The Locust Mother Devil

"Wait, it is seriously injured. Could it be that it was injured? But why was it injured? Could it be that it was severely injured during the battle with other gods and demons?"Suddenly, Furukawa remembered the message from the all-knowing eye. It seemed that the World Tree was seriously injured. No wonder he felt that the breath of the World Tree seemed to be very weak.Whoosh!At this moment, the World Tree seems to be driving a piece of land under it and rushing toward the distance, but how can it run fast with such a large piece of land?So even though it was going fast, it was very slow for Furukawa.clatter~~At this moment, Furukawa saw bursts of vicious aura coming from the chaotic void in the distance, it was overwhelming and extremely violent.Under his Divine Sense perception, densely packed gods and demons suddenly appeared in the distance, the number reached tens of millions, just like locusts gathering.And these gods and demons are indeed like locusts in appearance, not very big, about tens of kilometers in diameter, yellow and emerald, with fangs, sickles, etc., exuding a fierce aura.They also grow black wings and are extremely fast.Although they are not big for gods and demons, they are too many, reaching tens of millions, densely packed, as if forming a black storm.Behind these locust-like gods and demons, there is a huge locust demon with a body reaching tens of thousands of kilometers. It seems to be the master of these ordinary locusts, exuding an extraordinary aura.This kind of power is completely incomparable even to the Shark Demon that Furukawa encountered before.Boom~~In an instant, Furukawa's all-knowing eye looked over again and immediately sensed the other party's message."Chaos demon, race: locust mother demon.""It is inherently evil, possesses powerful devouring and killing powers, and is also a female locust that can grow tens of millions of locust mothers. It is the leader of a race.At the same time, it is also the nemesis of the tree of the world.It specializes in devouring plant-type gods and demons to strengthen the body of its gods and demons.Wherever it goes, everything will be extinct, and everything it sees will be swallowed up.This is a form of destruction.The gods and demons are extremely dangerous. "......"I see."Furukawa suddenly realized that he also understood why the World Tree was seriously injured. It turned out that it had encountered its nemesis locust mother demon.Although the World Tree is extremely powerful, everything is mutually generated and restrained.These locust demons are very tyrannical, numerous in number, and small in size. The World Tree is too large to withstand the attacks of these small things.If these locust demons get close to the body, it may not take long before the real body of the tree of the world will be swallowed up by these locust demons, allowing the mother locust demon to grow further.And once the locust mother demon devours the World Tree, I am afraid that the locust mother demon will become the strongest god and demon. It is conceivable that its killing intent on the World Tree is inevitable.Thinking of this, Furukawa felt that he could not sit idly by now, after all, if this continues, the World Tree will be devoured by these locust demons.And his plan will be broken by these locust demons, no matter what, he can't just watch the World Tree die, this is related to the evolution of his own Chaos Orb.Whoosh!At this moment, Furukawa's figure flashed. Originally, relying on the power of his original ancient snake's bloodline, he hid in the void and restrained all the aura on his body, making it difficult for any gods and demons to detect it.But at this moment, he didn't need to keep hiding.Boom~~In an instant, his huge primitive ancient snake body appeared in front of the World Tree, the Locust Mother Demon, and other gods and demons, and the tyrannical God Devilish breath suppressed chaos and stretched across the void.In front of the body of a primitive ancient snake with a length of one billion kilometers, these locust demons are simply extremely small existences, and they are simply not worth mentioning, not to mention the aura of the law of chaos condensed into substance, which is like an insurmountable wall. wall.Not only the locust mother demon was shocked, but even the World Tree was stunned. It never expected that not only was it chased and killed by the locust mother demon, but now it encountered an even more terrifying god and demon.Immediately, it felt extremely hopeless in its heart. It was like a wolf before a tiger, and it seemed that it was cold today."I am the locust mother demon. This world tree is my prey. Leave quickly, otherwise you and I will have a battle."At this moment, the voice of the locust mother devil came over, containing cold and terrifying killing intent, permeating the chaotic time and space in all directions.Even Furukawa's huge body can't scare the locust mother demon. After all, in the chaotic world, the bigger the creature, the stronger the fighting power.And what it speaks is the language of gods and demons. Its strength has surpassed that of ordinary gods and demons. It has received the gift of the origin of chaos and mastered the words and language of gods and demons.The strength of this locust mother demon is not comparable to that of the shark demon and crocodile demon that Furukawa encountered before.As the time in the chaotic world continued to advance, the gods and demons in the chaos fought and devoured each other, and their strength began to advance by leaps and bounds, which was not comparable to the young gods and demons at the beginning.They have also begun to mature gradually, evolving into a juvenile stage, and may reach maturity in a short time, when the time comes, they will be quasi-sages and dogs, and Saints will walk around.