Chapter 53

Laying down on the bed, I couldn't help but go through the conversation I had with Ryan.

I didn't know what to think or feel about everything that had been going on between me and Ryan.

If anyone draws me, they will probably expect anyone in her shoes to accept me but here I am going after her despite the fact that she keeps refusing me.

Grabbing my head, "why? Why did I even love her to this extent? How did it happen?" I said to myself as I couldn't wrap my head around it.

Sighing to myself, 'whatever the case maybe, I love her and has decided to do everything in my power to get her back since I was the one that fucked up to begin with.' I thought.

Shaking my head to get the thoughts out of mind and trust to rest my brain, I heard a knock, "come in, I said without any form of hesitation."the fold is ready and served on the table sir." The person on the other rend of the door said before taking her leave.