Chapter 7

"Mummy, what do you mean Aunt Merissa  will stay with us for the time being?" My daughter, Josephine asked fearfully. 

"Are you leaving us?" Josh chipped in

I shook my head and explained. "Of course not. I would never leave you. The two of you are my world." I brought them close and hugged them tight.

"Then stay, mommy. We have a presentation at school next week and I want you to come," Josephine's hazel eyes glowed at me, and I let out a sigh.

"I will attend that. I won't miss it, but I have to go on this trip. It is for the company," I reassured her, kissing her forehead.

"You both know how much I love you, right?" I stroked their cheeks and they nodded.

"I will be back. I just have something to take care of, and I'll visit you often too," I smiled at them, but it seemed forced.

I hugged them tightly again.

I couldn't take them with me. I didn't want Dracula to hear my children. It was obvious he had already moved on and got a girlfriend. Does she even know the truth about him? 

I tried not to act affected by it, but my wolf was making it hard. She was sad, and I didn't know how to comfort her. She had stayed hidden for years, and just one encounter with Dracula brought her back.

Josephine and Josh had already climbed into their beds and were asleep. I kissed them on their foreheads again.

"I will not let anything bad happen to the both of you."

I sighed and walked out of the room. Merissa was the closest thing to what I could call a friend. I didn't have a lot of spare time to make female friends, but I knew I could count on Merissa to keep the kids entertained and safe. They loved her, and she loved them too. 

The morning sun was bright, shining directly on me as my driver and some bodyguards dropped me off at the big mansion in front of us. I was rich, but this mansion showed that Dracula was way richer than me. Of course, he was, he owned Ga C company.

I nodded to the driver to leave as some maids approached me. They bowed and picked up my luggage, leading me inside the big mansion.

I wasn't exactly happy to be here, but at least I was treated better by the maids than the last time I was Dracula's wife.

"Just three months," I whispered to myself. "Three months and I'll be out." 

I walked into my supposed room. It was pretty and big, bigger than the one I had back at the pack house. Being here reminded me of Anessa. Where was she now?

In seconds, the door swung open, and Dracula was inside. 

I stood up immediately and straightened my body to face him. He looked around the room and then back at me with disappointment on his face

"Where are the twins?" He asked with a crooked eyebrow.

"Safe," I responded. "Why are you worried about my children, Dracula? I told you already, they do not belong to you." 

He laughed, but his face went back to normal instantly. "I should punish you for running away."

"We are not in the pack house anymore, and I do not belong to you. This is just a fake marriage of three months."

"But a marriage nonetheless. You are my mate, Enisa, and you cannot run away from me. You belong to me " He said, coming close to me. I found myself moving backward in fear 

What on earth was I thinking when I walked headfirst into the devil's house? I had wronged him. I should have known it was a trap for him to take revenge.

"What... What do you think you're doing?" I stammered when I could feel my back hit the wall.

He was in front of me now, our faces close. He placed his hand on my face and his finger on my lips. I tried to struggle away, but it was no use. If Dracula was strong before, he was like a god now.

"You thought you could run away like that with my child without consequences? You were sold to me. I bought you one.  I won you," His voice was so low, so low that if there was anyone else in the room, they wouldn't hear anything he was saying. But I did clearly.

"You don't own me anymore, Dracula, I found the courage to say, but he smirked. "The entire marriage thing was just a cover to get me, wasn't it?"

"Try that stunt of running away that you did last time again, or try to run your mouth to me again, and that will be the last time you see your children. I mean, they don't belong to me, right? I should have no problem squashing them."

"'re a monster," I screamed to his face angrily, trying to push him, all to no avail.

"You should have known better before trying to double-cross me. Now you'll pay for every bit of shame you brought me." He finished and removed his hand from my face. He began walking to the door, and I was already on the ground, tears streaming down my face.

"Get ready and cone downstairs for dinner. I'll introduce you to my girlfriend, your replacement,'' he said with a side of his face turned to me before exiting the door 

I screamed and angrily threw my phone at the door.

"I hate you!" The tears couldn't stop. How was I so stupid to think he'd just forget about me running away?

He threatened my twins, and he was going to pay for that, mate or no mate. The contract stated three months. It was all going to be over soon. 

"I'm sorry, Enisa," My wolf, Sky, said sadly. I wiped my tears.

"It is fine. I don't blame you for his behavior. I guess I'm getting what I deserve for running away," I spoke back to her. Mt Wolf and I haven't had time to bond properly. I kept her off.

"Even so, he wasn't as heartless as this last time. Now it feels different. He is still my mate, and I want him as bad as I wanted him before, but I can't stand him treating you this way," She said, and u took in a deep breath.

She was right. No one deserves to be treated this way. So, I decided to not cry my life away and get myself up.

"I'm going to the dinner," I smiled to myself and texted my assistant to schedule a shopping spree tomorrow. I needed to get more sexy clothes. I had a new agenda.

I hadn't been able to enjoy my life because of my parents and my kids. But now, I was going to enjoy it and piss the fuck out of Dracula. Does he want to punish me so badly? Let's see how it works out for him.

In seconds, I walked into the dining hall slowly. The maids had pointed the direction for me. Even the guards around couldn't help but glance at me in a thirsty manner. I hadn't put much thought into my dressing and appearance all these years, but I was going to do it now.

My hair was down, and I wore a jean skirt that showed more than half my thighs. My top showed the top of my breasts and exposed the mole I had on it. Everyone at the table turned to look at me, but my eyes met his.

Dracula stared at me from my thighs upwards. When his eyes met mine, his eyebrows came together in an angry look. He looked like he wanted to kill me.

Just the expression I was looking for. Let the game begin.