if we leave, I'm sure they'll follow us" I said.

But soon, we decided to leave the store, due to the people that would be accidentally involved in this bloody battle.

And as we left the store and walked through the street near each other I guarded her.

I've noticed these strange presences of people following us. Wearing a black suit that looks like an assassin leaping from one place to another.

The other one is using shadows to follow us which seems like a scout technique in my sect if I were to be honest.

"Do you have any sort of weapons- Miss?" I asked the nervous woman.

"Yes...I have these" she said to me.

She picked up her knack pack and passed me a pair of some sort of weapons smaller than a sword but longer than a dagger.

"It's my defense weapon in case of a deadly situation like this," she said.

She handed me a pair of weapons.

But I handed her the one short sword to her to protect herself.

"One is...enough for me," I said

"And keep the other one to protect yourself" I continued sensing the presence of our enemies.

As there is more than one enemy in this battle.

"This will...do" as I gripped out the weapon and hid it in my dirty shirt.

I accept her request and help her because I'm in dire need of direction right now to the Academy and her help is inevitable.

Also, I want her to be my ally or even guide who will teach me the pieces of information of this world.

And I'm confident in my strength even though this body is really weak right now.

Just the experience I've gained from fighting monster after monsters and even godlike figures in that realm gives me a fighting edge and advantage in this stage of my life in this weird world.

Even though I'm not the Heavenly Demon that I used to be.

I'm sure that my experience and skills are still there and will be used again with enough durability of the body and hard practice and also, enough qi energy.

For reference, the weapon that I love the most is a sword.

The weapon that this beautiful girl gives to me is almost a sword so it should do the trick.

Even though I can't use the techniques that I used before due to the lack of qi energy.

Just The Way of the Sword is enough I guess.