Chapter 49

She gave me a quick glance before she entered her room without saying anything.

I was devastated and was beginning to get frustrated about her actions.

'I know I fucked up but is this treatment not becoming too much? ' I thought. 'or is it that I just don't get what she wants me to do?' 

These thoughts continued to flow in my mind as I tried to figure out why she's doing what she's doing continuously.

"Even a rejection is still better than nothing." I commented as I stared at the door of the room. Something in me just keeps telling me to ignore everything and make sure to get my answer immediately but u know I can't. 

Taking a deep breath, "you just need to calm down, Aiden. Whatever you need to do, just do it as long as I can have her back cause I won't lie to myself. I've missed her a lot during the past few days." I mumbled to myself as I spoke my thoughts out.