Chapter 61

I settled to go into ducking, guarding and shielding myself from The Phoenix's ire. I knew that confronting her directly would be too risky ,and I needed time to pile up more evidence and build a stronger scenario against her.

Maya and the team helped me vanished, creating a new identity for me and setting me up in a safe house on the outskirts of the city. I spent my days gathering intel, working with Axel to hack into The Syndicate's systems and uncover more secrets.

But even in hiding, I knew I couldn't stay hidden forever. The Phoenix had a long reach, and I knew she would definitely stop at nothing to find me.

One day, I received a message from an unknown number . "You can't hide forever, Ambrose," it read. "I'll find you, and I'll make you regret."

I knew then that my time was running out. I had to come out of hiding, and I had to take down The Phoenix once and for all.