Chapter 46

Dialing my assistant's number once again, "hello, tell the Dalton group that the location of the meeting and time is fine by me." I said, after which I hung up.

There was a big smile on my face, as I dropped the phone, "wow, that's a nice one." I said to myself as I was really excited at the moment.

Walking ahead, I got to where my wine was stored, on getting there, I took a wine after checking different wine stores and picking the one I enjoyed the most.

Taking the wine, I took it and poured it into a wine glass in which I drank. "umm. This is definitely good" I said to myself as I sat down and enjoyed a good movie with chips.

They say a moment of enjoyment doesn't take long, it seems like it is true on this one as I had to drop everything I was doing at that time and began to work on the meeting to be heard the next day, so as not to allow my company to lose out while also creating a fair deal for both companies.
