Chapter 64

"You see, Ambrose," she said, "this warehouse has a special feature. It's designed to be a trap. And once you're in, there's no way out."

Suddenly, the walls of the warehouse began to close in on us, the metal creaking and groaning as it moved.

I tried to find a way to escape. I quickly scanned the area, looking for any opening or weakness in the trap. The walls were closing in fast, and I knew we had to act quickly.

I spotted a small ventilation shaft in the ceiling and pointed it out to my team. We sprinted towards it, the walls mere inches from crushing us.

We managed to climb into the shaft just in time, the walls slamming shut behind us. We caught our breath and looked at each other, relieved to have made it out alive.

But our relief was short-lived. The shaft was narrow and winding, and we could hear the sound of metal scraping against metal as the trap continued to close in.