Snake Sutra Of Chaos

As Furukawa continued to preach, what he said seemed to cause the vibration of the origin of chaos, and every sentence seemed to be the voice of a great way, shining the truth of the law of chaos.Every word seems to present a golden chaotic rune, which continuously rotates and rises to the sky above the city of chaos as if turning into a series of supreme avenue scriptures.One after another Dao scriptures emerged, forming another Supreme Dao Sutra.With Chaos City as the center, Chaos Energy tides are formed in a radius of millions of light years, and endless Chaos Energy vortexes are wrapped around Chaos City.At the same time, the sound of the Great Dao trembled, as if communicating with the origin of Chaos, and a huge portal suddenly appeared above the Chaos City, which seemed to be the gate of the Great Dao.From the depths of the gate of the avenue, like a long river pouring down, a huge amount of chaotic energy and law information was poured into Furukawa's original ancient snake body."Is this a law message?!"Furukawa was overjoyed immediately, he didn't expect that his preaching would resonate with the source of chaos, and he also got a gift from the source of chaos and a huge law message.Although many laws in him are close to perfection, they are not perfect even if they are a little bit, but now after receiving the law information bestowed by the source of chaos, he immediately checks for gaps and makes up for the omissions, making the perception of own laws reach a perfect level.It's like an exam. The full score is 100 points. I have already scored 99 points, but there is still one point I don't know what is wrong, but now there is still an answer sent by the teacher, so I will naturally get 100% Verify and get complete satisfaction."There is still the light of merit?!"Furukawa was overjoyed, the gate of the avenue not only instilled a huge amount of original energy and law information but also instilled a chaotic original light of merit.Huge beams of light of merit fell like pillars of heaven, instilled in Furukawa's original ancient snake body, and were swallowed and absorbed by his sea of ​​consciousness.This also made him bathed in the ocean of merit, and his whole body was warm and extremely comfortable.It can be said that this time I received more light of merit and virtue than the second sermon.Furukawa's preaching this time has also gained great merit and has had a profound impact on the future of the chaotic world [let countless magic Shendu choose their path."It's time to be promoted to Saint" "."Furukawa felt that his sea of ​​consciousness contained a huge light of merit, and each ray of light contained infinite energy, which was equivalent to hundreds of epochs of demon god cultivation.If he needs to accumulate so much chaotic original energy, he probably needs to know how many yuan will be needed.But now he doesn't need it anymore, with the help of these lights of merit, he doesn't need to save for such a long time at all.Rumble~~With the help of the light of merit, the chaotic Eight Trigrams technique in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness was deduced crazily, and the calculation speed exceeded tens of thousands of times the speed of light as if hundreds of millions of epochs passed in the sea of ​​consciousness in one second outside."I see."Furukawa suddenly realized and had a state of epiphany. As he explained his understanding of the law of chaos, he was sorting out what he had learned.This is teaching other demon gods, and at the same time teaching himself.Law of Five Elements, Law of Time, Law of Space, Law of Chaos, Law of Karma, Law of Yin & Yang, Law of Light, Law of Darkness, Law of Thunder, Law of Sound, Law of Wind, Law of Disaster, Law of Life, and Law of Creation. ...He felt innumerable laws of information emerging from the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, and countless laws of runes were born, which were listed in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness like stars, shining brightly.At this moment, he found that his understanding of the law had been sublimated, and his cultivation method had also been sublimated.To be honest, Tao Te Ching has always been the cultivation method created by the later Saint Daddy. This is the way that Saint Daddy obtained after creation, although it helped Furukawa a lot at the beginning, allowing him to comprehend the cultivation method of the God Devil Cultivator.But when he was promoted to the quasi-sage realm, he found that the Tao Te Ching was not particularly helpful to own, and he needed to create a method of cultivation.Only by stepping out of one's way and comprehending one's cultivation method can one prove the Dao.Originally, Furukawa didn't have any clue at first, but after three sermons, he got many laws of demon gods, as well as the light of merit and the assistance of the origin of chaos.All of a sudden, he had an aura, like the collision of countless pearls of wisdom, and finally a crystallization was born.Rumble~~~At this moment, the infinite law information in the depths of Furukawa's sea of ​​consciousness is gathered together, and under the deduction of the book Chaos Eight Trigrams, they are infinitely arranged, and finally, the optimal solution is obtained."It worked."At this moment, Furukawa's eyes showed a frightening light, as if piercing through the chaotic time and space, seeing the end of the original chaos, and gaining insight into the infinite mysteries.In the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, huge chaotic steles suddenly condensed.On the chaotic stele, there are written characters of gods and demons, as well as the figure of the original ancient snake engraved, as well as countless laws and mysteries, which seem to explain the truth of chaos.There are a total of one hundred and eight such chaotic steles.It can be said that these one hundred and eight chaotic stone tablets constitute the supreme cultivation method he created at this time.Vaguely, these chaotic steles seemed to be turned into pages of paper, and these papers were also turned into unsurpassed Dao scripture, which contained endless laws and profound meanings."||Chaos Ancient Snake Sutra. "These big characters flow deep into Furukawa's heart. This is the Supreme Dao Sutra he created this time, and it is also the supreme cultivation method he created by integrating his lifelong cultivation experience and the original law.This method of cultivation is the crystallization of his wisdom, which can lead to the road to the strongest demon god.Its cultivation threshold is very low, and any life can practice and lead directly to the Dao.This Cultivation Technique comprehends the origin of chaos, devours the energy of chaos, and cleanses its own body (yes), it will undergo one hundred and eight life-and-death transformations, each transformation will undergo a reborn change, and the strength will grow at a geometric progression rate.But this Cultivation Technique also has great disadvantages.That is, once you start practicing, you will never stop, and every transformation is extremely painful, even the worst torture in the world is not so painful.If you don't have a strong will and a tenacious mind, you can't bear this kind of practice at all.At the same time, cultivating this Cultivation Technique also requires a lot of resources.Of course, once it succeeds, it is also extremely powerful.Every time it transforms, there will be an extra bloodline supernatural power in the body, mastering the principles of the laws of heaven and earth, and many law patterns will appear in the body, constantly changing and purifying the bloodlines on your body.Even if it is a low-level bloodline, it will turn into the highest-level Demon God's Staff after repeated transformations.If it can go through one hundred and eight transformations, it will be forever Immortal.