Chapter 66

I used my knowledge of the fortress to outsmart the demon and escape. I quickly scanned the room, remembering the layout and hidden passages we had discovered earlier. I spotted a narrow window high on the wall, partially hidden by a tapestry.

"Follow me!" I whispered to my team, and we sprinted towards the window. We climbed up and squeezed through just as the demon was about to attack. We found ourselves in a cramped, winding tunnel that led us deeper into the fortress.

As we caught our breath, I realized that the tunnel would lead us straight to the dark lord's private chambers. We exchanged a look, and without a word, we crept forward, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Suddenly, we heard the dark lord's voice, echoing through the tunnel. "You fools," he sneered. "You think you can escape me? I have one final trick up my sleeve."

The tunnel began to shake, and the walls started closing in on us. We knew we had to act fast.