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Chapter 3

After some mixtures of liquids I don't know the names of, the bell buzzes, and I take it that I've just done some practical that I learned nothing from, then I stride out of the class. Just as I step out, "Boom!" Someone claps into my ears. My heart flies out of my chest, I start to breathe like an angina patient. I grab my chest trying to calm myself. Raising my head, I see Zack smiling like a jerk. I scowl at him, and that annoying smile disappears from his face. We go to the school cafeteria together. While I order chicken nuggets, Zack orders tacos and ketchup, with a glass of lemonade. He loves eating tacos with ketchup. Who does that? I don't think I can ever get used to watching him eat that…eww, so irritating. We take our trays and proceed to our regular spot. As I'm about to sit, I see how cheerful Mattew and Alisyn are. It is as though nothing happened. Why was I the one who had to witness our best friend murdered by our other best friend? I take a deep breath and sit down.

"So, luckily, my parents won't be around for my birthday party tomorrow…" Zack says and takes a bite from his tacos.

I crease my brows, bringing out my copy of 'One of us is lying.' "And how is that considered to be lucky?" I ask, flipping to page four.

He pushes closer to the table. "Because I'm no longer having a decent party," he says and wiggles his eyebrows at me. I've known Zack for about three years now, and I still get surprised whenever he reveals those little things that define him. I smile and place my focus on the book. Zack knows I hate distractions, especially when I'm reading. "I should invite him," Zack says after a few minutes.

"Mmhmm," I mumble apathetically.

"What fun would it be to throw a party without the famous murderer?" Zack spits out.

His words vibrate in my head. "What?!" I exclaim. Zack is looking behind me with a smirked face. I follow his gaze and it lands on Jeremy, who is seriously reading a book that's placed on the table before him, and he's already halfway through the pages.

Not again. "Christ," I let out. "Whatever you are thinking, Don't." That is supposed to be a warning, but Zack does not see It that way. He stands up and I hold his hand and shake my head.

"It's fine," he mutters to me and takes my hand off. With the way Zack is going, I can only hope and pray he doesn't get hurt. I make a slight turn, spying as Zack sits before him. I'm fidgeting on the inside, I don't have a good feeling about this.


Five years still feel like a moment ago. Like Mikaela is still here,  pushing us to play a game nobody wants to play. I wish I never listened to her. I wish we had never played that game, maybe she would still be here, and maybe Anna's life won't be so messed up. Anna has always been moody when we were kids, but now she Looks grim, more pessimistic, and I caused it. I am not planning on earning her trust, as a matter of fact, I want to give her all the space she needs. I blame my mom for making me come back here. A town where everyone sees me as a murderer. A town where I can never be accepted. A town where my friends now see me like the enemy. I'm sitting all by myself in the cafeteria, reading A good girl's Guide to Murderer.  I want to get to the bottom of who murdered Andie Bell, 'cause things are not always what they seem to be. While reading, the pale guy with a cute face emerges before me. He takes his seat without asking if I'm okay with it. Even though I'm surprised to see Anna's new bestie sitting in front of me, I'm curious to know what he wants.

"Ahem," he clears his throat, then he locks his fingers together on the table. We stare at each other quietly for a few seconds, and that is when I notice how smooth his skin is. And I also notice he's wearing the same necklace as Anna. Wow, so they've gotten to the friendship bond stuff huh?

"I'm Zack…" he offers a handshake. "Zack Freeman," he adds. The name sounds familiar, and all of a sudden he seems familiar. Freeman…Freeman… The name keeps pounding in my head. The moment It occurs to me who he is, I sigh. I look down at his hand, then at his face.

"I'm guessing you already know the name," I say.

"Uhm…Jeremy, right? Can…can I call you that?"

"Is there something else you prefer to call me?" I ask, then I glance at Anna and see her peeking. Our eyes slam together, and she instantly looks away. "Like a nickname perhaps," I add.

"Whaaaat," he drawls. I fold my arms on my chest and lean on the chair. "Can I?" He asks.

I'm starting to understand how he and Anna became friends. He seems like an easygoing, free-minded, and joyful person. I scratch my head, thinking if it's okay. He's smiling way too big. "If it's not too obvious, maybe," I tell him.

"What about…" he leans forward, "Murderer," he whispers. I look away. I'm not too surprised because I was expecting that. He raises his eyebrows waiting for my response.

"I think that's pretty obvious," I inform him.

"Oh…Uhm…what about…"

"Think about it later," I cut him off.  "What do you want now?" I can tell how tense Anna is, probably scared that I'm going to slash his friend's throat.

"Well, I'm having a birthday party tomorrow at my house, so I was hoping…" he halts. "No. I mean, I'm inviting you over to the party. And trust me, it's a great way to blend in." I can understand why he feels that I want to blend in. Who can survive the horrifying eyes of hundreds of students staring at one person? 

"Okay, I'll think about it," I say without hesitation.

"Okay," he says, standing up. "But just know that I'd really appreciate your presence," he says before leaving. Not even an atom of fear is found around his eyes. He speaks as if I'm a normal guy and as If he hadn't heard my story. If everyone can be like this I can't tell if the world would be a safe place.